
Monday, April 08, 2019

Afternoon Sunday After Hike Sewing -

This morning’s view of yesterday’s activities!

Can you believe that we actually sat down to sew??  It was past 2pm – as we took off by 10am to find some hiking trails before the forecasted rain came in.

Spring is arriving truly in all of its springtime glory in these parts, and knowing I only have Lori (Check out her post on our time together on her blog, Humble Quilts) until Wednesday, and also knowing that there are many corners that I have yet to discover as well, we made good use of our morning.

Selfie along Big Wilson Creek!

The area we were headed was just outside of Grayson Highlands State Park.  In these parts it’s basically – find a dirt road and a place to park and start on up the road.

Awesome photo of Lori!

I did not climb down THAT far!

She is part of the “American Women Who Hike” movement – and I love that she had a flag in her backpack so we could share photos of our adventures.

Want to see how she got down there?  Click to Play:

We hiked up the mountain following the road where it had washed out in places (So glad we parked the van off to the side!) being sure we were either singing, or talking loudly just in case there were bears around – there weren’t.  Or our singing and loud chatter did the trick in keeping them away.

Massive boulders and rushing waters.

Cool lichen covered trees!

Are there any bears in here?

Any dangerous recluses in here??

It turned out that this was just an old abandoned hunting shack – door standing wide open.  There was remnants of a sign that said “Hunters and fishermen welcome, relatives by appointment only” just inside the front door.

NO one had been here for YEARS.  Seriously.  Pretty gross.  But Lori got her first real feel of Appalachian Mountain Men when we stepped inside:

Hey! A rusty pot belly stove!

Oh DEER.  Did your mother teach you to live like this?

I am laughing at that winch wire overhead – just noticed it in this photo.  It’s probably keeping the walls together so the roof stays on.  LOL.

There were 3 sets of bunk beds in the “bedroom”  But this place has serious roof leaks and as I said we don’t think anyone has been here for a decade or more.  we got out.  And quickly.

The trail stopped here!

Or we did….there just wasn’t anything left to follow.

Bye bye hunting shack!

It was an awesome hike – and so glad that Lori is up for adventure where ever she goes.

A bite of lunch – and a bit of this!

She is working on some string blocks!

As for what I’m working on?

Nothing I can show yet, but it is using up some leftover parts from last year’s Good Fortune mystery – bonus units are always inspiration for THE NEXT THING!

Did you see our Quiltmaker Bundle Gift-Away happening on Yesterday’s Post? Our winner will be drawn Thursday Morning!  Go enter to win!

Today’s Stop on the String Frenzy Blog Tour!

Susan blogs at Quilt Fabrication and you are going to love seeing how she made the crumb blocks for a baby sized version of my Crumb Jumble quilt! I LOVE IT!

You have the opportunity to win a copy of String Frenzy for yourself by following the instructions on Susan’s blog!

Thanks, Susan – for such an awesome post and adorable quilt!  It makes me want to jump right back into the strings and crumbs and sew!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's not our differences that divide us, it's our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences in others.

We are as diverse as the blocks in this vintage quilt found in North Carolina.

Lori and I are off for another hike – I wonder what we will discover today?

Enjoy your Monday!

1 comment:

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I deleted a bunch of GOOD comments when trying to delete the bad ones...oops! But at least we have a clean slate! BYE BYE SPAMMERS!

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