
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

And the Obsession Grows -

I made 7 more Cabin Corners blocks yesterday.

This project was just an idea - a pipe dream - a possibility - a nudge - okay, a SHOVE into sewing up the remains left from my Rockabilly Swing quilt which I do have to say is much more fun than simply throwing everything into some random bin to deal with later.

If there re more scraps on hand - just keep sewing!

The center of the blocks really do use the small pieces - but when it gets to the larger pieces, I've been digging into strings.

That is, as long as Queen Lola deems I can dig!

And the truth is, the digging really isn't helping much.

It's "fluffed" things, and now it is hard to get the lid back on.  I better sew faster!

(Pattern for this one will be made available after the quilt is finished - so work on some other UFOs for a while!)

My documentary obsession!

I've been binging on Amazon Prime documentaries - and this one really touched my heart.  

Mark Twain.  What an amazing life full of excitement mixed with tragedy.

He lost SO much - from his brother, to his first born son (the only boy) to another daughter in young childhood to yet another daughter in her young adulthood, and finally his wife -and he kept on going.

If you have Amazon Prime - check it out. I think it's free until the end of the month - it's a 2 part series, so good for about 3 hours of sewing time.

Another one my friend Jill turned me on to was also on Amazon - The Dust Bowl by Ken Burns. It cost me a bit, but so well worth it on the tails of reading The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah - 

It really helped me understand what went on during those really hard hard years.

And on recommendation I followed up The Four Winds with West With Giraffes in audio book format - the narrator was EXCELLENT and I really recommend it if you were pulled into the Dust Bowl years with The Four Winds.

You documentary fans - which documentaries can you recommend and on which app/channel? 

Please add your suggestions to our Binge Worthy Tab so we can check back for recommendations. If you comment only in the comments section, most people either won't find them, or won't remember to come back and re-read - they will be lost. And that includes ME! PLEASE use the form in the Binge Worthy tab so we have a running list that is easily accessible!

I worked on blocks all the way until the guys finished mowing and weed-eating at Quiltville Inn - so HAPPY things are green again. The yard is looking just fabulous.

From there it was a yummy round of Mexican food for dinner - home for some TV watching and straight to bed.  No evening stitching happened. My eyes were too tired!

This happens on FRIDAY!!

Are you ready?

Be watching for the release of Catching Rainbows in Friday morning's blog post.

This will also be a momentous day for me as The Hubster and I will be receiving our 2nd Moderna shots that day.

Yes, yes, I know I may feel like crap through the weekend, but truly - I'll be focusing on rainbows and the joy and promise they bring at the end of the storm.

We will be hosting a FABULOUS Gift-Away with pattern prizes, along with stash enhancing fabric color rolls!  

In the meantime - start some fabric pulling of your own! Gather up your Essential Triangle Tool and Simple Folded Corners or Simple Folded Corners Mini rulers and make sure your printer has the ink it needs! 

Wind some bobbins, grab a new rotary blade - and plan something for the crockpot for dinner! 

We will be using the hashtags #quiltville and #catchingrainbowsquilt and I can't wait to see your posts as you dive in!

Today - more of the same. Maybe a walk down by the river - but that depends on the temps and the wind.  It looks like a beautiful day ahead, and I'm anxious to get out in it.

For those who helped report and block the FAKE Quiltville open studio page on Facebook yesterday - thank you.  From the bottom of my heart.  From what I'm told the page is now blank. (Though it would be to you if you blocked it - you can't see it.) Never the less, the mass feedback had to throw up a red flag.  It's so annoying in so many ways. 

I just wish people would stay in their own lane, you know?

Enough of that - let's get on with our days and not give them a second thought.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't let the fear paralyze you. Take the step!
When I see beautiful vintage scrappy quilts, I always wonder what article of clothing construction the scraps came from. Dresses? Blouses? A skirt? An apron?

It would be fun to know - I'm intrigued by that black background with yellow/white dots toward the top!

Have a wonderful WDon't let the fear paralyze you. Take the step!  😊💕⁣
When I see beautiful vintage scrappy quilts, I always wonder what article of clothing construction the scraps came from. Dresses? Blouses? A skirt? An apron? 

Happy Wednesday, everyone!



Dorothy Cole said...

I was recently gifted 5 trash bags of fabric, mostly deconstructed gingham and plaid shirts. Catching 🌈 Rainbows will be perfect to use up some of the fabric. For now I’m using them for a Scrappy Mountain Majesties for my son’s upcoming 50th birthday. I know someone must have miscalculated because I’m only 55 lol!

Christy said...

Got my 2nd Moderna yesterday. Arm is a little sore, not nearly as sore as first one. I took advice and really hydrated last few days. Hope yours goes well.

Unknown said...

Love the new quilt pattern you are making. Looking forward to the new pattern.

Kara Benavides said...

OK. I will admit it. You win. Hands down. The most (beautiful) scraps and the best knowledge of how to use them.

Cats said...

in my opinion: Ken Burns is the premier documentarian... just finished his film about Earnest Hemingway, have seen parts of his report on the Roosevelts and the list goes on... I catch him on PBS when I can, sorry I do not have Netflix or any of the other subscriptions to advise where to go... I'll bet it's out there tho... He reports the whole picture, warts and all but in a wonderfully non-judgmental way, leaving us to make decisions regarding the individual...Cats in Carlsbad CA

Linda P. said...

We were advised to rub our arm periodically at the injection site to spread the vaccine and keep our arm from getting sore. It really helped! Good luck with your second shot!

Deb E said...

Wish I'd known that if you're dehydrated then the effects of the shots REALLY show up. I was sick with flu symptoms for a couple of days, and my daughter was even worse. We both are glad we got the shots, though! Our son is getting his second Pfizer shot today and he's really upped his water intake, so he should be fine. Hope both of you have increased your water intake so you don't suffer needlessly.

Twin Violet said...

That black fabric with the yellow and white balls remind me of cats eye marbles! Violet

Leah said...

I remember you posting that vintage quilt once before, because I liked it so much that I Pinned it. That sky-blue fruit print is adorable. I really like the way the maker used some planned, repeated scraps with random strings, and the layout of the blocks is interesting. Such a charming quilt!

cindythequilter said...

I love your new quilt pattern that you are working on. Can hardly wait until it comes out. Love the Catching Rainbows as well. Waiting for Friday!!!

Marci said...

I had no side effects at all to the vaccine, so hope it is the same for you this time. I am so pleased to be vaccinated!

pam said...

I love cats in the scraps!! LOL

Gretchen Weaver said...

My husband and I had no side effects from the vaccine. Probably most people don't, it's the ones who do who yell the loudest.

Brenda said...

Love how the math works !!

Cindie said...

My husband and I had our second Moderna vaccine yesterday and no issues at all. My arm isn't even sore even though it was a bit sore after the first one. Hoping your second vaccine experience is just as good.

Karen in Kentucky said...

We both got the Moderna vaccine and had no reaction to the second vaccine whatsoever other than a sore arm. I feel almost free after the waiting period!

Unknown said...

Thanks for recommending The Dust Bowl by Ken Burns. I've always enjoyed his work, even before I knew of his love of collecting antique quilts. In 2018 I was fortunate to see an exhibit of some of his collection at the International Quilt Museum in Lincoln, NE. His words about what quilts mean to him are as moving as the exhibit of his quilts. A truly amazing experience.

stitchinpenny said...

Just remember the inconvenience of the vaccine is a small price to pay. I read a blurb that said Moderna is 90% effective after 6 months based on the latest data. Fantastic!!

Aunt LeAnn said...

My husband and I just had our 2 weeks after day on Tuesday. We are now fully done. Still wearing masks unless we are with family. It feals good to be one step closer.

ceblakeney said...

Will def check out the Ken Burns series on Twain tonight. I have the biography he did with Geoffrey Ward and Dayton Duncan and had started reading it (after having bought it many years ago) but like so many things this past year focus has been a problem! My bed is covered with books that are all being read at once (kind of like the sewing room being covered in projects that are all being done at once, meaning not much gets done). Spinning the prayer wheel we can begin to uncover whatever the new normalcy is going to be, in the near future.

zolaquilts said...

Two people punched me on the arm after my 1st Moderna!!! My boss scheduled me off a day after my 2nd (just in case) but I only felt chills the 2nd night (extra quilt!) have soup and Netflix just in case. https://www.theatlantic.com>health>archive>2021 02 Katherine Wu wrote a slight pedantic article about her husband's Moderna2 but entertaining reading about the Worst of Times

Sandy Meyer said...

Just a bit of sore arm, sleepy for a day. YIPPEEE! SO glad to get Moderna #2! In another week I'll b invincible, still wearing my mask though!

shoshu said...

Bonnie, Hi! i do follow you on bloglovin, but i also receive you emails each morning. I'm not exactly computer literate, does this mean that you won't be able to send them anymore? I hope not as i love having coffee with you each day! thank you for doing it and for all the wonderful inspiration and patterns.

Janet said...

My husband and I plus my 56 year old son had no side affects from the Moderna shot. My 24 year old granddaughter did but for one night.

Sherry said...

I received my second Moderna shot on Tuesday. I felt very bad for 2 days, had a low grade fever. I feel fine today.

Laurie said...

I signed up for the blog on the website. It told me I was signing up through groups.io, nothing about blogluvin or the other one. Am I still good?

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