
Sunday, March 22, 2020

International Quilting Weekend Doings!

Dresden is trying to keep the quilt from falling as I bind.

Or that is what his look said, but really he just wanted me to stop sewing, pay attention to him, give some belly tickles and let him settle right in, right where he was.

Oh Dresden!

I know the cats have felt a bit on the outs since I first walked Zoey through the Quiltville Post Office door.

Now when I come through they are wary – “Does she have that thing with her – or not?!”

And it’s been busy – so sometimes I have her (When the Hubster is working from the cabin he can keep Zoey so I can work at the QPO without extra puppy patrolling.)

Yesterday was hysterical!

The cats are SO curious.  And I was trying so hard to get Zoey trained to STAY on her bed. (I think we are mastering it – she did really well!)

But the cats were interested – and kept prowling closer and closer.  of course, Dresden wanted the sunny spot, dog or no dog!

What you can’t see is that Lola is just off camera in the sunny spot for the next window down.

It was a hilarious stand off.  Or Lay off.  And laughter is good for the soul, isn’t it?

Binding of choice!

If it weren’t for this “shelter at home” thing – I’d be hauling the trailer to Wallburg to bring my stash up here.  It’s not easy working on a small stash consisting mainly of Scrap User’s System strips, a small cabinet of fat quarters and “smaller than 1/2 yard pieces.” and a few tubs of various things that are stored under the table at the QPO (Mostly florals because I’ve been wanting to use those things up as backings for placemats and more.) and my string bins – some sorted by color and stored under my long arm quilting machine, and one big bucket of “accumulated everything – unsorted” next to my cutting table at the cabin.

when it came to binding – I needed a piece big enough to do the job, but something that complimented the purple.  I’m not 100% in love with this choice, but at this time I am okay with “that’s not bad.”

This big hunk of floral is no longer in the stash!

And while it is not my favorite – 7 yard of it are now gone leaving breathing space in that bin and it is FINE as a backing.  Circa 1990 something.

“You hiked me nearly 3 miles You made me ride in the car. I had to stay on my bed at the QPO while the cats prowled around and stared. We played zoomie fetch in the yard chasing balls until I couldn't run any more. And now you expect me to vacate your comfy chair so you can bind a quilt? Think again, mama!”

We did have a lovely hike – just Zoey Jo and me.

Need a drink?  Just go all the way in!

We are thrilled that she loves water – I can hardly wait for sunmer!

We explored an old abandoned farm yard.

The tree grew up where the tractor sat for decades!

Do you wanna drive, Zoey?

Who drove this last?

Who turned it off for the last time and left it sitting here?

When were cows last milked in this milking barn?

We hiked all the way up to visit the McMillians.

It’s become a pilgrimage of sorts.

This is the high spot on our hike, the perfect spot to catch your breath, check out the view, say hello to a mostly forgotten family, find gratitude in my heart that though times are uncertain right now – we have this.

Yesterday’s mask request post brought about a lot of comments, some positive, some not.

Many are throwing themselves into a mask making weekend – the perfect way to incorporate fulfilling a need during international Quilting weekend.  It’s a beautiful thing.

My friend Martha’s sister Missy works in the Emergency Department at Forsythe Medical Center in Winston Salem, NC.  They have just put out a call for homemade masks, and so my plea is going out to those in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina to PLEASE jump in and help fill this need.

While texting with Martha, I was forwarding her messages on to Lisa who lives in Winston Salem and is going to pass on the information to the Winston Salem area guilds – including Kernersville and surrounding area.  

If you are reading this before any formal request message from your guild or organization reaches you – please don’t wait to be officially called to do this.  Just begin.

I asked Martha whom they should contact with the mask delivery and they said just bring them to the emergency department and the nurses there will take care of distributing them.  She is so grateful!

Also -for those in the Winston Salem area: There are satellite hospital clinics with the same needs - please check with Kernersville or Peace Haven areas.  Let's fill this need!

They need them badly – and while they won’t stop the Covid-19 virus, they can cover the existing masks extending the life of the masks they have, and can be used in other ways.

If you don’t have elastic – even ribbon loops or sewn selvage loops will work.  Some are using cut pony tail holders -

Whatever you can do – please do.  Perhaps tag team with a friend over Skype and sew these together over the next coming weeks.

This morning the fun also begins with Gudrun Erla’s Quarantine Quilt Along!

As soon as this posts – I’ll be heading to the QPO to start sewing along with everyone else.

I’ll be going live around noon Eastern Time as Gudrun checks in with several of us through the day to see how we are progressing.

There will also be live sessions of tips, tricks, helps & hints on Gudrun’s Facebook Page.  Let’s get this day started!

I’m going Queen size!

I want the quilt to be for my son. -

The quilt does use big pieces and I spent some time last night pulling fabrics that I could get the size of rectangles needed (Free pattern on Gudrun’s site only free through today!) and I will do a bit of stash busting with those rectangles using what I have on hand.

I’m not sure how far I’ll get today, but I’m going to find out.  I need something positive and I believe this will do it.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Today: Replace worry with the determination to remain calm.

Instead of fear, cultivate kindness, patience and compassion. (Especially toward those you are sheltered up with!)

The things you focus on this morning set the tone for how this day will go.

We need positive ripples and the still voice of reason whispering "We can do this. It will be okay."

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!


Joyce Frazier said...

I tried to print Gudrun's Elvira pattern but my printer won't print the words! Darn it! I wanted to work along with you. Well, hopefully it will be on You Tube and I can work on it later. I will watch as much as I can. Have company coming after lunch. Pulled my red fabrics and washed them yesterday, reds bleed a lot so I wanted to make sure there was no color bleed for this project! Glad the fur babies are starting to get along! Have fun everyone! Stay healthy and safe!

CheriB said...

Wonderful to see you on the Quilt Show with Alex Anderson this morning, great way to start the day. Will be tuning in later for the Elvira Quiltalong with Gudrun Erla so it will be a "Bonnie Hunter Day"!

Mary said...

It will all be ok. We are surviving. Retired Hubby is letting me sew and even poised with a Face Mask Yesterday to share with our family. I used selvages and sewed them like bias tape to make ties. Then I cut strips of Muslin to make more ties. Mine have the split backing to insert a filter, aka: tissue. mesh toweling. My sister said to put a Feminine pad in there, Ewww. She's sending more Twist Ties from my junk drawer at home in Walla Walla. Self-Isolating in Omaha Nebraska.

Susan T. said...

What great fun animals can be! Our shelter in place in Illinois allows us to leave our homes, just not interact with others unless getting essentials. In my school district, we were on our two week break when schools were closed which added an additional week and now an extra week, so our kids will have been out of school for a month IF we go back on the currently scheduled date. Quilting is a wonderful distraction. Now I have to go cut fabric for Gudrun's quilt!!

Betty the quilter said...

Have fun with the cononaquiltathon. I have a project I've been working on. string hearts for an upcoming wedding gift, whenever the wedding can take place. Since I'm still working (flight attendant) But wishing I was home, my time is still limited. really enjoying your puppy & kitty stories. Zoey is settling right in & loving your quilts too.

julieQ said...

Thank you, Bonnie...I work in the ICU, and we have had our first death from the virus. We are quickly running out of protective masks. Thank you to all who will make some!! It will not filter every virus, but it is far better than nothing. I am making masks in my off time from work.

nancyb said...

hi bonnie! I wanted to know if Zoey Jo is answering to her name yet? she's so cute! Nancy

Lilac Joan said...

This too shall pass!

Julie said...

I am super new to quilting but am making a quilt out of super soft plush material that was my dearest friends bathrobe. She passed away last June from cancer. She did find out she was going to be a Grandma 2 weeks before she left her earthly home. I helped her daughters, while going through her clothes, in saving things that could be used for baby quilts. It has been a challenge as the material grows a little, stabilized it as much as I could. But doing the finishing touches on this quilt and going to give it to her little Granddaughter born in February. I was hoping to have it done end of January but husband found out he had cancer on January 3rd, already in remission after on treatment. Dr said it was miraculous. She will now be forever wrapped in a quilt that has pieces of that beautiful bathrobe in it and super soft! It has been an honor to do this for her and her first Grandchild. Many tears have been dropped on this fabric while sewing it...

gschwarting said...

Thanks for the update for the North Carolina hospitals. I will make some masks and recheck with our local hospitals in a while. At this time they didn't want them but situation could change.

WeedyMama said...

It's not a quilt until it has some cat hair, and probably ... some dog hair!

Anne Hayward said...

Had fun with the isolation quilt making yesterday, I’m making a queen size too. I managed to make all the a blocks and 2 b block before it was time to sleep. Thank you for sharing the Gudrun post with us,she is so bubbly and fun she is so like you.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Patricia said...

Beautiful pictures of your walk.

Linda K. said...

Thanks for mentioning the Quarantine Quilt Along the other day. I joined and I talked my friend into joining and along the way we saw several of our friends from Guild were on there. She got done. I didn't. Now we're on to making masks.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your skills and service, JulieQ!

Unknown said...

FROM Trish B
My Guild members are making masks for Willamette Medical Center in Salem Oregon. They had a desperate call for them Saturday. I am making a quilt called Temple Gurdians by Helene Knott during my time at home. Prays to all. Trish

psgrannie said...

I found blogspot about a month ago and I love reading your posts every day! What a magical writer you are! Thank you for inspiration and chuckles!

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