
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Easy Grade Loop? I Think Not!

The sign may read “easy grade” but it was anything but!

But as in all things – the struggle is worth the result.

Lori and I made a return trip to Grayson Highlands State Park, this time going the OPPOSITE direction of the pony pastures, and up into the knobs, ridges, and pinnacles.

And when you lose sight of the trail, you blaze your own!

Lori is an experienced hiker and backpacker.  I am a wimp.  But we have done serious hiking for 3 days straight, and I must admit to feeling just a bit chuffed with what we have accomplished.  WE DID IT!  We have the sore muscles (And even some leg cramps at night on my part) to prove it.

Some summit somewhere.  LOL.

The best Lori and wind-blown flag photo from the top!

Click to Play:

The most amazing sites were things we could have missed all together:

Check out this tree!

It was just incredible how it could grow that way.

Do not believe what you read.  This was a TOUGH climb!

It could be because we went the wrong way up. LOL.

Interesting “lettuce leaf” like lichen.

Beautiful view and sunshine!

We were watching the weather – which predicted rain in the afternoon.  As we climbed into the van after a long hike back, drops started hitting the windshield.  PERFECT TIMING!

Fun rock formations!

Hiking up and up and up.

Rock “Stairs” leading the way -

Are we there yet?!

It was a very fun day – but wow.  Just wow.  I think because it was day 3 in a row – my legs are just feeling it.

Today we may try to find somewhere FLAT to explore!

Today’s stop on the String Frenzy Blog Tour:

Bernie of Needle & Foot!

Check out her post and her project using my Daybreak pattern.  I love what she has done with her blocks!

There is also a give-away opportunity on Bernie’s blog to win your own copy of String Frenzy!

And while you are at it – did you enter to win our Quiltmaker Bundle Gift-Away HERE?  Drawing to happen in Thursday morning’s blog post.

As to what has been going on in the sewing room?

It’s anybody’s guess!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found by my friend Irene in Kentucky.
Don't let uncertainty keep you from starting-

Pushing through the uncertainty opens doors you never thought possible!

Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone!


Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I deleted a bunch of GOOD comments when trying to delete the bad ones...oops! But at least we have a clean slate! BYE BYE SPAMMERS!

Kerry said...

LOL! Just contemplating your Scrappy Strips recipe - I need to sew! Besides it's cold outside! Take care and rock on!

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