
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Daddy Daugher Brother Day!

Two motorcycles.

Three family members!

84 degrees with delicious sunshine, and a plan to ride out into the desert, part of our drive through the Tonto National Forest.

Passing by the giant cacti standing tall and proud on either side of the highway, a universal symbol of the American west.

I rode shot gun on dad’s Goldwing, and Mark took the lead, heading us out to a place I’d never been before – Saguaro Lake.

Saguaro Lake is located just 20 minutes from Mesa, Arizona, but it feels more than a world away.


Boaters were out doing what boaters do!


Beautiful mountain views and cool clear water!


Isn’t this breath taking?


Let the family photo taking commence.

Father and son!


I love this candid photo – walking the docks!

These two men mean so much to me.


Mark is my inspiration!


Such a beautiful place!


One lone little duck!

From here it was back on to the bikes out to Tonto Verde for lunch. I grew up visiting my grandparents every year in Rio Verde as they were snow-birding Minnesotans, coming down from Minneapolis in October and staying until May.  I don’t blame them – this is such a beautiful place, and decades of Minnesota winters earned them a free pass to escape in their later years.

At least I always thought that Rio Verde was a place where “old people” go, until yesterday when I realized that if I was a young teen when Grannie and Grandpa John built their Arizona home, she was only in her mid 50s – right where I am now!  Oh, perspective!  What a giggle that gave me!

Loads of memories came to say hello as we made our way through Fountain Hills and past the entrances to Rio Verde.  Tonto Verde is just past, and we had eaten at the restaurant there numerous times during my growing up years and into adulthood as well.


Grannie so loved her Four Peaks!

Grannie’s birthday was February 8th, Dad’s was the 11th, Mark’s is coming up on March 6th.  We enjoyed lunch and the beautiful views and talked about oh, so many things.


Miss you, Grannie!

We hope we are doing you proud!


Mark, ready to roll back toward home!


Dad and I, ready to climb back on the Goldwing and head out, too!


Family dinner at Brio at San Tan!

We had our farewell dinner last night, and niece Ashley joined the grown ups out on the town.  There will be many exciting things happening through this year before we see each other again next January.  I’ll be back in the area to teach, so I’ll get some extra extended time while I’m here doing that.

There will be citrus to pick, and a new great-niece to hold, and family dinners around my sister in law’s table with boisterous conversation and loads of laughter and we will be starting the whole round of birthday celebrations all over again as the next new year starts.

And we’ll have oh so much to talk about!

Sometimes it’s not easy being the one who lives farthest away from family, but we get together as often as we can and we stay in touch as much as possible in between times, and we make loads of memories that keep us company until we can see each other again.


Yesterday’s funny!

And so my dad walks into the room and hands me this saying "I found this hexie on the floor..I think you'll need it..." and then I laughed and laughed because my dad knows and used the word HEXIE!!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

The perfect quote for the perfect drunkard’s path quilt. I'm headed home to North Carolina today, after being gone two weeks. We have filled those two weeks full, including hikes to the Pacific Ocean in Torrey Pines California and hiking South Mountain in Phoenix Arizona. Both places so vastly beautiful, and so different from each other.

Where will your path lead you today? Are you ready to break away and blaze your own?

Vintage drunkards path quilt from my collection found in Virginia.

Today I say goodbye to the free-upgrade Mustang that has been so much fun to drive while I've been here.  As a quilter, though this has been fun, I definitely want my Shamu back!

I will be back in my own bed by tonight.  There WILL be Quilt-Cam at some point this coming week, please keep watching and I’ll let you know where it will fit.

I also understand there is a Quilty-Box giveaway coming up soon!

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

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Lori said...

It looks like it was a great visit, Bon. You probably get along better with you living far away and only coming to visit! LOL XOXO

Mary Ellen said...

Although it takes some getting used to - especially if you come from a state with lots of rain and four seasons - the desert has a beauty all its own. Once you learn about the flora and fauna, your heart is captured forever. Glad you had time to spend with your family.

Monica said...

"Oh perspective," indeed! I have been having one of those "remember when" days too. I think I recently turned a corner when I started talking about "those young people." Isn't life funny? All those things we said we'd never do...

AZMaggie said...

Today I'm reminded of the lady standing at the Alaskan train depot with a sign for you to see as you journey past her! I'm so wanting to be that lady at Sky Harbor Airport! My sign would read "Bon Voyage, Bonnie~ Hurry back real soon!!! Can't wait to take another class from you!"

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

You and your brother both have your Dad's smile. Glad you had a great visit.

Carolyn Edwards said...

What a wonderful family time. We all need those so much. Thanks for sharing your family with us.
Carolyn Edwards

Brenda Taylor Tucker said...

Bonnie, I am very interested in the 3rd picture from the top... With the river rocks and cactus .....especially, the cactus....I live in SC and had seen one similar in Lexington, SC at a house we went by often....kept saying we would stop and ask what kind it was, but never did....they put the house up for sale and when they moved they moved the cactus, too! What disappointment !!!!! Can you tell me the name of the cactus.....I have tried to look it up but haven't seen one that looks like it as much as the one in your picture with the fuzzies. I love your quilts. Thanks a lot. Brenda Taylor Tucker... tuckawaysc@icloud.com

Rinachiyya said...

Thanks so much for sharing your trip and your great time with your family.
I enjoyed your Posts and thesayings. So glad you had this time with your family.
Sadie will be so happy to see you home again and your hobby.
Hope THE trip back went fast and have a great night in your OWN bed.
Happy Quiling,Yoka Bazilewich

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