
Monday, November 25, 2019

When Multi Tasking Doesn’t Work!

I am singing “Let it Go!” to myself -

It’s not in my nature to let things go – to let things slide.  To say “You can’t do it all!” and not force myself to double down and get it done.

Sometimes no matter how you try to multi-task things, it’s just NOT going to fit.

I was up at 5:30am this morning to get a shower and head over to the QPO (Quiltville Post Office for our many new readers – welcome!) to get a couple of mystery clues written.

The placemats are pieced.  The bindings are made and ready.  It just wouldn’t take TOO much time if I could just get this loaded in the long arm?  It could be running while I fill mail order, and write two Frolic clues ahead of time, plus write this blog post -

I mean, It’s now 7:30 and I told Dad I would be back for breakfast at 9am.  That should be plenty of time, right?

And as I sat here with invoices printing, while piecing a backing – I hit the brakes.  NO.  No, I can’t do it all.  I am out of time.  It is what it is.

And the most important thing is to be with my dad.

They wouldn’t take long to quilt at all -

But they are going to have to wait.

I will pick up some holiday placemats at Dollar Tree for my Beta Test Retreaters.  Whether or not there are these placemats on hand for them to use will NOT make or break their retreat, no matter how perfect I wanted things to be.

Making Warm Hands, Warm Heart kits.

I multitasked making all of the kits for Germany – they are ready to leave with me on Sunday.  When were these accomplished?  While dad was napping and I was making dinner.  They are DONE.

I can’t wait to teach this little workshop in Germany!

Be watching for the digital pattern release of Warm Hands, Warm Heart to happen on our return from Germany.

But those placemats?  Nope.   Not going to happen.

While I am thinking of Frolic -

We have SO MANY NEW FOLKS this year!  As we are just a few days out of the release of Part 1 on Friday, I wanted to put out a few reminders.  Thanks for bearing with me.

DO NOT post unit sizes, or unit/piece counts in your posts. This is a MYSTERY quilt, those participating in it already KNOW the size of the unit, and how many there are to make.

I am especially pointing out posts that give the unit size or the count or say things like "200 done, 40 to go..."

Please do not share this info in your social media posts, rather direct folks to the mystery on my blog where they can find that information.

DO NOT rewrite my directions as you make your own blog posts – We’ve had this happen before.  People’s blog posts are nearly a duplicate of mine, showing how they cut their units, what size they are, how many to make.  This is a limited edition mystery – reader appreciation is what started it all.  Please share your fabrics and your units.  Just leave out the details.  Do not give sizes (Yes, I’m saying it again because it bears repeating!) and don’t mention how many of each unit you need to make.  KEEP IT A MYSTERY FOR ALL!

I am currently revamping the whole “Mystery Monday Link-Up” situation.  When the change of policy with in-linkz and what folks need to do to participate (Having to fill out a form and prove their identity, etc.) our participation was down drastically.  Yes, I know many of our participants are of “a certain age.”  I know that people don’t like doing new things.  But since it became hard to participate in the linky, or people just didn’t want to fill out forms the first time they participate, I have made the executive decision to link up through hashtags on Instagram only.

You will post your shares of your progress to Instagram and I will link to the hashtag grouping in our Mystery Monday Link-Up post so folks can scroll through and see what has been posted using those tags.

Our quilting community on Instagram is vibrant and alive, and is a great way to share your progress with others. I am giving you the heads up in case you wish to participate in our hashtag link up.  Get an Instagram profile.  It’s free.  Start following folks. You can see who is already using the #quiltvillemystery and #frolicquilt hash tags!

We also welcome your shares through our Quiltville’s Open Studio group page on Facebook.

And one little other side thing – this will help me out TONS as I will be just arriving in Germany on the morning of December 2nd, which is the first Mystery Monday Link-Up Day. My posting while I am gone may be spotty, and that is why (Multi-tasking again!) I am at the QPO to write myself a couple of Frolic parts in advance.

This photo needs a witty caption.

Tackle this day with the determination of a wart hog?  LOL! Just a little bit of Africa to share on this beautiful Monday morning as I throw the multi-tasking to the curb and just spend the day with my Dad.

We’ve been binge watching The Crown on Netflix.  There will be a run to town today for last minute grocery and retreat items.  There may be some photo op stops for scenery along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  But I will NOT be cramming in the quilting and binding of 6 place mats.

There is a load of mail order to squeak out before I head home for breakfast, and that’s what I’ll tackle right now.

No, we can’t do EVERYTHING, but we can choose the best of the things to do, and give them our best.

OH, and another reminder!  Do you have your name in the hat for our November Quilty Box Gift-Away?  We will draw our winners Thursday morning!  Enter to win ON THAT POST.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Are you ready for this busy week ahead? Step into today and make it a keeper! 

Just minimize the multi-tasking and make what matters really MATTER!


Tracey in CT said...

Personally, I thrilled about the link up moving to Instagram! I was never able to get the other to work, but I love IG.

Diane Evans said...

Again...you have made the perfect, right decisions!

lonetreequilter said...

Bonnie, you are so right! Those of us that are Type A doers, can have a really hard prioritizing PEOPLE! I have learned with my grandkids that time is short, and we must focus on the people we love first. The tasks will always be there waiting for us! Happy Thanksgiving! Sandi Griepenstroh

Susie Q said...

Yep, I am ready, must get garbage out NOW as there is no pick up on THURSDAY!!!!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Do what you need to do, my friend, everything else will fall into place! Breathe. ❤️

Cats said...

Love your ability to prioritize! Choose the most important activity! Quilty hugs from Cats in Carlsbad, CA

Mary said...

Glad you're linking through Instagram. Good change. My 43rd Anniversary trip starts today, Time with family Wednesday and Thursday. Black Friday has changed for me since I have been participating in your Mystery. Thank you!! Sleeping under my Christmas Solstice, 2014 Mystery. Big hugs for your Dad from Washington State.

Material Girl said...

Yes, spending time with your dad is the most important thing right now. Thanks for sharing.

Kathy Johnson said...

Caption: "What? It's Thanksgiving this Thursday?!!"

Connie said...

Caption for your wart hogs - "Hey! Get your head up and smile pretty - it's the Quiltville lady!" Enjoy your day with family.

Lori said...

Handmade place mats by Bonnie are NOT that important and of course, your retreaters will agree!! Get business done, than have fun!@

stretchmarks said...

Why don't you leave the place mats in the Hen Den? I bet your friends would love to be a part of finishing them. If they didn't bring hand work they could sit and stitch with others and feel like they contributed? Enjoy your time with your dad and get some rest! Marilyn Marks

Andrea said...

Or ask your participants to bring their own placemat to use. I try to not buy any more disposable paper goods. My experience, when I stopped buying paper napkins, I started taking out the cloth napkins I had or those family heirlooms that were given to me. I use my good china when I host board meetings, because it is the one that I have a set of 12+. If more are coming I use my everyday china too - so far I never had more than 24 people who come.

Sandra Henderson said...

I agree with material girls comment!
Oh what I wouldn't do to have my daddy back for 5 minutes... he's been gone I guess 25 years now and still miss him every day. We never outgrow the need for our parents . Just enjoy!

I understand what you're saying about wanting to do it all...
But if you give yourself a heart attack or die in the process from distractions and a car accident or whatever- the game is surely over! You are surely out of time then!!!! Please slow down or get some assistance in mailing while home or whatever because you can't do it all. I'm sure with low employment there that there's a woman that would be grateful for a part time job as you need her to help you when home.
I'm speaking from experience as I had a business that grew and grew for 15 years until my husband to Sick and I made the executive decision to turn off a ringing phone to take care of him for 8 years until he did almost 7 years ago and it's been a struggle for me that I closed it and now have not that income. I wouldn't trad it for the time though.
I hope you take this in the manner it's intended - I'm truly concerned about you and your health and your peace of mind and joy. You've come so far and have so much to be thankful for. How much do we need if we can't enjoy it and the ones we love ?
Life is about decisions.
It's hard.
Happy thanksgiving and give your dad a hug for me. I wish I could hug mine.

Lee Anne said...

Caption for the picture...”Hey, I’m grazing here!”

GeeMa said...

Good for you! I'm so happy for you that you recognized there are limits and family is more important. Have a great time with your Dad. My Dad has been gone five years and I can tell you that every minute with Daddys are a treasure.

QuilterWanda said...

Thanks for moving the link up to Instagram. It really makes much more sense to do that. I know many people have thanked you for your hosting these wonderful mysteries, and I want to send my thanks to you as well. Have a wonderful time in Germany.

Rachel Green said...

When you hit the wall it’s a good time to turn it around, been there.

Kathy said...

Yes, ask your retreaters to help finish the placemats! They will be so happy to help, at least if it were me I would be thrilled!

janice dinse said...

Be with your dad as much as you can. Everything else can wait. You'll be glad you did one day.

heath said...

My first thought when I saw the warthogs was the snarky "Take a picture, it'll last longer" of my teen years, when someone was staring. That's the face of that hog! But, you WERE taking one.

~~Tx~~ Wildflower said...

I check Instagram a lot. I can comment on posts. I can click the red heart. I do not have a clue how to use the hashtags... Anyone care to advise me...TIA

Tracey Honig said...

I am a low-key kinda girl. You give me anxiety sometimes reading about your activities! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Things will get done in time. Just breathe! I wish I could go to Germany with you. Maybe one day. Enjoy your time with Dad!

Unknown said...

Safe travels fearless leader...Will be waiting for the first clue...

Marysmith said...

You are so smart, family first. When it is feeling right everything falls into place....hand sewn or Dollar Store!

Helen S. said...

So delighted that you have decided to spend extra minutes,time, with your Dad.Happy Thanksgiving!

Kateman said...

Happy Thanksgiving, dear Bonnie and family! I enjoy your blog everyday and am excited to experience my first mystery quilt! Safe travels to Germany.

Barbara Kelly said...

Beta tester retreaters...quilt your own placemat!

Melanie said...

Bonnie, spent as much time as possible with your Dad. All the other stuff will be there at a later. Time with him is most important!! I'm looking forward to the mystery again this year. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your Dad time!

Marti said...

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving with your Dad and family!! Wish I was going to Germany with you!

mzjohansen said...

Bravo for you making the right decision and saying “no”. Life flits by us all too quickly! It will all come together perfectly. Rest, relax and enjoy the moments of thanksgiving!

Alice said...

Oh busy Bonnie, I think that’s your new name! Have fun with your daddy , he is first and foremost. Thank you for all you do, I’ll have to figure out Instagram, iam a facebooker , LOL I do have a Instagram account , I’ll get to use it now . Have fun in Germany the mittens are so adorable

Unknown said...

Caption: I love you, warts and all!

QuiltGranma said...

caption: Tusk, Tusk! (tsk, tsk!)

Charlie d said...

On your placemat dilemma, you could have each of your beta testers bring their own or a favorite placemat. Hope you have a fabulous holiday!

Donna Endresen said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie and Family! We are having crazy weather, so my internet is spotty this week (more so than usual). I can't wait for the mystery to begin, and I wish I was going with you to Germany! Those little kits look so cute! Have a great trip! I will make it through tomorrow, which will be filled w/ rain, and melt the snow we got last night and this morning. Then we may get ice when the rain is over on the weekend! I hate weather like this. BUT, I will anxiously be waiting for Friday's first post of "Frolic"!

Kasilof, AK
Where we will have a sloggy, sloshy Thanksgiving, not at all normal!

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