
Friday, March 24, 2017

A Friend Day Out!

My friend Mary and I had been trying to get together for months now.  She lives 30 minutes away, but we can’t ever seem to make it work.  It’s crazy how life is sometimes.

When she is around and has the time, I’m on the road.  When I’m in town – she is on a cruise with her kids, or deep into wedding planning.

Life has finally gotten to a place where we are in the same place at the same time and bonus!  We could head out for some antiquing and lunch out on the town and talk a blue streak while we catch up on what has been going on in each other’s lives.

And while we chatted we wandered!

I’ve always loved Mary’s decorating sense.  She just “knows what goes!” and it was fun to be on the look out for a certain piece that may work next to the fireplace in the new cabin to hold all of the TV related electronics – DVR, Satellite box, Xbox, whatever other paraphernalia with cords and countless remotes there are.  They need a place to be if the TV is going to be mounted on the wall.

And I think we found one!


Electronic stuff below!

Quilts and stuff on top!

Remotes and other clutter in the drawers.

I’m up here taking measurements of the wall and the gadgets to determine if this is going to fit.  The Dish satellite box needs 13” of clearance.  Will this cabinet do it?  We will see.

Another option would be to look for a pie safe type piece with deeper shelves.  I’ve got one more place I want to check in West Jefferson because I remember seeing something I really liked. 


We also enjoyed the quilts!


Pink and brown!  Yummy!


We thought this was vintage!

It’s vintage 1990s, early 2000s!

In fact, we both laughed – I still have some of these fabrics in my stash!  What is this doing at the antique mall??

I have always loved log cabins – so classic.  I really liked this one.


This was amazing!

And so shredded.  It has been loved to bits, literally.  Someone put a lot of work into this one, those “New York Beauty” style centers?  All of the tiny triangles around the star?

Was it perfect?  Nope.  Was it made with love and perseverance?  YES!


I love the center set wonky!

I do think perfection is highly overrated.  What this shows of this maker is a quilter with incredible patience, and a joy for small pieces, and a zest for living without worrying about things being absolutely perfect all of the time.

Our journey through life takes its own twists and turns – just go with it!


And don’t forget to enjoy the view!

My appointment with the surgeon yesterday clued me in on everything that is going to happen to remove “The Bad Thing” from my forehead.  This has been the season of THREE “Things” on my face, I hope this is the last.

But that twisted journey of life?  If it hadn’t been for the 2 blocked salivary glands (The original Thing One, and Thing Two)  Doogie Houser wouldn’t have gotten close enough to my face to see THING THREE lurking on my forehead beneath my bangs.

I’m going in on Tuesday for Mohs surgery to have it removed.  And it will be gone.  My next trip is a driving one, and not until early April, so I’m glad that we can get this out of the way and I’ll be THINGLESS.  Let’s hope.  Basal cell carcinoma is a slow grower, and I’ll have check ups every 6 months from now on to make sure that no more appear, and if they do, we can nip them in the bud.

Since my appointment was on the far west side of Winston Salem, I was Virginia bound as soon as I left the office.  And I took a new route.

I stopped at a scenic lookout and was so glad I did.  Once trees have leaves, you won’t be able to see the valley below.  It was breath taking.  I love that carpet of green.


I went old school!

Yesterday afternoon was my maiden sewing voyage in the new sewing space.  Sashings for Straits of Mackinac are coming together, and I entertained myself with my old laptop and DVDs since there is no streaming of anything up here.  OId school is good school!  Annie Get Your Gun is an old time favorite.


Oh yes, I’m liking this!

Still a long way to go.

What looks like yellow cornerstones is actually where cornerstones are not – YET.  They will be turquoise, as soon as I cut them.  As for borders?  I’ll deal with that when I get there.

Quilts for the next book down the pipeline are making progress, and soon I’ll be switching to the book writing phase – there is not a lot of time to sit idle if I want to make these lovelies available to you.

Late this afternoon we are meeting at the old cabin for another load of STUFF.  I’m stopping by the furniture guy to pick up the two bedside tables and the bar stools if they are ready.

But until then – you know where to find me.  It’s time for cornerstones, and a whole lot of webbing this top together to get it off the floor!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Ocean waves quilt top shared by Diane during our Michigan workshops.  She used the free pattern under the free patterns tab to make this beauty!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!

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Sherrill said...

Something I'd never thought of re: furniture holding TV paraphernalia. My friend just switched from Uverse to Spectrum and now her remote doesn't work through the glass door. It now has to be open in order for the remote to communicate with the box! :-( Good grief!

Lisa T said...

Look at all that empty floor space!!! I love it!!!!!

Bente Antonsen said...

So glad the three Things are gone!

Diane larson said...

I cant wait till this is a pattern!

I use furniture iin the same way as you!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, just thought I would share a few points about storing electronics in a closed cabinet: 1) The remotes won't work through wood doors, so they would have to be open when in use. 2) Electronics generate a lot of heat. I had a cabinet built to hold our electronics with a glass door so remotes could work with the doors closed. However, I still have to leave the door open some because it gets too hot in there. I have a DVD player, router, cable box and a wireless printer in my cabinet. Hope this helps in your search. :)

Penny A said...

Did you get that cabinet?

Betsy Schneekloth said...

Thinking of you as you have Mohs surgery. I had the same procedure for a basal cell carcinoma. It was right next to my eye so I was very nervous. Everything is fine and you can't even see the scar. My dermatologist sees me every 6 months as well. Sending good thoughts.

Ladydukes said...

Hi Bonnie! I totally understand when you write about the THINGS on your face! I grew up in South Texas, just 20 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, so we spent an enormous amount of time on the beach sunning and cooking my poor skin! Little did we know "back in the day" what we were doing to ourselves. I've had about five "things" removed from my face with MOHS surgery. Not fun, but the upside is the doctor got them all. I had my full body checkup on Monday, and praise be, no new "things" have appeared. I'll be thinking about you and praying the doctor gets it all this time around...

80 Oaks said...

I just had a Mohs surgery above my left eye two weeks ago. I hope your surgeon is as skilled as mine. Well healed and minimal (and fading quickly) scar from a half dollar size excision. Easy peasy. Best to you

gschwarting said...

Basal cell should go nicely. I always teased my dad that he was getting free facelifts. Good luck and glad they caught it early.

Unknown said...

I love the cabinet. It reminds me of one we used when we were in IL. It wasn't a big deal to open the doors when we needed it open for the electronics. My husband cut out some of the back to take care of the heat. It did not make me happy at the time, but after all, we wanted to use it for our needs and not for resale value. Here in AL we still use the cabinet, but not for electronics, and the cut out back isn't a problem. I hope the cabinet fits your space, but a pie safe would be nice too. Glad you got to spend some time with your friend. Your new quilt is going to be wonderful. Good luck with the thing removal. I will pray that all goes well. Thank goodness for the other things which got you to the dr. so that this thing could be found. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

Anne M. said...

Your cabinet reminds me of the one at my grandfathers cottage in Michigan. Brought back good memories.

Terry said...

While the cabinet looks like a winner it was the enamel candel sstick that stole my heart. Glad everything is in train for removal of BCC. Moh surgery was the best .No waiting days for results also plastic surgeons are a lot like quilters.
Be kind to yourself..

lfrihart said...

Great to hear that the basal cell is going to be removed and you will have time to recover before your next trip. You are blessed to have had it discovered quickly. Now you just have to wear sunscreen all year and have checkups. Hooray. Betting your willingness to share your experience may be just what is needed to get everyone thinking about their precious skin.

Now to your latest beauty. May be my favorite "Bonnie" ever. Love it without a border. Sometimes borders are distracting to me. The antique quilts without borders are so appealing to my eye.

Your new cabin is stunning. Can't wait to see it surrounded in green.

Pamela said...

I love the cabinet!! Another poster said the remotes would not work through the wood doors, but mine works through wood doors perfectly! I hope it fits!

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