
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Needful Things for the Traveling Quilter!

This morning’s post is a short one!

I am at my brother’s house, and we stayed up late last night just catching up and chattering away.

A family dinner celebrating all of the January and February birthdays in this family, plus one in March.

January birthdays include myself, my nieces Emilee and Melissa, February birthdays including my dad and my great niece Maya (She is FIVE! and just a pistol!) and my brother Mark’s birthday being the first week of March.

It was a family full around the table with much discussion of all of the goings on, and I love to play catch up because I only make it out here about once a year.  Not often enough, but it’s better than not coming at all!


Can you believe it?  I found myself so engulfed in the enjoyment of family that I forgot to take photos and my phone was forgotten.

What a wonderful thing.

This morning things are ramping up for Emilee’s baby shower with about 30 women arriving for all of that hubbub.

Later today Mark, Dad and I are heading out on the motorcycles through the desert and I will be taking photos of that jaunt.  It’s a GORGEOUS day, a perfect way to spend my last day in Arizona before flying home tomorrow.


Helpful traveling hints!

I posted the photo at the top of the blog of the little USB lights that are found at IKEA.  You might also be able to find them on Ebay – look! Colors!

I have had mine for a few years now, and I use it on my laptop when I need light on the keyboard – you know how hotel lighting is?

Well, at Dad’s I don’t have an ott light for couch stitching..so I grabbed my mophie battery pack that I use while traveling to recharge my phone.

I plugged the USB end of the lamp into the Mophie and voila!  Enough light to stitch by and very portable.

I can even place this on the fold down tray on the airplane for some more direct light if the overhead isn’t great.

And that’s all I have for you today because I’ve got to get busy helping around here!

I guess you can call this a “Simple Saturday” post, but it does go along with this:


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Stars shine the brightest when the night is the darkest. Even a tiny light can be seen a long way away. Shine!

Vintage fan quilt found in North Carolina.

Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!

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Janet O. said...

I wondered about these. Just saw them in a local store. The nearest IKEA is almost 2 hours away. Thanks for the review.

Claudia Duke said...

Love the little light, Ikea, here I come. We are changing out some electrical plugs at our house. My husband just found some that have 2 regular plugs and two USB plugs so you can plug your cord in directly without having to use an adapter. That one is going in my sewing room.

Allison C Bayer Plano TX said...

I'm glad your family plate is so full there was no time for pictures -- that is a great thing!! The little light, saw them at the IKEA check out in Frisco, Texas last week and thought of you. Of course you already have one!! Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA

Sandi said...

I've got two of the traditional electric plug in styles with the clam. Love it for clamping it onto the handle of my sewing machine for additional light. Perfect for a retreat. Only thing is I got it in the fall when they were clearing them out. Don't think they carry them any longer,

Don't have a lap top so my version is oerfect for my use.

Unknown said...

I keep one plugged unto my side of bed in a mophie charger as well. It's just enough light not to wake hubby, as I check for iPad, iPhone charging cords. I have a single stick Halo charger in my sock drawer- the light is exactly what I need to distinguish navy from black socks hubby didn't put where they go! 🙆🏻🙆🏻

Mary said...

I wonder if they come in PURPLE??? I'll have to watch for one when I go to Portland next month. My IKEA list is getting longer. I NEED that Button Rug, and Hexie Clock...LOL

Aunt Mimi said...

I am so getting one of those lamps along with another quick charger. I always carry my laptop with me but hotel lighting or my daughter's lighting isn't the best, unless I move my grandson's OTT light to beside the bed or another room. Last time he hid it from me! LOL.

Unknown said...

Bonnie - is something bad happening to OPEN STUDIO... have tried to get into the fb page...says I can't, down etc.... wanted to check with you


Kathi Cappellini said...

So happy you had a wonderful time with your niece. I am a new Grandmother and my sister and I thought she was the "Great Aunt" like in your post. However, we just learned that if it's the granddaughter of your sibling and they are "grand" parent, you are the "Grand Aunt". Next generation, when the sibling is a Great Grandparent, you'll be a Great Aunt. So don't age yourself up!!!! Hahah.

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