
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dawn’s Early Light and ALL the Scraps!

It all starts with a huge sprinkling of very small Friendship Stars!

It was a full day of piecing with the Red White & Blue – that is unless you chose your own palette of pink and purple – it’s all a bunch of star studded fun!

Dawn’s Early Light from String Frenzy started out its life as a simple 12’’ block design idea that wound up in a 100 blocks by 100 designers issue – one that I couldn’t wait to bring to full quilt sized status.

And evidently these ladies think the same way I do!

When your Daylight Slimline holds all of your chain piecing. LOL!

Webbing tiny friendship star blocks!

So many little friendship stars – More than 100!

But they go fast – the seams are short!

Meliza’s beautiful blocks in pinks & purples!

True confessions of a scrap quilter- Meliza trimmed down some leftover bonus triangles in pink to use here in her own Dawn’s Early Light – FABULOUS! 

before we knew it – blocks were coming together!


Life is better with a sweet painted featherweight and Dawn’s Early Light!

Allison on her sweet Singer 15 hand crank!

She made just as much progress as everyone with an electric machine – and the hand crank made these small friendship stars so accurate to a pin-point! I always love to see what she brings to sew with.

Border blocks in production!

The great block lay down begins!

For the rest of our day’s fun Click to Play:

It has been a awesome week in Texas! Today is a travel day home – I’ll be back in NC by bed time.  Whoowhooo!

I am so inspired I can’t wait for my own machine time ahead.

My thanks to Stitchin’ Heaven for their great hospitality and having me back for a 4th time.  I’ve loved being here and seeing the return also of so many folks from workshops-past and especially our Show & Share section where they brought the quilts they had finished to share with everyone.

That post is still up and coming – be watching for it!

Today is also your last day to enter in my Quilty Box Gift-Away.  The drawing happens tomorrow morning from HOME!  Enter to win ON THAT POST.

Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Pull all of your super-powers together and sieze the day!

Have a wonderful Saturday, Quilty Friends!


annieb said...

Had a great time at the workshop Bonnie. It was so wonderful to finally get to meet you in person. Enjoyed every minute of the day. Thanks to Stitchin' Haven for the workshop, your staff is the BEST.

Mary said...

I remember you telling us. How the Block was talking to you and watched as this quilt grew. One block at a time. Fly those RWB stars! Happy Saturday to you. Safe flights home.

Leah said...

LOL One of my favorite Quiltville quotes to date. When my dear friend's son was a little guy, he took her hand one morning and said, "Come on, Mommy. Let's go save the day!" Melts me every time I think about it.

Have a safe journey home today!

dorothy said...

Oh that quote brought a smile to my face, and a picture to match! Love it!

Tammy Hutchinson said...

Love that little boy's quote. I'll remember it!

Material Girl said...

I’m loving that block in red, white, blue! Maybe thats my next project..... Interesting to see a few 301s, my very favorite machine for piecing!

Anne Hayward said...

Such beautiful blocks hmm I have a heap of bonus triangles left from Good Fortune might just have to see if they are the right size for this.
Thanks for the inspiration Bonnie and safe journey home.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Kerry said...

Oh yes indeed! I totally agree with the quote! Although my husband gets irritated when I do! Lovely quilts in progress ladies!

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