THIS is in the machine.
It may seem like I’m fast to everyone else, but it seems to be taking FOREVER for me.
The Dawn’s Early Light block appeared in Volume 13 of 100 Blocks by 100 Designers by Quiltmaker Magazine. It came out in May of 2016. That means that I turned this block in for inclusion in that issue when I was filming at the Quiltmaker studios in August of 2015.
From the moment I finished the block, I *KNEW* it had to be a REAL quilt. There was just something about this block that blew all my bells and whistles.
It had strings. It had triangles. It had tiny stars. It was patriotic, it was an asymmetrical block that made the possibilities fire off like the firecrackers it represents.
But it has taken THIS LONG for it to be a quilt. One unit at a time. One cabin weekend at a time. One Quilt-Cam at a time. and here we are.
I LOVE this border!
And I love how the fabrics play together.
There is EVERYTHING in here. And when I say everything, I mean *E*V*E*R*Y*T*H*I*N*G*. There is a 1970s red calico that I remember having a jumper out of. There are 1980s prints, 1990s tone on tones, there isY2K Millennium fabric with slivery glitter 2000 2000 2000 on it. But by the time you cut it up all it says is “000” if that. There is recycled fabric, and gifted scraps from friends. There are batiks and novelties and so many memories.
This is the beauty of playing scrap quilt by color family! Throw it in…throw it ALL in!
The plan for today is to finish the quilting on this, and maybe get a binding on by this evening.
I’m also deep in this mode:
This is written and ready to go live as soon as:
THIS gets finished!
I’m shooting for Ground Hog Day 2017 (TOMORROW!) as the big kick-off. With a digital sale on EVERYTHING in the digital department in the Quiltville Store. And even MORE…there will be a sale on all “Books By Others” as well as a couple of my own titles.
I’m getting in the mood for SPRING CLEANING. Hello, February!
THIS is good for what ails me.
Chicken soup from a left over rotisserie chicken with “clean out the veggie bin” vegetables, rice and lentils. Find the crock pot chicken soup recipe under the recipes tab at the top of the blog.
I think the antibiotic is doing it’s trick. The “THING” on my face seems to be shrinking a bit, but is still tender and inflamed. Hot compresses followed by cool ones seem to be helping the discomfort.
I think I will go back in and have it looked at today in case they need to aspirate it. (Lance, drain, whatever…aspirate sounds better.)
I have to laugh because there have been hundreds of comments through social media from well meaning folks who say “It’s a spider bite!” (There is no bite) “It’s a tumor, it’s MRSA, it’s a blocked salivary gland, It's a blocked tear duct, it’s a tooth thing, it’s a blocked sinus, it’s cancer, I have a friend who had this and they were dead 3 days later, and you should just make a poultice from baking soda and ammonia ---“
No wait, that was for the oven cleaning thing!
“You should use essential oils or tea tree oil and it will be gone by morning….”
And my head is spinning. Hot and cold compresses. Chamomile tea to settle my tummy from the effects of the antibiotics. Probiotics to replace the good bacteria that have been killed by the antibiotics. Ibuprofen for pain and inflammation. And rest.
And quilting.
And now that 4 antibiotic capsules have gone down my gullet –we’ll see if I should go back in and have this looked at this afternoon.
Until then, I’ll be here in the studio, taking turns at quilting at the longarm and typing at the computer to get these patterns finished.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage Carolina Lily quilt found in North Carolina.
If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere!

Best wishes for a quick recovery of your mystery ailment. Keep on the quilting. We want to see a completed quilt.
I hope you feel better soon!! Your quilt is beautiful, I want one! :)
Good morning! Glad that your mystery lump is getting a little better. I am in love with your new quilt! You just can't go wrong with patriotic.
I can't wait to get my hands on the new patterns. I've been stalking you for Dawn's Early Light updates.
And yikes on all the possible causes of The Thing! They could scare a girl to death, not to mention bankrupt you if you tried to self-medicate for each one.
I can't wait to get my hands on the new patterns. I've been stalking you for Dawn's Early Light updates.
And yikes on all the possible causes of The Thing! They could scare a girl to death, not to mention bankrupt you if you tried to self-medicate for each one.
You are sew blessed to have sew many people who care about you!
Still lovin' your string blocks!
And yesterday I read all the Florabunda posts.. yep it's now on my list, you are such an enabler.. no wait.. inspiration to us all. Our little quilt group has made many of your patterns over the years... and sew many people have been blessed/comforted by these quilts.. your reach spreads more than you could ever know. Thank you Bonnie for all you do, doesn't seem to say enough.. but there it is.
Adding my prayers to all the others for healing of what ever it is that ails you.
Oh this quilt is more than worth each minute that you have put into it!! Simply gorgeous, Bonnie.
Love it Bonnie! Another winner.
You do so much with (seemingly) little effort! I just don't know how you get it all done...... and then to have your "setback" this week with your face issue..... glad you seem to be getting better! Such a positive attitude! Thank you, Bonnie!
Big Quilts do seem to take forever. It's been Sew fun watching this one come together. It will brighten one of your Cabin rooms for any Patriotic Holiday. Binding time for the 2 Quilts I quilted yesterday. Thanks for the inspiration.
Your quote of the day makes a very good point! Hope you don't need your Mystery thing aspirated.
Feel better every day. Have that second look today and do what the nice Doctors tell you to.
Best of luck on the face thing! I love the Early Morning Dawn quilt. Can't want for the pattern. Take care of yourself. I pray it is not a Brown Recluse spider bite.
I am so glad you went to doctor right away. Prayers heading your way.
Hi Bonnie, wishing you a very speedy recovery. I love your blog, so much more than quilting. It's wet and cold here in Ireland today and crockpot chicken soup seems like a wonderful antidote. Which of your chicken soup recipes was that? I'm definitely going to give the chicken Taco soup a go.
Best wishes, Sally
My advice is really no advice. Just follow the instructions of those who have M. D. after their names.
Loving the quilt, cant wait to see it finished and done. Just about done with my tumbler quilt and I really have enjoyed the process in 2016 to participate in the Leader Ender challenge. Still need to finish my Talkin Turkey and sash my Boxy Stars quilt. Hope you get relief from your face issue, it sounds tender.
Im sure the Thing will disappear before you know it. Love the Dawn's Early Light quilt and it's already on my to do list.' And I find your quilt so appropriate for life, especially these days of turmoil. Thanks for all you do for us.
bonnie, you are so very bold to even start a medical issue discussion on your blog !!!
yep, that's our girl, bonnie the bold ! Hope all resolves positively and quickly.
Ha, ha! Internet is like having a zillion neighbors (or relatives!) breathing down your neck and telling you what to do. It's like a small town that is super huge! LOL
But I hope that the one thing that comes through is that we all love you, Bonnie.
And your quilt is breath-taking! I'm writing a note on my calendar right now about your digital pattern sale.
Love the quilt, and truly love your Dear Jane in the background. Sounds like an infected sebaceous cyst. Nasty things, Hope it heals very soon.
This quilt has a lot of pieces so it isn't surprising that it has taken a long time. No matter how long we have been quilting, there is something more to learn. I would say the lesson from this quilt is: just because one block with lots of pieces wasn't too time consuming and is very interesting doesn't mean that a whole quilt will be practical (for a lot of people). Maybe blocks in a bigger size so not so many are needed? The quilt is fabulous!It is so you!
Hope you feel better soon!
Love the quilt :)
I had to laugh at some of the "remedies" suggested...too funny! It reminded me of the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Did you ever watch it? The father sprays Windex on everything for all ailments. Have you tried that???...haha
Doesn't sound like you are resting to me! I love this quilt and it is already on my to-do list when that book comes out in 2018 or 2019. Question for you - Will your digital patterns ever appear in a book, or will they always be stand-alones? Just trying to decide if I should buy the Mystery Quilt ones, even though I've already done them. En Provence is definitely a do-again!
Dawns Early Light is gorgeous. I also Love the picture of the Carolina Lily quilt. Wouldn't think to put the two dark colours together but they look great. Would like to have seen a picture of the whole quilt. Hope your ailment is remedied soon after you have tried all the suggestions!!!
Thanks for all you do,
Bonnie I hope you are all better very soon.
Dawn's Early Light has to be one of my favorites of all your beautiful quilts. That border. Oh, my, it is spectacular!
Everyone loves you and wants to help, but as you have probably figured out - sometimes it's best not to pay them much mind! Haha! Hope all is well very soon.
I'm shocked you were able to get a doctor appointment so quickly! If this happened to me I would of had to go to the er, or wait 2-3 weeks for an appointment. Glad you are improving.
Beautiful quilt. Did you try or consider swapping the red and blue colors? Mmmm, maybe I'll give that a try.
So much advice from people who do care. But as some have said, follow the advice of the ones with MD after their name. ( even if they seem to be Doogie Houser!!) Hope you are better soon and I can't imagine trying to longarm, write pattern directions, write a blog post or 3 and make soup all the while applying compresses and taking meds. YOU AMAZE ME! GO BONNIE!!!!!
Bonnie, if it is a spider bite you'd never see the marks. It's the same with an animal getting bitten by a snake - the swelling seals the fang marks. My daughter's fiance got bitten by a spider in his sleep years ago, and had a huge lump come up on his face, right under his eye. I'd almost bet that's what happened to you.
wishing you a speedy recovery.... whatever that thing is.
Amen, hope all is better sooner than later!!!
Wow! A very special quilt! It has everything I like, also + a wonderfully unique border! Wish I had the pattern right now!
I'm not a Dr so can't even begin to guess what your mysterious bump is but I do send my best wishes for a speedy recovery & will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Many years ago I had a rash on my face, I went to a dermatologist thinking it was a flesh eating bacteria, but it was shingles on my face. It wasn't painful, but I did get back pain and valtrex helped a lot.
Happy you will be seeing the doctor again. Isn't living in a small town great?! We have no problems getting an appointment with our family do tor here...
DAWN is a wonderfulquilt... how on earth yuo thinkthese super quilts up is an amazement to me... but please keep the, oming.
Take care, smile often and havefun...
And don't forget the movie. MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING. Use WINDEX it gets rid of it. Sorry about how you must be feeling but it is a funny movie...
I wouldn't discount the possibility of a spider bite. I had one on my leg and the doctor had to use a strong magnifying glass to even see traces of the fang marks. It was swollen and inflamed and very painful, and took some strong antibiotics and predisone to get rid of the problem. And doc didn't even think it was a bite from one of those really scary spiders.
I rarely comment on blog posts, but the whole commentary on the "thing" is just too funny. I was thinking thoughts along the lines of what you posted about this today. It seems to me that you did exactly what you should have done using common sense and good judgement. Hoping the "thing" continues to improve! And that you for the sale!
I rarely comment on blog posts, but the whole commentary on the "thing" is just too funny. I was thinking thoughts along the lines of what you posted about this today. It seems to me that you did exactly what you should have done using common sense and good judgement. Hoping the "thing" continues to improve! And that you for the sale!
Love that border. Looks like another winner.
I left you a message somewhere about the Minnesota made by Davis for Sears 1920. I do not know where, the PC is in the shop and it may be weeks before it comes home. It was in real bad shape, if I need I will just get a new one.
Have a great trip out west.
Bettie Ssue in Middle TN
Get Well Soon Bonnie! Thanks for the update on 'you'! Really enjoy all that you share!! Thank YOU for what you do for all of us obsessed with quilting!
Dawn's Early Light is beautiful!
I am glad your face "Thing" Seems to be responding to the antibiotics and the compresses. Actually Tra Tree oil, probably would be good for it also.
The Quote for the day sure fit my situation for getting my house built! It took from 2008 to 2016 to get built, finished for me to move into. There are still little things to be taken care of, but I finally have my nice big retirement home, with room for me, and hopefully all or most all of the stuff I still have in storage! I had plenty of obstacles thrown in front of me. I bought the property in 2004 (upon return from firs deployment to Middle East). Then the Army wouldn't let me retire until 2010, so it took a LONG time, PLUS, everything takes longer in Alaska! They used to tell me this, NOW I Believe it!
Kasilof, AK
I loved the comment about your 'mystery ailment". Yup, that's our Bonnie.... mystery quilts and mystery ailments!
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