Aren’t these gals the cutest???
Angie and Pat have been stitching up a storm, and we both agreed that making a red and white Double Irish Chain quilt with ONLY TWO FABRICS is the perfect retreat project.
You can sew and sew and sew and not get fabrics out of order or upside down as they are solids.
You have friends to talk to, laugh with, and grab snacks with.
Sewing a two-fabric quilt in the company of friends keeps you moving forward, instead of winding up stuffing it into a bag due to complete and utter boredom.
But it is going to be SO WONDERFUL when she is done – it’s going to be a king size monstrosity fit for a queen. It’s going to be the perfect quilt to show of wonderful quilting textures, and it is going to look fabulous on the bed.
And it will have all of these retreat memories sewn right into it!
Pat is making great progress on her 6’’ version of our current Shoo Fly Shoo Leader & Ender challenge! She isn’t sure how she is going to set her blocks yet, but her stack is growing as she works on her scrappy chain quilt, also destined for king size. These gals don’t mess around!
Meanwhile -
Some of us were ready for some sunshine and wandering!
And I got to play tour guide!
I love it when there are other antique mall junkies in my circle – I know just where to take them – because I couldn’t just SEND them all on their own, could I? Nope! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
We headed to West Jefferson and the Main Street Antique Mall. I could spend days in this place. We settled for a couple of hours.
Improved Nine-Patches and Dresden plates.
Our quilt-loving hearts are happy!
Two featherweights!
They wanted $325.00 each for these, and they weren’t in spectacular condition. We all looked at each other, featherweight owners already, and decided that someone else needed to own these.
Beautiful parlor cabinet!
New Royal!
One of the things I like about hanging with quilters – we are of like minds! And it was fun to listen to other talk about what they like, what they discovered, things they were finding interest in that may have passed me by.
I did have to say that there were more vintage machines in this mall than I have seen in a long time. People must be spring cleaning and downsizing!
Marie and a sewing basket full of goodies!
With all of the decals loved right off!
This one interested me as it does not have a long bobbin, but a round one under that bobbin cover plate.
No, I’m not looking to adopt more treadles – I just love to pet them. And I wish they would just let me come in some day and sew on them all. LOL!
I wonder what lovely things this machine made in her day!
Sweet 66!
This is the perfect “beginner” treadle for anyone just getting into sewing on treadle machines. This is the model that I picked up with Martha last Monday. It has a drop in round bobbin, no long bullet shuttle and is so easy to maintain.
New Home.
I love that belt guard on the wheel!
Underneath the hood -
She has sewn miles and miles and miles – and I am so happy to see that there is a cloth placed between the foot and the feed dogs to protect both. It’s the little things that make me smile!
Things to know before buying any vintage machine – is the shuttle/bobbin or bobbin case/bobbin present? Are the slide plates there?
Do you know what size needle this machine takes? If it takes a rare size that is hard to find you might not want to be sewing on that machine all of the time. I prefer machines that use our standard 15 x 1 needle size. It just makes life so much easier.
This one has a “leaf tensioner” at the top. Sometimes you find machines like this where those little screw-on metal pieces are missing. There is no way to put tension on the thread without them.
Also make sure the bobbin winder is present – if you buy an old machine with one missing, and it is a harder-to-find-parts-for model, you might not be able to wind a bobbin.
And yes – there were some fun southern quilts!
Giant Four-Patch with polka dots!
The sashing is an old indigo print, and someone has loved the red right out of the cornerstones leaving the batting exposed - I love to see this in old quilts! To know they were used and loved until they fell apart. Well, that’s the best life a quilt can ask for, isn’t it?
Same with this beauty!
Nine-Patches and Log Cabin blocks!
And many places worn right through to the batting.
This one was such a sweetie.
My bit purchases of othe day -
A floral picnic tin.
A coal scuttle to become ash bucket.
A large glass salad bowl -
Diana’s got a trunk in her trunk! LOL!!
We were so happy it fit -
And she has just the spot for it at home.
Binding with feet up!
I was so worn out by the time we were done – I was back home by dinner time, with feet up in my comfy chair, thimble on and taking stitches.
My comment was “I’m so tired, is it bed time yet?” The response? “It’s 8:22” LOL!
I tried to force myself to stay up through one more episode of CSI, and 10 minutes into it my eyes were closed and I was asleep in my chair.
It’s been a big busy weekend so far, and today we do it again. The retreat ladies will be leaving some time this afternoon, and we will commence getting the retreat ready for the next group arriving from Kentucky and other areas in a couple of weeks.
This next weekend I’m in Bedford Virginia for a couple days of workshop fun and I expect more antique mall wandering in my very near future. (Oh boy, oh boy, oh, boy!)

For 2 weeks only!
As previously warned and emphasized, all parts for Frolic have now been removed from the blog, along with the printer-friendly versions of each clue and are now in pattern form.
For two weeks only - 2/15 to 2/29 this pattern booklet is available at 50% off for only $6.00. No coupon needed.
And while I was at it - I also placed ALL previous Quiltville Mystery patterns at the same price.
Allietare, Celtic Solstice, En Provence, Good Fortune, Grand Illusion and On Ringo Lake are all included in this sale!
You'll find them all in the digital patterns category of the Quiltville Store.
More about them found in Friday's post.
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Vintage crazy quilt found in North Carolina.
Your gift isn't a gift unless you share it.
Our greatness is not in what we have, it's in what we give.
Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!
Oh how I want to go antiquing with you! Such cute finds. I've seen a few Machines around here, but not as many as you found this week. Like minds are more fun than a hubby that is tagging along. Happy Sunday. My friend Pam A will be on that Ireland trip, lucky friend from Kansas City!
Can't wait to see you and work on Straits of Mackinac next Saturday in Bedford, VA!
Bonnie, your picnic tin is a duplicate of one my mother used as a sewing basket. In fact I can remember that they sold them as sewing baskets in the 1950"s! Brings back such sweet memories of when I was learning to sew at age ten and searching in her basket for a needle or button. She died 2 weeks after her 100th birthday. What a kick in the pants she was!! Miss her and your photo just brought all those lovely memories back!! Have a blessed day, Carolyn Barnett
I have one of the standard treadles and i love her to death. I picked her because if the round bobbin, and she sews like a dream. Some models even have a chain stitch attachment!
Now I know what a "Leaf tensioner" is. I have wondered. Your quilt quote was part of our Sunday School lesson today. Timely. Also I loved the much loved quilts.
What a fun bunch of ladies, so nice you were able to be tour guide. Love your floral picnic box very cute. The red Irish chain is going to be just stunning and it’s so nice to see the shoo fly shoo blocks, I’ve got quite a nice collection of them too.
Hope your feeling rested today and ready for your next adventure.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx
Perhaps all of the "antiques" are showing up now because people in your area now know for sure that you and your "tribe" are there for real :-) And I love being part of your "tribe"----just wish we lived closer :-)
Looks like a great time was had by all! On a side note- I have that exact same trunk that she managed to get into her car- it was my grandmother's.
Wow, I feel Ike the weekend at Quiltville was a dream and I woke up. When I got up this morning and the tv was on I realized how annoying it is, I did not miss it for a single minute while I was gone. Once in a while would be ok for entertainment.
Bonnie you are a wonderful lady, you have not changed a bit over the years, your smile and laugh bring a smile to my face.
I hope all the quilters fortunate enough to visit Quiltville come home as relaxed as I am this morning. Pat Hinkle
Bonnie you always bless me with your taste in tins! I have the same flowered tin (actually I have 2 with the black background, with handles) and then I have the same brown and red picnic tin you have one of of the pages. Keep showing them...I probably have more of your collection at my house LOL. Makes me feel that I have a kindred spirit, probably why I love doing the mysteries too.
I am so excited to see the Singer 66. I bought one many years ago and didn't know the model number. It needs work including a new belt and hasn't been used. I hope I can find someone to get it going for me.
That salad bowl? We used to use those bowls as chip and dip bowls back in the 50s. everyone was raising bunches of little kids and our get togethers didn't take place in bars or nightclubs, but in each others homes, playing Rummoli (called Michigan rummy when we lived Battlecreek. Fun memories!
What have you got on the wall as a design wall? seems like the whole wall is covered. great idea!
Treasure hunting for goodies is always part of the fun.
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