
Sunday, October 09, 2016

Let’s Draw! A New Spin on Drunkard’s Path!

This has been a busy little blog tour!

I hope you have enjoyed visiting all of the sites listed and finding out more about John Kubiniec and his wonderful new book, A New Spin on Drunkard’s Path!

How many of you even NOTICED that I mis-spelled DRUNKARD as DTUNKARD on the header photo?  LOL!

Blame it on these eyes and small text on my phone and having the T right next to the R…and big fingers.

It still made for a good giggle!


The cover alone is inviting!

We’ve had this going for a bit more than a week, and so many of you have entered.  It’s going to be really fun to see who our winner will be.

Are you ready?


Who was entry #190 out of 1,940 participants?


Candice F!

Candice, I’ve dropped you an email to the address you left when you entered.  Please get back to me with your snail mail address so I can get the info over to John and he’ll get your price out to you.  Congrats!

If you want to know more about John, or about A New Spin on Drunkard’s Path, check out John’s website Big Rig Quilting.  It’s always fun to see what he has been up to.

There will be many more opportunities to win quilty goodies on the blog.

Just stay tuned!

Have a great evening, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Congrats to Candace! (And now I know to go ahead and order the book for myself.) :-)

Justhaveingfun said...

Wow look at the lucky winner Congrats Candace :)

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