
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Overnighting in Dallas -

Sometimes life just throws a curve at you -

And it turns out to be a very good detour!

Making plans for out of town trips that involve friends picking you up here – and getting you back there when they also have their own whirlwinds of life swirling around them sometimes means that things take a turn – but it is ALWAYS an opportunity for an adventure!

When we examined Irene’s “Come on, let’s get real – what is better for your long journey home?” schedule (She drove 14 hours from Louisville, Kentucky!) it was determined that there was no reason that she should drive me all the way back from East Texas to Dallas – it would add MANY hours to her trip.  Dallas was WEST – in the wrong direction.

Instead, a better solution was hatched.  I would head to Dallas with Deb on Friday after the workshop was over.  The shop would save a whole night of hotel expenses. Irene would get a good night’s sleep in Mineola and head out at the break of dawn yesterday for Kentucky, and I could spend a relaxing day in Dallas as my flight wasn’t until 3:50pm!

A bonus day to play – instead of being dropped off at DFW at 6am so Irene could then drive all the way home to Louisville from Dallas which was further away.

Sometimes it takes a village and a brainstorm or two!

Playful sculptures at the Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Gardens.

Though I lived in not-too-far-off Waxahachie, Texas in the early 2000s – and we had taken the boys to the zoo a couple of times, we had never explored the gardens.  And I’m so glad we did because there was a special “Celebrate the Children” exhibit of sculpture art by Gary Lee Price that brought so much joy to our garden wandering.

Downtown in the distance!

What do gardens have to do with quilting?  EVERYTHING!

If you are in search of color inspiration for your next quilt – get OUT of the color wheel theory, and take a look at nature.  NATURE KNOWS! 

Sculpture in the edibles garden!

The morning was cool, fresh and sunny.

It wasn’t long before sweaters and other layers were tied around our waists as we walked!

Beautiful fountains.

Oh how I love spring!

The last time I walked through anything close to this was the gardens in Japan in January – and it was winter.  This was bliss!

All greens playing together against a blue sky.


Picnic Basket Wimsey!

Do you see the “ant” on the basket?

And one on the “muffin!”

And right where you don’t expect it – Another Gary Lee Price work!

Sometimes there are just no words to describe this beauty.

Foxglove are such a favorite!

I LOVE the speckles.

And perhaps this is why so many of my quilts include green.  All winter long when green is gone I yearn for it to come back.  To me green IS a neutral.  Green is such a beautiful compliment to everything it touches.  I love it when my world includes green.

List all of the colors you see here. Look hard.

And listen to the calming burble of the water.  Click to Play:

Everywhere we turned – I caught my breath.

This was such a delight for ALL of the senses!

Whoever planned these vignettes – I love how they draw the eye to one focal point beyond.

I think I took more TALL photos this day than I usually do!

Love the detail in this scene!

(Though someone has removed the old guy’s fishing rod!)

Down to the can of beer!

Color! Texture! Light! Shadow!


So sweet!

My inner child wants to turn cartwheels too!

My outer child says “Give it up!” LOL!

Little guy with an Etch-A-Sketch!

Now this brings back memories – The original “Ipad!”

And Oh, the ROSES!

I could do a post JUST on roses.  They were just wonderful.

Roses, everywhere – in every variety.

Can you imagine the fragrance here?


I am so grateful to Deb and her hubby for their hospitality, and the suggestion that we come spend our morning amongst the gardens at the Dallas Arboretum.  It really is an excursion not to be missed.  The flowers change every couple of weeks – there is always something new to see.  And the Celebrate the Children exhibit will be there through October.  Don’t miss it if you are in the Dallas area!

This time I DID let the inner child out!

I was home and crawling into my own bed by 10pm last night.  What a full day.

And there are more photos - so many MORE photos.

Today I am moving slowly.  It’s a down day.  A Sunday to relax in pajama pants and just putter around here to get my bearings back under me.

It’s going to be a quick week at home as I head off to Michigan on Friday for the Grand Hotel Needle Arts Seminar on Mackinac Island.  My 3rd time teaching for this fabulous event and I can’t wait.

Due to the length of today’s post – I’ll be drawing the winners of our Quilty Box Gift-Away TOMORROW!  So stay tuned for that one.

Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Vintage string quilt shared by Kevin the Quilter.

How boring life would be if we were all the same. If every day were the same, if every experience were the same.

Embrace the differences!

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!


Theresa said...

With your love of gardens you should try to come to the Keukenhof Gardens in Holland. We were there this past week and photos can't do it just. Seven million bulbs planted in the garden plus all the bulb & cut flower fields around the garden. It would make a great Craftours trip!

Diane Evans said...

So beautiful, thank you for sharing.....one of the sculptures here is right at an exit from a parking lot onto a busy street...it is a group of boys with baseball gear and one is swinging a bat...surprising how it slows the people in cars exiting onto the main street....if the 'bat' continued it's swing it would get a windshield...have not heard of an accident at that location since the statues were installed..it was once a problem area.

Gail Topper said...

Wow thanks for sharing these photos! Love the sculptures.

Kay said...

And once again your post was just the "good medicine" I needed. Upon our return from a fantastic vacation in Texas, I was hit immediately with respiratory issues, and I had to cancel my quilt retreat attendance. I am still under the weather, and your post this morning lifted my spirits. The gardens are fantastic. My favorite pic is you letting your inner child out to play. Enjoy your pj day at home. When you work as hard as you do, pj days are a well deserved reward.

Lilac Joan said...

I guess because of the earlier attention to ants, when I saw Kevin's quilt my first thought was:ants! Enjoyed all the photographs. What a beautiful place to send a spring day.

Mary said...

What a glorious place to spend your free time! Thanks for sharing so many great photos! I want to go there!

quiltin sister said...

Thank you for the tour. It was good for my soul

Mary said...

Nice garden detour. Spring is truly a colorful time of year!! So many shades of green. Thanks for sharing the cool sculptures.

Pat said...

Such a beautiful place! A great way to ease into relaxation.

TrulyBlessed said...

"Ring around the rosie"! I enjoyed your sharing of the gardens. Simply spectacular. I can smell the roses ... isn't memory a wonderful thing?

Becky said...

It is soo beautiful, thank you for sharing. bless!!

Kerry said...

Super and the statues were brilliant! Thank you. xx

Shari Z said...

Absolutely wonderful pictures! Makes me want to load up the car and head to Dallas to visit the gardens.
Thank you for sharing your adventures with us.:)

Jo said...

I too love green. This is what I needed as I spent all weekend sewing curtains for my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Today we head out on our 3-hour drive to deliver them, but when we come back tomorrow...piece time... or peace time. Thank you for the inspiration!

Vicki said...

Thank you for all the beautiful pictures! They made my heart sing!

Nancy H said...

Love, love, love the pictures and wish I still lived in Texas so I could experience that beautiful place. Wonderful quilt color ideas and I'm headed to my LQS and pick out fabrics based on one of your pictures! Thank you for sharing so much with all of us.

Merry said...

Loving your photos of the gardens especially the girl with flowers in her lap. So sweet!

Karen Messo said...

Yes, sometimes you just have to "stop and smell the roses" just like Ferdinand the bull. Ha Remember that story?

Cats said...

thank you for the garden cats in carlsbad ca!!

Jill McConville said...

Thank you for the walk through the garden! I so enjoyed it...but wish I could smell the roses!

BlessOSU said...

It sounds so beautiful! That would be a "dream come true" trip!

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