
Thursday, April 30, 2020

That Banana Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake Recipe!

I made another batch.

Last week I posted about a terrific Banana Chocolate Chip cake recipe I had made with simple ingredients on hand -

And so many asked for the recipe that I decided to make it again, this time taking photos.

I mean – just look at this!  Isn’t your mouth watering already?

To me, this is a bit lighter than traditional banana bread, but not really as light as a true “cake” so I have put it in the coffee cake realm of yummies for dismal rainy days that need a bit of a warm pick me up.

What makes it a bit different?  Cinnamon and chocolate chips for two things – and two more:

It uses BOTH baking powder and baking soda which changes the texture a bit.

Just coming out of the oven -

I love this vintage jade 9 x 9 pan – I use it for so many things.


2 cups flour (I used a gluten free blend from King Arthur)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
3 very ripe bananas
1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used canola)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
6 oz chocolate chips (half of a 12 oz package)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees f and coat a 9 x 9 baking pan with non-stick spray.

Combine flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder and cinnamon in a small bowl, mixing well.

In a medium sized mixing bowl, cream eggs and sugar together, adding in mashed bananas until smooth.  Add in vanilla and vegetable oil.

Stir in the flour mixture in small amounts until just combined. Add chocolate chips. Do not over mix.

Pour the batter into a 9 x 9 pan.  Bake for 60 minutes, or until knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

Two big warm melty servings eaten by us last night!

This is SO SO SO good and so very easy.  Enjoy!

Mona finished a top!

I love her glorious Jingle Bell Square quilt!

As I made mine in traditional red green and neutral for Christmas, I am excited to see hers in everything under the sun.

When this whole pandemic thing is over – we’ll have to spend some days getting the tops she has finished quilted while we catch up in person.  For now, we are just texting and talking on the phone – miss that girl so much!

This quilt is easily made from only 2 widths of strips - 1 1/2" and 2 1/2" using my Essential Triangle Tool. (Traditional rotary cutting in comments also given.)

You'll find the pattern for Jingle Bell Square in the Addicted to Scraps book on sale in the Quiltville Store for just $15.99 while lock down lasts!

You will also receive a free PDF pattern for my Wanderlust table runner at purchase.  Do you have your copy yet?

Click HERE to see what other quilts are in the book. Under each book cover image is a link to view which quilts are in that book.

You didn’t want the squares in this box, did you??

You’ll just have to wait a little longer!

These photos were from yesterday afternoon’s round of “Sew the snail trail blocks.”  And I didn’t get very far!

I also had Zoey with me and in between taking her out and stopping her from herding the cats, it was kind of a crazy day.  We did take an hour to get in a nice long walk before the weather turned awful – by 3pm the sky was blackening and by evening time we were under another deluge of rain.

I heard the rain pouring for most of the night – it wasn’t the most restful sleep.  Do I dare wish for a nap this afternoon?  I think Zoey is going to stay home with dad today as  - OH SO MUCH PUPPY!  It's hard to get much done, but I love every minute with her.

She made up for it though!

Thank you, Zoey Jo!

I knew Kelpies were smart, but how she managed to type my password into my Amazon account I’ll never know.  It's just perfect for my afternoon hot chai tea.

Today’s big “to do” is a bit exciting – I’m joining in on a video chat with Lyric Kinard just to talk about life, love, quilty stuff and home quarantine and whatever the conversation brings up.  It will be hosted on You Tube so I’ll be able to embed it here when it is published.

Which means – yes, I took a shower this morning, I did my hair, I put on a clean tee shirt, and I’ll even put on a spot of make up (Last time that happened was February while teaching in Bedford Virginia! LOL!) and I hope I can figure out this Zoom thing so we can have a fun time.

The rain has stopped for now and I’m throwing the rest of my stuff together and heading over to the QPO.

What do you have planned for your Thursday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found in Greensboro, Georgia.

Make sure your message today is a positive one!

And know that you can change the direction your message is going at any given time!

Make it a good one, folks!


Mary said...

I add Chocolate chips to the flour mixture for my Banana Bread all the time. They don't stick to the bottom of the pan as much. Yummy, Banana recipe. Yes, I have some Ripe Bananas!! Gotta get a few stitches in. Happy stitching!

Janice Romanko said...

Today I meet with the rest of my Quirky Quilting group via Zoom where we sew and chat for a couple of hours. We’ve been doing this weekly since we haven’t been able to physically get together. We look forward to Thursday afternoons!

Wendy said...

I’ll look forward to the YouTube with Lyric. We are heading out today to look for wild horses nearby. And I’ve been putting choc chips in my banana bread for about 40 years; yum!

Kathy Johnson said...

You'll be able to figure out Zoom. My quilt group did and we weren't even able to do a phone tree right in the past. It's a great way to keep in touch.

Brenda Rithmire said...

Oh Bonnie that bread looks yummy I will have to try it. I ordered your book yesterday and got a notice today that it has been mailed. That's what I call excellent service. Have a great day the sun is shining here in Alabama today.

ASMcBurnie said...

Today, the hubs and I celebrate our first 28th anniversary. Like so many military couples, we were married twice - the first time was at the courthouse in Hinesville, GA. The formal church wedding was in September and we celebrate both. In our 28 years of marriage we've spent over 9 years apart. But even with all that separation, we only missed one of the anniversaries - the September the hubs was deployed to Iraq. Countless birthdays and holidays were missed, but we've kept the anniversary streak going. On the quilting front, I decided I need to do a really deep "spring cleaning" of my studio. I'm four days in and almost finished. Even better, my fingers are starting to tingle again - seems as if my quilting mojo is finally returning. Here's to a much happier May.

Paulette said...

I am SO making this cake today! Thanks for the recipe!

Joni said...

Thanks for the recipe, it's going on my list to make as soon as I go grocery shopping for bananas. Love Mona's colorful Jingle Bell Square. I have been cutting out quilt kits as I clean up my quilting spot. This quilt would be a great use of those odd parts leftover from deboning shirts. *A plan begins to form! Thanks Bonnie for all of the inspiration you give me.

Janet O. said...

I am saving this recipe for the next time hubby doesn't eat the bananas before they go soft. I've never tried the King Arthur gluten free flour, but I will give this a try with the Bob's Red Mill 1-to-1 GF flour when there are enough ripe bananas on hand. Looks yummy!

Stlkeeler said...

Bonnie, I made some friendship bread starter and made chocolate banana nut bread with it yesterday. It was so good! My recipe started out almost the same as yours. Mine called for 3 eggs, 4 bananas and the starter. I added a box of instant chocolate pudding mix, 1/3 cup cocoa, pecans and substituted 1/2 cup applesauce for the 1/2 cup oil. I didn't even miss the oil! Yum!

WeedyMama said...

Obviously, Lola takes her 'pressing' duty seriously. It's not a quilt unless it has cat hair!

Tina T said...

Thank you for the recipe, Bonnie. Next banana run for sure! Mona's quilt is so happy. Your "Addicted to Scraps" is one of my favorite books. Idaho Square Dance is on my bucket list. I'm thinking your next book is going to be a "doozer" too! Looking forward to the video chat. Thanks for all you do.

Kerry said...

Today I need to transplant my squash plants into bigger pots so that when the weather is good enough they go outside in the veg patch!
Love Dresden - so much for your little beds! You needz theze? I sits on them first - you like them flat so I will play at being the iron - I do good job!

Bettie Goolsby Doyle. said...

Love your recipe, I made banana-prune and ate to big hunks, it is delirious, but I will not eat that much again, enjoy the time at home.

Tina K said...

Back in the day, our family had a Sheltie (Australian sheep dog) named Lady Victoria, Vickie to us. One morning when we were up north at our cabin we awoke to a front yard full of deer that Miss Vickie had herded into that small space. Enjoy your new baby.

quiltitaly said...

Oh! I haven't heard about Friendship Starter in years! Thanks for the reminder. This might be a good time to start a batch...

Nancy said...

My small quilt group does a couple of hours of Zoom every Thursday morning. We all look forward to talking , sharing, and laughing. It amazes me what can be done to overcome this isolation. All of us have been in the mask business and UFO completion activities. Off to bake the coffee cake!

Ann said...

OH My that is the best Banana Bread!!! I also have a gluten problem, have been looking for a good recipe. Thank You Bonnie!!

Anne Hayward said...

Yummy that cake looks so good, I’ll wait till next time we have left over bananas and give it a try.
Love your mug, your ZoeyJo is such a clever young lady lol.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh I might like to add blueberries or walnuts instead of chocolate chips. Looks delicious.

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