
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Bindings, Labels and Sleeves, Oh My!

There are days when time is abundant and loads of sewing can happen.

And then there are days when the only thing I can muster in the quilting department is 45 minutes of hand quilting during my lunch break, then back to work, and before heading home time arrives manage to attach a hanging sleeve to a quilt.

It was that kind of day!  

Even Lola was having “That Kind of Day!”  Don’t you love this look? 

I was trying to catch her while sleeping, but evidently her ears were still in gear and she caught me sneaking up on her with the camera at the ready.  “Yes, it’s comfortable – now leave me alone!”

Ready for evening hours of hand stitching ahead – The best part of any day! The binding fabric is OLD OLD OLD - but it is the PERFECT color.  I wanted darker than the aqua sashing, but in the same color family.

Do you recognize this fabric?  1980-something?  I still think it is beautiful!

The thread I am hand stitching my binding with is Maxilock. It has the strength I need.  And no, I don't believe it will tear the fabric over time. 

I also like that it doesn't shred back on itself while hand sewing. I have used serger thread for my hand sewn bindings for decades.

That is IF Zoey will vacate the chair and let me get to it!

I left the QPO about 3:30pm for a run to town.  Enchilada casserole was on deck for dinner, and I needed enchilada sauce and tortillas.  Other groceries happened as well - along with more clear shoe boxes for the stash organization project. I'm still working on emptying the small cabinet in the cabin studio so I can use that for my books - 

This is just a LONG PROCESS!

Autumn happening on my way home.

Everything is turning so golden green - 

I just love the barns, the old wood, fences, even the grey of the winding asphalt.

This is the time of year when I just want to hunker in and NEST!  Are you feeling it too?

I am hoping today I can start moving stash from the garage/shop into the cabinets that have found their new home at the QPO.  It's a constant moving and rearranging of stuff and trying to find out what works best when I really long for a peaceful day of machine sewing.

I'm thinking of breaking this down to one tub at a time.  Calling that good for the day, and leaving me some creativity time as well.  We will see how that goes.

How is your Appalachian Autumn quilt coming along?  I am loving seeing photos of fabrics chosen and string blocks happening in my news feeds!  I would love to see your progress, so please tag your social media postings with #appalachianautumnquilt so I can share in your fun!

Don’t forget to enter our September Quilty Box Gift-Away!  We will be drawing for our winner TOMORROW, so there is still time to enter on that post.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

You don't have to attend every debate you are invited to! 

Preserve your peace.

Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!


swooze said...

I will be moving stash soon too! Watching with great interest to pick up ideas. Enjoy getting reacquainted with old friends!

Cathy said...

I love your quote of the day. A regular reminder, for me, is needed. Try to make time for sewing today. It sooths the soul.

Gwen said...

I laughed as i read about the age of your binding, i think i have some in my stash.

DawnyK said...

Can't wait to see how your stash shapes up. I have decided not to do anything more right now until I get more projects completed.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

This is our 3rd in a row rainy day in Arkansas with cool fall temperatures. It brings out the quilting and cooking in me. I am working on a Cross Wall Hanging that a friend left undone when she passed. It was to be for her daughter and I am finally able to get it done.

Bridget said...

So the silver lining with COVID is that I am working from home and enjoying the fall view outside my window. The most relaxing fall I can remember with no school activities ramping up. I have several quilts back from the quilter so I am in binding heaven here too :) Thank you for sending the last two books I needed for my BH collection. I can have a happy scrappy fall. Of course Halloween goes up this week as it is OCTOBER!!!! break out the hot cider for the campfire!

Deb E said...

That's a great idea - do one bin at a time, and then sew for a while --- its a reward for doing the hard stuff! I was in such a hurry when I unloaded mine that I'm going to have to go back through everything and re-organize it. While doing that, I can set aside those fabrics that are ugly (but still useable!), odd sized and determine where I'm short in particular colors, to be cut up into the sizes I use. I've been sewing scrap quilts for so long that I need to re-organize to see what else I can get into those drawers now, and get everything organized more efficiently. The best part of sewing scrappy is those are all cut & already pressed - and I can get to the fun part....sewing! Thank you for all your ideas, which I adopted years ago (and still adopt) -- makes it SO much for fun quilting.

Linda Baker said...

When passing those old barns, do you ever wish you had some barn quilts in the car so you could stop and hang one? :-) First thing that popped in my head.

Ruth's girl said...

Really, really like today's quote. It is a blessing when we can discern that we don't have to step into someone else storm! We can still love on them without being demolished.

claudia said...

I just acquired a new (to me) dresser that fits perfectly in my sewing room. I have slowly been moving stuff over to it. The drawers are deep, so I am thinking of making some trays to live on top of trays, so that I can fit more in in a organized matter. I also got a second room across the hall from my sewing room, so things I don't use often is going in there...and I am purging!

Rhonda said...

Such a heartfelt melancholy post. I feel the longing of just wanting to sew something simple or mindless sewing of string piecing ( which isn't mindless at all) instead I've been involved with an art quilt such a time taker and learning my new longarm quilting and yes the never ending organization of quilting. I'm wanting to change the sizes I've been cutting. I find I'm overrun with 5" squares, not cutting that size again. Also wanting to redo how I've organized in the past as things just don't seem to flow like I want.
So Bonnie, I am relating big time with where you are right now. I've also moved stash from another location. Sigh....onward and upward. Thanks for your blog, it's such a comfort to me in many ways. Wish I could give back to you.

Anne said...

Hi Bonnie. The one tub a days sounds like a very good idea and maybe just 2-3 per week. Always enjoy your writing. Take Care♥️.

beth d. said...

when I move next year, I will be reorganizing a new quilting studio. I have to see how you are going to do it.

Susan Davidson said...

I am so excited! I've been playing around with the Arkansas Cobblestone EPP pattern and I never thought of using it as the quilt under your quote does. Individual EPP blocks joined by solid squares! So happy you used that picture. I LOVE new ideas!

Shari Z said...

I have that fabric...a small amount still in my stash. Your quote today is perfect for our times! Your fur babies look like they are liking the fall weather too. Snuggle down time.

jonrock53@mtaonline.net said...

I have been rearranging my sewing room. Not as big of a project. I find I just cannot work on it nonstop, for some reason. I employ a trick I learned from the Flylady.net site. Set my timer for 15 minutes, three times in a row, and then the 4th 15 minute block, I stop and sew or whatever. I can get a lot more done that way than just trying to tackle the whole mountain at once. It just makes it not feel so overwhelming. And I get to sew.

Vickie said...

Please share your enchilada casserole recipe. I have been looking for a good one!!!

Kathy said...

Hi Bonnie, I love you are living your best, peaceful life. You used to post just your Quote of the Day on FB, and I forwarded it to my friends. They loved seeing it, so we are all wondering if you will be doing that again anytime soon. Positive messages seem to sit really well as this election draws near. Have a great day.

The Joyful Quilter said...

One tub of fabric sorting per day sounds like an excellent goal, Bonnie. ESPECIALLY if that leaves you some time for a dose of creative sewing time!! :o))

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I would love to jump in and start on Appalachian Autumn only I still have a lot of canning to do. Did pull a bunch of fall fabrics out of a box & they're sitting on my sewing machine.

Q9patch72 said...

Lola, your my type of girl!!!. And Zoey, just wanted a soft place to take a nap and dream of her own quilt, one day!!!!

quilter47 said...

Bonnie, where can I find the lights that you use at the Inn at each quilting station. Checked your Amazon store but didn’t see them? Thanks

Juststitchin60 said...

I couldn’t agree more. Lol The other day I was rummaging through a tub and found a piece of apple green fabric with Granny Smith light green apples on it. I remember wearing that shirt and I am 60. What fun memories old fabric brings.
Thank you Bonnie for your everyday stories. I really enjoy the videos of that Zoey girl . Just really brightens my day to see her upside down with her toys. That’s the first thing I do in the morning after I fix my coffee. I sit down and look for your post.
Happy Quilting Bonnie and do take time to let your creativity spirit stir a bit.

Tammie said...

My quilt stash is pretty organized, but I’ve been decluttering the house during the pandemic. I’ve been through everything at least twice. I have to set a timer or I get going and want to do the whole house! Then, when I’m too exhausted and sore to do any sewing, I’m angry with myself for using my creative time all up. I’m with you...limit the organization and get in some creative time! Have a wonderful day!

Sandy said...

Love the 'Lola' picture. And DO take just one box a day and when you finish with that..call it a good thing and then go quilt!

goldengirl46 said...

Pulling half done, orphan blocks and forgotten projects out of my stash. Using my "discoveries" to make quilts for community service projects. When the one on the design wall is done, the Unity quilt goes back up to complete. That is the last full size quilt for me. Going to continue concentrating on donations and smaller projects until I get to scraps undercontrol, haha. Somehow they want to pile up on the cutting table.

Patricia said...

Love the pictures, so beautiful. One tube, sounds great.

quiltitaly said...

When I am changing around ANY cabinets, shelves, etc. and cannot finish the job in one swoop I affix Post-it notes to the doors with new contents names. This quickly tells me where like-items should go, and also prods me to finish the task so I can get those pesky labels off! Happy organizing, ladies!

ceblakeney said...

Oh my goddess, yes. The stash takes time to teleport and then reorganize into its old structure. Unfortunately during a move you may realize the old structure doesn't work within the new structure, so you start all over again. All I have done in the past decade is teleport from one room to another, but I feel your teleporting pain!

BlessOSU said...

I seem to remember that those came from Ikea. I was going to have my daughter get me one, but then I found an OTT light under something! LOL

Anne Hayward said...

The Appalachian autumn quilt is just gorgeous, I love the wonderful shade of colour you have put in.
Zoey is so cute, she’s just keeping mums space warm lol
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

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