
Friday, April 26, 2019

Idaho Square Dance with The Besties!

Meet The Besties!

This group of gals from near San Antonio came up for our Mineola fun at Stitchin’ Heaven quilt shop this week – and made me an honorary member!

I nearly blew it though!

While signing a round of books, Blanca told me her name, and I said “Oh, like the Abba Song – and we all started singing “Una Paloma Blanca…….”

And I signed her book PALOMA.  Dag nabbit!  How do you fix that?  You write Blanca next to Paloma and you surround it with musical notes, hearts (always hearts!) and a big giant smiley face next to your signature. Hey, if you can’t be perfect, be MEMORABLE!

And I have the embroidered earrings as souvenir of our day together!

Hands on demo time – webbing the block!

Our classroom space – every available seat taken!

Chain chain chaining the four-patch corners!

Cute cute cute!

I just love these little Idaho Square Dance blocks – they are great just by themselves!  Find the pattern in my Addicted to Scraps Book.

And when you fussy cut Minnie for the middles -

And add log cabin blocks in black and white – things get REALLY fun around here!

Of course, I love the red, white & blue too!

Deb’s Purple and Green has all the ooohs, and ahhhs!

All of this from two simple and scrappy blocks!

And here we are with the great block lay down!  Click to Play:

I’m sure loving this whole set up!

For the rest of our day’s fun – Click to Play:

And some closing remarks filmed by Stitchin’ Heaven:

Thanks for the wonderful day!

At the end of the day, I went with Stitchin' Heaven Shop Owner Deb Lutrell over to Quitman (Which always comes out of my fingers on the keyboard as QUILTman, go figure!) to see the beginnings of her new shop location -

This is going to be ONE ENORMOUS SHOP!

It will house not only the Stitchin’ Heaven store front, but the laser cutting of kits, the mail order shop business, all of the offices and departments that keep this huge and wonderful business running including Stitchin’ Heaven travel.  And in the future – a whole new retreat center will be added – it’s definitely a destination location on EVERYONE’s bucket list and should be open this fall – all fingers crossed.

The Wood County Courthouse with the sun setting behind.

We enjoyed dinner on the patio at Tony B’s – a restaurant owned by Deb’s son – not far away from the new quilt shop location. 

Today is our last day – it’s flown by so fast!  We’ve got Dawn’s Early Light up in the queue and it’s a bang of a way to end our 4 day workshop series here in Mineola.  I’ll be heading back to Dallas when class is over, and my trip home happens tomorrow.

Which also means we are getting closer to drawing time for this month’s Quilty Box Gift-Away!  Did you get your entry in?  I’m drawing for TWO lucky winners, one for the full sized Quilty Box, and also for the Quilty Box Mini. Enter to win ON THAT POST!  Drawing to happen Sunday Morning from home.

Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Learn to let go of thoughts that do not allow you to move forward with a sense of adventure!

It's all in how you look at it!

Have a WONDERFUL Friday, everyone!


Diane Evans said...

OK, if you say so, Bonnie......Will try to remember that (#@%^*&#) 10 day stay at a physical therapy rehab.(after a fall) as an adventure, only because you say to !

Mary said...

It's a Quilt Show day for my Good Fortune quilt in Pendleton. I will enter it for one more showing in September. Time for my travel down the road apiece. Have a great trip home. Thanks for sharing the fun layout video of Idaho Square Dance.

Tammie said...

I love that you have included pictures that others have taken of you teaching. That will bring it all home for you when you look back over these in the future as your traveling slows down. I have just started doing that...having myself in photos of my travels. Before, it was just scenery, and my husband and I were never seen. No, we can look back, see ourselves in the photos, and remember those moments.

Pat said...

I love this pattern. The pictures are great....so many different colors! Love them!

Rhonda Albrecht said...

Sounds like there's going to be another destination quilting spot on the map, comparable to Hamilton, MO, with Missouri Star Quilt Company! Will have to see if my trip through the south this fall will allow a detour trip, coordinated with the opening! Thanks for the heads' up... Deb sounds like she's a lot of fun to be around, and that's what draws the customers to come, and return!

Jo said...

Can't wait to start on this one! Thank you!

Judi Smith said...

I am so excited to see Stitchin’ Heaven recovering and improving! I live in Florida and my heart went out to them when I saw the hurricane damage. What a great come back! Can’t wait to see the new building when it has fabric in it!!

Cats said...

That book will be a collector's item, for sure!!

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