
Friday, May 01, 2020

Finally May.

This is the old Halsey place.

I took this photo on Wednesday’s walkabout – during that one nice hour we had before the weather turned upside down and the rains came.  And came. And came.

I really love seeing how even the opening of tree leaves and sprouting up of wildflowers happens in the matter of days.  Extended time home.

We are beginning to wonder if we ever WILL get warm, really warm here.  At this elevation we are easily a couple of weeks behind the spring spectrum as compared to those the folks down near Winston Salem.  Being a I’m not a huge fan of extreme heat and humidity, I don’t mind the slower crawl to summer – but it would be awfully nice just to reach 70 and stay there for a while.

I am itching to get Zoey back to the land of the wild ponies for more exploring but the weather has just not cooperated.

But she didn’t seem to mind!

We’ve joked that her ears remind us of Sally Field in the Flying Nun.

A bit over a mile uphill to the top.

But worth it!

The New River on the way back to the car.

Some exciting things are happening here!

As I was passing the Old Round House on Round House Road (I posted about my first discovery HERE.) Zoey and I had to wait for a panel van that was attempting a 16-point Y turn, trying to reverse direction on a narrow dirt road.

The driver thanked us for our patience though his open car window, and I said “No problem – where have I got to go?” He asked “Do you live on this road?” and I said "No, just up the highway but we walk here because it is along the river, safely away from traffic, a dirt road and no one is out here.”

He said that he has purchased the old round house and is going to fix it up as some kind of social club or something – putting in canoe docks, etc – for those who float the New River in the summer.

(In my mind I am screaming “Don’t  you know how many times this thing has flooded?!” but it’s none of my business at this point.)

At any route – if they are going to serve food there it may be of interest to my retreaters in the future. I told him about Quiltville Inn,  mentioning the “Big white house on the corner of 58 & 16” And he said “Oh, YOU’RE the Quilter Lady!”  LOL!

So much for making introductions when you find that you are already notorious in these parts.  It turns out that he also knew the previous owners we purchased the inn from - small town. Word gets around.

It was a fun conversation standing the length of Zoey's leash away as she has no idea of social distancing and was quickly making friends with the guy who introduced himself as John from Winston Salem.  He has no idea how long it will take him to get things set up – but just working on it little by little.  I am looking forward to checking the progress each time we walk!

And while this was going on, Zoey Jo was also getting familiar with his 16 month old toddler who was eating snacks in the car seat in the van…and quickly ate up any fall out of cheese that hit the van floor.  LOL.

Small Improvements -

This has also been going on.  The upstairs baths at the inn really needed new faucets.  The ones that were in the house when we bought it were fairly corroded, the drain releases weren’t working that great, and it has been on our mind to switch them out.

the easiest way to get back there to where all of the business went through the counter top was to un-clip the sink first so you could see what you were doing, and then remount the sinks.

It wasn’t a big deal, it just takes time, and let’s face it – when you are crawling up to this age it isn’t as easy to wiggle yourself upside down into a cabinet cavity to get this job done.  We aren’t as young as we used to be.

I like the brushed nickel finish.

All put back together -

And the drain closure now works like it should.

It’s the little things that make us feel big accomplishments these days, right?

There is a bit of a break in the rain this morning that fell most of the night.  Things are muddy so I don’t think there will be a walk today – but as it is Friday I’ve really got to cram on Part 6 of our Unity Quilt Along

Is it just me, or are the weeks getting shorter?!

And then into the weekend we go.  I understand there is a deck bench project soon to be commencing which may mean a run for some lumber to get it together -

And then someone had the hair brained idea that we need to remove some brush and a couple of trees at a higher ground flat spot at the back of our yard to put some Adirondack chairs and a fire pit.

As long as the man has something to keep him busy – I’m saying GO FOR IT!  It gives me more time to sew!

Oh – Yesterday’s zoom meeting with Lyric Kinard was fun!  She will let me know when it has gone live on YouTube and then I’ll be able to embed it here. So keep watching.

What’s up for your Friday and the weekend ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Today I'm grateful for friends and family who have stood by me, often uplifting me when my own strength failed me.

My life is far happier with you in it! I'm also thinking of family and friends who have passed beyond this life.

I am indeed stronger because of their examples. They are greatly missed!

Have a wonderful Friday -


Deb E said...

I love your blog - I've read it for years, and you're always very upbeat, uplifting and fun. Thank you for all your hard work, for sharing your life & travels, and especially, for all you share of quilting. I've been quilting for 45+ years, and love learning new things, and always enjoy your blog! Happy May Day! Deb E / CA mdenders@msn.com

KB Hansen said...

You are so very lucky to have such a handy husband who can do all that fixing and building for you! He does beautiful work!

Dorothy said...

I loved your statement that we aren’t as young as we use to be! 🥰. I’d like to add or as young as our mind says we are. I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve said to myself oh I can do that! Unfortunately the body had a different idea!😂😂🤣🤣❤️❤️ Have a wonderful day.

Kara Benavides said...

Oh mercy! I have been quietly growling to my body about the whole "getting older" thing. I want to buy a fixer-upper again, but not sure how much I can reasonably bite off. I still have the attitude instilled by my parents that I can do anything, even if it is just an inch at a time. I moved my piano up 4 steps and across a thresh hold by myself (out of necessity) that way, one inch/or half inch at a time.

Kara Benavides said...

Amen to that!

mama martha said...

I am curious if there is a way to connect with any of the groups who have a reservation at Quiltsville Inn who might have an open spot in their 12? I am an orphan......and I can't stand thinking of that wonderful place without being able to experience the fun.

mama martha said...

I love your blog. I love your books. I love your scrappy life. lol However, I really want to experience the wonders of Quiltsville Inn and I am an "orphan." Is there any way to connect with one of the groups who might have an open spot in their 12?

J Beach said...

Is Halsey a common name in that area? I was born in Elkin (we lived in Sparta) and I remember Mom speaking of Halseys. Could that home be the one my mother spoke of?

Sharon in Seattle said...

Thanks, Bonnie, hope you get warm weather soon! Nothing much new or exciting going on here this weekend.... Saturday night zoom party with neighbors... maybe hubby will fix raised dahlia beds in time for planting... just grateful and happy, that's enough! 😁🌈❤

Kelley P. said...

Love your comment about Zoey Jo's ears and the Flying Nun, I LOL'd! :) I can also relate to the comment "We're not as young as we used to be and climbing in under cabinets!" Ugh! Are you going to be Gudren's 2nd QQAL on Sunday? I am looking forward to it! Also, any word on another Quilt Cam any time soon? Just Curious because we all really enjoy them!

Gail Topper said...

Happy Friday! Glad to hear of another old home getting some attention. It will be interesting to watch that progress.

Val said...

I don't know about the weekend Bonnie, it's still cool here as well. My goal today is to get through today in one piece. That's all.

Peg said...

Bonnie, While I was reading this I thought how lucky we are that you're here everyday to brighten our lives. I'm laid off during the pandemic and I'm lucky to catch your daily blog these past weeks. Your quote today is spot on! Keep blogging and sewing friend!

janie said...

Your daily comments are the first thing I read everyday, and the positivity you bring just makes MY Day!!! thanks for all you do

The Calico Quilter said...

I smiled at the mention of replacing faucets, I certainly couldn't do it now, and even 15 years ago I happily hired a plumber to stuff himself under our bathroom vanities and attempt to loosen plumbing couplings that hadn't been moved since they were installed in 1968. That, I will pay good money for. Loved the new faucets. Really felt sorry for the plumber.

Rhonda said...

Thanks for your blog Bonnie. My day is always better because of it. I find it so interesting when a family member is added to the family, be it a child, or a pet. It's almost as if they've always been there, and life improves.
I'm tackling a Judy Niemeyer paper pieced kit that has been in my stash for several years. I would not have attempted this at all if I had not made several of your mystery quilts and a couple of others, however, I said to myself, if I can make one of Bonnies quilts I can make anything! You've certainly given me courage to spread my wings and try something new! One step at a time, right?

TrulyBlessed said...

Happy May Day, Bonnie! What a wonderful countryful of May Day Flowers. Plants "a la natural" keep growing and giving. Silver lining to this "slowing down"... we have time to enjoy the simple things. Zoey's ears do indeed remind me of "the Flying Nun". How sweet and innocent those days were. Stay safe and know you are so loved by so many.

Kay said...

I started my day with taking 3 quilts to my friend to quilt for me. We social distanced on her large portal, and it was so nice to see each other & visit. Now I can spend today prepping for Gudrun's HOPE quilt event on Sunday. Thanks so much for introducing me to Gudrun. Love today's quote - great one to kick off May.

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful day Bonnie. Our morning started out beautifully in Illinois but is now clouding up. In the 70s tomorrow. Yay!! Thanks for everything you do for us in the quilting world. It is appreciated more than you know! As for getting older, I am surprised every time I pass a mirror. I thought I was much younger. These days, with no salons, I see a woman with more gray hair every day. But nowhere to go, so I don't care!! LOL

Alicia Key said...

I was thinking the SAME THING! Always puts us right in the middle the way Bonnie tells the story! Love it!

Anne Hayward said...

Here I am Saturday morning and I really must do part 5 this week has got away from me too lol.
Thank you for all the beautiful pictures I love seeing where you are and ZoeyJo’s adventures.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Unknown said...

Our last dog looked a lot like Zoey. He had ears like hers and I always described
his ears as looking like the flying nun.

Patricia said...

Always like your pictures, you are so lucky to have a large place. I live in Texas Hill Country.

Wendy said...

HI Bonnie and Zoey,
Love love love all your pictures. I have 2 dogs and one is very ill. She is reaching the end of her life and I when I see Zoey it just lifts me up.
I am so greatful for all your pics. Take care-Wendy

Unknown said...

I always enjoy reading about what is going on in your life. Yesterday and today I am giving myself permission to stop making masks and to start cutting out a quilt to be given to the Youth Detention Center -- our guild project this year. We want to get some color into their sterile environment. This will be for a narrow twin -- approximately 50"x80". They can also use baby quilts since they also have girls at the center. So I will probably make a baby quilt for the center. Nancy A: SewingGranda@gmail.com

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