
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sundays are for Sleeping, Sewing, Soup & Silence.

This was my view this morning as I awoke.

A much needed lazy kind of awakening.  I remembered to turn OFF the dinger that lets us know that wildlife could be in the yard.

I didn’t want to think about bears.

I didn’t want to think about any number of things that are going on in my world at the present moment.

And I realized, that no matter how quiet I might be on the outside, I can’t stop the noise inside my head and my heart from screaming right now.

I am feeling so sad for friends in the path of Hurricane Harvey who have lost everything.  It got to the point where I had to turn that news off and try to find a quiet spot for my mind to rest.

If you or your loved ones are affected by this storm, I am so sorry.  You have my thoughts and my prayers.  And I feel like that isn’t enough.  It isn’t enough.  That could be any of us dealing with that mess right now.

In my head I hear the words of the long ago margarine commercial from my childhood. “You can’t fool Mother Nature!”  More like, you can’t mess with Mother Nature.  Things can change a life so quickly.

And so, we sew!

We sew up until some unraveling threads from the edges of the pieces I was sewing with get sucked down the needle hole and the whole birds nest stops me in my tracks.

This photo looks worse than it is.  This machine is over 55 years old so there is some discoloration, but it isn’t grime.  It was just cleaned last week.  However, there is no better opportunity to clean it again so I did. More oil, a new needle, and since the machine was already unthreaded, I wound some more bobbins while I was at it and I was good to go.

I am trying so very hard to stay positive and to find peace while across the country someone I dearly love is literally suffering worse every day due to the ravaging effects of compound radiation and chemo – about 3 times the dosage that he had 4 years ago because last time they were able to remove the tumor first.  This time the tumor is inoperable, and that word just encases my heart with cold fear and worry and also so much love.

And just like the storm that hit Texas, there is nothing I can do to stop what will or won’t happen to Mark as he endures this disease. His storm is raging.  I am powerless to help him.

And so I sew some more.


This was yesterday’s photo.

If you missed the story, click HERE.

The deer feeders are gone, all remaining corn has been picked up as much as possible.  And still this morning, one of the bears was just sitting there in the yard, as if he expected us to serve him breakfast again.

That ain’t happenin’!! 

Borrowing a song from Donny Osmond, I’ve been singing “Go away, little bear……go away, little bear….you’re not supposed to find food in my yard……..I know that the corn was sweet, but you two must now retreat…I’m walking my Sadie dog and we want you gone….” 

Now just try to get THAT earworm out of your head today.

I am aware that my fuse is extra short these days.  I’m on an emotional roller coaster.

I'm headed to Oregon in early September, and right now forest fires are a problem in the areas I'll be visiting from Medford to Brookings to Grants Pass.  I don't know what the situation will be when I do fly out there on Labor Day.

And then there is the constant barrage of senseless comments.

It doesn’t matter whether I was posting about Irene’s GPS not working in the mountains getting her lost on her way here, or the fact that we had a rotary cutter incident.  Or posting about having a deer bear feeder without knowing there were bears in the area. (And why would you want to feed the deer in the first place?) The reprimanding comments from a plethora of others that have come in a condescending way to make me look and feel stupid have worked their damage. 

I feel stupid. I realize I must really look foolish to many.

And today I’m having a hard time wanting to share much else than quilting, because quilting is….well….safe. 

It’s the other areas of my life where I am becoming reluctant to share anything because of all of the “You should always.  You should never.  Didn’t you know that. Why do you need that.  Didn’t anyone ever tell you that. You need to do this. You need to do that. I would never ever. Well that wasn’t a good idea.”  HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID??

I am so on the verge of keeping my life to myself.  And when I realize that, it really makes me sad.

And so I quilt some more.  Because I can share quilting.


Time for hand quilting THIS.


Moved to the top of the queue.

Yes, it’s more Baptist fans, and this one is not quite 1/3 of the way done.  The fans on this one are smaller and closer together.  I like the scale of the quilting to fit the scale of the blocks, and for the quilting to do its job – anchor the top and the backing and the batting together.  I want no pieces left unquilted, so they are close.

And because they are small 6 arc fans and the space between the arcs is narrow, its going to take me longer to quilt this quilt and get it finished.

This morning I checked my Facebook comments after posting the view from my hoop photo, and there is another “Well, I would never choose those colors but the quilting looks good.” 

WHAT!???  I would NEVER say that to anyone in a comment.  Why would anyone do that?  

And so it starts again today.  If you wouldn’t say that to my (or anyone’s) face in public, don’t write it in a comment.

From this point on I reserve the right to completely delete unkind comments from blog posts or other social media.  I don’t want THOSE earworms playing in my head. And you shouldn't want them there either.

So let's COOK something!

I love my crock-pot!  All of the makings for a yummy chicken soup from a leftover rotisserie chicken. The cabin is smelling yummy already! And that gives me more time to quilt!

The recipe I’m using is found under the recipes tab at the top of the blog.  Just look for crock-pot soups. This is the Turkey Soup recipe, but I'm using chicken instead. It’s the easiest and most yummy way to use up the last of that rotisserie chicken.

What eats do you have planned for today?


Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Doing the best I can to drown out the noise of the world, and find peace and quiet within my own heart.

I love the feeling of seasons about to change.

Vintage Sugar Bowl quilt from my collection.

I've always wanted to recreate this quilt using recycled shirt plaids. I may take a break from other deadlines and make a few blocks today.

Just start.

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Join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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TXMOM said...

We love sharing your life and I truly "don't get it" when the Negative Nellies come out. Put your armour on and know there are more of us who love your Quips and Snips and a glimpse into your life...

Peggy said...

Delete 'em Bonnie! We don't want to read them either!

Debbie said...

I agree That these people whose comments try to educate you are not worth the rest of us reading. I shake my head every time I see them. And wonder what moviates that. I hope they just don't know how superior they try to be. Don't know. But I do know I admire you and hope you don't let them change you.

All good things said...

I am sorry that there are so many people taking out their own frustrations on you! Bless you for your patience, and kindness and your sensitivity. It does make you who you are and why so many love keeping up with you and your life! You are so very real! I am sorry that you are also dealing with a loved one's cancer. It is just plain hard! Cancer sucks. It affects everyone around, not just the actual patient! I am hoping that you find your day of rest today. May you find a bit of calm in the middle of your storm!

greenjay said...

that is a lovely quilt, nuff said. I hope your day is better today.

Cathy Z said...

Bonnie I love reading about your life. I would not only delete the negative comments but also the negative people who write them. You have enough on your mind without these people bringing you down! Saying prayers for you brother and your family!

mascanlon said...

Some people's kids! Geez, know that we love, admire and enjoy spending time with you! So many prayers for your brother and family.

shadypinesqltr said...

I think some people have such inferiority complexes that they try to pull others down to their own low level of self esteem. Whenever I am tempted to make a negative comment, I hear my mother saying, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
Bonnie, my sister in the U.K. is struggling with her third bout of cancer and so I empathize with you. Prayers and positive thought coming your family's way.

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I am sorry you are receiving rude comments. You and your blog are such an inspiration to me!

Debbie said...

I don't think most people are purposefully mean (at least I hope not) but they just don't think before they comment. Everyone should follow the rule "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". I agree that sewing really helps get us through life's challenges. All we can do is pray and hand the outcome over to the Lord. God Bless You.

Chris Donaldson said...

I am so sorry Bonnie that there are rude people in this world that have nothing better to do than make other people feel bad so they feel better. Your plate is so full right now it's shameful we can't just come together to support one another. Please know there are far more of us who love reading your words about your life than the ugly naysayers. Praying for you, your brother and family, and of course for all the people in the hurricanes path.

Debi Persson said...

Loved Donnie Osmond as a young girl - now I will be singing "Go Away Little Bear" all day! Keeping Mark and your family in my daily prayers. I love your blog - I love following you as I have for the past 11 years - I read it daily and I'm sorry others can be so negative. You are truly an inspiration! Leah and I were so glad to see you earlier this month in Chaska - we are definitely planning to come to the MN Quilt Show in 2019! Happy Sunday, Bonnie! Quilt on!

Virginia said...

I have never posted a comment to your blog before but now is the time for me to stand up and declare I LOVE IT!!! I love everything about it and quite frankly I have yet to read anything that I can criticize and I certainly find you not to be 'stupid' at all. Just the opposite - you have helped this beginner quilter in so many ways over the past few years and I have much to thank you for. I like to try new techniques and, boy oh boy, some turn out doozers and others are great but both are fun to work through. Those that leave yucky posts must live pretty awful lives if that is what they spend time doing. I know they hurt - hurtful things always do - BUT they are not worth your time or energy. Focus on your wonderful cabin, your soup and that wonderful brother. Don't leave out the parts of your private life that you sometimes share - makes you a human, just like the rest of us.

Unknown said...

Bonnie I too have never figured out why more people can't learn what we call in my house Thumper's rule "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all". I love the stories you share and I personally loved the bear story. I love the way many quilters reach out and help each other but man the quilt police are not nice and can be brutal. Your positivity is refreshing. I have your brother on my prayer list, because sometimes we just have to pray. May God allow quilting to quiet your mind so you may find joy again. Don't be discouraged we love you. Thanks for all the free patterns. Plus I love the way you write your patterns they are very user friendly.

annie123 said...

Oh Bonnie I am sorry that life has got you down right now. Hope you can just blow off comments from people who have nothing better to do than criticize someone else. My question is why would you not want to feed the deer?? Is there a game warden in that county you could ask about tranquilizing the bears and moving them to a more remote area away from homes.? Sound like they have run astray anyway as you said there have never been bears where you live. Prayers for your brother. Stay safe.

Becky said...

You are a gift! You have the best heart! Praying for Mark & your family. Praying for Texas! Stayed home from church today as I needed quiet myself. I am working on my Jamestown Landing. It reminds me of Texas & you! You are bright, loving, kind, & helpful! Have a great Sunday! Mean people have to live with themselves 24/7! Poor them! We are blessed!

Denise said...

Bonnie don't let those negative nellies get to you. They are like poison to our lives. I think you and your quilts are WONDERFUL and I enjoy hearing ALL about your travels,family,bears and even dentist appointments. I live in California and hope you have a class close enough to me so I can attend. You are a special lady and I love your big happy SMILE.

Claudia said...

Love every post you make. You continue to inspire me. Enjoy hearing about your life journeys. The fact that you are willing to share with us the good the bad and
sometimes the ugly says a lot to me about your true heart and soul. I can't understand all these people who think they know it all and have no inhibitions about calling out others. My Mother always said if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. Praying for your brother his family and the doctors who are treating him. Have a good day!

AnnetteJ said...

Yep. Just delete them. You have so much on your plate, the very last thing you need is criticism. Anyway, having friends come visit at Quiltvilla is YOUR RIGHT. No one can predict when wildlife will choose to visit for heaven's sake.

As to your dear Mark, all you can do is pray for him right now. Bonnie, it's just the way of it. Call as often as you can to reassure him you are thinking of him. That's all that's possible. Be strong and try to remember that crying is Mother Nature's way of releasing some of the stress. You need that release.

Linda said...

Bonnie, I love reading about your life at the cabin, travels and your family. Please don't stop sharing. I met you in June at the Columbus workshop and had a wonderful day! You are so giving. You have given me a new appreciation of my scraps. I have learned so much about scrap quilting from you. I can't wait till we do the next mystery quilt! Just know that you are loved by many!

AmyDe said...

I hope today is filled with comfort and joy for when peace and quiet (in the mind) cannot be found. I think we all should delete the ugly comments from our lives and our hearts as no one needs that! Rock on with your bad self and thank you for sharing what you are able.

Gale Wrigley said...

I'm trying a new crock pot chicken recipe. Using the last of my truffle honey from Italy in this one. The house will smell dee-lish all day. I'm working on a new quilt using the Silent Christmas line, and making some repairs to a vintage hand-pieced top so it can go on the long arm. I love that you're doing so much hand quilting! There seems to be not enough time anymore for that in many of our lives. I enjoy your updates and posts and blogs, and also wonder why people think it's ok to be so insulting behind the anonymity of their keyboards. Well, I guess the good part of that is that it's usually the unhappy people that do things like that, so think about the thousand of us that are happy with your posts! It would be terrific is we posted positive comments when we are pleased, but we, as humans, tend to be silent when we're content. I pledge be to stop the silence and try to post encouraging comments to posts at least 3 times each day. (You've made me try harder already! yay, Bonnie!)

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

I am so sorry about rude and unkind comments you have received. And I think it is an awesome idea to delete any comments you find like this if you want. It is your blog=your posts. No one should "should" you. Please keep sharing your life and your world as well as you fabulous quilting stories. I love them all. Keep quilting and sewing -- it is the best therapy!

Juliana said...

I cannot understand rudeness and mean-spiritedness, so I'm on board with your decision to delete anything said and anyone saying it from your postings. I personally love hearing your stories about your life just as much as I love reading about your quilting. Your stories often trigger happy memories in me, and I love re-living my own joys in tandem with reading about yours. One very short reference to a memory that I love: When I read about the bears coming to your yard to feast on your deer food, I remembered the bear who invaded my screened in porch when I lived in the woods of NH. People told me to take my bird-feeders in between x month and x month because that's when the bears were looking for easy food, but being an out-of-stater and stubborn, I didn't do it. The bear that visited me (I guess it was the same bear) came back the following spring with her twin cubs, and I had the joy of seeing them outside my den window. I know what you mean about the bear sitting in your yard waiting to be served the next meal of corn, because after the mother bear emptied the sunflower seeds, she sat as if she were waiting for the next course of her picnic to be served. While she was eating, her twins were racing all over the front yard and across the very old stone walls and up a tree!
Thank you for sharing. My thoughts are with you and your brother and all the people in the way of Hurricane Harvey.

T Holzer said...

Hugs to you this morning, Bonnie. Take care.

Jackie said...

Thank you for sharing with us. I'm in Texas - thankfully not in harm's way, but we do have family affected by the storms, and it is a constant worry. But I find peace in prayers and in positive actions- and in quilting. I hope you can find that peace, too.

thimble said...

I enjoy reading your blog every day, thank you for sharing!

As to dinner tonight.... I just might walk up and buy the ingredients for your crockpot soup, it sounds wonderful (soup is good even when it is going to be such a warm day)

Unknown said...

I love starting my day with you on your blog Bonnie. I love the quilting parts of course but more than anything I read your blog because you so generously always share your positive energy with us all over the world. I also respect your honesty. I agree with you about the delete button...hit that "negativeism" away. It is not worth your time. Consider yourself embraced in a great big hug.

barbara woods bewtjw@gmail.com said...

Hugs , we love you

Kate said...

Wishing you some quiet time to feed your soul and steady your heart even just a bit. Saying prayers for Mark. Wishing that people would remember their humanity and compassion when leaving comments. Not going to happen it seems, but we can all still wish.

Unknown said...

I find that people get mean on comments on the weekend. I just block those people and off I go to enjoy the day. And wonder at how hateful people can be . Happy Sunday and we have bears too. Makes my dad move faster and that's a good thing. Lol

Carole said...

Bonnie, here is a big warm hug. I hope it helps your heart that is breaking. My prayers are with your brother and all of your family. I always love reading your blog, and enjoyed the stories of the bears. Don't listen to the negative stuff. You are loved.

Jeannette in Sunny Saint Augustine, FL said...

Mom always said "If you can't say anything nice, just shut up!"
Yes, I was shouting! So everyone can hear!
We love you and yours and prayers are coming your way for Peace and quick recovery for Mark

Mckayirish said...

I look forward to all of your posts, both about quilting and other aspects of what you are doing. It is as if you're one of my dearest friends and you are kind enough to share your day with me and the other 100,000 or so who call you "friend". We are concerned about your welfare and feel empathy when life gets bumpy and sad and it cannot be easily fixed. In the "old" days, you would be our pen pal and we would eagerly check for a letter from you, just as we do now through the wonders of technology. Think of us as your sewing circle; delete the posts that are cruel and unkind and do not internalize them. Sending blessings and prayers and the comforting sounds of sewing��

Mary Ellen said...

People can be so crappy. And they can be uplifting and everything in between. I love everything you write, and I, for one, will miss it if you start censoring yourself. It doesn't work anyway because a great post about your "new" handquilting project, the Jane Stickle one, garnered a negative comment. About quilting. Really? I am in awe of the amount of work that goes into a Dear Jane quilt. I have maybe 30 blocks done and it won't be handquilted should it by some miracle of the quilting fairies be completed. Please delete the stupid comments. As someobe else has already mentioned, we don't want to read them either.

Jeanette said...

I shared your blog with a new quilting friend who has a deer feeder in her yard and was rejoicing over her twin fawns who are showing up with their mother. Last week their feeder was pushed over a couple of times and they think it may be a bear. They do live in the country and are heartbroken that they may have to discard the feeder. Her children are enjoying the wildlife that visits. Next Saturday I'm doing a 4 mile run/walk for cancer and will keep Mark in my thoughts along with 2 other people that are dear to me that have just heard the cancer diagnosis. I don't understand this insidious disease, I just want to read the news headlines "A cure for Cancer has been found", people would be rejoicing all over the world. We would all be happy at the same time. Have a better day today and let the peace and quiet of the mountains calm your mind and body.

tlclauricella said...

I cringe every time I read "those" types of comments and wonder why some people have to same something about everything! I pray you don't have to cut us off from your life because I so enjoy reading your posts each morning - one of the first things I do. Prayers for your family during this difficult time.

wvmtgirl quilts said...

Please don't allow the immature, holier than thou, snarky comments to get to you. Easier said than done, right? Your quilting is amazing. Your ideas for quilts are also amazing. Living your life wide open is amazing. And being strong enough to share the good and the not so good is amazing too.

And go ahead and delete those comments. It's your page, and you can make it what you want.

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Sounds like you need them. (((HUGS)))

Bella said...

I love the colors of this quilt; have always liked pink and brown! It reminds me of neapolitan ice cream! I will be lifting you and your family in prayer until you give us a post that tells me differently. As for your soup, thanks for the idea. I, too, have the remnants of a rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator. Consider me a 'soup buddy' today. Please, don't change a thing about your posts in YOUR blog.

Janis said...

Oh Bonnie, bless your heart. I am familiar with that feeling of helplessness! I experienced the heart-wrenching ordeal when my husband had a brain tumor; surgery, stents that didn't allow proper drainage, more surgery. Sigh! Watching a loved one suffer is one of life's cruel challenges...not to mention what said loved one is experiencing. Humbling. What I came to accept is the concept of impermanence, and its reminder to appreciate those we love while we have the opportunity. Thank you for being human and sharing your struggles. I hope you can feel the love and hugs surrounding you. I wish you had my phone number so we could chat and cry together!

Jen said...

Dear Bonnie, I know how you must feel about the comments of people judging, telling you what or what not to do. I find these days it's not worth it getting into a comment war. I wonder if there is a way for you to turn off comments or to moderate comments before they post and that way you can just delete the negativity? The internet makes it so that people are brave to post their feeling or thoughts that they would never have the guts to tell you in person. I thank you for each and every post, even if there is something I don't quite agree with or a quilt that I might not love - I keep it myself. I want creative criticism - not criticism because you can. Enjoy this blessed day.

judyp said...

I love reading your blog. You are so down to earth and so willing to share your knowledge with us. Delete the "know it alls" and just remember we love you!

Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

Bonnie, just keep on what you are doing. People that post those negative comments are just trying to build themselves up. I will keep Mark in my prayers also. With all of us here, we can share the load and hopefully lighten the load on your shoulders. Never give up. Enjoy the day quilting and giving sweet Sadie hugs. (Mary in the liquid sunshine state of Wa.)

Unknown said...

I am pretty thin skinned and found myself withdrawn from the quilting community totally while I was working. I had naively thought all quilters were positive and encouraging. I did quilt and occasionally took classes, but I just didn't have the physical energy after work nor the emotional strength to deal with much else, particularly negativity. I became isolated in my quilting world. Finding the 2016 Mystery Quilt at the exact time I was leaving my job helped me transition between employment and becoming involved in the quilt community again. At first my quilt life was just the Mystery Quilt and the Quiltville community. I've only recently started becoming involved in my local community again. Bonnie... your amazing skills and creativity aside, your kindness, strength of character and willingness to share are a breath of fresh air. I still struggle with the negative external voices but I'm not going to let it steal my joy again. Thanks for being there for me, even though you didn't know you were. Sending positive vibes. Prayers for your brother's medical situation...for wisdom of his medical support team and for he, his family and friends.

Michelle said...

You keep doing you! I enjoy what I read and if a few folks make poor word choices meant to make themselves feel big, so be it. Hopefully the good comments outweigh the misguided ones. I've learned a lot from you and appreciate your daily posts.

Debbie Lou said...

Dear Bonnie,
I have found myself at an age that I no longer have tolerance for rude, nasty people. They don't have a place in my life. They take up too much space and air. Delete them!
You are a bright and shining star in my world and I am thankful for you. I am grateful that I have had the pleasure of meeting you and taken your workshops. Please know I wish you a peaceful day of sewing and family. Prayers and Hugs to you and yours.

katesquilt said...

Good Morning Bonnie.

Sorry to hear of your friend, Mark's, battle with cancer. It hurts when you can't talk the pain away.

Happy to see you're traveling through the Rogue Valley; my daughter, D-I-L and four of my six grandchildren live in the Medford area.

If possible interest to you is a new quilt store, just opened this year, in Shady Cove called the "Corner Quilt Store". A nice little shop with nice fabrics and big plans.

Anyway, have a wonderful time in Oregon. Hope someday to meet you.

Kathleen S. Matthews

Sharon said...

Prays. To you and all that are hurting. Up lift each other with kindness and love. Everyone hurts now and then. Hurtful words come from that pain. Love is the pain relief. So love to you Bonnie and Mark. Love seven fold.

Tiffanee said...

Bonnie you are my twin in this article... my pain for those affected by MOTHER NATURE, the ugliness from comments on posts, the bear delima... except mine are SQUIRRELS....I love to feed the birds but the squirrels didn't get my message to leave the bird feeders alone... sooo... being a country girl I've started sending the squirrels to LaLa land....BUT I also have a large RedTailed Hawk that is more than happy to share my kills with his family....AND I've been dealing with my husbands prostate and kidney cancer for a little over a year noW...I mean really? Come on now.. enough IS ENOUGH... so I truly understand what it's like to feel HELPLESS when it involves a loved one💔 AND PLEASE DON'T EVER STOP SHARING your world... it's my morning routine to read your posts and SAVE all of your WISDOM QUOTES!! I vote for you to STAY Bonnie💗💗💗 Love from Arkansas

Ellie said...

So sorry you are having so many negative comments on your life! You are far, far from stupid! You're one of the most creative people I've ever come across! I hope you're feeling the love and positive engery directed your way this morning! A walk with Sadie and some fresh air may help clear some of the gunk! For every negative comment there are many more who love you, enjoy sharing your life and delight in your blog, whatever you choose to write. Here's hoping the day bring you peace and some pleasure. Hugs!

Kerry said...

Hmmm - that's happened to me a couple of months ago. I was finishing my daughter's quilt. Found a backing, a nice blue/grey batik, but went shopping to a different quilt shop to find some batting. And there was the perfect backing. Only because it was totally different, totally colourful batik and looked like lots of hands. Now on the front of the quilt my daughter had chosen little colourful tiny Saturns - but she decided they were alien spaceships. She was young at the time (yeah took a while for me to get round to it) and she's delighted with the finished quilt (she's now 25 years old!). Took it back to the local shop to show them - they want to put it in their mini show just to give other customers ideas of how other people are playing with fabric (and they are nice ladies). Then a customer said "oh I wouldn't have chosen THAT backing!" And I was flummoxed! I didn't even get a chance to explain the reason why. That was so mean - I'm still learning and now I'm very reluctant to do a show and tell at the quilting group that has just taken me under their wing. But hey ho - my daughter loves it so there Mrs Mean Customer!
Some people just need feeding to the bears!

Jean said...

Bonnie, you're the best. That says it all!

Jacque Wright said...

Bonnie, thanks for your good thoughts about the horrid flooding and devastation here in Texas. I'm in San Antonio where we prepared for the worst as Harvey was headed straight for us. He had a change of course so our city was spared but now Houston, where my son lives, is really suffering. We're all sick over the losses on our beautiful Gulf Coast. I love the small coastal towns and the wonderful people who live and work there. Have gone to many a great quilt retreat in Rockport...no idea if The Retreat House is still standing. San Antonio has taken in over 1,100 evacuees and 350 medical evacuees and will continue to take in as many as can get here. We're a city of compassion and no one will be turned away. During and after Katrina, we had over 35,000 evacuees here, many of whom stayed. Texans are tough and we will rebuild and help those who can't help themselves, but this is just devastating to all of us, even if not personally affected. We need all the prayers possible.

Mary said...

You, your family, & especially Mark are in my Thought and Prayers today.
I love your earworm today. Hopefully tomorrow you can say "No Bears are out". Did you play that game as a child? Ponder on the good hearted people who love and respect you and all you do! Sending Hugs of comfort to go with your Chicken Soup.

Unknown said...

Mother always said, " IF you can say anything nice, don't say anything at all". We love you Bonnie!!

La Vernia, TX

RenaissanceSandi said...

The courage to be vulnerable is rare. It opens us up to ridicule, "I told you so", and that's stupid (ugly, dumb, fill in your own insult). You have been in the public eye and have been honest and open. Like actors and actresses, the cost of being in the public eye is scrutiny and criticism. Unfortunately, one hurtful comment can negate 100 wonderful comments. You are smart, kind, funny, talented, and many wonderful things. Negative people, like my dad used to say, would gripe if they were hung with a new rope...you cannot please them, and you do not have to. You are enough. Negative people are a large part of what is wrong in this world. You are a part of what's right...stay on the high road. It leads where you want to be :)

Wolfquilter said...

Good morning Bonnie. I hope that today is a little better for you. To those of us who know what empathy is, we are with you. I too believe that if you can't say anything nice and you couldn't say it when you face me, leave me alone. Ever since I found your blog, it's one of the first things I check on my laptop daily after I thank God for taking care of me last night. In my heart I say prayers for all of those who are having so many struggles in their lives whatever it may be. I am not here to judge on person's perceived struggles over another. Please don't stop sharing your life with us.You are a wonderful, caring, and generous person. Delete the naysayers. Prayers for you and your family.

Unknown said...

I, like everyone else here, would really miss hearing about your LIFE. Your positive outlook on things has certainly made me stop and think about how I can be a better person, to say nothing of all the quilting things I have learned from you. I am always telling others to take the time to read your blog-you get so much more than the awesome quilt patterns you so generously share with all of us. I do not know what could possibly be the answer to rude people thinking before they speak/type- I really wish I did. Just know that for every one of them, there are 1,000 of us that are truly appreciative of you and all your efforts on our behalf. Hugs to you at this time, I think you could use some real ones. Am saying prayers for your brother, you & your whole family. Janine Baker

Vic in NH said...

Hugs and prayers going out to you and Mark. Being open can leave us vulnerable to careless comments that are rude and hurtful. Please know that you mean the world to most of us!

Pat said...

You have such a generous and happy heart-ignore/delete the negativity! You have so much to share & we are grateful. We can't know everything we're "supposed" to know; if we did we'd stop learning. Life is full of surprises. We can depend on God to lead us through the bad & rejoice with us in the good ones. "He gives us all things to enjoy." He's given you a plethora of good-energy, creativity, a generous and uplifting heart. Don't let the negatives get you down! BTW try "Thanks for Bring a Friend" song as an ear worm! It's beginning to fade but I had to stop watching "Golden Girls" for a while!��

Amber said...

I for one enjoy reading about your life and quilting journey. My mom always told me if you can't say something nice don't say anything. This is YOUR blog, if people want to say something negative let them do it elsewhere. I admire your courage and agree (not that you need my opinion) delete negativity.

Jo near Boone, NC said...

I am one of the 99% of your readers who enjoy all you write. The other 1% are searching for ways to criticize you, it seems, envious people, loud - harboring so many problems of their own. When our hearts are raw with hurt the loudness is painful. Many of us know the feelings that come when people we love are fighting cancer. We hurt for you. Please do not change your blogging. We look forward to it every day. " Listening"like friends anytime you need to "talk."

sewengel said...

Dear Bonnie, I wish I could be there to help with your pain, but I will pray instead for your brother. Please do delete snarky comments. I don't understand those people. Please continue to let us glimpse into your interesting life because my life is pretty boring. Oops, probably shouldn't say that, it could be not boring soon, hehe. Hugs from Colorado

Carline said...

Bonnie, I love you and all you do and share and a lot of other people do to. Just leave the negative people behind and we will love ya enough to help drown them out. I will pray for Mark and for you. Life is not fair sometimes. I hope your travel plans are not ruined by the fires. I live in South West Washington and we are getting our share of smoke too. Take care. Carline

Unknown said...

I just wish people could just be nice to each other. Have shaken my head at things posted by some. Makes me hesitant about having a blog. Unfortunately sharing your life seems to give some the idea that they have the right to run it for you. Sorry you have had this happen. Hugs and best wishes to you and your family 💕

LoAnn said...

Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. Please know that there are waaaaaaaaaay more followers whom love to read you blog, no matter what you post. The blog is something that most of us read first thing in the morning--to see what is going on with you and your family-because
we admire you for all your quilting experience, the joy that you bring to us. Many of us have not been able to attend your workshops, so we "live" through your blog. Keep it up, please! We love you!

Juliet S. said...

Good morning, sweet friend...I have marvelled at your adventures! You have so (sew) much energy and so (sew) much fun. Know that for every ridiculous, unhappy and negative remark, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of us who love and appreciate You! We may not always comment, but we enjoy the blog every. SINGLE. DAY! So much we can't control, like weather and disease, but we can control our reactions. Hopefully, the detractors will move on and we can continue to simply enjoy you! Sending hugs and squishes...

Myrna said...

Bonnie, prayers for Mark and for you. I hope you find peace in your sewing today. I think you're a very smart, talented, and caring person and I enjoy your posts very much. It's sad that some people like to use the "anonymity" of social media to criticize and be downright mean. Sometimes I read comments and think "how could you say that to anyone?" I'd like to think they don't realize how they sound...but I suspect they do.

Janet/OK said...

Love ya, girl! You make me laugh, you make me cry, you fill my quilty soul with beauty. Remember, there's a bunch of us standing here, holding your hand and offering you cookies!

Debbi said...

Don't worry about those darn ol Bears. They will soon realize that Bonnie's Buffet has shut its doors. You have encouraged me to have my Grandmother's Singer cleaned and gone over. No one has sewn on it for about 35 years. Your beautiful quilts make me want to be creative, again. Thank you for your encouragement. Last night for dinner was pork chops in mushroom gravy, sweet potatoes, peas, sliced tomatoes, and some sliced peaches for dessert. It is raining today, so haven't figured dinner out yet. Have a great day Bonnie.

Amy said...

Sending you love and hugs and a big stick for snarky comment bashing!

Bev said...

Some people are so unhappy in their own lives that they have to criticize others. I enjoy seeing your quilts and love many. Others may not be my 'cup of tea' but they are your's and that is good. Keep sharing and ignore the negative comments.

Lorene Holbrook said...

Hugs, hugs, hugs!!!! Delete away the negative! Hugs....

running addiction said...

Thanks for all you share! Yes, we are all different (cool how God did that!). Makes life a more beautiful quilt. May we all appreciate and see the beauty of our differences! And learn to see all the good in others.
May God send peace and comfort to you!

JoEllen said...

As Dr Phil Says, it takes 1000 positive words to erase 1 negative word, so I am praying for 1000 positive replies for you today!
You can't imagine how much your life stories and positive messages affect us all...you are a breath of fresh air to read and I look forward to every post! I am saying prayers for your brother!

Bless you too!

Judy D in Upstate NY said...

Get rid of anyone who makes an unkind or snarky comment! I love reading about your life! Best wishes for your brother, I had my own cancer episode this spring and quilting got me through it!
It is cool in upstate NY so I am cooking a casserole with ground turkey for dinner. I don't usually make it until October but today calls for comfort food with all the stuff happening in the world. Hang in there Bonnie!

Dorothy Hobson said...

Bonnie I just read your blogpost of this morning and my heart is heavy hearing the sadness from you. Delete those rude, negative comments! They are like mold - toxic. I so wish I could give you a hug and take away all your pain but I cannot. Please know that I am praying for you and your family. Mark is strong and with God's Love, Strength and Healing he'll get through this. Pray for me as I'm having a very tough time as well. My mother is ill and I am her sole caretaker. My life consists of work, dinner, dishes, laundry, getting her meds, fall into bed, and repeat. I've lost myself. Hugs Bonnie. We love you. 💗

Deb E said...

A suggestion: I would post a comment above the 'comments' area that if the comment isn't kind, positive or uplifting to the soul that it will be deleted, so please don't post that sort of comment. Today so many seem to feel its ok to say whatever they like, and to heck with anyone else. So many who have forgotten (if they ever learned) that manners and kindness are what make life amongst so many people a little easier and much more pleasant.

I continue to pray for you and your family, for Mark, and for our fellow Americans who are suffering so much right now. You'll be in Oregon next week - I hope that the fire is under control so that you can enjoy our state and your time here. Safe journey, and hopes that you will feel peace in your heart soon -- its hard to see people you love suffer! Best wishes to you! Deb E / Oregon

Nancy said...

"Thank you for taking the time to read my post, but I wasn't fishing for criticism; just sharing my life at the moment. I hope you find something that makes you happy and can share it at some point too."

Get snarky back girlfriend. It always makes me feel better.

Love you!

Terri in BC said...

Please know you are loved and are appreciated for your openness and honesty! I have experienced negative people in my life and have used the delete key with great delight when I have received a nasty email or two (family if you can believe it). I didn't even get past the first two lines before I wiped that negativity out of my life.

Shame on those who try to impose their opinions and mean thoughts on you, and unfortunate that they won't recognize themselves. If they are repeat offenders, you can also block them from your Facebook group, at least, if not from here.

Rina Mason said...

I love reading everything you put together on your blog. As far as comments making you feel stupid, do what I do. Look up the antonyms for the word stupid and you will find, intelligence, sharp, astute, smart, clever, ability and awesomeness as just a few words to use instead of a word that makes you feel stupid. Besides, How can a stupid person achieve everything you have in life. A wonderful family to grow up in, a fantastic family of your own, a career that has not only make you happy but has changed peoples lives in so many ways from so many places around the globe. You seem to be doing what you love and living your life on your own terms. Do you know how many people can never do that and get jealous of people who do. I'm sure that the nasty little comments are from those people. Next time just stick one of those fun little words in where the not so nice one is and you'll start laughing when you read the sentence. Example: I never would have picked that for a backing. Reply: I'm so glad you didn't because then my quilt wouldn't be as special as it is.

Panto Pam said...

I can't believe how RUDE this world has become. Yes, even quilters are now rude. I hope you don't stop sharing your life. I enjoy reading how you make it all balance and it gives me hope that I can also. I find when I'm upset and my mind is racing in all different directions, I can let it all go by just sitting at my machine with one of your patterns and my scraps and just feeding the machine as I work things out in my mind. Thank you for sharing your life and quilts with us!

Donna W said...

I for one love reading about your life and quilting. And, I know there are thousands of others who do so also. I was at a quilting class the other day and we spent a good part of it talking about you and your website and how much we enjoyed it and how much we learned from it. THANKS!

Lee said...

Reading of your pain from the words of others as well as the storm your brother is enduring makes me sad. Saying an extra prayer for you today!

Unknown said...

Sadie girl you always melt my heart and love radiates from your precious eyes. Bless your heart Bonnie and please don't let "stupid" people dishearten you or take away from your joy. I still want a deer feeder to feed my critters. The wild turkeys know to come to our place during Turkey season because I will protect them from my husband, brother, nephew, friends and even our preacher. My turkeys will not show up on anybody's Thanksgiving platter. Hope that gave you a chuckle. Your followers that love a view into your true life are greater than your idiot followers. I am in awe of you and enjoy you sharing your great talents, travels and experiences that some of us can only dream of plus you know I love that Sadie girl (I sure miss my Lacey, but we are too old to get another dog). Hugs & Blessings

Jennifer Rauch said...

I'm kinda new to Quiltville posts - enjoying it all. Sorry negatives have filtered (or barged)thru, especially during your worrying time. A possible perspective - sometimes in my amazement, I have been known to say something like "I'd never have thought to use that combo of colors/backing", whatever. I do add - "But it looks great!" I'm learning learning learning, & am always amazed at our Guild's Show & Tell at the combos of colors/prints, etc., that look so good together. I sure hope my comments haven't seemed critical in my astonishment. Maybe some of the nasties really didn't mean to be? Optimistic.

Arrowhead Gramma said...

Bonnie, so very sorry that you are having to put up with negative comments from the "few." Some people take great enjoyment in doing this, and I think the base of it is just plain jealousy. Keep on keeping on and doing your thing which touches so many live in such a positive, upbeat manner. Praying each and every day for your brother, and know that God answers prayers (I am in remission 5 1/2 years). As the saying goes: "God never gives us more than we can handle," and then Mother Teresa added to it: "Why does He trust me so much." When times get tough and I feel I can't handle it all, I always remember this. Enjoy your day with the Hubster, your quilting and especially that Chicken soup.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

I'm so sorry you are suffering right now when you give so much to our community. Let the naysayers eat cake! I don't understand those people who are so negative. I avoid them in my life so can you. Delete those negative comments. Prayers abound for Mark . I really like your color s on the newest hand quilting-so soft looking. I have been seeing in the kitchen this weekend watching the terrible situation in Texas. So many people affected. Prayers go out for them also. Hang in there girl and Quilt Away! It helps. Mary in Az

Mary said...

Sending quilty hugs and love during what must be a very overwhelming time. I love your stories and posts and country life adventures and your willingness to share with others. This is YOUR blog and those who are MEAN need to go away. Prayers for peace in your heart today and strength for Mark, his wife and children.

Stephanie said...

I love that you share your adventurous life! And I am so sorry for what you are going through with your brother and the feelings of helplessness. Just skip the negative comments and opinions. The anonymity of the computer opens all the rudeness filters I guess. All you can do is live your life. Foibles, tragedies, funtimes and all, and not worry about what others say. Reading about your bears I kept thinking if that were me....I wouldn't have known of the consequences since I have never lived in a wilderness area. But then the first snake would have had ME running for MILES! These situations are how we learn. Love ya!

Cpqwilts said...

Bonnie, wishing you peace, strength, and comfort in all that you are facing now. As you once said, this is YOUR BLOG!! It is the documentation of things that are happening in YOUR LIFE. (And we are privileged to share it with you because of your generous spirit)!

Yes, please do DELETE all that is negative!!!! And enjoy doing it. ��

Caro said...

Today, I sit here thankful that we have survived Harvey with no damage. Living 12 miles from the Gulf makes us ever vulnerable. As far as juspdgmental comments go, I don't believe any of us were placed on this earth to pass judgment of others. I'll leave it at that and hope your day continues to go well for you.

Barb said...

Bonnie I am sorry that the public feels like they can comment on your choices. I enjoy your blogs and the look int your life and quilting. Your positivity is much needed in the world, and brightens my day daily! Don't let the naysayers get you down, everyone is a critic because they are unhappy people. Keep doing what you are doing, you don't need them, but we need you! Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Sending love to you Bonnie. Barbara Craig

jerri said...

*Hugs* there will always be the negative nellies but most of us are in your corner cheering you on! I don't comment often but I am here and appreciate all you do and share so unselfishly. As many others have said you and your family are in my prayers, I too have had family members go through the pain of cancer, and if we can't support each other what good are we, really? Keep your spirits up and know that we as a blog are standing behind you.

shelleyjwilliams said...

I love the vintage sugar bowls. Thanks for everything you do! I love your life, and I love my life! I love it that you share your life with us! Thanks for all you do! Shelley W. PS praying for your brother Mark and his family!

Colleen said...

As I get older (I'm 70), I'm less tolerant of people and keep more and more to myself. Quilting is my salvation and I've had comments like...what are you going to do with all those quilts you make?...why do you make so many?, etc. They don't understand that it's my "therapy". I NEED to create.

Recently, I've been thinking about quitting FB. The politics on there has gotten my BP through the roof so many times that I wonder why I keep reading it. People are cruel and I've come to the conclusion...you can't fix stupid.

I can't imagine the worry you are experiencing with what's happening to Mark. Feeling helpless is terrible. I don't know if you're grounded in any faith, but, despite what's happening in the world try to remember that we are NOT in control of anything...God is and He loves you and your family and He knows the pain in your heart. We don't know His purpose for what happens to any of us but we'll know some day. Be strong and lean on Him for the comfort you need. Don't let the rude comments from others bother you. We love you and are so thankful that you share so much with us that the petty comments are only a tiny, tiny fraction of the followers.

Have a good cry and get it out of your system and carry on :)

Sydney said...

Oh, Bonnie....prayers are coming from my heart to help your head and heart heal from all this negative chaos that you have been dealing with. You are not stupid! You are a wonderful ,beautiful person with a talent that God blessed you with and you have been sweet enough to share with the quilting community. I have had many people in my life, even family, give me the stupid advice and negative comments like
you are getting. Karma will come round and smack those darn people one of these days. Please don't stop sharing your life with us. We , your dedicated followers, love you and your family and are praying for Mark. ❤️

Ellen said...

Quilting is the best therapy to deal with the stresses in life. Brain tumours are nasty and we as a family with a brain tumour survivor are send in positive thoughts to your family. I agree delete all the negative comments, those people are not worth your time! Keep on quilting! We love how inspiring you are!

HelenMarie said...

Sending you and your family hugs and prayers. I can only imagine how difficult a time this is for you. I like to believe in the best of everyone and hope that those comments weren't meant to hurt... "We" forget that we can't take back unguarded/unedited/unthoughtful comments once posted. I would like to think face-to-face conversations would be much gentler.


kelltrek said...

My food will be prepared by my son! Everything tastes better (I think) when prepared my family. I will help my daughter finish painting her attic room and then home to do some organizing in the studio. Might even get something under the needle, we'll see.

Sherie said...

Awwwww. Don't let them get to you! I love your posts! You are a good, kind and wonderful person who touch many lives in a positive way. Personally I can empathize with you and all that is going on in your life. I often think to myself ," I wish I had her drive!" You bring so MUCH positive to so many who need a bright spot in their life even a brief blog post cheers up many just when they need it. I say DELETE AWAY! Just because I don't like green and orange together does not mean millions of others do like it, but to actually say that to someone who worked SO hard on a project and that person who said it has a need to make themselves feel better , I feel that their need to make those comments is very sad. To me and MANY you are our Wonder Woman! If I don't like a TV show I am watching I turn the channel , so I say to those who don't like what they are seeing, turn the channel and watch somebody else..........

brandln said...

The greatest gift is being true to yourself. Hoping you find the quietness within that you so desperately seek.

priscilla said...

Absolutely delete the nasty comments & the people who write them. I've been through what you're going through w/your brother & it's horrible. Just know your kind heart will help those close to you.
I find I shut off the news more & more also. We're in an awful place in history but it won't last forever, Thank God.
Texas somehow, hopefully will recover sooner than later. They've certainly got it rough right now.
Sending very best wishes..stay positive. You keep me positive...

Lois said...

Bonnie--just posting to say the positive will always out number the negatives. Please keep sharing,enjoy your blog daily.

swakins said...

Having comments on blog posts opens you up to other's opinions, some of them are not what you want to hear, but all you have to do is post an "I hate bad comments" post and you get a plethora of "we love you and all those other people are nuts" so no problem. When people choose to share their lives with the masses you are at risk of not having the whole world agree with you. I am old enough to have moved past worrying about the opinions of strangers and only half care about those from folks I know. Take care and stitch on.

Happyblogger said...

Hi bonnie
Enjoy your day smile head held high and on you go. Love your blog
And love your positive attitude keep going girl

gardentilly said...

Soup smells good from here, enjoy your day of family and sewing, oh yeah the soup mmmmmm

Jacqueline said...

Prayers for you, the doctors in charge of Mark's health decisions and your family. I hope you can lean on your faith and friends to get you through these dark days right now. And of course your sewing. Thanks for sharing all you do.

Unknown said...

block comments at least temporarily. You do not need this. Protect yourself. Your posts can be deleted if desired and no one is an expert in the areas you mention. Judge not , lest you be judged

pojo said...

Hi Bonnie, This is your blog and you can say and write what you want too. If they don't like it tell them to fly a kite high and get on with their own life not yours.
I read yours daily and enjoy it very much.

Unknown said...

I am a newish self taught quilter without a group of quilter friends - your posts are like a virtual friend that can talk quilts, but also all the other stuff life throws in, good and bad! You are an awesome human, blogger, and quilter! And thanks for encouraging my color schemes, which others also thing arent normal, but which i continue to love and never regret!!

Christine S. said...

Dearest, dearest Bonnie,
We have never met, but yet I always leave your blogposts uplifted and encouraged. Life gave me a huge share of difficulties and some days I hardly dare to look up. People indeed have a way to make you feel smaller than you already feel yourself, so I feel relieved when your post gives me a smile or a way to keep going and trying. Dearest Bonnie, always stay true to yorself! Thank you for everything you mean for me! Lots and lots of love for you and your loved ones!,

Mary J said...

I'm sorry Bonnie that you have to go through that!!! I love your blog and it is the only thing I make sure to read everyday. I enjoy your whole journey and it makes me want to be more motivated like you. I know we could be great friends. I hope to be able to take one of your classes on day. I'm trying to get into one in Ocala, FL in February 2018 but the say it is only for the Quilt Guild members. I really hope that have room for my friend and I. She also loves your blog!!!

rebecca said...

I love your posts. I want to say a great BIG Thank You for sharing. I really wonder sometimes why people are so callus and judgemental? They must have a lot of self doubt and insecurities. Please continue to share. Those of us that truly enjoy your posts never think of you as anything but extremely talented and fun loving.

Blessings and prayers for you and your family. God's plan is always best, even when it is difficult. If he brings you to it, He will get you through it.

Susan Taylor said...

You are a gift that has been given to the quilting community! I look forward to your blog everyday, whatever you choose to share with us of your life. Those that can only see the negative will never know happiness like you do. I love your quilt(s) and can't imagine anyone thinking they could do better. I'm sending prayers for your brother and you! I just lost my sister and my heart feels broken but I too find peace in sewing.

Unknown said...

What a great little buddy to wake up with! Continued prayers your family and friends that the cancer doesn't overwhelm. I'm new to reading your blog, and I can already say that I hope you continue showing us the little snippets of reality. I've had rotary incidents twice now, and I can tell you that finding out someone working with you had a problem...well let's just say I don't feel so foolish :) I hope you continue to share your whole reality. You have an interesting life, great perspective, and an amazing heart! It's disgusting that one or two rude, bitter, or superior comments can obliterate the hundred other positive ones! Enjoy quilting that gorgeous quilt. It looks to like a perk to hand quilting is that you get to snuggle in the quilt a bit while you're still making it.

Unknown said...

Prayers for a peaceful day!!

Sandi1100 said...

Hi Bonnie,
Please don't let the few people who leave unkind comments deter you from posting on your Blog. I for one, enjoy hearing about what you do. I think deleting them is a good idea. Please keep posting as I like the variety. My prayers are with you and your brother and family.

Deb said...

As long as stuff makes you happy, don't worry about what others say. They don't know the whole story, so shouldn't judge.

As to the bears and food. You didn't know, now that you do, you took precautions. That's enough. You learned from it and corrected the problem. That's enough.

People will make judgments. As long as you know you're doing the best you can, be happy with that.

Nel said...


Just keep on keeping on. Delete all the posts each day if you want to and start fresh. We love all your write about and you go places and do things I will never be able to do so I love to see what you see, meet who you meet, and see what they are doing. My favorite quote is: Today's trouble is enough and this too shall pass.

Looking forward to more of your quiltville's.

BT in MH, Ark

cityquilter grace said...

confess i'm scarfing down choc cake while i read this (pnut butter frosting too) that i made for myself....don't let the turkeys get you down...chuck swindoll says don't sweat the small stuff and everything pretty much IS small stuff...delete away...i sure would..it's still YOUR blog, say what you like and let the turkeys go someplace else.

Marcie Redeker said...

So I read your blog this morning (my habit), turned Pandora Relaxation station on (new to me) and have been piecing a new quilt headed to Mexico and the family of my daughter's chef, and just wanted you to know just how very much your blog means to me! My hopes and prayers for a positive outcome of Mark's treatments, and hugs to you, too! I'm not sure just what malady people suffer from who seem to NEED to criticize others....I choose to see the best in the world....and Bonnie, you are the BEST!

PeggyB said...


I come here to read your blog not the comments. I don't care why someone is being negative but I suggest you think to yourself "I have published books, patterns, had solo exhibit of my quilts, and I am the most sought after quilt teacher in America - pooh on anyone's pettiness" Then delete them!

Unknown said...

"They" should feel blooming grateful, to say the least, that someone as lovely - and as frantically busy - takes the time and the energy to share her life with others - they are the mean and horrid losers. Ignore them and delete them - in every way possible.

skye said...

You are a radiant gift in this world, Bonnie! Yes, delete the posts that are needlessly unkind & then block the poster.
No guilt. This is the Internet. They have no compunctions about being mean. Please have no compunctions about making sure that they cannot comment again.
And your latest hand quilting project is delicious!!!!

jean said...

Please just block those people. If they don't make your life happier, why have them around.
My husband died back in Feb, I've been looking for a quilt to use his shirts as a gift for our son. This might be a possibility.

Know what you mean about the mind swirling. I also retired this year and am in the midst of a move to Virginia. I've finally had to put a hold on things and will deal with the current house next year. Two years ago I had throat cancer and it's all just too much some days.

Looking forward to seeing you in Rochester, my in October! I've been cutting all my scraps into the needed pieces. It's helping.

Created by Kathi said...

Delete all unkind comments PLEASE!!! No need for you to see them... maybe an assistant for that part for you to only see the good you do for the quilting world and the blogging world... I love relying on your daily brain sharing posts... I rarely comment but todays' post from you seemed to demand it.... I love all you do whether it is quilt cam... inspirational hand stitches ... block production... webbing... classes teaching... dear deer feeding... bears.. .whatever... I am happy for you that you are able to have a second getaway place to escape to... I wish everyone would be happy for you instead of you having to escape negativity even here when so much else in this world is negative... I think of your brother often and send happy healing thoughts for his tumor and his family and him too! I also send thoughts and prayers up for you... you are so awesome in all you do and share... you husband and kids are blessed to have you! As are we Bonnie. Safe travels if a quilt cam doesn't happen before you leave! Kathi

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Dear Bonnie, Mass this morning was with intentions for healing for Mark and Robyn (from my parish family). Both are battling the dreaded C. He will stay in my prayers; I feel like he's a friend of the family!

Don't let the comments from "Negative Nellies" get you down. For every one of them, I can promise you have dozens of fans who love the little glimpses into your life. We are rooting for you!

As far as the bears. They were smart enough to figure out where the 'buffet' was, they'll be smart enough to figure out it's closed LOL. Just keep Sadie close for a while and it will be fine. We don't have bears here in Kansas anymore (except at the zoo in the 'native animals' exhibit), and I loved your video yesterday.

"Chin up and face forward" as my grandma used to say.

Sandi said...

Keep being true to you. You are a blessing to so many of us. Please remember you are loved by so many people that your path has crossed. Praying for you and your family. Strength and courage are gifts I pray you are blessed with. You brighten my day with your insights and inspiration. Find joy in each moment. And I am sending many hugs and much love your way. Hope you can take time and just breathe. Happy quilting!

lvkwilt said...

I am a lurker but must tell you that the delete key is your friend. There seems to be much more mean, thoughtless comments since social media made is so anonymous. You are a gift to those of us who love your blog and I hate that you are feeling down. Just dealing with your brother's situation is enough--don't let the commenters take you down. Prayers needed and not comments! Thanks for sharing your life with us and hope you can ignore the meanies out there!

DJ said...

Bonnie, I sincerely hope that my suggestion to make a lot of noise to scare the bears away didn't in anyway make you feel stupid or have any negative feelings. It was definitely not meant to do that, its just what we do here in the U.P. to get them to leave. It makes me very sad to think that something I said was part of making you sad or feel 'less than'. I am praying hard for Mark and your whole family and will continue to do so. Please know that many of us feel as tho you are a friend and care very much about you and your family.

Suzzysews said...

Hi Bonnie❣️I feel like you are a kindred spirit, and when you hurt,I hurt and I know in my heart the all of Quiltville is hurting with you(except for the uglies) I wish we could delete them for you. You are such an amazing woman,who touches my heart ❤️Every day❣️Stay like you are,do not listen to the ugliness.Delete and conquer. I have dealt with some quilter's meanest and politics. I chose to go the high road and continue my quilt journey! It is your journey, not there's. When someone states they do not like my quilt,or colors, I walk away and do not say anything. Who cares. So glad we are all so different! If you need a warm hug today, that Sadie girl loves you a bushel and a peck😘😻😍🐶Just look at those eyes ❣️❣️❣️I love that dog😍😍Still praying for Mark and your family. My family just lost my 30 yr old niece,who struggled for seven years with a rare skin cancer. We are still struggling with her loss. Cancer does SUCK!!May God surround you with heavenly angles with their armor on. He will raise you up, and shatter your enemies!!🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇👏👏
I will have to try your chicken soup for the soul! Big hugs and kisses to you my quilting sister❣️⭕️❌😘😍🌺🌸👍🐝🐝🐝P.S. My bird feeders have fed a couple of bears over the years??!LOL😂

Raewyn said...

Sending you hugs Bonnie xx

Rochelle said...

Ms Bonnie: Here are my unsolicited comments on your blogging.... I read it daily as it makes me laugh, and think. I brightens my day with the quilts you share. I love the sharing of your family as family is the most important thing in the world. As for things you do that I don't? Well, isn't that what makes life interesting? Fun? Different? If we all did the same thing it would be BORING!!!! I love the stories of the bears and deer and Sadie and your cats. I share these with my husband. I share with my friends. I think you are a courageous woman. I keep your brother in my prayers, I know how I would feel should it be my sister. You share more than your quilting, you share your life. The courage that takes is amazing. As for the negative comments??? I like that you are going to delete them. No one needs that in their lives. You are the closest person to a quilt teacher I have ever had. The last person in my family to quilt (not sew there are plenty of those) was my grandmother's great grandmother. With you, I learn so much, JUST from your blogs and your FB comments. I hope you continue to post, you make my day. I look forward to coming home from a hard emotional day at the medical office where I work, and reading about what you have done, what you have taught, what you have thought. It helps me to come down from the stress of my day. Thank you for being a cyber mentor without even realizing you have been.
Rochelle Hunt-Roy.

VA said...

I don't comment often, but I do read every single one of your posts. It saddens me that social media has brought out so many 'whiners'. I was taught that if I can't say anything nice not to say anything at all. I enjoy reading about the daily goings on and especially enjoy quilt cam. You have the right to run your life (and your blog, facebook, etc.) the way you want. People used to think before opening their mouth (or posting rude comments). I'm not very good with words, but want you to know I'm behind you 100%! I really appreciate everything you do for us quilters!

miz lizzie said...

I love your talent that you so willingly share, your blog and messages. Especially today. I woke up sick with a yucky cold, feeling sorry for myself. To sick to go to church. Then I read your message and feel like I received the sermon I needed today. Thank you for the pick-me-up. I'm going to put a roast in the crock pot and sit and sew a project for our local homeless shelter. You do good work. Thank you.

Marilyn said...

Bonnie I wish I could just give you a great big hug, you give so much of yourself and so many of us love you for it. Don't let the meanie moaners get to you just delete them into the bin where they belong. So many people don't have family near and hearing about what you do is a great joy for some, I know I love to hear what you have been doing and what treasures you find on your road trips. Find comfort if you can in sewing and the love that so many are sending out to you and your family. Sending you hugs and strength. xxx

Pattie D said...

I guess today we are grateful for the DELETE button! Oh my heavens, I am constantly appalled at what most think is okay to text, email or post! I am pretty sure 75% of it would have never been said to your face! I have followed you for years! You are inspiring with what seems to be boundless energy! I love love love your use it up mentality. I love your quilts! I love that they represent hours of love, because after all isn't that what a quilt really is, but a great big warm hug! So the quilt you are quilting right now...LOVE the colors! (okay I am your age and maybe it is a generational thing...haha!) So I have to ask, do you baste on your longarm when you do your lap quilting projects? I have two small vintage quilts I really do want to hand quilt, but fear has stopped me in my tracks!

Hurricane Harvey has affected a member of our family, but they posted yesterday they are safe. We don't know what they are dealing with, but keep them in our prayers. Weather and forces of nature are so hard to predict and deal with.

Now to sweet Mark! It just makes me tear up when I read about your brother. I am so very sorry! CANCER SUCKS! It has taken far too many of those we all love, and wreaks havoc in its midst. Praying you will all have strength to endure, support and love one another as you walk this path. May God's hand bless you all. May you all know and understand his will for your lives.

Bonnie please keep sharing your guidance, inspiration, quotes and energy! You are loved! You keep loving the animals that bring you joy and happiness. I hope the bears find a new home soon! And above all enjoy your quiet sewing and soup filled sunday! We are having pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw...I love my crockpot also!

mkhquilts said...

Almost all of us out here love you and love sharing your life. Quilting is a part of that life, but you are a whole p[erson! God bless you for all you are and do. Your quilts are my favorites that I have made and continue to inspire me. I have one of my favorites that I sleep under every night. the first mystery quilt I ever made: "Roll Roll Cotton Boll". Your joy in life also is an inspiration. Never change!!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie please find a way to ignore these comments. I personally love everything you share about your life and work. Whatever happened to if you don't have something good to say don'ts anything?

Theresa said...

I remember when you were working on that quilt top at Charlie Elliott retreat. Brings back warm memories of good times spent in your company. I am so sorry people are so rude and hope that you will let their words roll off you like water off a ducks back. You are amazing and a true inspiration to many including me. I pray for your brother and you and as another said before me may you find peace and calm in the midst of your storm today.

Anonymous said...

Hearst Bonnie,

Sending you much Loving and Light, and am so glad that you have the blessing of quilting to help ease your aching heart. You are such an inspiration, and so brave to openly divulge your hurts. Many Blessings to you! B

Janie said...

Just want to say that I love your blog Bonnie, and thank you for taking the time to share with us. Sorry that the negative Nancy's have got you down, they are far outnumbered. Use that delete button and move on. Prayers to you and your loved ones. Thank you for your generosity.

Cathy Marsh said...

Bonnie - we love sharing your life - please don't listen to the naysayers! Sending hugs from Maine.

Unknown said...

Sorry Bonnie - and everyone - I posted on here a wee while go -then re-read it! Not much of a post, I know - but I have epilepsy and today is one of the post-seizure kind of a day when my "brain" isn't working very well" so I couldn't express all the things I really wanted to and make much sense at the same time!! So when I read it on line I realised I hadn't managed to say just how angry I was with those unbelievably nasty,downright cruel people who could even think of saying anything to distress someone like you Bonnie who spends so much of her life just making other people's lives better and happier. Like everyone else has said DELETE, DELETE, DELETE. All of your friends are thinking nothing else but positive loving thoughts for you and your family. Your Quips and Snips brightens many of my "bad and down days" - you will never know how often your humour and wise words have got me through particularly rotten spells. So, thank you to you many, many times over.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

My dad survived about five years with bladder cancer and an unrepairable lung issue which was about four years and six months longer than the doctors' predictions. He was a farmer, a hunter, a fisherman and he LOVED all outdoor activities. When his body no longer was able to carry him on his hunts, my brother bought him a wildlife camera. In late summer, my brother set up a feeder with apples for the deer and kept the feeder stocked until all the apples were gone. (My dad had an orchard that always produced more than we could eat!) The endless hours my dad had enjoying those videos was priceless. When he had intolerable pain, he found enjoyment in watching the animals that came to eat the apples. He shared all that he saw so he had something to talk about that didn't relate to his declining health. He died on Christmas eve last year. I miss him.

For those that leave the negative or unkind comments, forgive them. Unfortunately for them, because they think, act and do for themselves first, they have no clue the damage their unfiltered comments make.

By the way that quilt in the hoop is AWESOME! :) Carry on!!

Elaine L said...

Bonnie-After I received a particularly nasty "gotcha" from a local meanie my husband said to me, "She is just acknowledging your power." You know, he was right. Mean people are just trying to take you down to their level. Please continue to use your super powers for good and ignore the jerks. I am off to make soup....... :)

CA Bobbie said...

I want to add my kudos along with the long list of other comments.I add my requests to the higher power for Mark and all involved with his care as well as your entire family. I LOVE your family stories. You have inspired me for many years. I joined 3 guilds just so I would have an opportunity to take your workshops. There is a reason there is always a wait list..... just saying. I love quilt cam-I feel like I'm sewing along with friends around the world in my p.j's. I didn't know the name of "sugar bowl" for that quilt block- it's great. I say as I have so many times- thank you for who you are, and ALL of your generous sharing with the quilting community.

grammaterry6 said...

Dear. Bonnie,
If you were to stop sharing....
Where would that leave all of the rest of us, who need to tune into your life at every chance we get, to hear a voice of sanity, to hear a voice that speaks of creativity, of vitality, of compassion, a voice that offers us a refuge from all the hurt and pain and disappointment we have and feel in our lives?

We all know, at least those of us with a brain and a heart, that you have more happening in your life, than just quilting. You choose to just keep on, keeping on....and for many that is a huge inspiration. We can't begin to know how you take all the bumps and bruises that life gives us, yet you somehow manage to greet each day with a smile on your face and each trip you take, brings smiles and hugs to others. If our world had more Bonnie Hunter's what a beautiful and happy world it would be. Please, continue to share and let the comments of a few roll off of you like water rolls off a duck. You are showing the rest of us how to keep paddling under the water and for each of us that admires and realizes that, I thank you heartily!!

With love,

LJ said...

You, Bonnie, are such a caring and giving person. I think there are some people who just speak/write before they think. Were they never taught to think about what they say to others. Just keep on being yourself which is FABULOUS. Even though I know some others say spiteful and unkind things, try as best you can to ignore them. I wonder what their world is like and assume that it must be darn awful. I met you in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a few years ago and KNOW from that and from your blog that you a THE BEST!!

momschon said...

Bonnie your blog today reminds me so much of "those" girls in 7th grade. Remember them? The ones that were so insecure, unhappy and miserable that the only way they could feel good about themselves was by being critical of everyone else. Unfortunately, some of them grew up to be mean-spirited, unhappy women. Don't listen to them. Don't let them tear you down. We all have at least one of them in our life. You are the "lucky" one to have dozens of them! Keep on doing and enjoy being you. Hope you have a fabulous Sunday!

julieQ said...

What idiots...mean ones. Leave those comments and they will get their justice...I had a person comment on facebook, when I was so worried about the hurricane and my Niece being right in the path of it..."Didn't she ever hear of evacuation?" They can't evacuate! They are first responders!

JeanInMaine said...

Bonnie I'm so sorry that some mean spirited comments have gotten you down. I love your blog and your videos, I have learned so much from them. I'm praying for your brother and the people in Texas. Please remember there are an awful lot of people out here who love you.

Judyk said...

I find that social media has caused some to lose their "filter". Rest, rejuvenate, and get your mojo back. It's easy for us to say just delete those comments and go on, but when you are weary and worried it becomes harder to ignore those comments. Just know that you mean a lot to so many of us. You have totally changed my quilting style and maybe even created a vintage machine collector! I say maybe because I'm trying to resist. Looking forward to your new creations.

Quiltgal said...

Unfortunately I think it is human nature for us to take the ugly comments to heart. We can receive 5 wonderful loving comments and one sour one, and that sour one is the one we hear. Remember we love you and enjoy all of the tidbits of your life you care to share with us. I agree with others. Delete the comments you want to and don't let them play in your head.

Barbara said...

I love reading your blog, seeing your pictures, hearing about both quilting and your life. Hope you can ignore the "mean girls" and keep on posting. Love the quilt in the quote of the day and want to make that soon - it's amazing how many patterns you can make out of four patches and HSTs.

Wendy White said...

Dear Bonnie,
I have been following you for a few years. I look forward to all your tips, photos, and wonderful blogposts. Also, your Mystery Quilts are awesome. I want you to know that you brighten my day. You make me laugh. You give me inspiration. You make a difference. As for people who leave negative and hurtful comments...why not block them? Prayers for your loved one who is sick. Prayers for all in Texas who are in Harvey's path.
I won one of your giveaways, and that was so exciting. Thank you for all you do. You are enough!
Best Regards,

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Oh, Bonnie! I love your blog just the way it is. I hope I've never added to your disillusionment with the readers by being so critical. So many times the things people say/type say a lot more about them than who they are being critical of. Just the other day I was called a nasty name on FB by someone who didn't share my opinion...somone I've never met and never will. People can just be mean, but it's a good thing most aren't. My best wishes to Mark on his treatment and to your whole family that are worried about him. Please don't let the nasties get you down.

Helen said...

Sundays are for Sleeping, Sewing, Soup & Silence...and SADIE!!

vapainter said...

Hi Bonnie, I have been silent too long. I love your blog and look for it daily, your quilting, antiquing, crockpoting, travels and your family episodes, etc. My family has become addicted to Farkle because of you and my 11 year old granddaughter wipes me out every game.
I am glad to know you are enjoying Virginia and look forward to your next trip to our Williamsburg guild. Remember there are more of us than there are of the naysayers. Regards, Mary Ann

Joni said...

My Grammy always said..."Find your inner peace and quiet and everything will fall into place". The only real big wildfire here in Oregon is the Brookings fire. You'll be smoky, but okay in Grants Pass and Medford. Take care Bonnie, delete and release the neggies into the wild! Don't waste an ounce of energy on them!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I love your blog and look forward to reading it every morning with my first cup of coffee. Thank you for all you do.

Please delete and block the negative, rude people. They're just jealous because you are such a happy, creative person living a life you love. A joyful person makes a good target, unfortunately. Please ignore them and don't change a thing about your blog!

Sally RipStitcher said...


My heart goes out to you. I've been dealing with the scum of the earth attacking me and my business now for over a year online. It's *every day*.

What a sad thing that people can't be good to each other... or just shut up.

All I can say is that we have to focus on the good - which always far outweighs the bad. One foot in front of the other.

Keep on sewin'.

With much love, Sally (the Bionic Gear Bag RipStitcher)

Unknown said...

Bonnie -- my 9-year-old daughter and I both absolutely love your blog as it is. She has asked many a question (both quilting and personal) and it's brought us even closer as she can see glimpses into others' lives. Prayers and good thoughts to you and your loved ones. Thanks for all you do for us. Karen and Caroline
P.S. If we move, she'd like to be your neighbor ;-)

diane in ct said...

Bonnie , I for one do not ever read the comments on any blog. I read THE blog because it peaks my interest....I don't put any stock in the "Peanut Gallery" and neither should you!
God Bless and Stay Strong,

Diane in CT

marlene Coates said...

In my opinion, you are a brave woman to share so much of yourself - not just in quilting, but of your life, happy and sad. Unfortunately, the general public is fickle. I have no doubt the vast majority of Quiltvillians love, enjoy and appreciate our daily visits with you. I will be forever grateful for all i have learned under your thoughtful guidance. Having spent 41 years working with the public, i can say that there are ~always~ a few people who have mean, nasty hurtful words to throw around and they dont change or go away. It isnt easy to let their comments wash over you. Just know we care and support you. Sending lots of hugs !!

Caryn said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry that you receive negative comments. I think this is my new pet peeve. I follow several quilt blogs ( please don't be offended ��) and negative comments are becoming so rampant �� It makes my head spin. I so enjoy your blog and I know others do as well. Your faithful fans have your back ��. I do love your postings with Sadie pictured in them, she is so sweet. Deleting nasty comments from your blog may be the stress reliever you need ��, delete,delete,delete.
Thanks for all you share with the world,
A Mom whose three children went to Groveland too.

southcedar said...

Bonnie, I am only recently following your blog, but have enjoyed your books for a long time. You are a beautiful, happy, intelligent, generous, creative, and all 'round amazing lady. So sorry that there are folks out there who always have to slip in something negative. That is some form of toxic communication that they must need to feel ok about themselves. These are the very reasons that I stay away from social media, other than following a few blogs and emailing friends and family. On the other hand, I do admire how well you use the various forms of social media. Bless you, today and always. I pray for the very best for your brother, your friends in the Gulf Coast, and for you and your family.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I completely understand those kinds of comments. Usually when I call the person on it, they say I am being sensitive. I am sure they think they mean well and don't realize what they are saying, but it hurts. Now, I just say okay when they say well meaning things so that the topic of conversation can be changed. If it persists, I ask them to say something positive to offset their negativity.

Donna-Maree said...

Hi Bonnie, it is with sadness that I have read your post this morning, hearing about cyclone Harvey and the damage it is causing, also the situation your brother is in and the comments about the Bears in your yard.
Unkind comments are about the person writing them and have nothing to do with you and I struggle to understand how they think it is alright to put their comments out there especially at this time with what you are contending with. You weren't to know there were bears in the area, especially when a neighbour had no idea either and they had been there longer. Now that you know you have been responsible and made the appropriate choices to sort the situation.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all as Mark goes through his therapy. Many of us totally understand the need for quiet time when there is so much turmoil in your head and as you have already said nothing helps to sort that more than stitching.
As you have mentioned many times before, this is your blog and you can write about whatever you like and those who don't like it, don't have to read it. Some of us enjoy reading what is going on in your life outside of quilting and appreciate your sharing. We all have our trials and sometimes it helps to hear of others.
Thoughts and prayers, Donna-Maree.

Linda said...

People might be just jealous of your talent ----and never realize that you worked hard to get where you are.....I am seeing that in my own life....is it the times that there are so many people out there who are so unhappy they have to be mean????

God bless--I am praying for your brother--Linda(Loretta)

Anonymous said...

Please do not stop blogging about your life. I love hearing about your life just as much as I love seeing your quilt patterns and seeing pictures of your classes. Here in Great Britain, I adore your books and look eagerly for your daily sayings. They bring me such comfort. You are such an inspiration and I am so moved by your blog today. The number of loving comments today show how much you are valued and loved.

Deborah said...

Thanks for sharing your quilting life and your everyday life so freely. Your expertise has helped me so much in my quilting. So sorry that your brother is going through such a difficult time. I pray he will be well and that you will all have internal quiet peace as you go through this dark time.

There are more good people than bad in the world but the negative has so much louder voice! Please know that you are appreciated. Don't let the negative stick.

Quiltingnana said...

HiBonnie, it's been awhile since I posted anything. I have recently I closed my Facebook account because of how people have no filter on it. It's seem like they can be as unkind or mean as they like. I love reading your post and it has never accrued to to be negative with anything about what you do in quilting, or for that matter, your personal life you share with us. It's like reading a book, if you don't like it don't read it. Just want you to know I love your post...keep on doing what you do. We need more kind people in our lives.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie:
I have not been on here for a while, too much going on in my life. I am sorry you are having to deal with all the insensitive postings. I am also sorry for the suffering your Friend, Mark is going through. I lost a dear little sister to cancer this summer, it is not fun!

What eats do I have planned for today? I am making a veggie omelet, with veggies from the garden! Yum, Yum! Then I am going out to the garden to dig the garlic, since we have a sunny day and a break from the rain. I would be glad to send some of the rain to southern Oregon to help with the fires. We have not had much of a summer, mostly cool and damp, so tomatoes, zucchini, cukes, have not done well, but all the cold crops like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi are doing great.

I don't get time to quilt in the summer with everything else going on, but I did get a chance to quilt some small projects like a stow a duffle and pockets to go this past week. Now, I have to deal with the garden and put something heavier that row cover over the beans as it got down to 38 degrees here last night.

Enjoy your fall, and I so do look forward to the new mystery this fall! I Love everything about you, what you do for us and others! Love and prayers always, and for those suffering in Texas, to include my brother and sister in law!

Kasilof, AK
Where it is sunny today

Unknown said...

The mansplainers are out in full force. They are ready to explain to others how they should live their life. I just bet their own life won't bear close scrutiny. Ignore them and just be you. We all love you just how you are. My heart is full of empathy for you. Keep your chin up and hold close to all the the things you love. Love ya, MaryJane

Unknown said...

I enjoy your blog and facebook group, and am sad to see people push their opinions onto you. Quilt on, and try to not think of all that is going on around us.
Love you so much!

Carosyrup89128@yahoo.com said...

Hi Bonnie, just wanted to say I love your blogs and what you share, and how you share it, I read them every day, and what you are doing is greatly appreciated, and I know that I'm not the only one who thinks so! I wanted to know if the blue and yellow quilt, and the pink one are going to be in your new book, or will they be available as single patterns. I'v e learned so much about quilting from your blogs and quilt cams. Please keep the information coming. prayers to you and Mark, and I know what you mean about finding a place to be quiet, and to quiet your mind. I like to listen to classical music while I'm quilting, just on a very low volume, high enough to hear it, but no words to listen to, to boggle my mind, then I just go to my zone. and quilt or read. It's nice to just be in a quiet mode once and awhile. For those who express their opinions, just keep them to yourself, where they will be more appreciated!

JuliAnn Craver said...

Bonnie, Please remember there are more fans/friends that love and support you. We love seeing your life as you share it both the ups and downs. About the bears I believe they were probably there before and your deer feeder just brought them out where you could see them. The fact you have a webcam allowed you to see them. As you said you never saw bears on Buck Mt. it doesn't mean that they weren't there. It may not have been their area to forage. There are so many factors to consider, maybe the bear population is larger there. I could go on and on with the questions "Why". About you quilt you also stated it was made of orphan blocks. No rhyme or reason to it's creation. I thought it was beautiful and you have given me the idea to do the same with my orphan blocks. You inspire me and validate some of my own ideas. I think your orphan block quilt is a great sampler quilt. I believe Mark is or will be an inspiration to someone you may not know. His strength to fight this may give another person the will to fight also. God has a plan and it will be good. It is hard for right now but God will see you and Mark through this. Your almost neighbor, JuliAnn

Louise Nielson said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you Bonnie! I start everyday reading your blog. I don't know how you get everything done, but I'm hoping g your inspiration will help me to do more! Love ya!

Lenore said...

Omg, they r everywhere Bonnie, they r always the expert. Poor things, they need to get a life. I love the quilt u have in the hoop above, it is gorgeous. X

Sharon J. Hughson said...

I love you, Bonnie, as do thousands of other people.

Norma J May said...

Ignore those negative people. I love whatever u post. You care so much and show it in your posts. Take care and prayers for your family. Keep on posting.
Norma J. May, Sioux City, iowa

Dalina said...

Bonnie my prayers go out to you and your family as your brother fights the big C. My Dad also had that fight with cancer and I know all the prayers helped so much. The negativity that goes into the comments on your blog do not help at all & I find it sad that people can not follows the golden rule, do unto others as you would want done to you. But you lift us each up with your sewing skills and insights into your life. Most of us enjoy what you share, and love you in every possible way for all that you do for us. I hope that good you read here on the blog will more than out weight the bad. God bless you and your family!!!

grammajudyb said...

Hugs and prayers for you, your brother, Mark and all affected by Hurricane Harvey. Love reading your blog. You inspire me and encourage me. I second all the positive comments from today. Stay you! ps: and delete those comments that do not add joy!

Anne M. said...

Sorry other people's comments are getting to you. I too would never make comments that were negative. Brought up with saying "if you can't any anything nice, don't say anything at all". Plus to say it to a professional. Maybe all the worrying about your brother has made you more sensitive to people who would say things like that. There are those of us who appreciate all you share. And I love the colors you put together. I grew up living in terror that I would wear the wrong color combination. That is what quilting has done for me, that I love to put colors together.

A Rose in Texas said...

Your post made me cry. I am so sorry for what you are going through right now.
Our pastor has been constantly reminding us that it's not important what God can do for us but rather the important thing is what we can do for others. Everyday you open up your heart to us and share your passion You help heal many lonely hearts and provide inspiration for so many around the world
Delete the naysayers and keep on quilting Dear Lady, just keep on quilting.
This world is a much richer place because of you!😊

gardenpat said...

I was given a bunch of vintage quilt blocks that i'm guessing are from the 1930's-1940's- hand pieced, with some parts of the blocks pieced to make single element of the block to use up every small nugget of fabric!
I had 30 bow tie blocks and because they were handpiece,they weren't uniform in size. So I squared them all up to 8" unfinished and sewed the top- 5x6 blocks. I found a backing fabric piece n my stash that picked up the muted shades of the blocks.
For the quilting, I remember you showing the Baptist Fan with the layout starting around the perimeter and working it's way to the center of the quilt and that's exactly what I did! It looks amazing and I must thank you for the quilting design inspiration!!!

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

Hi Bonnie,
Your pink and brown Jane has always been my favorite of all color combos. I wish I had done that for mine!...and your sashing is to die for. The saying I always think of when hearing about rude comments is "You can't cure stupid" All we can do is delete and consider the source. You are loved by so many...I hate to see a few people upset you. :-)
I am going to enjoy seeing your Jane as you quilt her.

Kathy from Nashville who has now retired to Central Mexico in the beautiful Mtns of Guanajuato City

DanaK said...

Bonnie the positivity and sunshine radiates from you! Every post from you brightens my day. Please keep being you!

Kareness said...

I guess it's true, we can't please everyone and we will bump into those who feel no shame in saying so. So many people, so many viewpoints, and we never know what they were going through, but because you share your life events and stories and skills with us do openly,they should know better. I hope you'll contine to share with us. Don't let the trolls get you down. Thanks a lot for sharing!

Linda said...

Dear Bonnie, I read your post and it left me very sad that someone like you, a very talented quilter who enjoys sharing her quilting expertise via a blog and adds snippets from her Quilting and family life, both good and bad, should be on the receiving end of such thoughtless and unkind comments. I cannot fathom where such people are coming from. So, from one of your followers ( admirer and fan) in the UK, please accept my very best wishes as you battle through the difficult family worries around your brother Mark. Use your sewing as therapy at this time ( It works for me), surround yourself with the people that matter, husband, children, family and close friends, and forget all those whining, unkind, useless folk who have nothing better to do than to leave sad and bitter comments. They need to get a life! God bless.

Unknown said...

Oh Bonnie I usually don't comment on any blog but felt I had to. I read your blog all the time andI love to hear about everything in your life, I'm from Australia and love to hear about the deer and the bear and especially Sadie. Oh and of course your quilting - you are such a generous soul giving us free quilt alongs and wonderful advice - I have never met you but know that you are a wonderful giving person and would love to meet you one of these days. I was in tears reading your blog. These people obviously have no filter and need to heed the saying - if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. I say delete them and block them - not sure if you can do it on a blog. Love you and Sadie.

Sharon Decker said...

Please keep sharing what you wish to share. I love reading it and look forward to it every day. I pretty much stopped looking at Facebook well over a year ago. The entries from some people were so mean spirited. I like to believe in what Thumper said in Bambi, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Or I think it was Thumper. There is also the tried and true "Do unto others..." Whatever happened to "Judge not lest ye be judged"? I am glad I am old and can remember when people were far more polite and civil to each other. Words hurt and they stay with you. We probably all and can remember very clearly something mean that was said to you early in your life. I know I can and it will still be there when I am dying. Your readers love you and want only the best for you. You are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the long list above. Send them packing! Praying you find peace and comfort in knowing there are so many of us out here that enjoy spending time reading your posts and hearing of your travels. Don't let them get you down.

karenbbsnow said...

So sorry you are going through such a hard time. I just want you to know you are appreciated and loved by so many of your readers, including me.

It is so hard when you see those close to us suffering and we have no control in alleviating their pain. Personally, when my mind becomes so full with sadness and worry, the only way to calm my thoughts is through prayer . Once, a while back, I heard the expression: "Let go and let God ... ". I was not too optimistic, however knowing I had done all I could, asking God to be there and help my loved ones with their battles, well it did bring me some peace.

I hope you find some peace and rest, sending hugs your way.

Unknown said...

'nuff said.

helen said...

I love your blog and facebook and instagram. Your ability to share your real workd helps us all. Our lives are not perfect and there are many bumps along the journey. I myself had a giggle at your bear antics, not having bears in Australia guess I just saw the funny side of bears and barrels and full tummies. Love your sharing and quilting. Prayers fyour brother.

Quiltnut said...

Find some peace and rest. I too have a family member going through a terrible trial which puts me out of sorts. I have to try to get on with my life even though my heart breaks for my brother. ////sewing and quilting helps to sooth the sole and help the mind to focus.

People who are so thoughtless and mean as to make such nasty comments do not deserve your thoughts. Blow them away. If they don;t like what you are sharing they should just go awa...follow someone else. I enjoy your blog and all that you do

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