
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hike to the Shore!

Jill and her hubby Bob came up with a big idea for my “Saturday Off” yesterday.

We drove to nearby Torrey Pines State Park and hiked the trails down the bluffs and to the sea!

It was a gorgeous day, and people were out in DROVES.  I do mean droves as in…there is no place to park for miles.  Every kind of stroller, bicycle, back pack, groups, singles, couples – you name it.

EVERYONE was out soaking up as much vitamin D as they could get, and I was happy to be amongst them.

The marine layer had come in over night, and things were not as clear as they had been the past couple of days, but the light haze brought that ethereal “mist on the moors” kind of feeling and we knew the sun was working hard to burn it all off.

It's this kind of dilemma: If I take the jacket with me now, I'll be peeling it off within 15 minutes and have to carry it all the rest of the way back.

Leave the jacket in the car, and go hike up a warm sweat!


Can you smell the salty sea air in your mind?

Give it a try!

If you have ever smelled sand, salt water and  morning dew on sage, think back and remember.  Take a full two lungs full.  Amazing.  We were out here about 8 am, sun rising  just to the east above the foggy marine layer.

You could see and feel the sun trying to break through.  Come on, sun!  You can do it!


Down on the sand.

It’s about a 3/4 mile hike, unless you take the wrong trail and end up at the cliffs overlooking the beach with no apparent way to get down there.  Back track.  Find the fork in the road.  Join the others making their own pilgrimage to the big rock.


Oh, my goodness.  The sound of waves crashing.

Nature’s music.

Here is a quick little video clip I took to capture it for you:


Find the pair of seals!


Hi, sweeties!

They had found themselves on the inland side of this huge rock, evidently trying to find a way to get up to the top, but there was this lip that they couldn’t get their slippery bodies over so they could catch some morning rays and do their sun-bathing.


Try little buddy, try!



I don’t know if the seal made his way back up to the top of the rock, but we thought it might be easier on the other side where the waves would help wash them up on top.  It was chilly down at the shore, and we started our hike back up to where we had parked the car, passing droves of hikers who were also coming down to enjoy the beach.

This hike was the perfect way to enjoy a Southern California February Saturday.

From here we headed back to Jill’s – packed up my stuff, loaded up her car, and she and her daughter Maggie and I headed up to UCLA in Los Angeles to pick up Ben, Maggie’s awesome boy friend for an afternoon of museum wandering at The Getty.  Photos of that to come NEXT post.  I’m writing it to post tonight.


All roads lead to In-N-Out!

It’s a 3 day President’s Day weekend.  The freeways were a nightmare all the way up from San Diego, and with the need for a rest stop and something to fill empty bellies we stopped at In-N-Out Burger, something I can’t get in North Carolina but try to hit at least once when I’m in California. Yes, I know they are also in Texas, but it’s not the same.  For me, In-N-Out is a CALIFORNIA thing.  And it didn’t disappoint as we took our burgers to go and rejoined the throngs of people in slow freeway traffic making our way to LA.

Yes, the steps we did on our hike were completely undone thanks to our burgers and fries, but you know?  Life has to be worth living! ha!

I’m now in Thousand Oaks, ready to give a Cathedral Stars workshop to the Conejo Valley Quilters.  New Friends, new fun! If you want to follow along, you can find the free pattern under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog.

I’m having a special Valentine’s Day dinner at the home of a guild member – how sweet is that? She thought it would be best not to fight the crowds of sweethearts all having dinner out for Valentine’s Day.


Calling all Cincinnati area Quilters! I was just notified of some openings in some upcoming workshops with the Ohio Valley quilters guild in March!

The guild's website http://www.ovqg.com/
Workshop Line up:
Sat, Mar 5 - Talking Turkey
Sun, Mar 6 - Cathedral Stars
Mon, Mar 7 - Sister's Choice

Contact the guild through their website for more information. I hope to see you there!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, my friends!

Wishing you love and happiness today and always.  Give your loved ones a hug! Call a family member you haven't talked to in awhile.

Vintage apple core found in North Carolina.

Have an awesome Sunday!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


cityquilter grace said...

lovely photos....wonderful vicarious side trip...but where's the beef? would like to see that burger!!! lol...

Mary Ellen said...

Torrey Pines is a special place. And the tide pools! Sometimes you can find interesting stuff in them.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I took a lot of deep breaths, hoping to catch some of that California ocean air and warmth! Here in NY it's minus 4. We do have sunshine and blue skies though. With yesterday's snowing and blowing you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. It was a 2 quilt night, and they were both your past mystery quilts! Lol

Bridget said...

Thanks for the sounds of waves crashing. Six years ago I moved to New Mexico which is lovely, but didn't get to visit my beloved beach this year and miss it so much! That sound is balm to my soul.

Anne M. said...

Love the video of the waves & the sound. Miss the ocean. thank you

Cathy Dale said...

I thank you for taking us with you on all your journeys. I feel I am there with you.

Shelly said...

Thank you for the video of the waves. I love that sound.
Enjoying your trip along with you,

Unknown said...

Oh, Bonnie! That video wasn't nearly long enough! I could watch for hours!

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