
Monday, January 04, 2021

Holiday Weekends and Much Binding!

Easy Breezy is ready for a bed!

It really has been a holiday season of MUCH BINDING - and it seems like it started back in August/September with Appalachian Autumn, then on to Pine Tree Point, and straight into Sugar Top to now round the corner into 2021 with Easy Breezy.

Have you ever stopped to imagine all the bindings you have ever sewn, stretched out before you in one long line?

How many miles of binding have we sewn in our lifetimes!?

This tree is my favorite quilt photo spot.

It can be a bit challenging on a blustery day - but if there is a bit of cloud cover, the lighting is just right.

I set my 4'' Easy Breezy blocks with simple neutral sashings and multi colored cornerstones that came straight from the 1 1/2'' squares box.  (No dents were made in the volume - must keep using them!)

EVERYTHING went in here.

There are various holiday fabrics, some novelties, some really old calicoes some new more recent acquisitions, just EVERYHING.

I didn't focus on chains obviously connecting - and as a result some chains look longer or shorter than others.  Some places have lower contrast and chains can seem to all but disappear -that makes things so much more interesting to look at.

I so love our Leader & Ender challenges - I'm already thinking of what might be fun for us to do come July.  So stay tuned for that.  In the mean time, jump in on this one. Or finish this one.  Or the last one. Or find something else that floats your boat and sews up your scraps in between the lines of chain piecing other things.  

On the back!

How much toile can a girl have - and use up??

The scenes on this are lovely and detailed.

It is a great reminder of my trip to Paris many years ago.  And yes - there is more toile in the "use it up" stash.  I must have been toile obsessed at one time!

THIS happened this weekend.

INVENTORY for the Quiltville Store.

This is where it's really nice to be tethered to an accountant!  He really does keep the financial side of everything in tip top shape.

If it were ALL up to me, my records would be an absolute disaster - kind of like my sewing space!

See Lola in his lap?  This is where she goes any time anyone sits anywhere.  She is definitely a lap cat!

The other day I was at the tall stool at the shipping center computer and because she couldn't get into my lap, she made a jump for my back and hung on, trying to climb up.  YIKES!  I jumped up, screamed.....totally scared her.  (Well it surprised me to no end!) and yes, a view in the mirror showed claw marks where she had dug in.


This also happened.

I made use of a small wall and hung my most used rulers!

I used push pins.  This is a temporary trial run to see if I like where they are, and if I end up wanting to move them, I didn't want to waste command strips just yet.

(Yes, this is me explaining before people tell me I should be doing something else.)  

This will really help me see what is where - now I just need to get myself to hang them up again when I am done using them.

I did the same thing at the cabin studio.

I used small nails in the space between the boards.

I decided against peg board, and just went with simple.  The nails don't need to stick out as far as peg board hooks would, and each nail can hold 2 rulers. That's all I need.  Simple.

Where I spent yesterday afternoon!

Or where LOLA spent yesterday afternoon - not on my lap because I was at the sewing machine!

SOMETHING has to happen with this table disaster.  So much sorting needs to happen.  Most of these pieces are small hunks and chunks and leftover cut off triangles.

It's time to pull my Snail's Trail project back into production.  I need to sew this stuff down!

So here we are at Monday - 

Did you see that we put a Winter Blues Gift-Away into play on Saturday?  

I will be drawing for one lucky winner to receive a Winter Blues PDF pattern and Facets of Blue fabric roll (From Irene at  Cotton to Quilts !) on Wednesday morning.  So head on over to THAT POST and get your entry in!

How did you spend YOUR New Year's Weekend?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage spool quilt shared by Kevin the Quilter.

The pursuit of perfection is crazy-making. It's a destination no one ever reaches.

Instead, enjoy each bit of progress along the way!

Have a terrific Monday, everyone!



Elle said...

That's how I have my rulers organized. 1/2 step away from where I cut! (long legs). I love the way they look on your wood wall :-)

I don't even want to think about how many miles of binding I have hand stitched. I have completed 297 quilts since I started tracking in 2010!

Happy stitching Bonnie!

Marci H. said...

Good Monday morning!
I love the Easy Breezy finish! I made 4 blocks for fun, but I have so many UFO’s ahead of them to finish... perhaps down the road for my leader enders. Well, if I could just kit up some... I obviously haven’t gotten into always having my L/E’s ready! And sometimes my brain just wants to focus on the quilt at hand🤪
I am still working on last year’s L/E....the rows are coming together though!

I love your ruler wall. I have some on command hooks in the side of a book shelf and others are in my closet...

Lola is certainly a people cat!! I love her! How sweet having her & Zoey to tell you how much you are loved everyday! (Does Ivy crave as much attention?!)

I might have to work on non quilt, too long ignored chores today... or maybe I can swing both !
Finally the sun is shining after a gloomy rainy week!! Have a blessed day!

Marci H

Linda Mischloney said...

Your ruler wall looks great, whatever works for you is the answer. I don't know if you are going to be able to move Lola from her comfy space😸

Mary said...

End to End we could circle the globe with our bindings. It's a world HUG in every Quilt we finish. And for you a big Hug for all that make your designs. Done is better than Perfect. Congrats and thank you for keeping us busy stitching during 2020.

Karyla said...

I have two tables that look like that. I've done about 340 string blocks and what was leftover and too small I'm sewing randomly into a scrap yardage piece. When it gets big enough, I'll use for a backing. Love your blog and the mysteries. I am working on clue 6 this week. Have a great day Bonnie!

Sara said...

You've inspired me to hang at least some of my frequently used rulers. It looks so well organized!!

Natalie said...

Finally putting my Blue Ridge Beauty together. I'm excited to see how it comes together, and I was very happy to read where you said "...and as a result some chains look longer or shorter than others. Some places have lower contrast and chains can seem to all but disappear -that makes things so much more interesting to look at.". Since done is better than perfect, I am rockin' this!

Beth in NH said...

It is so good to see you sewing up a storm as well as enjoying your pet companions while doing it. But mostly it is good to see you spending time with your husband. Aren't they the tops?
I need to make Easy Breezy, but may use 2.5 inch as that is what I have ��

Unknown said...

Love that quote. Wish someone had slapped me in the head with it about 50 years ago. So enjoy your blog.

Mary said...

Hi Bonnie & Quiltvillians - I spent NYE working on the Liberty of London string blocks - it was great to have Bonnie's post, as a newbie!

status pic: https://knitpurlsewnyc.com/2020/12/31/sos/

Shiloh Nanny said...

Bonnie, has Kevin the Quilter quit blogging? I miss him.

Suzanne said...

I love that you are not covering the walls with pegboard -- I like seeing the wood. I don't have much in the way of wall space to do anything like this so my rulers hang out on my table. You are so much more organized than I am! Thanks for sharing.

Reba said...

Love how you put the rulers i need to hang mine up

Barb said...

I love the idea of the miles of binding.....perhaps that will be my 2021 challenge- not sure I can go back to the beginning of 20 years of quilting and do that math.....

Nikki said...

Loved spying Lola in your husband's lap!

Sally Langston Warren said...

I have my rulers hanging on nails on a small piece of unused wall space. I think the next things I need to do is to draw an outline around the ruler so I can quickly see where each ruler goes. How many four patches do you think you have made? Must be in the millions.

Jackie McCoy said...

We used command strips, but they eventually don't hold. We are having to replace them with small nails. Glad my husband quilts also and understands enough to correct the problem.

Charlotte K said...

I spent my weekend taming scraps. Working on Xing, and while digging out crumbs and strings for that I started cutting for 2 other quilts including Winter Blues. I keep strips like you, but I don't keep many squares.

I love stitching said...

Good afternoon,

It seems like whatever I think lately somebody that puts it in a blog or says it out loud to me it’s pretty wild was just trying to decide how to put my tools Melissa and I research pegboard and I thought that was exactly what I was gonna do when I thought all you know what 230 white or brown and brown isn’t always easy to get and I live in a log cabin and I’ve got logs so I think I’m just gonna go with seeing if I can find the same kind of weird that I have in the house are ready and putting that wall up where I was going to put the pegboard so thank you Bonnie for posting that showing yours with that you did at your cabin because it looks very natural and that’s the look I want to keep in my studio

Karen said...

Love your wall clock.

Beth D. said...

When the hunks and chunks are too little to do anything with or someone in my guild wants to donate scraps, my quilter friends use them to stuff dog beds they make and donate to the shelters. A good cause, clear the clutter, and cut in to that fabric we have been hoarding! No guilt

Anonymous said...

I am loving the easy breezy L&E. I accidentally had many many leftovers from making Texas Braid and found enough matching pieces in the leftovers to cut MANY easy breezy kits. I had simply cut 'a few' pieces from many many scraps and eventually found I had prepared far too many. Easy Breezy was announced at a perfect time. Texas Braid was finished and gifted to my In-Laws for their 70th Wedding Anniversary in October 2020. It was the perfect project for my socially distanced life in the spring and summer of 2020. Now the my kits are helping out with the stitching of the rows for my life long (ha) project called Trail Mix. I totally love scrap quilts.

TrulyBlessed said...

I didn't notice Lola in Dave's lap until I read the blog. I was just looking at how happy smile and bright eyes as he "organized" everything. I put a white pegboard behind a door in my sewing room, make that my one of my fabric rooms, LOL. Now I think maybe just the white wall would be better.

TrulyBlessed said...

Working on scrub caps for one of the local hospitals. They are all scrappy and Grassy Creek Mystery colors!

chrissie said...

I have that same cute clock given to me by a friend, just love it. Thanks for your quotes and photos. Chris

AZMaggie said...

I hang all my rulers on the wall behind my quilt room door. The door is open most of the time so they don't show. Neatly tucked away in plain/easy-to-reach sight! Works for me! I love it!

Rachel said...

Bonnie, how wide do you cut your bindings? I am using 2 1/4" and it seems to work pretty good. Thinking about trying 2" though. The problem of using 2 1/4" is that width isn't good for leftovers. Thanks! Diane

Carol Weber said...

I laughed so hard at your story of Lola trying to climb up your back! That had to have hurt, but I can also imagine how funny it was that she was so determined!

I too have my rulers hanging off command hooks (just above my cutting table) and you'll love the convenience once you figure out exactly how you want them arranged!

Sharon in Seattle said...

I've been inspired by your recent quotes. If taken to heart, they can be life changing! I agree with another commenter wishing someone had slapped me upside the head with that one 50 years ago, think of the suffering that could have been averted!! But then, how would my therapist have made a living? 😉 Also, I suppose we can't learn that sort of thing till we're ready. Keep on keepin on!!! 😁

Naida F said...

Used sewing machine needles are great - very strong and leave tiny holes in walls - put in at a slight angle - hold 1 or 2 rulers - love your daily blog and, of course, your creativity

Kb48 said...

Bonnie, I couldn't help but notice the sewing machine clock hanging on the wall in the cabin studio. I have the same one given to me by my grandson who was 5 at the time. I love it!!

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