
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Stories from the Neutral Bin -

Lola in the midst of EVERYTHING!

Yesterday afternoon presented itself with wide open opportunities.

Do I sew on this project? Or that project?  Or maybe CLEAN the studio (Do you really want to waste a very chilly yet extremely sunny December Friday afternoon CLEANING? Nope. I thought not.) or perhaps do something I had put off for more than a year?

When I moved "most" of my studio stuff up to the Quiltville Post office in Virginia from North Carolina one of the things I promised myself I would do is tackle the bins of "as of yet untamed" fabrics and get them into the Scrap User’s System to add more volume and variety to my selections.

The thing I am MOST lacking?  Pre-cut neutrals.  I have plenty of pieces and parts, fat-quarters and yardage.  But I want the fun of knowing I need a variety of either 1 1/2'', 2'' or 2 1/2'' strips (And sometimes 3 1/2'') and can quick-grab them from the Scrap User’s System at my fingertips.

Having to cut all of that from yardage or fat quarters - well it takes FOREVER to cut enough variety before I can even start sewing.

I unearthed this piece yesterday!

And then talked to Mary on the phone "Remember when!?"

She couldn't believe I still have this piece!

"Honey, I have LOADS older than this!"

The selvage says 2007, when Mary was still designing for Blank Textiles.

This piece was in a rather largish bin of "waiting to be cut down."  and the main reason they have sat a bit is that most of these pieces are not white, nor cream, or even light beige - they are the more sandy toasty "brown paper bag" neutrals that push my boundaries to the dark side of neutral - 

I haven't sewn with these darker neutrals very often - the latest was really Sandcastles from String Frenzy.

LOLA! You are not helping!

I emptied the bin.  I sorted fabrics. I pressed and pressed and pressed some more. Most of these are less than a fat-quarter, but some are heading up toward half a yard of "do something with this!"

Do you have fabrics like that too?  Do you ever make a quilt just to put stuff that has been sitting to good use?

It becomes a real challenge - finding ways to make lesser loved, or at least lesser used fabrics SHINE.

I am working on some ideas - I know that I am not the ONLY one who has these darker neutrals taking up space in their sewing area.

And since things were pressed, and I was cutting -

Sashings are cut and ready for my Easy Breezy quilt.

They are pinned in sets of 10 so I could easily keep count, and then transport them back to the cabin. I think this will be my #mediafreesunday project tomorrow.  Laying out that quilt and starting the assembly process.

I know it doesn't sound exciting, but it took me all the way to dinner time to get this far.  

Some days are not about effusive glorious progress.  Sometimes it's dealing with basics that will hep in future projects down the road.  

I'm stocking my "quilting pantry" so to speak.

And this is the morning!  This is the time to draw for our winner of the Pine Tree Point bundle, including a copy of my Pine Tree Point PDF pattern, and a Pine Tree Point Fabric Roll from Irene at Cotton to Quilts!

Who is entry 3306 out of 7439?

Gwen Denluck!  Congrats!

Gwen, please reply with your mailing address to the email I have sent to the address you provided with your entry. I will get your PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point right back to you, and get your fabric roll in the mail on Monday.

For everyone else - You’ll find the PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point, including both the lap size and the runner in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

You know with all of the mail delays that are happening this year, PDF patterns are the best thing out there - into your email in box in a flash, you could be sewing in minutes!

Be watching for more fun Gift-Aways to happen here shortly.  December isn't over yet!

This morning's sunrise.


I am headed in to the QPO to get out what I can get out before the USPS closes at 11am.

At this time I am toying with closing the Quiltville Store from Wednesday, Dec 23rd at noon - and being "off work" (HA! Yeah, right!) from Christmas Eve through New Year's Weekend.

What that really means is that you can place an order in the store, but if it is a physical item it won't ship until January 4th.

And maybe that's a good thing and will enable the USPS to clear out of all of the backlogged packages that seem to be going nowhere fast.

If it were you - would you do it? Do I do it?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is more time in my studio!
And that may just happen today. Hubster is on his way to an archery thing..... maybe he'll be gone for hours?

Sewing time and cookie baking - Saturday perfection!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone - I will catch you back here on MONDAY!



stretchmarks said...

Yes, take the time off. You give so much to all of us. Recharge and just enjoy! Merry Christmas! Marilyn Marks

Evelyn 522 said...

Yes! Take that extra time off! You deserve it.

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

DO IT!!! You deserve a break. The holiday rush is over. That's all I'm gonna say.
Karen L.

Laurie P. said...

As Nike would say... “just do it”. You don’t need our permission to take a break, and to give USPS a break. Enjoy your holidays!

Virginia said...

Do it!!And enjoy that time. I think shipping for you is like dishes for me - they don't go away and will be cheerily waiting when you return. Pretend you are out of the country for that time. It's vacation time!

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

My answer to your question is yes do it! The post office is so far behind you'd be doing them a huge favor, and I can't imagine any one not being able to wait a bit for anything this time of year. You could use the break to enjoy the Holiday's and staycation at your cabin.

Laurie P. said...

As Nike would say... “just do it”. You don’t need our permission to take a break, and to give USPS a break. Enjoy your holidays!

Barbara said...

Good grief, I have a jelly roll that includes that Mary Koval fabric! Looking forward to seeing your setting for the Easy Breezy blocks. And yes, you deserve a vacation, so closing the Quiltville Store till after the New Year sounds like a great idea, giving you more time with family and fabric!

Brenda bgailsquilts said...

Bonnie, take the break!! You get to make the rules for your business! I have been cutting up fabrics into straps and triangles for a (hopefully!) quick Buckeye Beauty. Fun to actually have strips cut and ready to roll 😊

Tie Dye Queen said...

Do it! See you next year. Merry Christmas.

Judy said...

Take the time off!!! Don't even think twice.

Unknown said...

Do it! Just do it!

susan dvorak said...

Take the time off! You deserve it!

susan dvorak said...

Take the time off! You deserve it! Enjoy!

Bonita said...

Take that time off!!! I think the post office needs all the help they can get LOL - I was supposed to receive some fabric on Dec 10 from Paducah.... 2 days ago it made it to Columbus OH and is still sitting there (according to the tracking) It has been a crazy year.....

susan dvorak said...

Take the time off! You deserve it! Enjoy! Peace!

Connie said...

Go for it! You will be well rested when you return and, I'm sure, will be able to quickly fill those physical orders. Enjoy the holiday,

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Yes! Take the time off and enjoy it. We all need some recharge time, and we need to take it when we can. I'm thinking a lot about the front-line health professionals and the postal/delivery people who are working so hard--I am very thankful for them and all they do. I wish you (and them) a peaceful and restful holiday season. We all need to slow down and breathe when we have a chance.

Cahula said...

Yes, enjoy the holidays!

Eileen said...

I am so excited you are designing a quilt using toasty neutrals. Yes, I do pick which quilt I am going to work on next by which of my bins are overflowing. Thanks! My life is blessed because you are part of it.

Tracey said...

DO IT!! You deserve some down time and regeneration of yourself! What an amazing Christmas gift .... to YOU. Merry, merry to you and yours, Bonnie!

Tracy said...

I look at the darker neutrals and see a whole quilt made from them. I remember a "Latte" quilt from a few years ago, and I have seen a few recently that just use neutrals. I think it would be a challenge to balance the values, and get a visible pattern. Probably more of a thinking type project than a QIAD.

Neil and Lorelei said...

Merry Christmas! Give yourself the gift of time off. Is there anything anyone really needs in that time? and yes, that lets the post office 'catch up'; I'm hearing some unbelievable stories from friends who've shipped things and are tracking them. I'm off to cut some Christmas fabrics! We're cold on the NC coast with heavy frost, but at least no snow. Enjoy your day!

Evelyn Mattonen said...

Yes take the time - Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Nel from Nebraska said...

Good morning! Glad you are giving yourself a media free day! You work so hard and give us quilters so much and I just want you to know I appreciate it. Nel from Nebraska

Linda P. said...

Indeed - Take the time off! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

Nacyy said...

I have been sorting scraps into color groups this week. The goal is to finish cutting one color group per day so as not to feel too overwhelmed. Got orange and yellows done so far. And absolutely shut down for the holidays! Enjoy and relax and come back refreshed.

jjones262 said...

Yes.....enjoy your time off. Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing your love of quilting and free mystery quilts. I will always remember Unity and Covid 19.

allier4 said...

Yes, take the time off!

Marcia said...

Everyone deserves a break or vacation or just down time. Just let us know if you are taking a break from posting, too.
Fun to be reminded that backgrounds don't have to be white or light tan.

Julia H said...

as Nike says, "DO IT"!!! you deserve this time off to enjoy your hubby and creating. You give so much, you deserve this time to refuel. Merry Christmas!!

Linda said...

Yes, do it Bonnie! You deserve a true vacation from work. And to answer the question, do you make something to put fabric that has been sitting here to good use, I made Smith Mountain morning to use my over abundance of green and blue strips in my scrap saver system. ( I made it in blue and green rather than blue and brown.)

pam said...

You deserve the time off. Take it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bonnie, take the time off! It's Christmas! You deserve it! jmp

NancyB said...

Yes! Take the time off! Two quilt shops I know of are doing it, and you should, too. You deserve the time off.

Trish said...

I enjoyed reading about how you were handling the neutral scraps. I am such a visual person and would enjoy “watching” you and hearing your process as you are working through a pile and cutting them down. But I struggle with this. I am conflicted... half yard of old old fabric..do I cut into all sizes? (But then I’m ALWAYS seeing it, yes I tried this). Holding on to this doesn’t work because I STILL have it. Sigh. I have lots of old yardage that is weighing me down. Really, I just want you to come here and help me!!! Lol. Sorry. Scattered thoughts seems to be how my brain is working ( or not really working). Hugs and thank you for all you do!

Donna W said...

I think you should take a well deserved break/vacation to the first odf the year. Enjoy yourself by relaxing mentally & physically! I would do this after such a stressful year.

barbtaz said...

YES! Take the time off! Enjoy the holidays and you will come back refreshed! I lost my sewing mojo and needed to step back and reset. Merry Christmas!

cindythequilter said...

I agree that you deserve a break and anything that helps you and revives you ultimately benefits us LOL. It means your creative mind has time and space to come up with more of your wonderful patterns and relaxing is good for the soul. Have a very Merry Christmas! PS the Grassy Creek Mystery is a special blessing this year with being stuck at home with no family coming for Christmas. Thank you so much for that

cindythequilter said...

I agree that you deserve a break and anything that helps you and revives you ultimately benefits us LOL. It means your creative mind has time and space to come up with more of your wonderful patterns and relaxing is good for the soul. Have a very Merry Christmas! PS the Grassy Creek Mystery is a special blessing this year with being stuck at home with no family coming for Christmas. Thank you so much for that

Deb E said...

Take that time off and enjoy every second -- its 'vacation time'! Merry Christmas to you & your family, Bonnie! Deb E / CA

Sara said...

Absolutely YES - you should take some time off and recharge over the holidays.

Cats said...

I think you should do what makes your heart sing! If it's a little jingle about a few days free of "gotta do by 11" kind of deadline, it's about time! How many years of regimented time has driven you and your creative child? Yes, you've loved it, but things change, sometimes forced as in the Cov19 thing, no running thru airports and packing and unpacking and teaching classes and then doing it all over again next week; and sometimes by choice, as in Sunday away from blogging! Maybe it was a taste of what you need!? Want??? Try it? you might like it, you might prefer the "scheduled" time in the QPO and return to more regimented agenda... LOL, you MAY even find yourself at loose ends trying to decide which project to do when (like many of us). Smiles, giggles & grins, go, sing YOUR song, you've been doing for us, albeit because of who you are, but people can and do change, here's hoping you are not changing altogether!!! Thanks for your contribution to MY life and all of us out here. Cats in Carlsbad CA

Unknown said...

Sounds like a very well deserved time off! Merry Christmas to you and your's. Connie

Quiltr21 said...

Yes, take the time off! You deserve it.

Suzanne said...

Yes -- take the time off. Enjoy the time with your family for the holidays.

okiepm275 said...

enjoy some freedom. take the time off. you have earned it. The packages will not get to customers any faster if you mail them now. Merry Christmas!

Elaine R. said...

I vote for taking the time off! Enjoy this time of being home and getting to do what you want to do!

kitphantom said...

Taking time off sounds like a great idea. it will allow you some time to relax, and the shipping systems to clear out. We're all so spoiled these days with orders arriving in less than a week at times. I'm well old enough to remember ordering by mail, when it took probably that long for our ordered to begin being processed.

Linda in NJ said...

YES, enjoy yourself!!!

Laurier said...

Yes, I agree. We all need some "breathing" time. Even cleaning the studio. Sometimes I find forgotten treasures and wonder, why didn't I finish this? Enjoy.

Elle said...

Yes, take a vacation. My hubster has done the same fussing. He is work-at-home since March. I encouraged him to take time off. And with NYD a holiday, it's really only 4 vacation days :-)

Enjoy Bonnie!

thimble said...

Thank you for your blog, I enjoy reading it with my coffee each morning. Looking forward to seeing how you set this year's leaders and enders...I have a stack sewn and waiting for inspiration.

Diane Miller Flood said...

Yes, take the time off, oh no she'll have 10 more quilts done by New Years day

tlclauricella said...

DO IT! 😁

Feltsey said...

Of course you should take time off over the holidays. You deserve a rest, and maybe the USPS will catch up on its backlog of packages.

Betty the quilter said...

If ANYONE deserves some time off for over & above behavior, it's you. Take the time & don't look back. Just don't stop blogging. LOL I love reading & following you on all your adventures. Both quilty & family. You are an amazing woman. Take the time to re-charge & re-think & re-stock those neutrals. Just enjoy the end of this crazy year & prepare for the very best 2021 ever. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the Hunter family.

SHALEEN said...

You have earned a vacation time. Please close, being guilt free and enjoy your holidays.

Laine said...

Haha, everyone is saying "Do it!" and in my case, I'd rather work because I need the money! Although, respite is nice (at times downright priceless) and USPS would thank you and hopefully get caught up after Christmas.

Linda said...

Definitely take the time off, Bonnie. Enjoy the respite from sending out orders and relax in your favourite way ...... sewing! Happy Christmas and good wishes that 2021 will be a better year for everyone wherever they are in the world.

Carla said...

Absolutely do it!! But more importantly do it without second guessing yourself or regrets!

M Murphy said...

Yes, take the time off. You deserve it. One more response besides mine and you'll have 50 quilters who all agree - Just do it!!

gschwarting said...

Do it! You deserve the break. Does that mean the final mystery clue won't be until Jan.? Ok, that will give us time to catch up. Cuddle those kitties, puppies and anything that will hold still.

Penny said...

Take the vacation. When I was working I always took the week off between Christmas and New Years. Great time to pause, breath, and reflect on what Christmas is really about.
I also have a "day off" today. Husband is going down to Coeur d'Alene Christmas shopping and it is at least One hour drive each way, so I can count on maybe three hours home alone. Bliss.

Quilter Kathy said...

I debated the same thing this week! I finally decided that my brain needed a rest from the pressure and the routine, and took the whole time off. Yes there was push back and unhappy people, but I have to stay as healthy as I can, and I decide what I need to accomplish that! Cheers to a wonderful rest and may our creativity be fully restored!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Yup. Time off. For sure. Most people take time off at the holidays 😁❤

LindaJ in PA said...

I vote yes, take the time off! You more than deserve it, you need it to recharge!

Suzanne C said...

Do It! Take a break. An extended break! Recharge those batteries. Block out some of the noise! Enjoy your time in your studio, surrounded by the smell of baking cookies and the rhythmic sound of your machine.
Merry Christmas!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Take that week off. You deserve it.

Linda Garcia said...

I say go for it! Close up shop and don't look back. You deserve time off. Sew, cook, enjoy hubby and Christmas.

FancyNancyQuilts said...

DO it! with the backlog of so much shipping, it will allow time for more efficient processing. And less time for the packages sitting in no mans land.
I also am sad that some things ordered weeks ago have not been delivered, but that is 2020.

Wendy said...

You deserve some time off during Christmas week too! Do it = studio time

Cindy White said...

Yes you deserve it!! Having been self employed for 25 years I know how hard it is to decide to take a break. It took us 13 years to take a week vacation. And we actually spent it at home(we had it professionally clean prior to vacation). Me is my sewing room husband in his shop. Best vacation ever!
After that we closed one week a year our customers were great about it and so will yours be. We appreciate you😊

lvkwilt said...

I'm on the "DO IT!" team...you deserve a vaca and seems a perfect time! Merry Christmas!

Quilter Lois said...

YES! All I ever really want is uninterrupted time -- and I'm retired!!
Enjoy your holidays and do whatever suits your fancy at the moment!

Donna said...

Close the Quiltville store, sew, quilt and enjoy Christmas week.

eagle 1942 said...

Yes do it, you deserve a vacation and the Post Office too needs to catch up. Seasons Greetings to you and yours.

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie yes you deserve to have some time off during this holiday season.
You do so much for others and I greatly appreciate it.
Enjoy Christmas and New Years with your family however that may be this year.
Stay safe healthy and happy.
This too shall pass. I must say this 100 times a day.

cherri said...

Definately take a Christmas Vacation. You deserve the time off!

Unknown said...

You need the Gift of TIME? Take it!! I have gotten all my mailing done and just have a few more coming in by Amazon. No pressure on them either. lol Have a great Media Free Sunday.

Judy said...

Business owners close so why can't you? I say go for it and stop second guessing yourself. You give so much though out the year you deserve time off with out feeling guilty. I love the picture of Lola on the fabric, she looks like she is saying don't even think about trying to move me off. She is so precious, I love seeing all the photos of your four legged babies.

Lilac Joan said...

As to picking the next project, I am trying to empty my fat quarter drawers of all old fabric. I think I am on my third quilt and yet there is still fabric left! Maybe with what is left I will just make 2" inch squares. And as to taking time off, I am turning all my alarms off from Christmas eve until January 2, 2021!

Tasha said...

Love restocking the strip bins!!

I think taking a Christmas break from shipping is a great idea. I’ve seen many bloggers with small stores do the same at Christmas or in the summer. One yarn dyer that I love now closes her shop completely when on holidays, rather than accepting orders with a caveat that shipping will be delayed. She said coming back to a pile of orders was very stressful. YMMV of course. But I do think breaks are important for all of us.

kathy6024 said...

Many companies nationwide give their employees that week off. You can too. DO IT! You'll still be working on projects and mystery clues for us, but like you said, the USPS needs a little time to catch up.

Bonnie said...

Yes do take a Christmas break,

Marti said...

YES!! Absolutely close the store for the week!! You deserve a break for Christmas! Thank you for all you do!

Grandma K said...

YES! Hubby informed me yesterday he's closing his business at noon the 23rd and will reopen on Jan. 5th. So that will give me more time to work on the end of the year bookwork without the hassle of the everyday stuff. I'm currently struggling with my half-sized decsion doing Clues #3 & #4. Not totally giving up, but putting it in 'timeout' for now.

Cheryl said...

Bonnie - My vote is for you to close your store for the holiday. You deserve time to enjoy the holiday with family & friends, time to relax, time to play with your fur babies, time to stitch to your heart's content! Please take this time for yourself!!! Wishing you & your family a very blessed Christmas - Cheryl - Missouri

Soapstone Quilts said...

Do it! We ALL need time off...to relax, get stuff done at home that needs doing, to read a book, to see and appreciate the beauty around you. At least one day a week, plus some actual vacation days. You’ll come back to it refreshed and ready with your A game.

Charlotte K said...

Go for it! Take time off!

TheaMinPA said...

Enjoy your time off! I'll be making strippy blocks for Emerald City and finishing my Frolic. See you next year! Hope your time off is ice free and joyful.

Quilty.gardener@gmail.com said...

Take the time and refresh! The world will not come to an end. I remember collecting toasty neutral fabrics years ago. But no longer remember a pattern. Maybe yours will inspire me!

Tina T said...

Merry Christmas, Bonnie. It is easy to see that we all agree with your decision to close shop for the holidays. A good time to continue setting boundaries that will enrich your life. Happy designers are far more creative I hear. Merry Christmas!

Farm Quilter said...

Do you really want us to tell you to be a slave to your shop 24/7/365?? Hasn't this year taught you the value of slowing down, taking time for yourself and your family/friends? Silly girl, take the time off and enjoy the holidays with those you love doing what you love!!!

Linda W. Aurora,IL said...

You absolutely without question should take that time off! You need to enjoy the holidays with family and quiet time to renew for the year to come. Most of us will be busy with are holidays whether they are busy with family and friends or home relaxing etc. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Deb said...

YES! And - what Carla said, above. ^
Really take it OFF. Every time your brain says "Oh, I'll JUST..." or "I could JUST"... or anything else involving ***not truly taking time off***, resist! RESIST! Do something where you can get into the deep flow of it. And remember - "I can do it all another time" (the work stuff, not the relaxing stuff). :-)

Sandi1100 said...

I say go for it Bonnie and enjoy the time off.

Ruth's girl said...

Yes, yes, yes take the time off! You deserve it and we need to take care off ourselves.

Joanne said...

Definitely take the time off!

Auntsister said...

"Closed for Christmas!" You've certainly earned a nice break, and if it were me, I would take off. Personally, I have decided not to order anything from anywhere until the new year, to give the delivery folks time to get sorted. Merry Christmas, Bonnie and family! And thank you for all the quilty blessings! Instead of the mystery I have launched into the Lozenges pattern because my blue and green string bins were overflowing. I'm having loads of fun following the mystery with everyone, while I cut those scraps into order and watch Christmas cooking shows (preferably British!).

Sandy said...

My vote echos everyone else's. Please do take a week off. I think you will be better for it and so will we all. Catching up time will be good for everyone. Think of it as a vacation. Letting the USPS catch up a bit is a great, idea, too. I know all of your faithful follows second this opinion. Enjoy family and alone time and know that we will all enjoy getting back together soon.

Vivian W said...

Yes! Take the time! You gave more than earned it and the patterns can be downloaded immediately so no worries! Those that get spending $$ can shop and make their list! Enjoy we love you and want you to have some free time!

Judith said...

Please take the time off, my dear!!! Enjoy the holidays in whatever way makes you and your family happy. Hugs to you for all you do!! (Whoa - I'm a poet 😊)

21quilter said...

Yes, do it!!!! You deserve a break. We will all be here when you get back. Taking a step back and taking a deep breath is vital for good health...physical and mental! Thanks for all you do for the quilting community......<3

Jane Dallmeyer said...

No No. we will miss you!!!! Take care of yourself!! Happy Holidays!! Cheers to 2021!!!

Loraine said...

You have hundreds of comments saying take time for you. Enjoy the holidays and God Bless you. I baked cookies today with my granddaughter and daughter and soon to be great grandson after we had a ham dinner. Merry Christmas

farmhousequilter8 said...

Yes, I would close until the 4th and enjoy yourself, life is too short and we have already had a gloomy year. Paula in KY @ the Quilt Pantry

Sue Rostron said...

Yes,take that time off and maybe give yourself a Social Media break too. That way we will have something better to anticipate than credit card bills!

Unknown said...

Definitely take the time off!

Beth Strand said...

I think you should take those days off! You do so much and could use a break! And think of all the sewing we'll see. :)

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

All in favor say "YEAH".....unanimous!!! Bonnie's taking a very well deserved holiday! Everyone deserves time off and Bonnie you shouldn't give it a second thought; no store, no media, just quiet family time. Enjoy your personal time and come back refreshed! Happy Holidays

k9dancer said...

I rarely used white backgrounds until this year; social distancing gave me a lot of home sewing time and I found a big box of whites in my stash. Since I seem to be out of black, I'm using white in almost everything I make now, and I make at least one project a month. I can shop my stash and begin to make a dent in my SABLE (Stach Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy).

mpv61 said...

Take the time off, and when you get back to work DON'T work double-time to catch up. Catch up at your own pace. Enjoy!!

Donna Endresen said...

I Love todays quote! That is for me. I got my Christmas present to myself today. I got my Tutto rolling bag for my serger and my embroidery module bag. Now I have all three matching items for when I go to classes, workshops, retreats, etc.

Now all need are cabinets for my sewing studio, so I could put this fabric away, get organized so I cand find fabrics I want, or projects that aren't in project boxes. Maybe next year!

You deserve the time off, so I say take it, if you want it. Of course, I'ms hoping you would still post next weeks Grassy Creek clue!

Kasilof, AK
Where we got ne snow, so I shoveled today instead of working in my studio. But, I did make muffins!

Anne Hayward said...

You need to take the time, you deserve to relax and recharge hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Kerry said...

Most definitely have a time-out. My husband's firm closes down for 2 weeks because the manufacturing plants close down for two weeks therefore an ideal time to do so. For those that don't take holidays it is a good way to make them have a break and to come back to work refreshed!

Sewgranny said...

Yes, take the time off, not much is moving anyway LOL! I think the world is as tired as we are and it's saying be still and patient!!! If nothing else I've learned that in the last year. Enjoy a long break and rest in the fact that you are one of the people that has kept a lot of us going this year, thank you from the bottom of this quilter's heart!

bev said...

take the time to enjoy and catch up with your own sewing. Merry Christmas and a Healthy year ahead.

becciesworld said...

yes, do it... take the time off to be with your family and to just relax (or sew for fun). We'll still be here when you come back to us. We will survive the time off. We should be doing something similar ourselves. I have to finish sewing up the goodie bags I make every year for the grandchildren, and then I need to finish putting my long arm frame together so I can learn how to use it. (a purchase that arrived about a month ago.) I know, I know, most everyone else would have it done and had several things quilted on it already. I just got sidetracked with a few things - so I set a goal to do this between Christmas and the New Year so I can get a quilt on it - I have a lot of tops to get quilted - and begin playing with it. I can think of 9 there may be a couple more. Merry Christmas Bonnie and may the New Year be a better year. Love from my house to yours.

Vicki said...

Yes, take the time off. You deserve it! and there is nothing that would mean life or death for any of your customers, as all Christmas presents had better be done by that date or they could call the gifts birthday presents for next year!

sue s said...

Definitely do it! I have fabric that "shipped" Dec 9 and tracking it stopped at "on its way" the 10th..... I often use the reverse side of those too beige neutrals and that lightens them up. Happy Holidays!

Steph said...

Absolutely take time for yourself this holiday season!!Put your feet up, pet your furry friends and enjoy the season the best you can!!

Sailgirl said...

Take a break. If you do it now the parcel will go nowhere until the backlog has cleared with the carriers.By the time they do that, it will be after New year, and but that time you will be back refreshed from your break. Merry Christmas to you and yours, thank you and here's to a better 2021.

Gail Piper said...

Of course you should take the time off! Enjoy the holidays and regroup - ignore the "have-tos" for a bit. And yes, the postal service could use a break too. (I am more than weary of the criticism displayed - actually toward the proverbial "everything" - as people are growing ouchy. I saw a post on FB the other day accusing the USPS of poor planning in this pandemic - how on earth does anyone plan for this pandemic and all the effects that change on a daily basis?)

Ptcquilter said...

Absolutely! I would, and I encourage you to take the time off. You need to take care of yourself so you can continue to take care of all of your followers. Thank you for all you do for the quilting world! I have a suggestion for your darker neutrals. Have you consider making a completely neutral quilt? They would be the darks in the design. Think all neutral log
cabin or a simple nine patch. I think you could make the neutrals into a stunning quilt! Also in 2021 would you consider adding a Gift Certificate option to your shop. I was looking to purchase one for a friend. Marry Christmas Bonnie and again thank you for all you do! Judi

Peg Sullivan said...

Yes take the time off. BUT please post the Mystery !! I am doing yours for the first time ever and do not want to lose my momentum.
I agree about PO as most of my sent pkgs have not arrived. Oh well after Christmas presents are still great. Merry Christmas

Rita said...

Yes, do it! Take time off for yourself and your family. It also give the post office time to catch up. I've noticed a lot of etsy shop owners are doing the same. There's nothing so important that we can't wait a week. Merry Christmas Bonnie!!!

Karen H said...

DO IT and enjoy your holidays !!!!

Susan In Texas said...

You MUST keep the store open! It's your patriotic DUTY!!! Just kidding. :) Have a lovely break! We'll stay plenty busy working on Grassy Creek. Merry Christmas!

Cathy said...

Lola is saying YES take the time off!!!Enjoy and have a very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

I love stitching said...


Lynn Czar said...

Definitely take the time off! You deserve it! Merry Christmas to you and your family, and best wishes for a healthy and safe and happy New Year!

Sewgranny said...

Taking a week of probably won't make a bit of difference to items being shipped out. You could shop every one of those days and the items might not show up till after New Year's anyway!

Char said...

Yes take your vacation time! Your deserve it and we can wait until next year for anything. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kim said...

I hope you give yourself the time off and enjoy some slow stitching or nothing at all. Recharge your batteries while counting your blessings. Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy 2021.

Linda Baker said...

I was wondering the same thing about ordering/shipping. I've seen a couple of things I wanted to order but figured I needed to wait. Therefore, I am waiting till February to see what happens.

Sheri said...

Take the time off. You do sew much for all of us. It is time to do something for you!

SoCal Jackie T said...

I have a whole good sized bin of scrap managed neutrals.. I need to be less picky and just make strings with them or whatever. Way to much little stuff around here adn even MORE UFO's that need to be done and gone.

Karen B. said...


P MacMillan said...

We all need a vacation sometimes and especially during the world situation. I need an essential triangle ruler but it can wait. Take a break.

Karen M said...

Yes! Please take time for yourself and your family!! We appreciate all you do for us!

Crafty Granny Mary said...

Bonnie I have bins full of this type of paper sandy color fabric that I just don't have any idea to what quilt pattern to use it in. Tell you what you make a quilt pattern using these kind of neutrals and I will make it.

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