
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The View Outside From Within.

This is happening on the hillside across the street from Quiltville Inn.

The fields of baby Christmas trees are being groomed (You can barely see the dots of the seedlings) And this work group is 10 people – at least 6 feet apart from each other.

Life must go forward – and if all of the world could keep this kind of distance from each other, that would be great.

What would even be greater is if any and all unnecessary trips to the gas station, the grocery, the pharmacy – whatever were kept to a bare minimum.

I captioned a photo on Instagram and Facebook yesterday with “I wish the bulk of my stash weren’t 100 miles away when I am self-quarantining.”

I could not believe the comments that came back “Well, if you are in your car you are safe – just go get it.”

It would have been an unnecessary trip. It would cause me to go to the gas station.  And while I have gloves in the car, and can pump my own gas, pay at the pump and not go into the store, I would be adding to the mass of humanity that is still out there moving around and spreading this thing.

I am just so dumbfounded that people think this is “life as normal.”

Let’s say that I get in a wreck, because I am out – not sheltering at HOME. (Notice it doesn’t say "Shelter in public out in the world.")

That means I am pulling law enforcement, rescue and hospital staff away from what they SHOULD be doing – taking care of patients sick with Covid-19, and now they are taking care of ME, and likely the other guy that caused the accident (because it certainly wasn’t me!) and I have added to the problem.

In this case – I firmly believe that if you are not part of the solution (STAY HOME AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!) you are part of the problem (Carrying on life as normal going where/when you want as if this is no big deal.)

Please folks – STAY HOME if possible.  Make one trip to the grocery a week if possible.  Do all the errands in one trip if possible.  AND STAY HOME.

Bradford pears blooming in the parking lot at the USPS.

“HOME” for me means a short 7 mile drive between the cabin and the QPO. I am VERY rural and rarely even pass another car going the opposite way. I don’t get out of my car in between.  

My only side jaunt has been to take my daily bin of mail to the USPS  where we have this routine of me saying “Good morning!” at the side door, in which case the postmaster opens the door wide, I slide the bin in, she slides an empty bin out…we both step several feet back, talk for a few minutes to check in with each other, and then I am back on my way 3/4 of a mile down the road back to the QPO.

All of my April venues have been cancelled or rescheduled.  If necessary, I will start working on clearing May.

Quilting events are social events.  NONCRITICAL.  We can live to quilt another day.  We can live to retreat another time.

Please – be smart. Stay home.

This all came to a head for me yesterday when dealing with an April venue out of state who said that their state was still “no groups larger than 50” so we would be okay giving workshops. 

First off – stupid.  Second off – I am currently living under Virginia law which says no more than 10 in a group.  And no UNNECESSARY GROUPS.

My feeling? I don't want to leave a state where I am self-quarantining and sheltering at home where no more than 10 people are allowed to gather in any one place - to drive across the state line to subject myself to a gathering of 50 that have assembled from who knows where carrying who knows what.

I really don't want to travel 4 to 5 hours away and subject myself to all kinds of possible infectious situations. Nor do I want to pick up something unaware and bring it back to Virginia with me!

At this time I feel safer in the land of MORE RESTRICTIONS, than fewer. 

It's common sense. DO. NOT. GATHER.

Quilting workshops and retreats can wait.

Nathan Allen, M.D., Chair, Billings Clinic emergency department

The following was posted in the Billings Gazette:

We need your help. We need you to stay home.

We are the emergency medicine physicians working in your local hospitals. We are here for you now, and we will be here for you no matter how bad the novel coronavirus pandemic gets. We are working nonstop to keep you safe in our emergency rooms, clinics and hospitals.

But there is something you need to know and something you need to do.

The threat is real and the time for action is now. COVID-19 is the most serious threat to the health of our patients and our community that we have ever seen. We can still stop the spread of this virus.  If we do not, people in our community will die — people you know and love.

Social distancing is a fancy phrase. Here’s what it means and here is what it does:

It means staying home as much as possible. It means shopping for groceries once a week at most. It means not having parties, kids' play-dates, or social and family gatherings  even if everybody “doesn’t think they are sick.”

It’s an enormous economic and personal sacrifice, but as a community it buys us something priceless: It buys us time. Time to prepare. Time to expand testing capability so that anyone with symptoms can get tested and get a result in minutes, not days. Time to develop treatments and medications that can reduce the risk of death. Time to develop a vaccine that can prevent you from ever getting COVID-19.

Right now, health care workers are making plans to live apart from our families — in a separate house, hotel, or trailer, potentially for months — to keep them safe from bringing this virus home to them.

We are writing the last will and testament that we never found time to write, but really need now because we are worried we might die of COVID-19.

We are reusing personal protective equipment and making our own because there may not be enough.

We are confident in our ability to save lives and serve our community to the best of our ability. But, we need you to treat this situation seriously — because it is.

We want you to stay healthy. We want you to seek medical care and advice when you are sick. Our emergency rooms are open 24/7 for you. But whenever you can, we want you to stay home. When you stay home, you help stop the spread of infection. If we can stop the spread, we will find success as a community in fighting this disease. Success means having an ICU bed and ventilator available for your loved one who becomes critically ill. Success provides the best possible outcomes for our community.

We are all in this this together. Everyone, everywhere can do their part. Staying home and stopping the spread isn’t easy — it’s hard — but it’s what we all need to do. We need you to do it today. [source]

So is it worth driving 200 miles round trip just to pick up fabric?  NO.  (I hope you would have come to the same conclusion.)

So instead – this is what I found when I returned to the Quiltville Post Office yesterday morning after having sewn my Elvira quilt top into rows the evening before:

Click to Play:

Naughty kitties!

Dresden watching mama sew rows together!

One last seam to go!

This thing is a beast!

But miracle of miracles – I had a piece of yardage in my bin big enough to back the whole thing.  THE WHOE THING.  And yes, it has flowers on it – but not girly flowers, and it is what it is in this time of “use what you have on hand.”

In the machine it went!

And in the machine it still is -

This is going to take a while to quilt.

Quilting with swirls!

And yes – I kitty-proofed it before I went home for dinner.

Binding to Jamestown on Amazon Prime.

Sleepy puppy on my legs.

It’s much slower to bind this way – but I’ll take it.  Sweet girl has had no potty accidents now for 3 days! Hooray!

All that is left is to stitch the upper edge of the label down.


I think she’s claimed it!

But it will be washed up and placed on a bed at Quiltville Inn.  And then I will dig in to the remaining Shoo Fly Shoo leader & ender blocks (that are still on going) and see what it will take to make a second quilt in a different setting than this one so there will be 2 similar in a room.

Things to remember:  The Addicted to Scraps book is still at DEEP DISCOUNTS (at my cost plus shipping) in the Quiltville Store. It’s my effort in encouraging you to dig into your scraps and make something fun with them while we are under this Shelter at Home thing.

You’ll receive a free PDF download of my Wanderlust Table Runner pattern at purchase in your email. Just watch for the link to come when you purchase the book.

Of course there are loads of other goodies you may want to treat yourself to – check out the NEW category in the store and see what we’ve added!

Our IronEZ Gift-Away is still going on over on yesterday’s post.  Drawing to happen on SUNDAY – for three lucky winners!  So head on over and enter to win there.

And I think that catches us up for Wednesday.

What’s on your plan for today?

Quiltville Quote of the Day-

Do your soul a favor and just love yourself right now, as you are - because as you do, more love will come to you in ways you may have never imagined.

With things as uncertain as they are right now, now is a great time to make time for some self care.

Be kind to YOU today!


piecrust said...

First of all, STAYING HOME, in the chick cave. Second, complete at least 2 of the Frolic half blocks. Third, put the finishing touches on a square dance skirt. (Yes, square dancing has been cancelled, lots of hand touching and large groups gathering.) Fourth, make at least two masks and hang them on my mailbox. A nurse who works at the children's hospital will walk by and pick them up. My new normal…...

Sara said...

Thank you for sharing the ER doctor's message. I definitely worry about my 2 daughters who work in health care. And they worry about bringing the virus home to their families. In the meantime - keep sharing the smiles with pictures of those sweet pets.

Lisa T said...

Love your delivery method!! Talked to my primary care physicians office. They have given all their masks to the local hospital. I'll drop some crazy ones off later. Told them I would hang them on their front door and run!!!!

Bev n SWOhio said...

Thanks for taking the heat of people who just don't get it and speaking your thoughts! I'm startled at many comments I read.

Quilter Kathy said...

Thank you for trying to get the word out Bonnie.
I don't know what it will take for people to fully understand the changes they need to make to stop this thing.

Unknown said...

I was aghast at all the comments yesterday about you going to get your stash. Every time people go out and get exposed it resets the clock on this virus. I am sad that I won't get to see you in April, but I know that this is for the best. Stay healthy! Bug hugs!

Marie said...

Glad you drew the line for sheltering, this one thing can help control better than anything ( handwashing, Lysol wipes and spray, etc), as one of the workshop participants I am sad. It would be great to you tube the workshop but we would miss the social experience. Patience is hard but a good thing, I am going to restructure stash for scraping system. We all look forward to your positive outlook and sharing your day with everyone . It’s very motivating and inspiring, thank you!

jean said...

VERY well said on staying at home!!!! We are doing exactly that! I am a retired nurse, and I can't even begin to imagine what my nurse friends are going through....do it for them!

Anya said...

Amen, Bonnie!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Yes, exactly!! So many quilters are in the high risk group, it isn't worth your life to gather in a social group. Yes, we all are stressed with staying at home, being hypervigilant when venturing out for essential needs, cabin fever is setting in, but it won't be forever. I'm staying at home to protect myself and my family, and for the same reasons you mentioned, saving resources for those who need them most. Stay well!!

Mary Ellen said...

Great post. This is our (belated) wake-up call. Time to hit the reset button. The infection line on charts I have seen for the US is alarming. Rising possibly even steeper than Italy's because we have had no national coordinated mandate to stay at home. We must take this on ourselves. Thanks for posting this on your blog. I'm sure the venue you mentioned will soon be OBE (overcome by events) anyway. Who would attend and how would they even get there?

Mary Ellen said...

Oh, and by the way, Lola and Dresden are really your cats now, not your son's!

Mary said...

I am staying close to my Home away from home here in Nebraska. I have a project to complete for the Trail Center cabin. I am thinking like my Pioneer ancestors. Making do with what I have. No trips to get Buttons, I will use a buttonhole with ties made from Selvages. Glad you found a backing at the QPO that fut your Elvira top. Swirls are a favorite to quilt. It gives great texture. Zoey Jo is so cute on your lap, she knows she is home. I saw a Meme that said, Be like the 2nd little Piggy, Stay Home.

Georgia said...

I read a post yesterday reminding parents of their children get this. Iris they will be required to leave them in he hands if medical personnel in the ICU alone! This should encourage the play dates and such to stop. It’s baffling what some consider necessary. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world and for spreading these words Bonnie.

Carolyn V said...

Thank you for your very true and very caring comments. I live rural and probably fairly low risk for exposure, but yet I was nervous about going to the grocery store today. Last visit was 12 days ago. I feel the more we comply, the better chance this will be over sooner. I hope by my actions I am part of the solution. We can all do this.

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Right you are : stay at home. In the Netherlands we only may gather with no more then 3 persons and only when we keep minimal distance of 1,5 meter (almost 2 yards)
Only peolple in vital jobs go out to work. As a teacher I stay at home. Thanks to www, we can teach our pupils online. I am greatfull to have my quilt hobby, and my garden to go out in. I wish everybody the best to cope this worldwide crisis!

Caro said...

My niece is a CNA at a hospital in Missouri. She comes home and cries every night - from stress, from fear she will bring Covid 19 home to her 5 year old, from frustration with people who can't follow rules. Stay home people and stay safe!

Sherrill said...

I wish I only had to go to the store once a week but often multiple stores have to be checked before necessities are found. You might find milk but not other needs in one store, no TP in LOTS of stores (lucky to stumble on a pkg or two on occasion), etc. Never have I ever dreamed of these types of shortages (mostly due to hoarding, methinks) and I try to get carryout once a day to keep our litte local restaurants in business. I also volunteer at a school handing out lunches to kids in need who would get meals at school if schools are in. And I'm also making a trip to the local food bank to drop off much needed food to the bank since it has been critically low on food since this crisis began yet people are still in need, even more now.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

I agree with you on the staying at home. My heart doctor told me 20 years ago that I had probably 3 to 5 years to live. That was not God's plan. I am on self-quarantine because I don't want to take any chances. My stash is pretty large and the last 3 days I have been making Medical Mask for health people. I got a request yesterday from friends who work in a Deli that is in a grocery store. Will be making theirs today. Stay safe and stay your course. Blessings.

ALICIA said...

Mucha distancia nos separa, pero aquรญ es lo mismo "QUEDATE EN CASA", y si eres paciente de alto riesgo, con mas razรณn. No entiendo a quien no cumple esto. Es un gran riesgo, si cumplimos las normas "TODO IRA BIEN". Ya tendremos tiempo para disfrutar de paseos y reuniones. En casa puedes hacer muchas actividades sin necesidad de salir a la calle. Ahora mismo estoy haciendo batas para el Hospital, porque parece que estaban justos, han pedido ayuda y todo mi grupo de patchwork hemos dejado las labores para hacer batas.
Un saludo a todas, sobre todo a Bonnie y unas chucherias al cachorro y a Lola, Dresden y Emi Lou.

Wendy said...

Did not realize the issue it would cause by suggesting that it would be okay to get your stash. I'm not one of those that is out there. We are staying in place - only going out when needed. I am thinking through all my decisions before putting other people at risk. I do not think "Life Is Normal" - it is far from it. I'm not seeing my kids & I'm trying to make sure they are safe as well - emotionally/financially / trying to figure how to do work from home with new challenges each day - figuring out how to do something as simple as pay employees (it's not as easy as it sounds - many issues - signatures etc). So, please don't think I'm not caring about what is happening around me. I am taking this seriously - how can you not? Be safe

Connie said...

The Surgeon General gave some very simple, very clear instructions: Stay.At.Home. How hard is that to understand?

The Christmas tree workers are planting hope - hope that our holidays will be a time that we can gather around the tree and celebrate together!

Andrea said...

Hi Bonnie,
I was thinking, many people and children, teenagers my have time on their hands. Time to learn a new hobby.
If people went through their closets and have thrown out a couple of shirts and blouses, they could start making quilt blocks.
We quilters have a lot of fancy material, but if you sew by hand: You would only need the following: Breakfast cereal boxes to make templates, freezer paper, ruler, sand paper, pencil, thread, sewing needle, pins, scissors and several old shirts.
By making do with what we have, you can feel very connected to the quilters from the past who did the same.

CarolynRKelly said...

I dont mind sheltering in place in my home. Been home since last Tues, a week with 1 trip through bank drive thru. Pharmacy called, I really have to pickup. I'm 73, reasonably good health, widowed, live alone with my Husky. My 3 sons check on me every day to make sure I have what I need. I'm blessed. I am cutting blocks for Elvira, making masks and working on Canyon Creek quilt. I've been cleaning file drawers, closets for a set time each day and Lina, my Huskie and I walk every afternoon weather permits here in IN. Bonnie, you make our day with your blogs, thank you.

Marti said...

Thank you Bonnie for your level head. I will refrain from sharing my opinion of those that think this is a joke and are selfish enough to expect others make their lives less "inconvenient". However, I will say... Shame on all of you!! STAY HOME!! On a lighter note.... wish I could convince myself that I should be finishing UFO's not creating more!!! The piecing is so much fun!!!

Lynn Dykstra said...

"First off – stupid."
My new go-to phrase. Thank you for it!

BJ said...

How about reminding folks to buy what they need for a week instead of for a year? How about asking stores to limit quantities (for real, not just in what they post) of scarce items? I am fortunate to be able to shop the "senior hour", but it doesn't do any good if there isn't product on the shelves. Everything is "unavailable" online and also unavailable for pick-up. This forces many to shop at several different stores, and senior hours/days change from store to store. I stay in as much as possible but it feels like I'm butting my head against a brick wall.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Hahahaha kitties had fun the other night! Right on, Bonnie, thank you. Sheltering at home, gardening and quilting, staying in touch with loved ones, learning how to use Skype and zoom and stretching into it! Love you!! Thanks for being you and I love love love your pets!!
Sharon B in Seattle

Tia said...

Well said, Bonnie! Thanks for all you do for the quilting community.

Alice said...

Hi Bonnie, I guess I didn[t get it either because I was among those wondering why you didn't just go get your fabric. Your explanation makes a whole lot of sense and I thank you for going into all that detail. Alice Woodring

Tammie said...

I don’t blame you for not wanting to get out! People are nuts. Like you said, they go on with life as if nothing is wrong. Sad part is, they probably won’t get sick, but will carry it to someone else. My only trip has been to the chiropractor, and I’m pushing my limits to try to only go when necessary. Since it’s a twice a week normal visit, I’m trying to limit once a week. They, also are not allowing but 2 patients in at once, and they are in separate rooms. Then they sanitize between each patient. I’m appreciating that. With regard to your workshops, have you thought about doing a shortened version and doing it over Zoom? People could stay at home, but still get a workshop. And the platform lets you talk with each other. Might be an option if this goes on for an extended time. I know for me, that would be a fun option. Stay safe Bonnie! Give the new family member a big hug!

"Bee" said...

Thank you for being "firm" on this issue of "staying at home". Maybe you will get through to some of those individuals that other experts seemingly can't. I love Zoey and your fur babies:)
Blessings and prayers

Anne Hayward said...

You really made it quite simple for all to understand stay at home is just that not drive 100 miles in your car. I read yesterday people were still driving to the Florida coast for spring vacation.
We live on a small island and last night we were put on lockdown so I phoned my brother who lives at home with my parents and told his that he was now responsible for their shopping needs and he’s quite happy my parent are both elderly and frail so I haven’t taken my mum shopping for a couple of weeks now.
I love your Elvira quilt I’m sure your son will love it , thank you for sharing Lola and Dresdens antics they are just so cute.
Love and quilty hugs
Stay safe
Anne xxx

Tracey said...

It befuddles the mind. What is it about stay home that is so difficult? The macros on contact are staggering ... the effects of self quarantine are equally amazing. Just do it!

Peg said...

I've been self isolating since an event I worked on 3/11/20. I handled a lot of cash and just felt the right way to go about this was to act like I was infected and stay HOME (and sew)!!!

Lois M. said...

I went to the doctor today and stopped at the grocery for the first time in two weeks. I got the basics I needed and was in and out as quick as possible. Every time I saw someone coming towards me, I would go the other way and try not to breathe if I had to pass someone. Everyone seemed to be careful. I suspect somer of these non believers will end up getting sick and will cause us to be locked in longer than ever. You were smart to stay home.

Karen said...

Thank you!! Actually the groups of no more than 10 came from the president himself. I think you are absolutely correct to stay away and cancel. I am an R.N. and this thing is going to get crazier. Our surgery center is closed down and they are sending us various places to assist mostly in deep cleaning patient rooms. Between time I've made 70 masks for our hospital staff. I've only gone to work and back, and picked up a few masks from people using proper Social Distancing. Bless youfor all you do in getting the word out. Your followers listen to you!! Thanks for helping keep us safe!!

Kathleen said...

When I first got my longarm, I laid a piece of backing across it to unwrinkled. Not ten minutes later, the kitty jumped up there, and, of course, the fabric just went to the floor, as did the cat ! He tore out of the room, and has not ever jumped on it since !

Valerie said...

" I also volunteer at a school handing out lunches to kids in need who would get meals at school if schools are in." Thank you! Your efforts to keep kids fed are necessary and much-appreciated. Thank you for doing this.

Mary T. said...

like your name. I am also Mary Ellen born in the early 1940s

Michelle S. said...

Thank you for posting people need to stay at home. Here in Oregon many people went to our beautiful beaches over the sunny weekend. Our Governor had to readdress her stay at home orders she closed the beaches and many water falls with hiking trails. Over the weekend I was able to make masks for the hospital I retired from at the end of December last year. I am very concerned about our health care workers and hope people will just stay home. Thank you again for your message lets hope all will listen.

Tammy said...

I agree with you, Bonnie. Folks need to self isolate (in states that are not requiring it). We will get over this much, much sooner. I wish the directive authority had not been up to each state. I wish the President had blanketed the order for all states. I'm in Washington State so we are on a shelter in place order as of today except for essential services like going for groceries, pharmacy and doctor's appts. No groups! I am not understanding at all why planes continue to fly. Also, I work for a school district so we are trying to plan how to educate our students through at least the end of April. We are doing much of that work via internet with Zoom meetings. It's nice that most of our evening meetings have been cancelled so I can quilt! Take care. Oh, and you can always order more fabric online to be delivered. LOL!

Tracey Honig said...

First of all, I just want to say that I can’t stay at home because I work in corrections. Even though I wish we could.
I love your animals’ shenanigans. They make me laugh in this crazy time! So keep up the good work Dresden, Lola, and Zoey Jo!
Everyone stay safe and home if you can! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงต

Shirley Wiltshire said...

I have been home sewing masks for local medical professionals. I have 13 ladies so when they are finished I go pick up and wash and dry masks the delivery to next group that needs them. Glad when get last 125 delivered then can start quilting.

Cherry said...

I'm currently working from home and will be for the foreseeable future. My company notified us that the WFH directive has been extended to May 1st. I think this will be extended even longer.
I completely agree - stay at home means stay at home!
But, Bonnie, you are not getting the real message in your post. Zoey Jo is clearly telling you that to truly become a Hunter, she NEEDS a quilt of her very own. I think she's lovely, lucky and smart!
Thank you for your daily posts! I haven't been in my studio lately but you inspire me to get in there and just send some fabric thru the machine! Stay well!!

mpv61 said...

The "senior hour" at my store is the first hour (or two?) of the day, and restocking happens at the end of the night before. It sounds like that's not the case in your store, which is unfortunate!

I don't quite qualify as a senior (at 58, just a few years shy), but I went shopping in the last hour they were open. Fewer items, but not as many people.

For things like toilet paper, if you have a fancy aisle with items made from recycled products, you might be able to find toilet paper there.

For milk, evaporated milk or Parmalat milk, if you can find it (in the baking aisle) will be helpful in a pinch and might not be as limited as normal milk (limited to 2 in my store). Lactaid milk is pricier than normal milk, but the sell-by (use-by?) date is months out, so if you can find that, it might help.

Finally, if you're a person who loves milk and sugar in your coffee, condensed milk (baking aisle) is useful to make your normal milk supply last longer.

I apologize if these tips are obvious!! Good luck, everyone!

Lainey said...

Since my self containment started I have now made 2 quilts for Quilts of Valour using the same 4 fabrics from my stash. They are the same colours but different patterns. Is Addicted to Scraps available in digital? If it is can it be ordered for overseas sewers at a discount too?

Kathy S. said...

Beautifully put, Bonnie! "Shelter in public out in the world" I'm going to use those words soon to someone that still doesn't think this is serious. LOVE the quilting on Elvira. Zoey Jo should get a scrappy paw print pattern. I bet it would be a big hit with quilters because so many of us have pets. Stay safe!

Sailgirl said...

Here in UK rules are a lot more stringent. Hubby 12 weeks lockdown me in isolation. Only allowed out for food or medication. Groups of people not allowed at all, everyone two meters apart with no exceptions. Please follow all instructions then we can beat this pandemic. Police very strict. The vital services need us all to do as we are asked to take some of the pressure off the. They are all working so hard for us, we must do everything we can for them. Stay safe everyone.

Lynette W said...

Bonnie, WELL SAID!! What an awesome post. Wish we could share with the whole country as it is scary how prevalent that attitude is out there. STAY HOME should be our mantra. I have been home for weeks now..... cleaning neglected places and making a dent in the PLETHRA of projects in my sewing room. You rock Bonnie! (Ps - I love how you and Gudren worked together!!!)

Kim Bates said...

You get it!!!! Thank you for making it clear to those who don't and there are still too many that don't get it. Keep up your excellent work and thank you!

Patricia said...

Enjoyed the post! We are staying in our home and yard. I am sewing and a little bit of cleaning. Husband working in the yard or his genealogy.

Kerry said...

LOL @ pussy cat mischief! Zoey Jo is so cute - congrats on the potty training.
Yes people, stay away from each other. A friend of the family works in a large hospital in Surrey and she said keep the elderly parents at home (seeing as my in-laws suddenly feel invincible) because it is a particularly nasty virus and stay away from supermarkets because they are the worst places to pick up hitch hikers of the microscopic kind! So saying that - please keep safe everyone and be sensible. If we all stayed away for a few weeks then this thing will be beaten quicker and hospitals better to cope. I sure do not want to end up in hospital where the facilities are not there to help me! Sew there we have it - quilting rules and so does the veg patch. Number one priority apart from ourselves are the livestock - who in turn need us to look after them too!

tealeafquilts said...

Maybe it was a joke? Who would ever want to drive 200 miles to pick up and retrieve? That quarantine quilt was the fastest thing since sliced bread! I am near done with mine in patriotic colors. Maybe you should host a show and tell for those of us who did one. I just need to sew the rows together and maybe back to Frolic.

QuilterLaura said...

I would LOVE to stay home but we have not been able to buy toilet paper since this all started and my supply is almost out. In addition, I need to find some to supply my 94 year old father, and son with a baby at home. If people didn't buy 10 packages, maybe we could all get one! GRRrr! How many stores will I have to go to and will I even have any at the end of the day??? Wishing I could stay home!

C. Roper said...

Translation: A lot of distance separates us, but here "STAY AT HOME" is the same, and if you are a high-risk patient, all the more reason. I do not understand who does not comply with this. It is a great risk, if we comply with the "EVERYTHING GOOD" rules. We will have time to enjoy walks and meetings. At home you can do many activities without going outside. Right now I am making gowns for the Hospital, because it seems that they were fair, they have asked for help and all my patchwork group we have stopped working to make gowns.
Greetings to all, especially Bonnie and some goodies to the puppy and Lola, Dresden and Emi Lou.

Paradise Threads said...

Amen, Sister! Thank you for trying to get this through thick people's heads to stay home! It means stay home!

QuiltGranma said...

Kitties will do what kitties gotta do. I'm sure they get bored when you are not there to help entertain them.

jemedwards said...

Hi! I have a question regarding the blank label on the quilt. How will you personalize it when the need arrives? I guess you're using a marker, correct? What's your favorite?
I'm working on some UFOs at this time but not sure who I will eventually gift them to. The idea of stitching in the label now with the binding though is great because I really love the triangle-style labels.

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