
Friday, October 02, 2015

The Quick Get-Away!

By 3pm yesterday I had HAD it.

I MADE my manuscript turn in deadline, and found myself just needing to get out of the basement office/studio.

I needed to be out and away – and I had one place on the agenda.  There were loose ends to tie up.

I was going to the cabin to spend the evening sewing on our Mystery with the plan of bringing all the pieces home with me today – along with some other things that HAVE to go on this cruise.

We leave TOMORROW!  So this was my one opportunity.

You can’t go on the cruise without the REAL camera!  We also needed the GoPro and a couple other things and I quickly volunteered.

The plan is that I would drive up here, work on the quilt, stay the night and head home this afternoon.

That will leave ME this evening to pack!

And just like that I was off ---


Leaves are starting to turn!

Everything is wearing a slightly yellow, tired, after summer glow.  You can feel lit in the air.

Of course the air is still quite muggy because it’s been raining here since last Thursday –that’s more than a week with rain EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I also made a quick phone call to let Mona know that I was coming up and to see if she was she able to come and sew for the evening, and this morning?

She said YES!  We haven’t seen each other in a month or more, and this would give us a time to catch up while we sewed.


Check out her show and share!

Did I teach this gal right, or what??

I really haven’t taught her much – I can’t take all the credit, she has a great eye and no fear when it comes to putting things together.  She just gets better and better!  This top is destined for her Mother in law.  I love that she stuck in those bright green cornerstones for Pizazz!


This, my friends is a BACKING!

She went through all of the fabrics she had cut in to 2 1/2’’ strips and simply pieced rows, letting seams fall where every they may. This is a variation of the Simply Strippy pattern, one of the first charity quilt workshops I ever taught, and it was uploaded here to the free patterns tab in 2005.  The only difference?  I did MINE using 3 1/2’’ strips – this gal went way out!


Mona sharing her beautiful work!

What quilt is this going to back?  I tell you, she is going gangbusters!


Isn’t this just so great?  I’m so excited I can’t stand it.  And since our schedules have been so opposite and I’m home when she isn’t and she’s here when I’m not and hasn’t been able to come over to get things quilted on my longarm, she has discovered the wonderful option of quilting by CHECK!  The little quilt shop in Wilkesboro is offering quilting services on their longarm and she is going to take advantage of it.

This will allow her more time to piece more quilts which is what she is really in love with.  She knows that quilting a quilt like this on her featherweight is just going to be too much of a job.  I agree.  When the quilt weighs more than the machine, it’s time to consider another option!

As for me??


I’m being sneaky!

But it’s getting done!

I’ll head out of here by 1pm so I can tackle all of the errands and chores before Quilt-Cam tonight at 9pm Eastern.  Are you planning on tuning in?  If you arrive on the blog before 9pm my time, remember to refresh the page if you don’t see the correct post on the page.  If anything happens and Quilt-Cam is booted off for any reason, remember to give me 5 minutes to set up another feed, and be sure to refresh the page again so you see the newest version of the page once I’ve embedded another feed.  Refreshing the page is the key!

Oh, and guess what I found???


Hello, lost fit bit!

Don’t ask me how, or when…..but when I was loading paper into the printer the other day, I reached under the printer stand to pull out a ream of paper and there it was.  UNDER the printer stand.

Honest to Pete!

You would think I would have felt it falling off there.  Possibly when printing invoices and mailing labels or more pages of stamps.  I never felt it fall off.

It never synched when I tried to synch it with my phone.

So what is a girl to do? Wear both!  I am bound and determined to see how they compare with each other.  And I’ll be glad to know how many flights I’ve climbed because I plan to always take the stairs on the cruise if possible –elevators only happen with luggage!

I do love the new Garmin Vivofit2.  It’s got big easy to read numbers and does the job I want it to do.  These two items do different things.  I think it’s ok that I have both! Ha!

I’m off to fix a bit of breakfast and get this sewing morning going –catch you from home tonight!

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I need a nap now--you kinda wore me out---Mona's quilts are gorgeous!!!!
have a great day and a delightful cruise!!!

Cherry said...

So happy you took the chance to escape when you could! It will refresh you more than you know before you are off and running again. Mona's quilts are awesome!! Yep - she's definitely one of us. Like the mystery binding. Waiting patiently (mostly) for the colors and yardage. Thanks for all you do!

Judy D in WA said...

I'm so glad you were able to spend time with Mona. Wow, she has turned in to quite the quilter!! Reminds me of the teach the man to fish proverb.

Happy cruising!!!

Mary said...

Mona is doing a GREAT job, and I had to share your blog with a friend today who asked about "string" quilts. She used to give me her scraps, but I have convinced her I think to "follow" Bonnie's methods! She went home yesterday to dig in her trash can for all those strings she had tossed away, and ready to rip apart an old phone book! I hope you have a great cruise and that you have an opportunity to recharge you personal battery a bit. Thanks for the sneak peak into the mystery quilt. I am wishing my "scrap storage system" will get put to use on this project, otherwise I willing dig into the stash! :) My box of 1.5" squares; 2" squares and 2.5" squares is FULL!

Unknown said...

Mona is doing some beautiful work! She caught the quilt bug! Looking forward to quilt cam tonight!

Smiley Quilter said...

Love all of Mona's quilts but especially the strippy back. I have 2 bins of 3 1/2 strips that are not getting used and so many tops to finish that I think a strippy back would mean I could at least get the lids back on......
Have great fun cruising , I am off to retreat in two weeks that I am really looking forward to. Next big trip for me will be mackinaw island in May, I can't wait.

Karen B. said...

I love Mona's quilts! I think I would have a really hard time leaving the cabin, even if it were for a cruise. Have fun and be safe.

julieQ said...

You know, I am so glad you got away a little while, just to fill up your soul!! You did a great thing by mentoring Mona...you go girls! Have fun and happy Friday!

Scrappy/Cindy said...

I think Mona has been bitten by the bug. Her quilts are awesome. Can't imagine why you didn't find the fit bit and I love the black and white photo! 😉

Netti said...

Wow, I remember when you posted that Mona looked at some of your quilts and said that she would never do that. I guess she did get the quilting bug! The Friendship Crosses quilt is absolutely stunning. Fantastic job, Mona!

Material Girl said...

Beautiful quilts Mona, I think you got the quilting bug, enjoy! Glad you were able to escape for awhile Bonnie, it always feels so good to just get away for awhile.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Quilts Mona, you are a piecing machine.
Bonnie: Check off your list so you don't forget anything at the cabin.
See you on Quilt cam tonight.
Have a great cruise,

Lois Arnold said...

Great quilts, Mona!
I had been using my phone S-health (Samsung Galaxy 5) to track steps. Then I got the Garmin Vivofit2 since sometimes my phone is charging or I forget to pick it up. The phone consistently counts more steps than the Garmin. The phone counts by vibration and is usually in my back pocket of my pants. The Garmin is on my wrist. Could it be that when I carry something in my left hand the Garmin can't count? It's a mystery, but they are usually about 1,000 steps different by the end of the day with the phone having the most.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You have so much to do Bonnie. How fun to look forward to a cruise after all the running around :o). Mona's quilts are so bright and happy. I'm a new quilter so this is such fun for me :0)

sao said...

Have a wonderful time on your cruise! I know it will be great!

sao in Midlothian, VA

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats! to Mona on such lovely quilt tops (and the back, too!!)

tealeafquilts said...

So proud of Mona and you, bonnie, for teaching her! The quilts are beautiful!

Donna (Brentwood CA) said...

I'm with Mona. The piecing is my favorite part and I also quilt by check.

Kathleen said...

Nice work Mona!!

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words. I'm having a blast & Bonnie can most certainly take all the credit!! She's a great teacher & inspiration!

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