
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Moving at a Snail’s Pace!

This has been occupying my thoughts lately.

That little treadle project I posted about HERE.

I decided to take the 3 “too small” blocks and make a 4th – stitch them together and make my self a little cutie just because.

Some further digging unearthed two baggies of already matched four-patch pairs, that just needed to be sewn.

Digging back in my memory I do believe these are from the “Sand Castles” Quilt from String Frenzy – evidently the four-patch frenzy had me continuing to sew strip sets and sub-cut them until the cows came home, and left again.  Evidently I made far too many. 

Which can sometimes be a good thing -


And that pop of spring green – the shade of emerging leaves on my trees right now.

Life may be moving at a snail’s pace, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be colorful

And those four- patch parts are still abundant and can be sewn and trimmed to be the right size for the “next size up” of this block that I’d like to start in on as my QPO project.

Because all work and no play makes Bonnie a bored quilter!  Maybe I’ll just try to be sure I can sew ONE block before returning home to start dinner?

It took no time at all to quilt this up!

It didn’t take much binding at all!

And I was only a BIT distracted attempting to hand stitch last night!

This girl is just way too cute!

I have moved her bed here in the cabin studio near the sliding glass door overlooking the side yard because she loves to watch the birds and squirrels.  

SO much entertainment for her.  And for me - I get the biggest kick out of watching her.

Little Ditty.

Now residing on the dining table under the napkins, salt and pepper shakers.

So today – FINALLY.  No rain.  And it is supposed to reach 70, so Zoey Jo is coming with me to the QPO and fulfill her role as supervisor to the cats while I get mail order out.

Let’s see if I can get ONE Snail Trail block pieced from all of these small saved pieces before we head out on a long walk.

We need to breathe the fresh air, feel the sun on our shoulders, observe the beauty of nature, look for squirrels and chipmunks and birds and enjoy this Tuesday.

What’s up for yours?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage tulip quilt found in Bakersfield, California.

There are some days (and months) when life throws things at you in all directions.

All you can do is remember to breathe and keep laughing -

Without a sense of humor, there's really no way to survive!


Andee Neff said...

I love the snail tail block! Thirteen years ago When I did not have a stash..I bought lots if batiks to make one. We moved to AZ and eventually I decided not to make that pattern. Now seeing yours all scrappy I am readding it to my list! Have a fab day Bonnie!

Lilac Joan said...

I have just returned from walking my dogs. I stopped to admire the trees and listen to a robin on a wire with the sun on my back. Some times the simple things are the best. love love the single snail block.

Julierose said...

that is one adorable little quilt--wonderful work garnering those pieces from stash..~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose

Evelyn Mattonen said...

I did one scrappy snail trail block on Sunday, this little project makes me want to do something similiar for my table. I really don't need another big project right now, but this will get the feeling to have to make this block out of my system....for a while LOL Have a great day Bonnie!

Barbara Rogers said...

I love this little quilt! -- Is this in one of your books? Thank you for your blog -- I really enjoy it, especially during this stay at home time.

Sue said...

Let me recommend Doggie Daycare Farm Trips on Facebook. It is an Australian site and they often show kelpies; I hope I spelled that correctly. Love your pictures of Zoey!

Dorothy said...

It must be hard to resist that very cute face. Zoey Jo has so much personality! Have a super day.

Venetia Erickson said...

Your snail trail blocks are so cute! I've had a snail's trail and storm at sea combo quilt on my bucket list for a couple of years now... Someday

Shiloh Nanny said...

Lovin that table topper and Zoey's flying nun ears. Sweet!

Pupwagngal said...

Oh, Zoey, that is one of the best “Happy Baby” yoga poses I have ever seen!

Carolyn Barnett said...

Bonnie, that Zoey is just the cutest baby ever! When I see her you can tell how happy you and your husband have made her. Remember when you brought her home? She was so scared and stresses and you could see it on her little face, but now!! She is so happy and excited to meet each day and to see how much attition she can get from you. It just makes me so happy to see! I want to sew!! I am in the mist of cleaning my sewing space and all I do is putter! Yesterday, all I did was finish stuffing a pincushion but it made me happy. Trying to organize, cut, bag pieces and prioritize my UFO's so I can be more productive like you! You and Zoey have a lovely day and please give Zoey a scratch on her rear end from Aunt Carolyn!

Crafty Granny Mary said...

Bonnie how big of a dog will Zoey be when she's full grown? She is so pretty and such a good helper for helping you hold down the fabric and quilts that you're sorting and working on.

Carol Muzio said...

I love this pattern and would love to make it. Are you going to post this little project like the projects from your EU travels? Zoey has such a cute personality. she love to be upside down and I love all of her toys...lolol

Anne Hayward said...

That little table topper is just adorable. I love seeing ZoeyJo she is such a darling and that quizzical look on her face, looking for the next adventure too cute,
Have a wonderful day, stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Faith (Stevie) Harris said...

OMG, Zoey tummy up made me chuckle right out loud at 3:30 AM when I couldn't sleep. My doggo does that too. In fact, all of them have, and I can't resist giving them a tummy rub, which usually starts the game, LOL. Enjoy her, she is precious.

Patricia said...

Snail tail sooooo pretty!

Nancy said...

Part of my day will be spent looking at my new Addicted to Scraps and Leaders and Enders books. Thank you for the prompt service!

Unknown said...

Your Zoey is a born hunter ! I would love to see what happens when she flushes her first covey of Quails !

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The mini is sew cute. I love the purple dotted binding.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this informative and useful article.
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