
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Little Things and Big Things–and Memorable Things, Too!

Oh the cuteness of these little cream pitchers!

These arrived from Betty Price, and her box didn’t include an email address to get back to her, so I hope she sees this!  There was a simple post it note of “If you can’t use these, pass them on…” But Betty, they are TOO CUTE and YES!  I will find a place to display them – who knew they even made such things?

So thank you very very much.

Another early morning arrival to the QPO to get the day’s mail order out the door before dad wakes up.

Poor guy – we were binging The Crown last night, and just after 9pm he said “I’m feeling drowsy, is it time for bed?”  And I was feeling it too after our busy day, so off he went to the guest room upstairs, and I to the master right below him on the main floor.

I don’t think he understands that the underside of his floor boards are the ceiling in my room, but he was up and moving around ALL. NIGHT. LONG. 

I just know it was that 7 pm slice of pumpkin roll that Mona made for us, along with a fully loaded cup of coffee.  I had asked if he would prefer decaf?  “NO WAY!” was the reply. But as the nearly 58 year old daughter I think I am going to have to put my foot down.  His body is still on Arizona time and coffee at 7pm isn’t helping situations!

My new favorite BREAKFAST tool!

We have loved our air fryer for years, but did you know that air fryers are for more than fries?  This hint came from Martha who told me about it on one of our jaunts.

I’m not a fan of cooking bacon in an open pan.  It gets grease EVERYWHERE. 

This is half a pack of bacon, sliced down the center to make the pieces shorter so they fit the pan.  Just layer them in there.

Set it for 11 minutes on 400.

That’s it!

You can turn the pieces about half way through if you like, you can cook it a bit less if you like it softer, or a bit more if you like it extra crispy -

But for me – 11 minutes is just PERFECT!

And the best part?  All of the grease drips down into the lower pan.  Both the lower pan and inner pan are dishwasher safe, so no scrubbing or soaking.  And no grease on every surface in my kitchen. 

Thanks, Martha!

Yesterday’s afternoon matinee-

Dad and I have a movie tradition!

We went to see “Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.” The Mr. Rogers story with Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers. I loved it so much!  And it opened up so much conversation about what we got from the movie that related to life.  God bless Mr. Rogers.  His legacy lives on and is still teaching me things at nearly 58.

Table Runner Done!

This is your quilty content for this post – and it isn’t much.  The edges were a bit ruffly because the binding was stiffer than the vintage quilt.  It’s currently in the wash, and I will block it to dry. 

And it is still dwarfed by the size of that 14’ 6’’ table!

As I type – this is going on!

I parked out front as Asplundt parked their vehicles behind the Quiltville Post Office over night.  That let me know they would be busy today trimming more trees.  I’m sad to see my shade go.  I’m grateful that the trees won’t take the power down in a storm.  It’s a toss up.

I’ll have to see just how much they topped the next time I come back.

Today’s plan is to head over to Boone for lunch – and then further to Linville Falls for a hike and some photography opportunities.  It’s a gorgeous day – bright and sunny and temps should be pushing 60 by afternoon – we better get out and enjoy the day while we can!

For the month of November, you can find my Garlic Knots digital pattern 50% off in the Quiltville Store!

For the month of November only -

Garlic Knots PDF Pattern $4.00!

No Coupon Needed!

Time is running out for this deal - so grab it now while you can!

And don’t forget to jump in on our November Quilty Box Gift-Away!  Our drawing happens Thursday morning – Thanksgiving Day!  Enter to win ON THAT POST.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Quilt shared by Kevin the Quilter!

How about some vintage Sea Turtles! Such a fun Drunkard's Path variation.

The quilt was made as a 100 year celebration for a church and is signed by members. 1884 to1984.

May we send out boomerangs of kindness and joy!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!


Kara Benavides said...

I always love your blog. The teapots are too cute! Oh, and when we see Ashplundh trucks showing up, we know we are about to get a big storm. Time to check the forecast. Happy Thanksgiving!

Barbara said...

Love hiking at Linville Falls. Didn't get there this year since we vacationed near Asheville, NC instead of in Boone, but there's always next year! For the past few years, I've made my bacon in the oven on a sheet pan covered with foil - no pan to wash and no grease spatters.

Mary said...

Love the smell of Christmas Tree boughs as I go into the grocery store. Still won't be putting a tree up til after Thanksgiving. A great movie to watch with your dad. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Safe travels, too

Diane Evans said...

Glad they are doing the trimming now and hope they are finished before the "retreat" begins...... real noisy when they are here !

Dalina said...

Those teapots are just adorable! Have a Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie with your Dad and family! Enjoy it all and have fun on your trip! I plan to stay of here for a couple of days, until the launch of the mystery. I know that it will be another great one!

Irene said...

The little cream pitchers are so so cute.
We will be having a rainy Thanksgiving. I'm so glad one of my sons will be picking us up and another taking us home. I don't like driving in the dark but I do. But when it is raining it is so hard to see the lines in the street after dark. I love my kids they are always willing to help out in a pinch. In fact my youngest son who is cooking dinner for thanksgiving because his wife has been sick and has gone back to work after feeling a little better. My 3 sons and 2 daughters are all so helpful. I am so Thankful that I have my 5 wonderful children all grown and with their own grown children who have given me 12 great grandchildren. Not a lemon in the crowd of grandchildren and great grandchildren and their parents. Oh dear I got a little carried away. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Kathy E in Canada said...

My granddaughters who are 7 and 4 love to watch a cartoon called "Daniel Tiger". It is based on the Mr. Rogers TV show. Same song as he used to have, same format. They are teaching all kinds of different things dealing with life. Have not seen the movie with Tom Hanks yet but hope to soon. Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your Dad. Our Thanksgiving here in Canada was in October, so I am concentrating on finishing hand sewing the bindings on 2 quilts to be Xmas gifts. Need them done to get in the mail. Waiting for Frolic on Friday too.

Sylvia Forster said...

Ohhh those teapots. What a great present just in time for the big weekend. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Can't wait for Friday. One question about the leader/ender challenge, which I am Loving! Will we be given a setting guide at the end of the challenge? Or will I have to get creative on my own? lol

Unknown said...

The teapots are too cute! Hubby and I took a late drive on blue Ridge last week. Leaves/color mostly gone, but the views are to die for. We started in Ashville and got off at Blowing Rock, then headed back home to SC.

Unknown said...

Having your Dad is such a blessing as am sure you know. I would trade bedrooms with him.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I love the picture of you and your daddy
And those little milk pitchers.
Your daily news letters are a joy to read.
God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving to you
We are driving over the toll road and through the beltway to Silver Spring
to my sister for a happy celebration with all of my grand babies and my daddy and hubs and just one big happy party

JeanGB said...

I have a tea pot like those only my cat is black and white. I take care of the cat next door on occasion and my neighbor gave it to me. Looks kinda like her cat. Looking forward to Friday and the mystery quilt start. It's also my birthday and I will not be spending it shopping!

Dmurph said...

I have just found out that I have ovarian cancer today. I have decided that I am going to use the Mystery Quilt as part of my therapy and healing I am a two time cancer survivor kidney cancer and cervical cancer.

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