
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quilting Little Things.

Attempting to get binding on here -

Someone else has other ideas!

Saturday.  Yes – I think it was Saturday, but you know how the days are running together after 5 weeks of this – it could be ANY day.  It could be Wednesday or Thursday -

Even Monday felt like a Saturday so let’s just go with it!

Since we brought Zoey Jo home there has been ZERO hand stitching in my comfy chair because she wants to be RIGHT THERE. Curled up next to my leg, taking up half the chair, half the ottoman – and I’m going to continue to let her because these first few bonding months are important.  Both for her, and for me.

Even the Hubster swears she likes ME more than she does him – and I counter back with “Oh, not so!  She loves you too!” But deep down inside I’m gloating. LOL! 

Maybe it’s a girl/girl thing.  Maybe she has adopted me as her mom because I came and got her out of that shelter.  Maybe it’s because we spent our first 48 hours together with Dave not here – he was working from Wallburg that week and taking care of some things at the Wallburg house.

Whatever it is – she is glued to my side.  My shadow.  And she is just what I needed over the past 5 weeks.

Not much of a big quilt at all.

Only about 31’’ x 31’’.

These were my first reject blocks for my Rectangle Wrangle quilt from the Scraps & shirttails II  book.  That book came out in 2011, so how long have these reject blocks been hanging around?

Since they were the first – and tossed aside because they didn’t do what I wanted them to do – it’s safe to say they were made around 2010 because it takes at least a year for a book to reach publication. 

Ten years from start to binding?  Yup. At least.

The real Rectangle Wrangle Quilt from Scraps & Shirttails II.

See the rest of the quilts in the book HERE.

What’s different?  I added the black down the center of the blocks to define the diagonals.

I left these blocks rectangular, instead of doubling them up to make them square.

It just goes to show that you have to start somewhere to know what changes to make so that things make you happier than your first starts.

Off the machine.

Quilted with Check and Chase by Hermione Agee.

The binding DID finally get sewn on!

And the hand sewing began!

And Zoey is right there, tucked up against me, but didn’t seem to mind the constant rearranging of the small quilt as I began my way from side to side.

Little more than one side sewn – but it’s a start!

This little quilt may end up as a table topper or wall hanging at Quiltville Inn.  The fabric on the back is nothing special, just my attempt to use up gifted fabrics in a fun way.

This is a piece that looked better whole than cut up!

I had brought up a bunch of “use it up” odd backing fabric possibilities with me – and it feels good to see this 1 yard piece be put to good use.

And this happened!

The honey-do list is getting shorter by the minute as we occupy our spare time with home improvement things rather than eating out or going to the movies, etc.

This was the ONE cabinet that didn’t have pull out sliders yet.  It’s an odd size cabinet – but this will work well!  From Lowes – by mail order.  Delivered yesterday and installed by dinner time.

It’s the little things like this that make me happy.

I’m sure you saw that Part 4 of our Unity Quilt Along went live yesterday?  How is yours coming?  I had a great time checking in on our #unityquiltalong and #sewinplace hash tags to see what folks were sharing.  So many fabulous shares!

Our April Quilty Box Gift-Away is still open to entries.  The drawing happens on Friday, so get on over to THAT POST to get your entry in.

And you all know about the Addicted to Scraps book blow out – so I’ll not force feed that down your throat today!  

(Thank you thank you thank you for your support in keeping things moving from the Quiltville Store.  With Quiltville Inn closed and workshops/lectures cancelleddue to Stay-at-Home mandates, moving things from the Quiltville Store is the only thing paying my bills right now.)

When mail order is out the door today, I’ll be digging in to Part 5 of our Unity Quilt Along so it is ready to release NEXT Monday.  I feel barely ahead of the game and it is quite the challenge here – but it keeps me engaged and on my toes!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I love that the things my mom told me again and again in my growing up years still ring true!

How will you bloom from where you are planted today?

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!


Natalie in Maine said...

I love the rectangle wrangle quilt. I wanted something special for an anniversary quilt for my husband last Sept. I finally decided on that quilt. I didn't get it finished in time for a trip to Az to visit my mom and sister. I took it with me and sewed every time I could. Got it together just before coming back home and got it quilted up and bound a few days before our 30th. I love it so much. I used the black and mostly shirtings, and a few homespun since I didn't have quite enough shirts. It is a very special quilt to me. My family couldn't believe it had so many pieces in it, they though i was crazy.

Linda McCarter said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I ordered the triangle ruler yesterday from you. I will wait for it to cut my fabric the Unity Quilt Along. Zoey Jo has chosen you as her alpha,that is what dogs do. All 3 of you are her pack. She is a happy Zoey!😊

pam said...

Love it! My dog likes me best also. :) Looking at your little quilt I see a green fabric with a blue "eye". Is this fabric from your line dancing shirt from years ago? Pam

nic_003_5 said...

'Bloom where you are planted' is one that is really close to my heart, in my time i have been 'planted' in some odd positions and ones that many people would not choose but i try and bloom where ever i am.

Me and My Stitches said...

Your husband's Honey-Do list is making my husband's list longer! Lol! When we had our kitchen cupboards built, they planned to have slide outs for the top shelf, but I asked for slide outs on the bottom as well (I mean...doesn't that just make sense??). But, the builder didn't do it, and it drives me crazy! So...I just added this to the Honey-Do list!

Sandra Taylor said...

All of our dogs seemed to bond with the person they saw as "saving" them. Even when we went to pick up the dog with the whole family, it was the person who first cuddled with the dog on the way home that remained their favorite person.

Dana Grayson said...

The flying geese in Step3 are so small they should be called flying goslings. Having so much fun with this quilt along; thank you Bonnie!

Sharon in Seattle said...

I love to bloom where I'm planted! Today I plan to work on my shoo fly shoo leader and ender challenge. I'm using up all the pre-matched and ready to sew half square triangles left over from Ringo lake. They're a little smaller than the ones you used, Bonnie, so I just adjusted the size of the rest of the pieces down to match and they are very cute! But there are so many and I want them gone! So I'm putting a bit of focus on finishing up my first ever leader and ender challenge! Thanks Bonnie! Brilliant idea, leaders and enders! 😁

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

The only problem I seem to be having in this COVID 19 stay at home is getting motivated. Since time is not in a crunch, which is how I usually worked it is harder to get motivated. On face book I saw a post that said "You know those projects that you said you didn't have time to get done - well that wasn't it"
Glad you are getting your projects done and you really do inspire me. Good morning to Zoey.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I love the Rectangle Wrangle quilt you showed today. Another of your great quilts to add to my list. I just finished the blocks for the frolic and I have all my blocks for sandcastles done. I have no room to store tops so they will wait till I get my other 2 tops quilted. Having fun with all your books! Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WeedyMama said...

Dresden has adopted that little quilt. It's too little for Zoey. That leaves Lola and Zoey in need of comfy quilts.

I'm off to take 100+ masks to the local grocery store.

Quiltnut said...

First we need to get rid of the snow. More coming tomorrow

JFS said...

Caption for that first pic: "WAT? I R HALPING"

Carole said...

Cute wall hanging :) I like making small projects like this.

EMills said...

If Zoey is an Australian Kelpie then you may be her "job" We have had several Australian Cattle Dogs (Blue Heelers) and they have to have a job. Annie is our little female heeler that we adopted from Texas Cattle Dog Rescue. She has to have me in her sights all day long since I am her job. After dinner she goes and sits in my husbands lap since she is off duty.
She is so pretty and will probably amaze you with her intelligence. You may find yourself spelling words to keep her from knowing what you are planning next.
Thanks for the Unity quilt, I love this idea and this quilt.

Anne Hayward said...

Love the little quilt and Dresden obviously dies too lol, it will look really nice in quiltville inn
It’s lovely that ZoeyJo has fitted right in to your family so well, and it obvious how much she loves her mama! So pleased she is their with you to help at this awful time, and so pleased you were the perfect family for her.
Stay safe, love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

valerie boudier said...

Loved seeing the backing to your quilt, an old Barbara Chainey fabric from the 70's, a big name in quilting in the UK in those days. I still have a little of it in my stash

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