
Thursday, April 02, 2020

Securely Venturing -

Some things are necessary.

Someone had surgery yesterday. We were considering putting it off, but it needed to be done within 30 days of adoption, and at a year old we really didn't want her going into heat. So many folks HAD already rescheduled with the vet that their calendar down the line is already a mess many months out.

She had to be spayed within the same county we adopted her from as the county vets and the county shelter work together. which meant an hour drive off mountain to Wilkesboro, NC.

Nails also trimmed, shots updated, and chipped. Zoey Jo is now officially official.

It was very weird being off mountain. The hospital is under protocol to retrieve your pet from your car, all transactions and paperwork are either done ahead of time by sign, scan and email or over the phone for info and payment.

Because it was an hour from the cabin, and also an hour from Wallburg, I ended up driving straight to the Wallburg house after dropping her off with the purpose of retrieving all canned goods, dry goods such as rice, beans, pasta and miracle of miracles - full packages of tp, paper towels, napkins and THREE containers of pop up Clorox wipes.

Gathered from under bathroom sinks.

It was like I hit the jackpot. Who would think that Clorox pop up wipes would make me so happy?

No, I didn’t stop anywhere – not even for gas or groceries.  Door to door.  Cabin to vet, vet to Wallburg, Wallburg to vet, vet to Cabin.  A 200 mile round trip day.

Yes, fabric came back with me too. I filled the van while I was there, and when I got the call headed back to Wilkesboro pick up Zoey.

What came with me?  Anything in a tub that was easily transportable.  my yardage cabinets and fat quarter shelves and boxes will have to wait for another time.  It will be a 2 person job, and involve a trailer and some heavy lifting.

The 9 (yes, there are 3 rows of 3 here) tubs you see are “as of yet untamed” scraps – pieces less than a fat-quarter, odd shaped bits, hunks, chunks – mostly separated by color family.  This is the stash section that I never have had time to go through and tame down into my Scrap User’s System because life was just too go go go go and it was always at the end of the list.

Well, guess what?  Life is now at a different kind of go go go go because I still have my mail order job and this crazy impromptu Unity Quilt Along that is in full swing, and as of yet I don’t have round 2 together.  (It’s mostly cut out, just no time for sewing because – ZOEY!)

Sweet girl is home.

She is doing really well.  No cone of shame UNLESS she starts licking her stitches.  And in all of the “We’ll bring her to your car for you” curbside service – I forgot to even ask for one.  It was lost in the confusion of new normals. 

I guess if we need one I’ll call the vet in nearer by Sparta and see if I can purchase one.

I’m glad it’s done.  I’m glad for her we have this time to help care for her while she heals.  I’m glad that it will occupy our minds and hearts instead of worrying about what’s on the news right now.

(I saw gas prices at $1.59 yesterday – CRAZY!)

While no sewing happened yesterday -


I made some order out of the strips I’ve pulled for the Unity Quilt Along – this was MOST of the mess that was on top of my cutting table and just seeing this on my ironing board in much better arrangement this morning has me breathing easier.

I really am hoping for time tonight to sew.

I was able to add more Essential Triangle Tool inventory to the Quiltville store on Tuesday evening when a small box showed up (The stuff I had shipped ahead to Asilomar for the Empty Spools Seminars are being returned to me.) and more should be arriving from my distributors today so I will get those in the store as quickly as they arrive.

I will be a day further behind in my order fulfillment due to Zoey’s surgery yesterday, but I am heading over to the QPO as soon as this posts and will work on getting as much into the USPS stream as I can.

With the distributors being on limited employee status to comply with Covid-19 precautions, things are taking longer to get to me, and because I am one person – things are taking a bit longer for me to get them out my own door on their way to you, so I thank you for your patience.

The following video was sent to me by a friend – and I wanted to share it here.  Travis has been quarantined in Wuhan, China for the past 72 days and he is sharing his experiences with us.  Click to Play:

He writes:

Wuhan China: Day 72 One Day Closer, is what I always say!

Today’s numbers aren’t out yet, but yesterday was reported 0/5. I’ll post today’s when they come in.

Reported Newly Infected Today 0/6 Dead.

Breaks my heart to see what America and Others, are going through. I wish more “Experts” and people would learn and just try, to be and do better(And speak the truth, along the way). Those trying their Best, shouldn’t feel as if they are Alone.

Medical would be less overwhelmed, if more tried to wear masks and stay home. The economy and jobs, would more quickly recover. This would be more under control, with numbers going down, and more people saved, if all did so.

My hats off...to all Medical, Police and All Others, that stay and do what they must, to save life’s and keep order.

My highest praise, to all that help the world be a better place, by making masks, staying calm and strong, and helping others in need, along the way.

The only great thing that ever comes from Tragedy, besides the end, is the love and unselfish acts of others you see, as they do the hard things necessary to make it better.

Watching sadly, but with deepest respect, for those that risk their life, to save the life of another.

We grow stronger from tragic times, when we work together as “One”, to overcome and solve it.

God Bless America...God Bless the World. God Bless All of Us!

We’re all one day closer, to a better world.

The sooner you try... The quicker, that day will come.

Keep doing, the Best you all can!

Thank you, Travis!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Let us all be patient with each other.

We are all doing the best that we can.

Happy Thursday, folks!


Unknown said...

When my dog had surgery, he didn't like wearing the cone of shame. So we put on a large t-shirt and knotted it at the end, so it would fit. He seem to like wear the t-shirts and got a new one each day.

Da Momma said...

Thank you Bonnie! We have a new puppy as well. It has been great to be able to establish routines. It is frustrating at times when I want to be in my quilt loft and little chewer wants to eat all my cords and pull the iron off the board! Trying to be cheerfully patient and enjoy this sweet puppy phase! Thank you for keeping us entertained during this tough time ❤️

Lilac Joan said...

Enjoyed so much the post from Travis. I don't understand people (smart people and people that should know better) that will not do the simple act of staying home. Rant over. Thank you so much for your daily blog and encouragement.

Food and Fiber Floozie said...

I am very glad sweet Zoey girl is doing well...and how fortunate you were able to retrieve some fabric!!! That is certainly what is keeping me sane these days. Do not worry yourself about missing a day or 2 or 3....move at a slower pace and take care of yourself!!!

Kat said...

Just a suggestion for Zoey. My vet suggested using a pool noodle instead of the cone. Just cut off the length you need and whip stitch it together. Might be able to find one of those in a store close to you.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Thanks so much, Bonnie, take care.
Sharon in Seattle

Megan said...

When we had our dog spayed (many years ago), instead of a cone of shame, the vet told us to put a T-shirt on her if she started to lick her stitches.

Megan said...

When we had our dog spayed (many years ago), the vet told us to put a T-shirt on her if she started to lick her stitches instead of giving us a cone of shame. (Sorry if this posted twice).

SandyPA said...

Great background for today's saying!!!

WeedyMama said...

When my dog was spayed, it was easier to put an old t-shirt on her. Tie up the excess in a knot on her back toward her tail, tell her she looks like a California girl, and things will be fine.

Alice said...

I find the sight of your bins of scraps VERY exciting. Just think what you might find! Alice Woodring

KeanieQuilter said...

You might want to get an inflatable cone. Our dogs did better with it vrs. Plastic cone. Also, our cattle dog is high energy and we asked for sedative pills for a few days. Really helpful.

Kathleen said...

You are all going to be just fine ...

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

It is my prayer that more people will be willing to stay in place and quit venturing out because they are just bored. It is hard but it is harder to hear of so many dying. I have been in my home since March 17th. My husband does have to work but he is in a lab alone. Thankfully he has been able to go to the store when necessary. I have a heart disease and diabetes and my children have become the parents and put me in quarantine.

Annie said...

my dog had surgery about a week ago. She totally ignored her stitches until just today, but stops licking when I tell her to, so will only need the cone when I can't watch her like at night. Good luck and stay health!

Edna said...


Unknown said...

Pleased Zoey is neutered, I enjoy your posts, especially in these strange times, thank you Bonnie

Sylvia Forster said...

You get so much done in a day. I'm tired just reading about all you accomplish. Good for you. Glad to hear you brought some more scraps to the Inn and Zoey is fitting in well. You are lucky to have found each other.

Googlegurl said...

Lo e your new puppy neighbor. She is so beautiful and growing so fast. My 10 month old has finally stopped getting bigger beyond belief. I thought Marley was going to be like a 15!b dachsund. He is now 33 in long and weighs over 25 lbs. He has a puppy treat jar also for going potty outside. He dances around in front of it whenever he comes in back door. I am proud to say no more pee pads since he was 6 mo. So happy. I just wanted you to know in case you need it. There is an awesome vet in Jefferson. We have been going to Dr Blevins and Dr Hampton since we moved to Mouth of Wilson in 2011. ( I'm the one who came knocking on your QPO door last year and introduced myself). Name of vet is Animal Hospital of Ashe. God bless. I'm going to try and make some homemade dog treats in the next week. I will leave some in front of QPO if your there, otherwise on your front door. I hope Zoey would love them. Hope she is feeling better!. Loved your quip about staying home. - Judy

Lynn said...

Well done on your travels and your gorgeous Zoey. We are staying home here in Western Australia, with border enforcements as well as strong advice. Only 2 deaths here (from cruise ships). Stay safe and look forward to seeing your projects from that scrappy store.

jltt52 said...

Instead of a cone, Zoey could wear a T-shirt to cover her stitches, and I’m sure she’d like it better.

Unknown said...

Talk about role reversal -- our daughter has grounded us:) (we are both 77 and have health issues) She and her husband are getting things for us. In the meantime I am making masks for our youngest daughter who works in an ER in a hospital near Richmond, VA and for a young man that we know who is a nurse in a nearby hospital. Yesterday I gave 2 masks to neighbors who are elderly. Now I am thinking I should leave masks at the doors of other neighbors. Oh, and we do have a granddaughter staying with us because her university closed and it isn't safe for her to fly home. She is a blessing to us. Her home is in CA (we live in AL), and we haven't had that much contact that part of the family in the past. Glad you were able at least a little of your stash:) Zoey is very pretty, and I'm glad you were able to get the surgery taken care of.
Nancy A: SewingGranda@gmail.com

Carol Nye said...

This week, and probably next, I am working on face masks for our local nursing home.
As much as I wanted to work on the new quilt you have started, it is not to be.
Keep well!

ceblakeney said...

Hoping Zoey and her people will soon be doing endless, carefree walkies with not a care in the world (and may the Goddess speed Zoey's surgery recovery). Her people and all the rest of us are the ones who need to make that happen by starving the beast, and sheltering in place.

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