
Saturday, January 18, 2020

Come Caturday Morning -

Miss Lola and a bit of Frolic mischief!
Happy Caturday!

Let me just start this morning post by saying just how overwhelmed I am with the response to yesterday’s Frolic Mystery reveal.

I was up extra early yesterday morning – having spent most of my free time the week before getting that release post and the PDF printer version ready.  We had company come a week ago – our nephew Scott arriving on Saturday, my friend Jill driving in on Sunday afternoon.  Scott leaving Monday afternoon, Jill and I playing Monday and Tuesday – running here and there to do the “glamour” shots of the quilt in a rural setting, plus porch photos.

Jill, bless her heart – pitched in on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning to dust and vacuum while we made sure that Quiltville Inn was in tip top shape for the Ashe County Quilters sew-in that happened Wednesday.  I couldn’t have done it without her, and she left before the ladies even arrived.

Thursday was spent with more desk time getting the reveal ready, and yesterday morning I bolted up straight in bed – there were some issues that I wanted to clarify with the post, which meant changing the PDF, and my files were at the QPO.

An extra early morning drive had to happen – still in the dark.

Moon over Quiltville Inn yesterday morning.

There are some things you just can’t see in the full light of day. While I adore sunrises – finding the moon so full and bright over the inn brought a smile to my face, and the determination to fix what needed fixing and get that post live and out there.

Sunshine making a warm spot on my scraps.

Who can blame her?

It wasn’t long before posts like this started showing up!

This is a screen shot from our #quiltvillemystery and #frolicquilt hashtags on Instagram.  Such BEAUTIFUL blocks coming together already.  There will be so many phenomenal finishes over the next several weeks and months – so while it feels a bit anticlimactic to have the reveal out there, no longer a mystery – it is so inspirational to see what folks are doing with their own vision when it comes to their own Frolic creations.

At this point of the game I really steel myself for the fall out.  It happens.  

“I don’t like my colors.”  (Well, it was a mystery, you didn’t know what it was going to be, yet you changed colors unaware of what would be touching what and now you aren’t happy.) 

“What good is a square quilt?” (It is the size that it is – and you are free to make more or fewer blocks to make it whatever size you want it to be.) 

“It took way more pages to print this part than 10.” (That’s because you printed from your browser view and your own screen resolution instead of saving the PDF to your computer, navigating to the file, clicking to open and print it and setting your printer to “fit to page.” Or maybe you printed from a mobile device?) 

I put myself out on a limb knowing full well that there will be people who will not be happy with what they just invested time and fabric into.  It’s a scary place to be in! Try it some day. I worry.

But I am happy to say that other than the few things I have mentioned above, the comments and posts have been exuberant, kind, joyful, happy, delighted, excited and I am so grateful!

As tradition, I present to you the wonderful logos made by Forest Jane for your use!  Print them on fabric for your labels, put them in the side bars of your blog so folks know that you participated (There is also a “grab my button” in the right hand side bar of the blog.  Grab the code and post the HTML into your side bar if you wish!)

The sizes are 200, 300, and 400 pixels square.

Every year Jane also puts various items with our mystery logo available in our Quiltville Zazzle Store.

ALL of the proceeds from sales in the Quiltville Zazzle Store go towards the purchasing of supplies for free sewing/crochet/knitting classes held at the library near where Jane lives.  Machines are supplied.  Kits for items are supplied.  

The area around the library is a bit economically depressed, so she is doing as much as possible to instill a love of hand crafting and creativity with folks who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford the luxury of owning machines, tools and supplies.

For more on this program, read my previous post HERE.

The Quiltville Zazzle Store link takes you to the main page with ALL of our Quiltville Winter Mysteries arranged by collections, in order by year, with Frolic front and center and first.  So far, we have listed aprons, t-shirts, magnets, buttons, mugs in a couple of sizes, and hoodies.

Jane will continue to design more items and load them into the Frolic collection as they become available.  Sometimes it takes a few hours for a new item to post, so check back!

If anyone wants the logo on something they see in Zazzle, they can post on our Quiltville’s Open Studio group on Facebook, or leave a comment here on the blog and we'll try to make that item available as soon as possible.

It doesn't cost us anything (but time) to put the logo on items, so if you really want shot glasses or tennis shoes with the logo, we'll do it.

A birthday gift from the Beta Testers!

Last week my friend Lisa (Part of the Beta Test group from Black Friday weekend) contacted me and asked if she could stop by while she and her friend Hattie were out on a drive.  Knowing the mystery would be well live and out there – I said YES!

They showed up around noon – and we headed over to the Black Dog Bistro after showing Hattie the Inn & the QPO.  We enjoyed a luscious lunch, so much catching up and conversation.

They left me with this BEAUTIFUL commemorative wall hanging of the first ever Sleep-Over retreat held at Quiltville Inn.  Isn’t it WONDERFUL!

The photo my dad took is in the center, printed on fabric.  Each lady made a Chunky Churn Dash block (From the free patterns tab at the top of the blog) and there is an embroidered block with the dates on the bottom.

It’s hanging in the dining room for all to enjoy!

Thank you, Ladies!  You have certainly touched my heart!

They were on their way by mid afternoon, I locked up shop at the QPO and headed back to the cabin – I just needed a nap in the worst, and best way after that crazy busy week.  It was wonderful!

This morning, bright and chilly – I am back to Quiltville inn to move the painting activity into the next space.  I’ve only got a couple of days left.  Monday I head back to Wallburg to pack for my trip to Arizona.  So excited to be seeing so many of you in Phoenix during my time with 35th Ave Sew & Vac!

There is still lecture/show & share availabilty, and perhaps a few spots left open in my workshops so give them a shout and come spend some time with me.  It’s my birthday week!  The more the merrier!

We have 2 weekends left in the Quiltville Inn Retreat Rally - We will draw for our next batch of retreaters TOMORROW!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

No matter the situation, you win when you plan to act, not react!

Trip around the world quilt Circa 1970s found while antiquing in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. There is Strawberry Shortcake in the center, and some Star Wars type of fabric at the outside edge.

Made by a grandmother for a grandchild maybe?

Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!


Carol Weber said...

Oh, Bonnie, I'm so sorry at the number of people who say ugly things. So very sorry.

bgail said...

Mystery quilt 15? Wow, Bonnie!!! There's a book right there 😀 Loving working along at my own pace, and loving all the pictures coming in. Thanks so much!

Violet Withey said...

What a wonderful gift. Love the reveal. Can't wait to finish .mine.

Sherrill said...

What a GREAT little gift from your beta testers! A wonderful way to be reminded each and every time you're at the Inn of how it was first occupied/lived in by a group of friends.

Quilter Kathy said...

You can ignore all the whiners because this quilt is fantabulous and anyone who can't/won't follow your excellent instructions does so at their own risk. I just LOVE LOVE super love this quilt and can't wait to get to work on my blocks! I ordered the hoodie... thank you to Jane! I can't wait to wear it at quilt retreat while I sew my Frolic quilt together... so excited! Thank you Bonnie for all the fun, and for another great quilt!
What a thoughtful gift from the Beta testers! There are so many wonderful people in the world to compensate for the whiners!

Caro said...

I've only been following you for a little over a year but I am still amazed by the mystery quilts. To be able to create such beautiful quilts from 'stash, and the incredible way they come together at the end, still astonishes me.

Alice said...

Hi Bonnie, I worked all day yesterday on clue 7 !! Had so much fun , have no regrets, beautiful quilt. Thank you again

Brandy said...

I love making my quilts square! Then I can rotate them instead of just flipping them, so wear in the edges is less. Your mystery quilts are master pieces! Sadly, not everyone can appreciate the journey you take us on. I am very grateful for you and all you do. And if the mystery quilt turns out differently then I would have made it, well isn't that sort of the point?

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW sweet of the Beta Testers to present you with a commemorative quilt!! :o))

Leah said...

Oh! I've loved watching Frolic unfold, and I very much love the original colors - blue/aqua/green is where I LIVE. But the top center image in that collage above - with the soft colors on a black background..... I've been wanting to make a quilt in a palette very similar to that, but haven't found the right pattern yet. I think... I think I may have just found it. A dark Frolic may be in my near future. Thanks for creating this stunning pattern and sharing it with us, Bonnie.

Unknown said...

Bonnie I love all the work you do for us. This is my first mystery quilt and will do more..Nothing but love and respect for you. I am so happy I found you.

Cindy said...

Again, can't say thank you enough for all you do for us. I just ordered a travel mug with the Frolic logo on it. How fun to be able to purchase a custom mug, just for me. (Now maybe everyone will leave mom's coffee mug alone, lol)

Just checked out all the posts of blocks. Wow, some really beautiful quilts coming together. My fingers are itchin' for some stitchin'. Not having enough of the light aqua color, changed mine to lavendar. It is so pretty, will try to post a photo later. Purple/lavender was my dear hubby's favorite color as is mine. He would have picked that for me so in memory of him......as this is my first year he isn't here to help choose fabric. Excuse me if I ramble, but he loved all things "Bonnie". He said many times that he would love to meet you. He didn't get to buy he did make it possible for me to attend a retreat with you a few years ago. When reveal time was here, he was just as excited as I was (am) to see how things would come together. His fabric choices were always spot on. This is the first quilt I've made since losing him. Oh I've done a couple blocks, but no quilts. It has been just what I needed. Thank you, again. It has helped me through this first Christmas. Now I have to get through my first wedding anniversary next week without him. (The 23rd) I think I shall work on Frolic and take my kids and grandson out for lunch.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Thank you so much, Bonnie!! Frolic is gorgeous, I'm having a blast making it, and I'm so grateful for YOU!!! Wish I could come to Arizona with you, but gotta ticket to Costa Rica, darn! 😉 happy birthdayin AZ!
Sharon in Seattle

Quilting_Chris said...

I don't know how you do it every year but I am so thankful that you do. I know how hard it is to ignore the whiners and complainers but please do. If they can not follow simple directions, and choose to go their own way they need to take responsibility for that. They want to "make it their own", well then live with the outcome or wait for the reveal. Have a wonderful Birthday Week, enjoy your time in Arizona and again Thank You for a wonderful mystery, it was a great way to usher in 2020.

Joni said...

What a great finish! Now I am more stoked than ever to get to the finish line. Thank you so much, Bonnie, for another beautiful mystery. I feel sorry for anyone who is so miserable in life to complain about a gift. Don't give it another thought. Let it go!

janie said...

I am not one of the ones that can figure out ahead of time what the quilt will look like, I have no idea, but I am so excited to finish my reveal instructions because I love this one also. Don't know how you do it, but, keep it up girlie,you are so amazing. Thanks for all you do.

Terry said...

Not able to order Frolic mug. Says no results when I try.

Sherrie said...

Dear Bonnie,
which book does Celtic Solstice now reside, my daughter has fallen in love and wants this one, I have several books but am transitioning to my new She Shed :)
Cheris Fabrics N More is now retired to this new location and books are still packed. thanks for everything you do, you inspire me daily

Naida said...

Thank you for all that you do, Bonnie...happy birthday!

Sheila said...

I made one in your colors and one in Christmas colors. Love them!!! Thanks!!

Unknown said...

Beauty! Thank you. You dazzle me, Bonnie, with your energy and how you share it.
Your joy is contagious. We are so lucky you are a quilter. Cheers, Sara

sirsumcorda said...

Thank you for many happy, wonderful hours with Frolic. It is breathtaking.

Rosemarie said...

One of the rules for signing on to Frolic was "No whining" If you did the steps as Bonnie instructed, you would have no cause to whine. So just stop it, put on your big girl panties, whiners, and learn to love your quilt. Look at all you've learned that you didn't know before thanksgiving, 2019!

Rosemarie said...

more thing, I am amazed Bonnie that you were able to sew this quilt while suffering the plague! I am in good health and it took every last brain cell I had to get my blocks together! You are amazing! (a quilter for over 55 years).

emilyann said...

There is so much love in the Quiltville Inn. The beautiful little wall hanging is perfect, and you found the perfect place to display it.

Candy said...

I'm loving the way my Frolic is coming together. This my 2nd "Bonnie Mystery" and am hard pressed to pick my favorite!! Thanks to some wonderful friends and family, I will be spending MY birthday with you in July in Bedford, PA!! I am so very excited! 6 months from today, to be exact!! (be still my heart!) LOL

Lainey said...

I haven't quilted along with Frolic as there were too many other things to do. Now I have seen the finished product I am really going to change up my colour ideas. I'll send a pic when it is done. Keep working on my next mystery. I sit waiting till November just for the mystery. cheers.

Anne Hayward said...

What a shame there are some who are just not grateful for all the time and effort you put in to bring us the mystery. I personally am loving every minute although I’ve stalked at clue 6 I’ve had a lot on I’m itching to get back now I’ve seen your fantastic reveal it just makes me more excited to finish mine.
Love you beautiful wall hanging the beta testers made you a wonderful and excellent reminder.
Thank you for all you do for us
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Mrs T-W said...

You, your time, your efforts and your quilt patterns are very much appreciated. Frolic is beautiful! Blessings to you and your family

Kerry said...

There are always some - I've always changed colours on your mystery quilts and I've always been happy with the effect - I've loved all colourways that other people choose and I love your quilts. The best way if people choose to be different is to only do a few pieces and wait for the reveal. Or wait for the reveal and then play and adapt.
So big thumbs up from me and big hugs! Super job, super quilts.

Georgette said...

This was my first Mystery project. I am not an accurate piecer...and my expectation for this was to become one! And, I believe "mission accomplished"! Your lessons have helped me tremendously. I also enjoyed the community spirit of the blogs and Instagrams. Can't imagine the amount of "engineering" that went into this project...well done Bonnie Hunter. Shout out to my friend Debbie Davis, who had admired you for years, and encouraged me every step of the way on this journey.

Deborah Schmid said...

I am thrilled with this quilt. You outdid yourself on this one Bonnie. I keep thinking how can she top the last one and somehow you always do. Thank you for an awesome mystery experience.

Vicki said...

So sorry for all of the negative posts. People can be so cruel just because of their own faults!

Lynette W said...

I never understand those who complain about a mystery quilt! There are reasons for guidelines and recommendations. Bonnie, you are so gracious to do these mysteries, share these patterns, at no charge. Please know that there are WAY more of us out here that are very grateful and appreciative.

Quilting Is For Me! said...

This is my first Bonnie Hunter quilt, but it will not be my last! I loved the colors (and I am a 1800s fan) and the instructions are awesome. Thank you so much for putting mystery Quilts together. Kathy in Gaylord Michigan.

Texas_Sue said...

I have so totally enjoyed this mystery and am hoping for your next one. I'm sorry people are negative about it. They didn't have to do the the quilt and, as you said, it's a mystery. They can always donate the quit for a good cause. Thank you so much for your hard work and the magic you put into each of your quilts.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Celtic Solstice is available as a digital PDF pattern. You'll find it in the digital patterns section of the Quiltville Store at https://quiltville.com/shop.html

Kb48 said...

I had really wanted to follow along on this mystery quilt but so many things got in my way - isn't that always the case! But after seeing how beautiful it is, I am definitely going to make it. You are just amazing and I'm so glad I found your blog and started following you. Thank you for all you do!!!

JLBrown said...

Thank you so much for the energy and talent you put into all your mysteries. This one was sure a beautiful winner. I have found out over the years the saying of "You can't please all the people all the time" is so very true. Please accept my "I'm sorry" to you for those who can't just close out the website and keep their disappointment to themselves. Many more disagree with them.

Nancy in NV-wheres the dude at blogspot said...

Hi Bonnie,
Your quilt looks fantastic!! Thank you for all you do. You are a quilting maniac! I say that with envy. ha I didn't start mine yet as I was out of town but I hope to soon. Ignore the ungrateful people they don't seem to recognize your generosity. Love ya!

Amanda Rose said...

I loved the frolic mystery this year! It's my first time doing a mystery quilt, and a huge chunk of the fun was leaving all of the creative decisions to you and having fun while focusing on my techniques. Don't let the naysayers bother you, it is not your fault they have missed the point of everything you give us! Please continue to enjoy your quilting and mysteries for your sake, not just what others think!

Patty in TX said...

I loved doing this quilt. I am still on instruction 9. This was my first mystery quilt and I think I am hooked. I can not wait till fall for the next one. I love not knowing what it will look like untill the end. I only hate that it is over. I'll will have my scraps ready come this fall. Happ Quilting till then. Patty

Patty in TX said...

Loved the Mystery Quilt this is my first and I am hooked . I can't wait till fall for the next one. I will have my scraps ready.

Stevie said...

How very wonderful to have a quilted memory of the first retreat. I loved the new mystery quilt and have nothing to say about the naysayers.

Helen T. said...

Another winner Bonnie!! Thank you so much for your generosity in designing/making these mystery quilts for us. Awesome! Much gratitude!

BeckyByCracky! said...

I have been ill since December 30 (respiratory distress) with no energy to sew. I'm am so anxious to get back to the Frolic Mystery Quilt and am thrilled with the finished product. I purchased Grunge fabric for this quilt. I don't know what is going to look like but it is going to be beautiful! Thank you for this gift!

mzjohansen said...

I am having problems posting comments from my google account but will give this a try.
I want to thank you so very for the time, planning, instructions and pleasure that you put into your mystery quilts. In general, I am not a fan of mystery quilts, but your are such a big cut above the rest! They alway turn out so well! I had hoped to join in last year, but life happened. This year I have followed and, while not quite caught up I am on track. i am hopeful that there will be another for next year...what a fun way to begin a year.

Again, thank you so much for the pleasure of your generously gifted mystery patterns. ��

Joey Ritenour said...

Thank you Bonnie for the mystery this year. I've always wanted to participate and this year I decided to make it happen. As luck would have it we were not able to go to our family Christmas gathering due to complications of my husbands PD. This quilt gave me something positive to focus on and occupied the thinking portions of my brain instead of the anxiety portion of me. I've learned new skills---even though I'm way behind. I don't care. I will get it done---I've started out small. Part of the fun is seeing how my fabric choices play out. You do so much for so many people and you make it seem easy---I know it is not. Don't let the naysayers get you down. You are the best! Thank you for your generosity, a kindness, and ability to teach others your craft.

Diavac said...

Thank you for your mystery quilt. Really loved the slower pace, I could finally keep up.I paid more attention to contrast and it paid off. Thanks again!!

Kathy B said...

Why would anyone complain about a mystery pattern? It's FREE and absolutely wonderful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your hard work.

Angela Dabb said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie!
Thank you for the beautifully written patterns. This is my second Mystery Quilt participation. I have kept pace with it and have learned so much. When I saw the reveal I was headed out of town; I knew I would not be able to sew or cut until this coming weekend. The end result left me speechless- How on earth do you come up with such breathtaking quilt designs; I may never know!
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you... for everything.

Bear Creek Quilting Company said...

Another stunning mystery quilt in the history books. It's a long wait but the countdown in on the calendar for 2020. Great job and thank you for all your time and designing work Bonnie!

Sewinmama said...

I was going to skip this one as I skipped good fortune because if the on Ringo lake and en Provence languishing in my basement. When I saw your theme(Texas bluebonnets) and colors, I couldn't skip it. I'm proud to say of the three quilts, frolic is the most done! I didn't do as many of each block so I could play along with the reveal. It was a blast. The whiners should just take a long walk off a short dock. On Ringo lake perhaps! Love this so much.

Quilting Fool said...

My first mystery was Carolina Cross roads (she resides with a much loved niece and she goes camping a lot, and is showing her age. But she's still beautiful). I remember thinking, I would never have started her if I'd known about the many pieces. But I learned a lot and I think I'm a better quilter because of you. My Frolic was made with your colors and I am so glad I did. I love it. I'm done putting the first groups together, and now the sewing begins. Thank you Bonnie for all your time, and creativeness, and patience.

Nancy said...

It hurts my heart to see how you are held responsible for other people's decisions. I love your quilts! I almost live for your mysteries! I have made a few mistakes along the way, but those mistakes taught me so much! You have made me a much better quilter, now, whether I use your techniques or others I have been taught. My quilts are indebted to you.

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Thank you for understanding the many hours that go into this blog 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year. :)