
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Quiltville Alaska Cruise Update!

Those of you who have signed up, or were thinking of signing up for my Alaska Cruise in July of 2016 are going to be excited to learn that we have changed our travel plans!

When I was first asked to teach on this cruise, it was with the understanding there would be 4 instructors –and the 2 full days at sea would be filled with 4 3 hour workshops, and the students would rotate from teacher to teacher to teacher to teacher.

That is an awful lot of moving of quilters and quilt stuff around on a ship.

While on the Caribbean cruise a couple of weeks ago, we experienced MY favorite way of cruising, where I was the ONLY instructor and we were a retreat at sea –I had 50 cruisers –and once they chose their work space in our beautiful conference center classroom, that was THEIR spot for the entirety of the cruise.

They could leave their stuff without having to haul it.  They could come and go and do ship activities as they pleased, fitting in the sewing when they could and when they wanted.  They had their stations as their own.

It was a totally fun and RELAXING experience.

I received a phone call the morning I was leaving to Maine asking me if I would be up to doing the Alaska cruise by myself as the solo instructor.

I gave it a resounding YES!  A full week on one project is much better than 4 3-hour mini workshops and fighting for a machine to sew at during open sew time after dinner in the evenings.

One cruise, one class, one project. This is just my preferred way to cruise.

And since there is a limit of only 50 quilters, versus 100 or more, I get to spend more one on one time getting to know YOU!

It’s more like a RETREAT!

In this case, LESS is definitely MORE.

Now, this cruise only has about 20 slots left.  It’s already more than half full!

I have updated the Alaska Cruise 2016 tab at the top of the blog.  You can catch up on all of the info and insights to our itinerary HERE.  I posted some lovely travel videos of the places that we are going to visit, so please check them out.

Come Quilt Cruise With Me!


Bring a friend!

There will be day class sessions on our days at sea, and evening sewing activities with Open Sew in the evenings after returning from port and having our dinner.

But if you want to see a show?  Go dancing?  Enjoy the music in the piano bar?

This is YOUR cruise and you are not required to do ANYTHING but enjoy being with us and relaxing.

Schedule a massage, a facial, a pedicure, or all three.  Enjoy the scenery deck side – and take a hand project with you.

Can’t you see us all sitting around enjoying a fruity umbrella drink and hand stitching on something?  I can’t wait!

And yes, hubbies can come!  Friends can come. Family can come.  They don't have to sew --ask about the "non sewing partner" pricing!

So here is what you do:


To make your reservations call Craftours at 815-663-4046, toll free at 877-887-1188 or submit your reservations online.

For additional questions regarding airfare, transfers, insurance, pre-night packages, or info on the convenient payment plan, please call the toll-free number or use the  contact form.

Small print:

This itinerary, pricing and escorts are subject to change. Insurance is available and highly recommended. Single rates are available upon request. A 3% discount applies for check payment paid in full. Please consult the Terms and Conditions, as they apply starting with the first payment.

For more information visit my travel page on the Craftours website HERE.

Get your reservation in there because this cruise is going to fill quickly.  And when you register, please tell them you read about it on my blog and you are signing up with me!

I’ll see you in Seattle!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Holly NY said...

Wow! This is making this cruise so much more appealing. Seriously considering it!

Dot said...

Bonnie, I'm from Australia and so travel with a maximum of 23Kg of luggage (and preferable around 18). Would I have to bring my own sewing machine? And how much other materials would be needed. It all sounds very tempting...

Unknown said...

that was great i like it. i love to read it.

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Wolfquilter said...

I was excited to read all about the cruise and to hear that you are the only inztructor. I'm a little leary of the water but the videos you posted are breathtaking . Hoping to join you.

Wolfquilter said...

I was excited to read all about the cruise and to hear that you are the only inztructor. I'm a little leary of the water but the videos you posted are breathtaking . Hoping to join you.

Susan said...

What will the project be on this cruise?

Unknown said...

The cruise sounds great! Alaska is so gorgeous. I think that Quilty Box is pretty gorgeous as well. I love the modern look!


Sally Langston Warren said...

To Dot above, the cruise package provides the sewing machines and often at the end of the cruise will offer the machines for sale to you at a discount. I think they also provide a sewing machine technician to resolve any problems that arise with the machines.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this info. I decided I wanted to go on this cruise as soon as you published the first info. I've never been on a retreat or on a cruise (& a cruise to Alaska is on my bucket list). My other half was ready to reserve as soon as I showed him the info. I on the other hand thought I had a little more time to just wait, for what I don't know... Made the reservations last nite and am already getting excited just having done that.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: I would love to do this cruise with you. BUT, as you know, Alaska thrives on tourism during the summer, and I will be up to my eyeballs in tourists at the quilt shop during July. Once I fully retire, I hope you are still doing these cruises, and Hopefully I can do them with you then. It may be the only relaxing way I can visit these spots!

Soldotna, AK

Anonymous said...

I am so excited! I signed up for the cruise as soon as you posted about it! Now I'm even more excited!!! idaninepatch@gmail.com

Mavis Reynolds said...

I am not on the Alaska cruise but am on the Mediterranean cruise in August 2016. I'm hoping for this format that you love on that cruise and am wondering if there will be machines. I guess that can be a bit tricky in a foreign country. I guess all will be revealed as the date approaches.

Anonymous said...

The Alaska cruise sounds even better now. I'm going to try to get in. Also the quilts box is so generous of you. Hope to win it.

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