
Tuesday, March 01, 2016

84 and Counting!

84 baskets.

I think I had a mere 10 when I set out to make these as my weekend project while up at the cabin.

My goal?  To use up a lot of the “LITTLE” stuff. 

I don’t have much of a stash at the cabin, but over the holidays I had brought boxes and bags of untrimmed gifted hunk and chunk sized pieces, determined to do something with them.

When a block is this size, it is amazing what you can use up and how it all adds to the whole!

My plans for this quilt are evolving as I work on these blocks, and I can tell you I’m not done with how many I need yet!

But the scraps and the stories they tell!


Bonus triangles!

These triangles are left from a couple of Star Struck quilts, and my Carolina Christmas. Loads of recycled plaids and shirting prints.  And some others that happen to be the same size.  It’s time to tame these and get them sewn into something.  So they are playing in my baskets.

If there is a matched pair, I can use them as the “basket feet.”  I don’t care if the neutral is different, as long as the dark is the same print, a pair is good there.

I’ve got purples from Lazy Sunday.  I’ve got pinks from Sister’s Choice.

These bonus triangles are the gift that keeps on giving!  I do need more variety in my colors other than just purple, red and pink, so I am cutting some from various scraps to add to the color variety.


Trimming some gifted rejects!

Isn’t this funny? I used to look at that blue print as “Baptist Fans” or “Clam Shells.”  Because of today’s technology I’m now seeing this as “Wi-Fi Signals”  LOL!


So much fun, and tumbler Leaders& Enders too!


I think it’s time for a nap!

I was likely too busy paying attention to what was going on during “When Calls the Heart” on Netflix and I sewed the bottom section to the top of the block.  Sometimes you just gotta laugh and grab the ripper yet again!

Oh yes, that 1492-1992 Christopher Columbus fabric.  If THIS is in your stash, it's time to cut it extra small and use it up!


Check out these fabrics!

You know you’ve been quilting a long long time when you start to recognize fabric in costumes as well as in quilts!


Check out that purple tumbler!

In this episode, Abigail, played by Lori Loughlin is wearing a dress made out of the same fabric!  I couldn’t believe my eyes! 

Now, I know I’ve had this fabric 8 to 10 years – so it makes me wonder just what fabric is in the storage vault at the costumer’s ---If you wanted to make a dress from 1910, an early 2000’s repro may just do the job!


There it is, on the right!

How many of you own this print, too?


36 rows and counting!


Loving it!

My top now has 36 rows.  I am aiming for 54.  And heaven knows I cut way more tumblers than I thought I would need. 

My rows have 59 tumblers per row.  I stand now at 2,124 pieces in this quilt.  When I’m done I’ll have 3,186.

I have loved this project all year long. I have spent ZERO concentrated time on it.  The whole thing has grown as Leaders & Enders in between the lines of other chain piecing.  It’s basically a free quilt. All cut from small scraps.  Sewn by pairs, pairs joining pairs into rows, and rows joined to each other while working on other things.

I know there were people who finished their whole tumbler quilt within a week or a month or two of my announcing this year long challenge. And that’s fine if they want to rush through it.  As for me,  I have enjoyed it, the whole process of choosing fabric, cutting shapes, stitching pairs and joining rows since July as a real Leader & Ender project.

My goal is to have this top finished by next July when we issue our NEXT year long challenge.

What’s the rush, anyway?  It isn’t a race!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

I love this quote, especially how it applies not only to quilts we are making, but to people!

How boring life would be if we were all perfect, and all the same. Celebrate the uniqueness in others today!

As for me, I am packing up at the cabin, heading off mountain and meeting a friend for lunch and I can't wait!

Happy March, everyone!

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Sheila said...

Dear Bonnie,
When I get going on a project, I have to finish it. If I don't, the pieces get set aside (another way to say "lost") and it never gets done. Sometimes, when I find it by accident, I have no idea what I was doing and have to figure it out all over again. I'm such a scatter-brain.

grammajudyb said...

Your fabric stash is amazing! My tumblers are growing slowly. Like you said it is not a race. I need to cut more to get a better variety. Heaven knows I have plenty of scraps and each new project just creates more.

Karen Ames said...

Okay, so I'm more like Bonnie. I've been working on Box Kite blocks from my strip stash, and was still doing leaders and enders from the 2014 challenge! Just finally put those together and last week put the binding on it. Yahoo! I used up almost all of my 3.5 inch scraps in that one! Now I'm back to using 2.5 inch squares for four patch leaders and enders. Never started the tumblers in 2015, so I guess I'm ready for the 2016 challenge. What next? Dig into the string box, or make some of those basket blocks! They sure are cute.

Mary said...

I love that you saw the fabric on Abigail. I'll have to watch it again. I always look for quilts on shows. I saw a skirt with quilt blocks on it that I wanted to make at a Young Ambassador concert once. Love the used up bonus hsts. The tumblers are such fun to play I spy. Yea for March, lots to do, Quilts to make and people to see.

Sonia F said...

I made two baby quilts using pinks,white and purple for unexpected twin. Still working on leader and enders.

Unknown said...

OHH Miss Bonnie, sit down ... this could be serious. :) You are either hopelessly insane or wonderfully creative!!!! I leave you to make the choice :)

Those baskets blocks are soooo terrific... I need yet another quilt idea like a desert needs more sand....but I could accommodate this basket pastern.....


Smiley Quilter said...

I love those basket blocks, like many others I'm trying to complete many projects and should not start something but those baskets are tempting. Thanks for inspiration overload 😊

Unknown said...

Oh my, you have a lit of rows done. I'm so impressed. I'm doing 52 tumblers per row a 52 rows. Only have about a dozen done in between piecing Allietare blocks. But I am enjoying myself!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I love your Basket Blocks. I just wanted to tell you look at them see the Hens and Roosters . You might think I'm off my rocker but I just wanted you to no what I see in your blocks.

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