
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Right On Time, One Week Early!

Let me premise this post by saying that EVERYTHING can be made better by ice cream.  Well mostly.  And no matter what happened yesterday, it all turned out good.  The ice cream was the bonus!

The Tuesday after a 3 day holiday weekend that didn't feel like a 3 day holiday weekend except for the fact that the USPS was closed on Monday - those kinds of Tuesdays always throw me a little bit backward.  And then shove my week off running on Tuesday trying to make up for the stuff that didn't get done on the Monday.  Make sense?

The best part was abundant sunshine and blue skies with all of this autumn splendor as I made headway on getting The Weekend + Monday's mail to the Mouth of Wilson USPS by the 11:30 closing time.

As it tends to go - just when you think you've got things done, there were another 10 or so orders by the time I got back from the USPS.

No problem, I thought - I'll just drop them off at the Grassy Creek USPS on my way to West Jefferson for my dentist appointment, and then on to my chiropractor appointment after that.

Lola thought I had things well under control, so she continued to zone out in the bin of neutrals waiting to be cut down into strips and shuffled into my Scrap User’s System!

Silly girl - I NEED that Texas neutral - yes I do!

I didn't need to leave until just past 3pm, and had a good couple of hours to keep piecing on the border units for my in progress Nearly Lemoyne quilt.  

These half stars have been using up quite a bit of strips that fell too short to do the full star block.  I love it when I can make good use of the short pieces too.

I binged on another couple of episodes of Last Tango in Halifax on Netflix while I sewed - watching the clock and at just after 3pm, as planned, I was out the door - outgoing mail order in a bin behind the driver's seat.

I drive the 2 1/2 miles to the Grassy Creek Post Office (Photo from last week) the white building you see above.

I put on my mask, I get out of the car - I walk to the door. It's locked.  With a sign that says "Sorry for any inconvenience, I'll be back at 3:30pm."

I guess in a small rural place like this - it is okay for the one single post office person to run an errand in the middle of their shift.  

Maybe they had a dentist appointment, too?

NEW PLAN!  I still have time.  I wanted these packages dropped off and in the system on their way to their destinations TUESDAY, not WEDNESDAY.

I got back on the road, headed over to Jefferson, NC - and stopped at their post office and handed over the packages.  Mission One Accomplished!

I then drive another 10 minutes or so to my dentists office.  The parking lot is EMPTY except for one car.  Weird. Maybe they take really LATE lunch hours around here?

I call - I tell the person who answers that I was there for my appointment.

And the response is: "I'm sorry, we have you down for your cleaning and check up NEXT TUESDAY at this time."  Oooops!

I have no idea why it was on my phone calendar as the 13th, but it was.  Likely my own fault when I put it in.  Who knows.  But I now had  90 minutes to kill before my chiropractic appointment.

Walmart for needed things.  Done.  Goodwill and Salvation army scored me 2 NICE irons for Quiltville Inn and a large pottery dog water bowl for Zoey (and Ivy) that may help with Ivy's kitty chin acne situation.

Still time to kill.  Well - shoot.  This is where the ice cream comes in!

Raspberry Jumble!

Eaten outside on a picnic table with this in the background.

You know, it turned out okay.  An extra 90 minutes to myself away from computer, away from the "Must Do" list of things that need to happen this week.

Away from the 13 bins of STUFF waiting to be gone through at the cabin from Monday's Master Bedroom move from Wallburg.

A mid-October day of eating a 2-scoop cup of creamy yumminess.  I'll take it.

Things that make us slow down usually have a lesson attached.

Chiropractor appointment #3 - and things are finally unlocking and moving where they should be.  It's important to listen to your body and the messages it is telling you.  It was a good round of self-care.

Along with the outgoing mail, was incoming mail!  A special package for Zoey Jo from "Aunt Debi and Uncle Rick."  And she is in LOVE with this squeaky squawky parrot!

One happy pup!


That blue sky and sunshine is abundant again today.  Such a gift!

My hope is to finish units and start getting that border on the Nearly Lemoyne quilt. 

And tackle a back from the bins of "intended for backing" stash that was culled from the stash cabinets during relocation. 

More toile with the challenges of cut off heads and arms and legs?  LOL! 

Anything in the works for your Wednesday?

(And if you find yourself out and about with your schedule a week off, go stop for an ice cream!)

And I want to thank everyone who posted supportive comments on my "combining-2-houses-into-1" STUFF anxiety.  I'm not quite breathing easier yet.

But I did tackle one big bin full of dresser drawer memories - probably one of the hardest bins to deal with.  Some vintage glass pieces are headed to Quiltville Inn today where they can be enjoyed by many.

Some things are in the donation bin.

And there is a rather large trash bag working its way to full. 

One bin down, 12 to go from this round.

And shelves for the linen closet should be going in today.  Progress in baby steps.

And just in time for Halloween! I love how these are turning out!

From @patchworkplayground: "Making a couple of quick gifts."  SO CUTE!

You can find the PDF pattern for my Punkin Patch table runner on sale for just $5.00 in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store through the month of October! No coupon needed! 

Kathy's Appalachian Autumn top in the sunlight!

She writes:

“I’m so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers” ... Anne of Green Gables #appalachianautumnquilt #flimsie #squirrel @quiltville_bonnie thank you for such a well written pattern and perfect colour palette. #canadianquilter #stashquilt"

Thank you for the wonderful shares, everyone!  Please keep them coming!

The PDF pattern for Appalachian Autumn is available in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage flower vase quilt found in Omaha, Nebraska. 

Do what brings you joy, and share it with those around you!

Have a lovely Wednesday, everyone!



Marci H. said...

It’s another perfectly gorgeous autumn day in southern Indiana also! This morning is our annual field trip with 2 of our grandsons to a local farm with a hayride, pick your own pumpkin in the huge patch, hay slide in the old barn loft, petting zoo & being together. Maybe I’ll finish my organizing project in the barn this afternoon!
And I’m ready to quilt after un-sewing a whole lot of eyelashing in my meandering🙄 Lesson learned: if the machine sounds different there IS a problem lol!!. Back on the frame, tension adjusted & ready to roll! Happy Hump Day!

Marci H.

Mary said...

I have to ask, where in Omaha? I ❤️ it, and I am here in Omaha for the next 9 months. I am glad you take time to breathe and eat the ice cream and look at the Autumnal colors. Did you ever try the Christy Creme in Council Bluffs, Iowa when you came to Nebraska? It's my go to when the DH just won't take me to Culver's. Have a wonderful day. Waiting to see those border units with all the Quiltville fans...

Jill said...

I love your Appalachian Autumn and while I don't have time to make it this fall it will be a priority for next fall. I'm also thinking of a green spring version. I love all the shades of green in the early spring. How about you?

sue s said...

So the upside of stay-at-home is getting to really enjoy the fall colors! I'm loving every minute I can be outside, and I can see you do too! Great fall pix.

Josie Anderson said...

Ohh.! I love the ice cream breaks too. Something about it just calms things down and gives more perspective on the situation. Thank you Bonnie for sharing all your quilting talents, but most especially those tidbits of every day life and how to cope. LOVE it

cityquilter grace said...

way ahead of you on the ice cream thingie...had mine saturday..LOL....black raspberry with chocolate chunks...

Josie Anderson said...

Ohh. I love your ice cream breaks. They put all things in perspective and really calm down the situation, whatever it is. Thank you Bonnie for sharing your quilting talents, but most especialyy for the tidbits of life that help us cope. LOVE IT!

Jerrianne said...

I'm curious about the quilt block in the last photo on today's blog. The one that says "Let the joy of what you love color everything you do". Do you know anything about the block? Name? Pattern?

The Joyful Quilter said...

Some days... LOL! Glad to hear that the Chiro-cruncher is working for you, Bonnie. (And that you found a yummy way to enjoy your forced downtime!)

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I am actually not sure, I was teaching for the guild there a couple of years ago. :) No Chirsty Creme for me -I am a Culvers fan!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I was curious when I found the quilt a couple of years ago. I have no further info. :)

Linda P in IL said...

Great idea.

Connie said...

I had some of that ice cream last night! Love it.

Mickierae said...

My Appalachian Autumn might have been a flimsy today but after getting part of the border on this morning things got in the way. House hunting with my granddaughter then lunch with her, my son, his wife and my husband. Came home and the screen porch was too inviting. 78*, breezy, blue skies - sitting out here with the cat and a good book was more interesting than the sewing room. The quilt can wait.

momhulk said...

In the nineties here, but looking forward to a cold front Friday. Suppose to be in the sixties. Whoohoo! Can’t wait!

Anne Hayward said...

So glad your back is getting easier as a back sufferer I do feel your pain literally. Perhaps I need to see if I can get referred to a chiropractor I could do with some help as I hate taking constant pain meds.
Love how we Lola always has your perfect fabric safe for you lol
Loving the punkin and Appalachian autumn shares they are really looking beautiful.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie:
Some days are like that! I haven't been to a Chiropractor or had a massage for more than ten years. AND I need both!

The ice cream thing, I did several times last summer going back and forth to Seward!

I had a Preplanning Cutting class today for the cutting and fusing of a travel luggage carry all that slips over your luggage handle. The class starts Monday, and there is a lot of cutting and fusing to do before then! Three of us from the Old "Robin Place Fabrics" shop will be there, to include the owner. It will be a fun time, a small class of 5.

Have a Great rest of the week!

Kasilof, AK
Where it is Sunny, Cool, Crisp and sometimes rainy!

Kerry said...

I do get days muddled now. Turned up at the dentist this morning - not on their list. Have I got the day wrong? Nope, they just didn't put your name on it, but no worries we do have you on the system for this morning! Phew!
Lovely quilts and lovely Lola. Being ahead of schedules are a wondrous thing - breathing space for the soul!

Linda K. said...

Sounds like you had a good day! Our Wednesday was our first Quilt Guild meeting since March 10. We, like everyone else had to cancel April and May meetings and don't meet in the summer. September was cancelled and we finally got to meet yesterday. A good showing of at least 25, masked, socially distanced excited women so anxious to be meeting again. It was a good meeting and hopefully we will get to continue. Lots of good workshops and programs planned.

Deb V said...

Bonnie - My cat has chin acne, too. I have had luck with cleaning his chin every day with Hibiclens. I just wet a paper towel and put a drop on it, then wash his chin and then wipe over it again with a clean wet paper towel to take off the soap. It has finally cleared up. It might be worth a shot. He did not like the wipes that the vet gave me for him.

Joanie M said...

My 14 yr old Maine Coon has that Kitty Acne on her chin, She has had it most of her life. It seldom turns in to serious infections. I guess as she eats a hairball dry food, as she is prone to those nasties with all that long hair, that only increases the oiliness of the chin... ! Vet said I could even use Clearisil ointment....but that made little difference.....she seem little bothered by it, hope your furry friend stays free of infections.

Beth said...

We had a problem with our cat scratching all the time. We had to change to metal bowls for both. Everything is good now.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! I once had a cat that became allergic to the copperpipes that her drinking water run through. She developed ichy places on to her forhead and had to wear a "collar of shame" untill I got her some springwater to drink, then she had no problem. Just wanted to let you now as cats are sensitive for strange things not always logic one. M-B S from Sweden

Kathy said...

OH! I was so surprised to see the vase pattern on this quilt! I rec'd a vintage quilt from a friend who was "unloading" family "stuff"! Wow. I went on an investigating frenzy...finally found it in an old book of patterns. "A Quilter's Companion" by Dolores A. Hinson. Original printing 1973, by Arco Publishing. My copy was 11th printing in 1982. The book names it "Vase of Flowers", no kidding. They mention it is from 30's, rare and difficult to piece. I tried, and put it aside because I have to re-size the templates a bit. Husband is handicapped, so every time I start...I have to help him for something. Full time job, quilting whenever!

abelian said...

This block is in Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia, her number 763. It's called "Vase of Flowers" and is a Brooks/Wheeler pattern from Old Chelsea Station. Dot

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