
Monday, October 10, 2016

The Days of Triangulation!

Guess what is in house?


We have the Essential Triangle Tools IN HOUSE!

And I knew it would happen….they would arrive at the Yellow Freight depot the same day I flew out to Florida for our Caribbean cruise.

Isn't that just the way that everything goes?  It's been just like the time we remodeled our kitchen. "Oh yes, no problem! We'll have it done long before Christmas" they said!

And we ended up Christmas with no running water, and no stove to cook with so we had to improvise.

Manufacturing is just like this.  NOTHING is done exactly on time.

I got word while at dinner Friday night that they had indeed called, and bless The Hubster – he headed over to pick up a whole pallet:


Oh goodness!

He had to undo part of the pallet to get it to fit in the back of his pickup.  It was raining, but luckily the back of the pick up is covered, and he put the remainder inside the extended cab.


First glimpse!

I was begging for photos, but you know how guys are.  They don’t think to take photos, and I had to do some arm twisting just to get these to hold me off until I got home on Saturday night.

We hit the ground running yesterday, assembling orders, stuffing envelopes and boxes and doing everything we can to get these out to you.

I have been fielding emails every day, so many that it is taking the “order filling” time to stop and answer those, so my thought is that I would write this post, and the next emails that come in are going to get a link to this post so they know just where we are.

And that maybe I will share a bit of my space with you so you can see what goes on behind the scenes here.


The Order Fulfillment Center!

There is a room off of the “bonus” room that we use as an office that contained a built in hot tub INSIDE the house when we bought it.  I’m not sure if someone used it for therapy or what, but it was never useable for us, and the hot tub room became my warehouse by putting plywood flooring on TOP of the sunken hot tub, adding shelves, and everything else I need to pull orders and get them ready for shipping.


Boxes and boxes, oh my!

My house is not large by any means, so the addition of this weird little room has worked really well. It’s like a large walk in closet kind of stock room.  It suits its purpose.


Books on one side, rulers, tools and notions on this side.


I pull stacks, each order with it’s own invoice, and begin to fill.

The laptop is set up so I can mark each order “shipped” as soon as the stamp is on and it is ready to be taken to the post office.

Peel the label, stick it to the envelope.  Find the invoice number on the screen, click it shipped.  Sign the books, stuff the envelope, peel the tab, stick it closed.  Affix postage.  Set it aside and start the next one.

If you have NOT received a "SHIPPED" email from me, then we haven't gotten to your invoice number yet, but are working towards it in order!

Yesterday, the two of us worked tirelessly – and it’s the only day I have for him to help me as he left this morning at 4:30am to catch a flight to Boston where he will be working this week.  From here on out until he gets back I am solo.


Yesterday’s production.  This is the back of my van.


Back seat of van!


Odd weight and international items waiting for postage.


7 boxes of full invoices ready to be pulled and fulfilled.


This box is now EMPTY!

This much was accomplished yesterday.  Invoice numbers 4336 to 4731 will be dropped at the post office this morning first thing, because the van is full and I can’t add anymore to it.  My post office is a mile away, and this much mail is too big for any mail truck to handle in one run.  I’ll drop them off and get working on the next batch.

Besides, the post office is my social life and they are as excited about book/ruler release time as I am.  My biggest local cheer leaders!


There is a lot to go through!

And this is where I’m asking for your patience.  First things first.  We are not BEHIND.  We are right on time. Items are in pre-order status until all have gone out.  And that means that anyone who orders today, also is in pre-order status as things are being sent by invoice number in the order in which orders came in.

I am home until Oct 27th when I go to Quilt Market – so these will all be out by then.

And it’s a good thing, because look at this notice I got yesterday:



Which brings me to another issue.  I have 500 more on back order with C&T.  I’m going to order what I can from Checker as well.  I have a feeling that we won’t have enough.  We need more. 

More are in production, but it will take a few more weeks to get those done and to me.  Nothing I can do about it.

So patience, patience, patience is what I am asking for.

And with that I am off to the post office – they open in 6 minutes so I can drop off load #1 and come back and spend the day doing what I can do, happily and with gratitude!  Orders are going out! YEAH!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Vintage trips around the world quilt found in Maryland.

Did you ever notice how this happens? What you look for in life is what you will find. What is your focus?


How can I forget which Monday it is? It's COLUMBUS DAY!

There are fifteen tubs full of mail in my van including International orders and I can't ship them until tomorrow! Not only that, I am completely out of empty tubs for today's order filling! Time to grab the laundry baskets!

Have a happy Monday, everyone!

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Tracey said...

Bonnie- I don't see how you get it all done!!!! I, for one, greatly appreciate all your hard work and am waiting patiently for my invoice number to come up! Please take some time to rest and enjoy the cooler weather!!!!

Allison C Bayer Plano TX said...

Wow, I appreciate the behind the scenes look at order fulfillment. BIG thanks to your Hubster for picking up the Essential Tools in the rain and hauling them in for you to start processing when you arrived home. What a fella to pitch in and help. Thank you both very much and I'm delighted to know one of those envelopes belongs to me and my friend Deb Hayter. Hugs for no paper cuts and your super helpful post office cheerleaders. Allison in Plano, Texas USA

Dana said...

I thought the post office was closed today? Glad to hear the rulers are such a hit!

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I can't believe that people are clogging up your email asking about their orders! We all knew that you had to wait until some time in October for the rulers to be done. However, I loved your peek behind the scenes. And I'm excited to know that the ruler/book combos are starting to be shipped.

barblr said...

Yaaa, my books and essential tools will be on their way. I am patiently waiting Bonnie. Thank you for sharing pictures of your shipping room. I appreciate everything you do!

Anonymous said...

Today is a federal holiday. The post office is closed!

Mary said...

You are amazing! I don't think anybody realizes just how hard you work! That hot tub room is something! When I married my hubby, Bill, he had a hot tub in the sun room. Kinda great idea on a rainy day, except it doesn't work, and takes up 1/2 the room. I had MY hot tub moved from my house to his house, and it is on the deck. Anybody want a vintage redwood hulk??? Meanwhile, we just pile junk on it, as the room is unusable with it in there.....where chairs that need repair go to rest, ceiling fans he swears he needs etc. Men............Glad you had help yesterday, and glad you can work at YOUR pace today... (Oh, by the way, got the last of my "cat" designed and up on the wall. Just need to sew 4 sections - 9x9 (81 blocks per sections.) SO glad I learned about webbing from you! Pix on Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/92296158@N02/29593803413/in/album-72157668596534501/

cindyspup said...

It's Columbus Day post office is closed. Wished I'd have seen this before Bonnie left thank you Bonnie for all you do. Have a great day!

Lori said...

Congratulations on a successful ruler! Nice of Dave to help on his day off. :)

Linda said...

Yay! I'm number 5999 so you m getting close. Thanks for all you do Bonnie.

Jan said...

So excited mine is on the way. The ruler will be here for mystery time.
I do not know how you do what you do but thank you. What a blessing to have the
Hubby you do. I have one like him. Have a wonderful day.

Mary said...

Sounds like you're meant to stay home today. My order number is coming up soon. :) So glad for supportive Husbands. Mine went Shop Hopping with me last week. Beautiful Scenery driving over Hells Canyon.

Mary said...

Sounds like you're meant to stay home today. My order number is coming up soon. :) So glad for supportive Husbands. Mine went Shop Hopping with me last week. Beautiful Scenery driving over Hells Canyon.

Deborah in Augusta said...

Wish I lived closer to you. I'd love to come help.

Bonnie Irby said...

So happy for you! I know it's hard work, but wow! Awesome to have that many orders.

mkhquilts said...

Thanks for all you do Bonnie! I knew the book and ruler would get shipped sooner or later, so I wasn't worried. Wow! what a ton of work! Thanks again!

ThriftD said...

Darn! Another 800 invoices until you get to mine. So excited!

Unknown said...

awe so nice that the "hubster" helps you out. I'm so excited that the rulers are here. Don't remember my order number but books and ruler will be here sometime soon. :)

thimble said...

In reply to your comment Bonnie:
"There are fifteen tubs full of mail in my van including International orders and I can't ship them until tomorrow! Not only that, I am completely out of empty tubs for today's order filling! Time to grab the laundry baskets!"
Now might be a good time to give all those vintage machines another job.... they can share their cases so you can load them up with more books. :-)

~Deb Lindley said...

NO worries, Miss Bonnie!

Got your NEW "Addicted To Scraps" book in digital version, that I am enjoying via Kindle app for my iPad. I will get the 'hard copy & ruler' as an 'after Christmas' present to myself, when things 'hopefully' have slowed down and you've had a chance to get caught up ;-)

And since I have ALL your wonderful quilt books in hard copy, and several Mysteries to put the finishing touches on...I have plenty to keep me busy!

CONGRATS on your latest Success w/NEW Book - I can attest, it is definitely worth the wait!

Happy Quilting,

Dear Diary said...

I will make this quick...I just LOVE popping into your blog! It always puts a smile on my face, when at work I need a 60 second break from, well, work. I think to myself, "Oh, check Bonnie's blog!" Thank you, thank you, thank you - for what you do. And please, don't stop doing it. <> Niki in Washington State.

Laura said...

If you were closer I could loan you some of my pile of mail tubs! Loved seeing you order processing setup. Way to make good use of that space! I remember the sunken hot tub from your house buying posts :-).

Linda said...

Goodness, what a worker you are! And your husband is great too. I do hope your clients understand you are working as hard as ever you can and that a little patience is all they need to contribute to the mix!

Cviens said...

You are amazing!! I got my email that my order is on the way and I can't tell you how excited I am!!! Thank you for all you do!!!!

Unknown said...

Judging by the numbers on boxes #1 and #2, my invoice is probably in box #4. I know the book and ruler combo will be worth the wait!

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

I had this vision when you said that you still have a hot tub under the floor. The floor giving way with all the books and triangles and you up to your neck in the hot tub surrounded by book orders.Sorry I know bad right Pauline

Kathi Cappellini said...

So exciting! My invoice# is in the 4900's. You did a great job setting expectations and I, for one, love supporting you directly.
Congratulations on your continued success.

BerninaGirl said...

Thanks for the photos of the process and the volume of it. It seems overwhelming, but you break it down into a wonderful adventure and include us. So glad there is so much demand for your book and tool.

Patiently looking forward to it being my invoice # and the joy of the first viewing of the book.

Quilted Drummer said...

Bonnie, I wish that I lived closer. I loved doing mailings and would be in 7th heaven helping you process all your orders. I also understand that when you have a big project that you want it done the way YOU want it done and that having helpers is NOT always a wonderful thing. Not that you wouldn't want help. I am so looking forward to receiving my order. I know it will be a while but I am patiently waiting.

It is raining pretty good here in Oregon. We have really needed it as it's been soooo dry! I pray you haven't had too many issues with "Matthew" going thru. Have a glorious day. Cindy

Lisa S. said...

I do not envy you this job! I will wait, patiently, here in Michigan, for my order to get here. Thanks for all you do!

Marina Louw said...

Thank you Bonnie! I am doing a happy dance this side in South Africa - hoping to get my book and rule in time for Christmas and counting the days in anticipation Thank you for all the hard work - you are the best!

Donna Endresen said...

Thank You, Bonnie for what you do.

I will wait patiently for my order to arrive! I got the new Quiltmaker magazine on Saturday, so looked at it in bed last night, and read your addicted to scraps column on the "Ladder Star". I always dream about the new projects I can make with new tools. I am anxiously waiting for the Dresden plate tool, also!

I am glad you arrived back home safe and sound. I worried about you and your cruise mates because of the hurricane!

Kasilof, AK

Feathers in my Nest said...

Thank you Bonnie & Hubster for all you do for us..
and I also thought your trip was in the hurricanes path, wow, your angels were with you on that trip.
You need a day of rest anyway. Take it easy as you fill orders..
Hugs, Debra in Ma.

Terri said...

LOL! Columbus Day!
With the hurricane down here - we missed it too!

Chris M said...

Hooray! I got my "your order has shipped" email! Can't wait!

Unknown said...

YOU are the energizer "Bonnie"!

Unknown said...

YOU are the energizer "Bonnie"!

queenmumkim said...

Woohoo, the rulers are in the house!! I'm so excited to get my book and ruler and start the next project. I'm happily finishing Bricks in the Barnyard quilt and then I can pick another one to work on. I started the tumbler leader and ender project and I need a few more to have enough done. Thank you for working so diligently on this for all of us, and I will gladly wait my turn for shipment.

Amy said...

What a great update and fun insight on all that goes on behind the scenes! Great work to you and your "shipping team" to get so much done! Such is a government holiday to confuse us! My daughter tried to go to the bank yesterday to pay her mortgage only to find them closed as well. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and can get their banking and US post projects completed without too much fuss!

Unknown said...

You are a one woman army for sure. Boy is your post office happy to see you too. Waiting patiently as I have seen you were paid and am going on retreat in Iowa next week. Hopefully the mail will have something from you in 2 weeks. Take care of you. We have colds already as Illinois can't decide to be summer or deep fall. Love you and God help with the mail!!! LOL

Unknown said...

You are a one woman army for sure. Boy is your post office happy to see you too. Waiting patiently as I have seen you were paid and am going on retreat in Iowa next week. Hopefully the mail will have something from you in 2 weeks. Take care of you. We have colds already as Illinois can't decide to be summer or deep fall. Love you and God help with the mail!!! LOL

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