
Sunday, June 03, 2018

Fast & Friendly Chunky Church Dash!

I am so grateful that the workshops for the Mississippi Quilters Association Gathering were in the order that they were.

We eased on in with Carolina Chain – we tackled Winston Ways and its many pieces (104 in each 12’’ block!) on Friday full of energy, followed by an evening full to the gills presentation.

We got back to simple joyful basics in yesterday’s Chunky Churn Dash day – a wonderful way to keep sewing on something that was perfect for our beginner quilters, just ready to dip their toes into the wonderful pool of scrap quilting.

Speaking of dipping toes – check this out:

Happy Feet!

Never ever dull your own sparkle!

I love that these 3 gals came to sew with tootsie bling –just so much fun!


It wasn’t long before there were blocks a-plenty!

As easy as these are (Free pattern under the free patterns tab!) there are still things to watch for.  Unit size is important.

The rail units are made from strip sets – make sure your strip set is 2 1/2’’ when sewn together or your corner squares are not going to work.  TEST TEST TEST that seam!


Loving the commemorative tees!

(I’ve got one going home with me too, and I’ll wear it with pride!)


Figuring out that “webbing thing”  can be a brain teaser for even a long-time quilter!

Give yourself some patience, and don’t give up.  You are going to love the process!


And life is always, always better when we sew together!


Easy Hour Glass alternate blocks!

Large hour glass units make this straight-set quilt look like it is pieced on point without all of the extra effort.

We gave 3 different ways to accomplish these blocks – Cut from squares and sewn – or squares placed together with lines drawn, sewing either side of the line, cutting on the line, etc.….or my favorite method of all, cutting the quarter-square triangles from 3 1/2’’ strips (Instead of 7 1/4’’ squares) using the green lines on my Essential Triangle Tool. 

This alternate block sets off the Chunky Churn Dashes so nicely!


Great job ladies!

Toward the end of our class time we headed up the hall for a layout test!  Click to play:

We covered the hall side to side and top to bottom…..it was WONDERFUL how many cute blocks were made this day.

For the rest of our day, Click to Play:

Marvelous, everyone! Just marvelous!


Taking the side roads!

After all was packed up and two very small boxes dropped off at FedEx on their way home, Connie and I headed out to explore a bit of the area – knowing I love learning about local history, she took me to one of her favorite thinking spots – The Chapel of the Cross.


The chapel has a very interesting history, being built by a grieving widow after the death of her husband who died at age 47. 

More history and a very interesting video regarding some legendary tales found HERE.  The story about Helen and Henry is touching – take the time to watch it (I was unable to find an embed link)

I know it may sound strange to many, but old and ancient cemeteries are amongst my favorite places to wander, sit and contemplate.


All through our workshop day yesterday I had one special soul on my heart.  It was my daughter’s birthday – my Heather.  I know that Connie didn’t know this, and that she chose to bring me here – there are just no coincidences.

(Heather will always be an infant in my mind, I find it completely impossible that she would have turned 36 yesterday if she had lived.)


Beautiful marker.

Walking around in places like this – I feel the other mother’s hearts who have lost little ones way before their time.  I think we would sense that in each other.  It helps.


This little one was for a 2 year old son.


Little sweetheart.

It was the perfect end to 3 very busy and full days, a bit of solitude and solace when my heart needed to take the time to recognize just what day it was.

From year to year things can be different – we learn to move on.  We learn to focus on our hope, and find joy in living, but we never forget.  We just learn to live with it.  

This year there were no tears, just peace in my heart, a poignant remembering of holding her, a tiny warm bundle, over the span of a couple short weeks.  Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago, like it happened to someone else – sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday and the longing can be so heart heavy.

All of these things in our life experience are a part of who we are,  and who we will become.

Thank you, Connie!  I needed this!

I also needed the wonderful Greek food we found at Yia Yia’s Kitchen.  YUMMY!

I’m headed home today – a late morning airport arrival, and will be home by dinner time.

Tomorrow:  I draw for the winner of our Quiltmaker Bundle Gift-Away!  Did you enter to win ON THAT POST?!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Checkerboard Rails quilt by Judy Stokes!

Joy shared together is joy multiplied!

Thank you, Mississippi Quilters – this was a wonderful week, and I’ll look forward to seeing many of you at Old Man River Quilt Show in Vicksburg in 2019!!

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!


Cathy said...

OH Bonnie...no words...just a heavy heart and quiet remberance of your daughter and you.
God bless you. (((Hugs)))

Unknown said...

There are no words to express how deeply sad I am for your loss..and the tears came..💜

Linda Swanekamp said...

Shed some tears for you. My first baby would have been 37. You never forget even when they die before birth. I have a rock in my garden that I had carved, "To the child we never knew". I have a 36 yr. old son and a 32 yr. old daughter who is expecting June 15th with her first. You are loved.

Marti said...

Besides seeing the quilters and their blocks I appreciate the scenery in each place. At 82 I don't get to travel too much any more and love to see new places.

cityquilter grace said...

that chunky churndash is so darn simple but so effective with the hourglass blocks...hoping you find peace amidst your loss....

Bettie Goolsby Doyle. said...

There is no grief like losing your child, my twin sons would have been 62 the 16th of this month,one died in Aug 2012, the other in April 2017 ,both to alcohol abuse,their dad died in 2000 also an alcoholic. My heart hurts for you and many others when the lose a child regardless what age. It hurts everyday.

Beth said...

It's not easy to share such tender emotions, to be so vulnerable. Thank you for trusting us with the precious memory of your sweet Heather. Although it's hard to find the words, many hearts go out to you.

Our family, too, pauses every year on the birthdays of babies who died far too young--6 months and 2 years. Every year it is astonishing to think how old they would be now, to wonder what they would be doing. And I understand what you mean--some years it's wrenching, others years just wearying. But never a year passes without remembrance, which is as it should be.

Marcia said...

I remember how empty and disoriented I felt after the baby died. So sorry that happened to you too.

Kevin said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. Our son has a heart defect and we found out that surgery would not be the best for him and we took him home preparing for a funeral. Out of the hospital window I could watch the sunrise over a large old cemetery. Oddly it was a great place to walk and think and process our situation. God had other plans for him and he is now 2 and slowly growing and progressing. It is still a reality that he could leave us anytime but it has helped me understand others who have loved and lost their own little ones. I pray you have many other times of sweet remembering.

Unknown said...

My twin sons would be 45. Lost them just before birth when elderly driver failed to stop at intersection. You never stop wondering who they would be now. Know they are in heaven watching over their little sister who is RN.

Unknown said...

Tears for your loss.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your Carolina Chain class and am looking forward to your coming to the Old Man River QuiltFest in 2019. I can understand your pain, I lost my son in 2009, he was 26. God knew what was coming so He gave us a beautiful granddaughter, she was born 6 weeks early so her Daddy got to see and hold her before he died.

Pat said...


Unknown said...

Never do we know why things happen and never will we know how that event would have changed our lives. How would that one event change the direction of your life? I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs.

I love stitching said...


My heart aches for your loss. Happy birthday to your beautiful Heather in Heaven.

Hugs to you,

mgster said...

Oh, Bonnie. A sad day and yet you did find some peace. Hang on to that.

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