
Thursday, April 16, 2020

And Spring Comes Blooming -

The old apple tree at Quiltville Inn is blooming!

Barely pink – and so delicate.  My heart leapt when I also saw the tiny leaves beginning to unfurl.  Bees will be buzzing.  Spring is here.

I have no idea how old this apple tree is.  Truth be told, the apples on it aren’t that great, no one has tended the old apple tree for decades and it’s kind of grown amok. 

But the sweetest blossoms – with some pruning and care, could this tree return to productivity?

In the past 2 years (Yes, 2 years in the next 2 weeks that this place has been ours!) the apples have proven to be mealy, not much taste, buggy, and the only folks appreciative of this trees fruitful efforts are the deer who come to gobble up anything that has fallen to the ground.

Scraggly apple tree.

Closer up.

And that isn’t the ONLY tree that is beginning to bloom in front of the inn – the one I’ve long waited for (Because I missed each year by being gone on the road) is just starting to show its blooms and hasn’t reached peak yet:

Bloom, dogwood, bloom!

It will be a few days yet before we can really see the blossoms.

And while that sky looks so wonderful – the temp was 36 when I took these photos yesterday morning.  We’ve had a cold snap – and the temps this morning are also still in the 30s.  But I’ll take it.  For that clear cloudless blue backdrop – I’ll take it.

Yesterday was a day of working at the QPO – And after all mail order was out, I found myself with time to tackle some of the bins and boxes where stuff had been placed “to deal with later.”

Leftover’s from Jeff’s Elvira quilt.

Fabric is like Loaves & Fishes around here.  I was worried I wouldn’t have enough to make a queen-sized version for him and Ashlyn, and I swear, there is just as much fabric left over as I started with!


(Did I post this photo already?)

As I cut the rectangles for Elvira – anything left from that fat quarter was cut into Scrap User’s System increments – so there are a TON of 2 1/2’’ strips just begging to be used together in another project.  But what project?

In the mean time Dresden has discovered that the strip basket is a very comfy place to be.  Click to Play:

The cats continue to be great studio companions.  They always leave me laughing – Lola who zooms around like it’s the Indy 500 and chirps in her sleep (so precious) and Dresden who seems to be determined to defy gravity at all costs:

Big roll of blue shop towels – over the edge.

(Blue non-woven shop towels are being used as filter liners for the fabric folded face things that shall not be mentioned lest google redact all of my photos.)

Dresden’s hind end – even MORE over the edge.

And how can this be comfy? LOL!

Click to Play:

I am raring to get back over to the QPO this morning, get mail out and as soon as that is done, do some more “spring cleaning” around the place.  it just FEELS so good.

Has all of this “Stay at Home” stuff had you digging in as well?  I wonder if we really could use this as some sort of challenge to tackle just one small area per day.  One drawer.  One cupboard.  

Use this time to bring Marie Kondo back to life and just make things all around better so we are able to go out into the world when the world is ready in a much better frame of mind.

Of course, if you are happy staying in your jammies all day watching Lifetime and eating cereal as your main events, I’m perfectly fine with that too!

I’ll be back by mid afternoon to sew for a couple of hours before dinner, getting our next round for our Unity Quilt Along ready to release on Monday.

From our #unityquiltalong hashtag on Instagram:

Some folks are just beginning – it’s not to late to jump in!

Some are still on Part 2 – and that’s okay.

Some are zoom zoom zoom and already have Part 3 in place! 


I find myself shaking my head and wondering  HOW on earth they can do that when the clue was released only Monday morning and by TUESDAY they had it done.  It took me all WEEK to get that done? 

Oh yes, still working – and sewing only a couple hours a day in between everything else and – PUPPY!

For those who wish to join us, you can find everything you need under the Unity Quilt Along tab at the top of the blog.

By evening this is us.

Who knew that being isolated could be so exhausting? LOL!

The funniest thing with the photos being deleted is folks talking in the comments section about how they have re-named things to avoid the google bots.  One group is calling them NOSE NANNIES.  Hahahaha.  It’s perfect.  And the stitching of those goes on too.

I made a pair for some neighbors down the street whom I have never met.  When I delivered some to Jean and her family, I asked if there was anyone she was aware of who may need some m*sks (aka Nose Nannies).  She mentioned a couple they knew.  The wife is dealing with cancer on top of everything else so I quickly sewed up one in pretty pink for her and a blue one for her hubby.  They were dropped in the delivery box at the end of Jean’s road (Hope Valley.  How is that for a name with all that is going on now?) and Jean’s hubby Gordon took them over to the couple last night.

I’ve got my ears open for anyone else in my community that may be in need who doesn’t sew.

And yes – this is still a hot hot hot deal:

The Addicted to Scraps book Quarantine Blow Out!
Do you have your copy yet?

I have placed my stock of the Addicted to Scraps book on deep deep discount at just $15.99 (regularly $27.95) and it comes with a free PDF pattern download for my Wanderlust Table Runner.

If you've been waiting for this book - now is the time. Put your stash to good use while you retreat away at home.

You'll find it in the Quiltville Store along with other goodies you may want to add to your cart - check the NEW category to see what else we've added.

This special sale is only good while Lock Down lasts. 

Want to know what quilts are in the book?  Click the BOOKS tab at the top of the blog.  Right under the book cover photo is a link to view the online trunk show post.

Okay.  That’s it.  Let’s kick Thursday into gear and see what we can do with it!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Maybe this break from everything is also a chance to let go of ideas and compulsions that don't serve us well.

Let the need for perfection go.

Cut yourself some slack - while you extend the same grace and courtesy to others.

We are all in this together.

Have a good one!


Anna said...

I read your blog everyday and I have learned. Right now I am studying your webbing tip as I have a large quilt to sew together. Thank you for being so generous with your time and talents.

Wendy said...

Just mention on a zoom chat that you are sewing masks, and the requests fly in!

Anna said...

I have learned a lot from your blog.

Ellen said...

I was glad to read that it took you awhile to get your part three done - I am on the third day of putting those cute little stars together. So cute but it gets easy to assemble backwards! 🤪

Janet Beyea said...

Oh sweet kitties and doggie! They are so cute. My two quilting kitties are great company for me!

Venetia Erickson said...

Beautiful blossoms! And yes, you can revive the tree,but it's going to take some work. First the worm is the Apple coddleing moth. A red ball hung in the tree,after being dipped in Tanglefoot. Think flypaper ball. Will attract the female and she won't be able to lay her eggs. It's too late for this year. They lay the eggs in dormant trees before the buds break. This fall, rake up all apples, find farmers with hungry chickens and pigs or goats close to you. I'm sure the whole county is infested so don't travel too far away or you could spread it to commercial growers. I live in King county in Washington state and we are in a quarantine area. Replace the ball when covered by flies and moths. Also you can feed the tree with tree fertilizer stakes . Pound them into the ground around the drip line of the tree. Prune any branched that are too close together or grow straight up. Snuggle the fur babies for me! I love Zoey's nap quilt! BTW, today I am ripping out the quilting from my friend's lap quilt. Just say no to rayon thread!🤣

Mary said...

I love Spring blooms. Snow in our forecast, again! Taking ny time on the Unity QAL. Lots of Essential Triangle cutting to do.

Mad quilter said...

Bonnie love your photos and videos. Your blog keeps me down to earth during this terrible pandemic. I started unity but ran amok, hope that’s a word, with block one. It is turning into a very pretty table topper. Thank you for all you do and I’m so grateful for my groups week at quiltville. We came back to our guild and were treated like rock stars. Love you, Pat Hinkle

Sharon in Seattle said...

So fun to see helpful apple tree help from Venetia Erickson in King County Washington where I also live out in the rural area east of Redmond. I just say I'm Sharon in Seattle because who would know where Ames Lake is!?! I hope you can revive your tree, Bonnie. My apple trees are in full bloom but I have no bees. Usually the trees ard abuzz. So I ordered some mason bees online but I don't know if they will make it on time. Love your blog as always!! Happy quilting!

Bonnie said...

Hay Pat!! Hope your Pat who went to Sisters many years a go that lived in Fremont. Hugs BONNIE SCHWEGERL LOVE Bonnie Hunter

Carla said...

I'm glad to read that you can revive your pretty apple tree into hopefully a tasty apple tree too. Ok Dresdon makes me laugh just seeing him perched on that roll of towels. My cat would always lay in the middle of anything I would be sewing. Cats are very entertaining. Enjoy all your pictures and blog

All8 said...

I bought thread, perfect color for the quilting I was going to do. Get home and really looked at it, Rayon. Blah, then it was back to the big city....

Helen L said...

If the apples are mealy, they may be Gravenstein, and they make the best applesauce! And for the worms, apples need to be sprayed every two weeks, at least that is what my Aunt told me about her apple trees. Well, I'm not much for spray, so our apples get worms and the deer get the apples!! :-) Can't wait to see your Dogwood in bloom! Hugs, H

Googlegurl said...

It's 4am in mouth of Wilson right now, and currently 25° brrrr. The Smalltalk trees are called deer apples or pond apples. Basically wild. Down the street from you, our property used to be a working apple orchard. The trees are over 50 years old. I am hoping the hard frost we have had last two nights doesn't kill the blooms. Time will tell. Grayson county is currently one of seven counties in virginia without the virus. Makes me happy. Love the quilts neighbor! God bless and hope to you and everyone else.

Lynette W said...

My one cat loves to be up high! She also loves the ironing board! Looks like from that perch, there is a view out the window. I stopped a long time ago trying to figure out why kitties did what they do.... lol 😂

Janet of MN said...

Dresden is playing 'king of the mountain' - and winning.

Kb48 said...

Bonnie, your posts of the kitties always make my day - just what I need when I'm missing being out in the world! Dresden reminds me so much of my Kewpie who loves to be in my studio with me - she actually bangs on the door until I let her in. These little fur babies are just wonderful. And Zoey seems to have settled in to her new home so well. You are such a loving mommy. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Niki said...

Where did you find the blue towels used as filters? I didn't think of those. I too are still making a few of those "not to be mentioned" articles of fabric for some family friends and co-workers.

NJGardenLady said...

Green sand (organic) ~ order online will give any tree the minerals that are depleted from old soil.
It takes about two years but fruit size texture and taste had improved on all of my trees.
Loving your "puppy" tails..

Janet said...

Love reading your blog also. Deep into making FM and medical caps for my sons hospital and him. Helps to keep my mind busy while he's working in the ICU. I keep trying different style FMs. Family and friends were so grateful when I offered FMs to them. You mentioned the basket was too small for Dresden, but I still saw some room. Ha! Ha! Our cat would squeeze herself into a square napkin basket. She looked like a loaf of bread overflowing. Miss having fur babies around. Stay safe everyone.

katie said...

I have an apple tree that I have placed a "fruit tree spike" fertilizer stick. Also in order to not have "buggy" apples I put ziplock sandwich bags over the apples when they are marble size. You cut small holes on the corners to let water out but not bugs in. Zip them shut tight to the stem of the apple. Now you will have bug free organic apples. Yumm

Mad quilter said...

No, I’m the one from Pieceful hearts in SC. You gave me a massage at Hickory Knob retreat many years ago..

Carol Nye said...

Bonnie, you have reformed me! I once tried to do a "round robin" and failed miserably. It was I didn't have a clue as to what I should add for my "round". If I ever get involved in this type of quilt, again, I will know what to do! Thank you for expanding my quilting knowledge.

Anonymous said...

I knoq it is Friday, but I am going to comment on the tree. When you can, get someone who knows about trees to come check them out. Like you said, they have been on their own for yrs. growing any old way they want and probaly all they need is a good pruniing and some sense brought to the chaos. And as for the apples being not up to your liking, spread compost and soil that has new nutriant in it for the roots of the tree to absorb. I am not talking chemical, I am talking 'real' worm loving soil. And they like water - a good stready supply. LOVE the pics of the blooms - we are just getting our snow to melt and on the news today, on the same street - on one side was a gentleman with a lawn mower and his neighbor directly accross from him, had his snow blower out!!! NOT KIDDING!!! Enjoy your weekend. And your fur babies!

Alice Cooksey said...

I am making those nose things for the local Meals on Wheels. I will deliver my first batch next week. I provided them for friends and family and now the MOW are my focus. I would like to recommend that for others. God bless.

ziegler.robin2018 said...

cats think "if i sits, i fits"

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