
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Paws (Pause) and Bind!

The best time ever to adopt a dog?

During a global pandemic!

We were talking just this morning on how bringing Zoey Jo into our lives at this time could have really added to the chaos, but instead it has brought us so much joy, distraction, laughter, frustration, focus, and peace.

And I hope we have brought the same to her. We are sure that she is getting ALL of her exercise and mental stimulation during the day – She never tires of the frisbee play, though we can’t get her to really want to play tug of war with the ropey things yet.

She has an eagle eye whether she is near a window looking out, or outside looking around – she could be in the middle of “doing her business” but she never stops looking for movement in the woods, for birds, squirrels, gophers, chipmunks – even the wind moving the leaves on the ground catch her attention.

It’s like she is cataloging everything to memory – She remember just which tree that squirrel ran up the last time, and she will not forget to go right back there to see if she can find him again.

And at the end of the day – she loves to be close!

Binding and label on this table topper finally finished!

Tester orphan blocks from my Rectangle Wrangle quilt found in Scraps & Shirttails II.

My love of working with recycled fabrics knows no end.  Remember those Sugar Loaf blocks?  They have been set aside while working on Unity – but their basket taunts me daily.  And those Tulips….all patiently waiting until Unity is done.

Yesterday’s big ride to Jefferson.

We all went.  Three big stops – Lowes for parts and stuff for the yard at Quiltville Inn, Tractor Supply for more stuff needed for around the cabin and for the first time in more than 6 weeks I entered through the dreaded doors of Walmart.

I should have stuck with Food Lion and their one-way aisles – Walmart was not set up that way and it was a complete cart madhouse even though they said they were limiting the number of customers. 

There were people shopping TOGETHER when I thought it was only supposed to be one family member in the store at a time??

If it weren’t for the other non-grocery things that I needed I wouldn’t have bothered, but you can bet I was in and out as quickly as I could be.

Did Zoey get sick?  Well – she got a bit drooly.  Like maybe she would.  Soon.  So we stopped and got her out and let her walk in some grass and then drove the rest of the way home.  No upchuck.  But then the 25 minute drive to Jefferson is not as winding as the road to Independence or the state park where the ponies are.

I have ordered some Bonine and will try that when it arrives for anything more than the 7 miles to the QPO.

In other “HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?!” news -

I thought I had lost my watch.

The last thing I remember doing with it was sticking it in my pocket as I picked up my car keys and whatever else was going with me to the QPO to get the mail order out -

When I got there, I forgot that I didn’t have my watch on – and it wasn’t until the next day that I was really missing it and thought that maybe it was in the car.  Nope.

While turning the sound bar on in the Basement studio at the cabin later, I noticed that my phone was still connected by Bluetooth to the watch. Hmmmm.

Maybe I better check the car again?

Not there.

And then I remembered that I could use the “find my watch” feature within the app.


From OUTSIDE THE CAR –and I started walking around the gravel drive trying to find where the beep was coming from.

Oh, you guys – it must have fallen out of my pocket, landed in the gravel and I had RUN IT OVER! At least once, if not more. LOL.  I think it was the gravel that saved it.

A little worse for wear but still working?

I ended up having to replace the band, and there is a crack on the glass on the backside of the watch.  We fixed that by putting a screen saver as used on the TOP of the watch also on the back side.  A new watch band has also arrived and been replaced.

I won’t say good as new, but the fact that this is still working and the story of finding it is about as entertaining as it gets up here during stay-at-home orders.

Moral of the story?  Don’t put your watch in your pocket.  Put it ON or leave it home!

Thank you Quilting Daily!

Give this article a read HERE. We’ve been named #2 in the Top 5 Quilting Influencers by Quilting Daily!  Right next door to my good friend Gudrun of GE designs coming in at #1 thanks to our participation in her Elvira Quilt Along last month!

I’d like to think that all of us Quiltvillians supporting her really helped her out and I am so grateful because she is such a fun gal and a great friend. Well done!

And our Unity Quilt Along is still picking up speed!

Gorgeous shares from our #unityquiltalong tag on Instagram!

Are you ready for Part 5 to go live TOMORROW?!

That’s what I’ll be working on today – I never did get graphics drawn yesterday with all of the ‘go to town” excitement.  So that is on the agenda for this morning so I can get everything done and ready before dinner time so I can enjoy my evening.

What’s up for your Sunday plans ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found in Bakersfield, California.

Telling myself not to create more mountains than I can handle right now!

Have a lovely day, friends!


Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

I am hoping my hubby will finish the last board and some trim in my quilting room closet, it's been a project on going for a couple of months and we are so close to moving back in. It's been a challenge working around the shelves and totes I hauled out of the closet so it could be worked on, it was an attic space with no insulation, just bare rafters so it's come along way.

Nancy Vance said...

I've had dogs that get carsick and have found that giving them a couple of biscuits or treats 15-30 minutes before leaving prevents the throw-up. It seems backwards, but an empty stomach can mean being sick, whereas having just a little something in there means no vomiting!!

Carol Fish said...

Your dog looks a lot like my Decker rat terrier, Tor. He stays by me all the time, my guardian, and I love him. His bad habit is that he has chewed up a couple quilts, hope he'll grow out of it, he's only 9 months old.

Hardin County Keepsakes said...

I will be trying this.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I couldn't agree more with you, now is a great time to adopt or foster. I have been reading your Zoey Jo adventures every day. I recently lost my husband of 58 years and one of my dogs, both to cancer. The are many program right, one being STAYHOMEANDFOSTER.ORG, or from your local shelter or the Humane Society. I got a wonderful 4 month old male Shepherd mix from the Humane Society. Now "Archie" and I are out in the fresh air everyday and making our own adventures.

Carol said...

Hi Bonnie, I love reading your blog and hearing about your furry family. When you have time, I would like to see a tutorial on the sugar loaf blocks, thanks so much.


Hi Bonnie
Your watch story remimds me of the old Timex ads....TAKES A LICKIN BUT KEEPS ON TICKIN!

Sandy S said...

Hi Bonnie, Sorry your Walmart is like that. Ours is very strict about letting people in. One person per family. They even sanitize the scanner and card swipes at the self check out. My in-laws come 30 miles to shop at the one by my house even though there is one very close to them.

spacer said...

Madly sewing half square triangles today. Don't know that I'll get part 4 done before part 5 posts tomorrow.

Kathy S. said...

Your photos and posts about Zoey Jo bring me joy. Oh I love a great dog adoption story! She's perfect!

Susie said...

aww your puppy is adorable. Our kids have been pestering us for almost 10 years. Well on the weekend we relinquished (well we had been looking at rescue dogs for about 6mths but nothing seemed to be for us). Kids don't know yet. We pick him up in five weeks time - a little cocker spaniel. I'm sure he will like the quilts to lie on.

dorothy said...

Our Walmart has one way signs up but people aren't paying attention to them and they're still talking at the end of the aisles, about the biggest change is fewer children in the store and our seniors,as in over 60, love their special shopping time

Anne Hayward said...

So pleased you found your watch and it’s still working. You definitely got ZoeyJo at just the right time, she is such a darling girl.looking forward to today’s round of unity. Thank you Bonnie.
Keep safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Karen H said...

There is nothing like having a dog- Zoey Jo seems like she is definitely in the right home- she is one lucky dog!!!!

cindythequilter said...

Our Chewy used to get sick travelling too but I think a lot of it was nervousness. The more she rode in the car with us the less upset her stomach seemed to be. She now travels like a trooper.

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