
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Quilt-Cam 8/25/2015

It’s another Quilt-Cam night!

Are you ready to sew?

Do you have a project needing some attention?

Do you have fabrics to sort, press, cut and kit up?

This is a great time to do it, and I will do it WITH you!

Quilt-Cam doesn’t happen on a regular basis due to my schedule, but I am so happy when the stars align and I find myself home alone of an evening and I can just turn on the live webcam in my studio and you can see what goes on here.  And hopefully it encourages you to squeeze one more hour of productivity out of your day as well!

And remember, if you’ve missed any episodes, they are easily found under the Quilt-Cam tab at the top of the blog for viewing at your leisure!

I love everything about this photo sent in by Nancy in Arizona who joined us during our last Quilt-Cam opportunity.

She writes:
 Hi Bonnie,
Love quilt cam and your blog. I’m working on a Halloween spider web quilt. I like sewing on the paper, no points to match, random strips of fabric and it’s fast!
Nancy in Az.

It looks GREAT, Nancy!  That green is perfect for the centers! I can’t wait to see how this one turns out.
You can find the free pattern for String Spider Web under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog.
As for what I’m working on tonight?  Some Strings, Some Crumbs, some Stars!
Do you remember THESE blocks?
I’d almost forgotten about them myself!  I uncovered them in a box of crumb blocks.  I think I had decided to turn the crumb blocks into stars – but I got waylaid by other deadlines, and things that don’t have deadlines always take a back seat to things that DO have deadlines.  SIGH.  How long have these been languishing?  I’m not sure!
SO they are out and about and I am ready to make some more just for fun.
I’ve cut enough for four blocks for tonight!
I am starting projects for the NEXT book down the road and this just may end up there.  No pattern given for this block for that reason. Thank you for understanding.

I cut block parts from a box of scraps waiting to be cut down.  This way I can use them up as I cut them up.  Perfect.
Are you ready to sew with me?
Click the arrow on the screen to start the feed.

And while you are here, this is a shameless plug that will be showing up over the next few weeks until my workshop series with CraftU starts!
Come Get Scrappy with Me!

View my post about my online workshop series with CraftU HERE for all of the info!

The regular retail price of this 6 segment course is $129.00 But I have a special deal for you!

Register now through THIS LINK and enter BSCRAP30 in the coupon box at checkout when registering.  You will get all 6 workshop segments covering 6 block designs, all of my hints, tips and tricks for $99.00.  That’s just $16.50 per workshop segment.  You just can’t beat that!
Remember to use the code to get the discount!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Debbie said...

I love the star blocks with the scrappy centers. I was just wondering what to do with my crumbs. This is it. Thanks
Debbie in South Dakota

Robin Ziegler said...

Hello Bonnie, from London Ontario. I am making homemade applesauce tonight. no sugar added just a little cinnamon. my dad is the test subject to see if any adjustments are needed. have fun quilting.

Robin Ziegler in Canada

Vic in NH said...

Hiya Bonnie! I'm delighted to be joining you live while I am hand hemming my Grand Illusion that I'm proud to say that I quilted myself on a rented longarm, wheeeeee!! It is so beautiful and I thank you for this special design from the free mystery last November.

Beth said...

Hi Bonnie . I am getting to join you after missing many Quilt Cams in a row!Tonight I am eating dinner FIRST (its only 6pm in AZ)< then I am sewing churn dash blocks in rows and prepping some hand applique for vacation. Thanks for quilt cam! Beth in AZ

Mary said...

I'm trimming some Red and White HST's. I over sized them so I could make sure they are the size I want. I tried to be anal and make the directional background all go in the same direction. This fabric is destined to be cut to make some 4 patches for the Go Four IT project when my Vacation Time BOM is done. How is your Go Four it Project doing?

Quilter Kathy said...

Hi Bonnie - So happy to be joining you live tonight from Ontario Canada. I have been looking forward to QuiltCam all day!
I am piecing 4" bow tie blocks from civil war fabrics for a block swap.
I have my leader-ender star blocks standing by whenever needed!
Happy Quilting!

Unknown said...

Working on the binding of one of my sisters lap quilt. My last of three. Love the star block..

Jeanne said...

do I have to purchase a special ruler for the tumblers? Or can I use like a 10 degree ruler??

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Finally...I made it before quiltcam is over! Not sewing tonight, but made some hourglass blocks earlier today.

Becky said...

Hi, Bonnie! Becky in West Chicago. I'm working on a wedding quilt and using a Charlotte Angotti mystery quilt as my leader ender - the best of all worlds! My 22 year old daughter is wondering which of your books to buy - she's getting a 99K working so she can quilt now that she's out of school and working.

betz2u said...

Hi Bonnie. What brand of batting do you recommend?

DBrez said...

Hi Bonnie! Just drove through 4 hours of thunderstorms from Massachusetts to New Hampshire to meet my quilty friend Mary so that tomorrow we can drive to Marden's in Maine!! Will go anywhere for fabric!! And I am loving my tumblers!!!
Having fun watching you!
Donna in Conway NH

Quiltville.com said...

I'm working on my tumblers while I watch quilt cam tonight. I just bought a 301A Singer and I love to see on it. It is tan and cream just like yours

Quilta said...

How do you know on your Tumbler Quilt that you are ready to sew the dark units? Are you counting the pieces or units?


Andresa said...

Great timing for Quilt Cam. I'm prepping my projects for a Quilters' Day Out this Friday. Strip Twist and Grand Illusion are the projects I'm planning to work on. Grand Illusion had needed to go into time out (about 6 months ago?) because I found myself short on pieces for the last 10 of the Double Diamond unit. When I had cut and sewn and found myself still short by 2 units, it was time to take a break. I appreciated your recent comments about quilting differently - not WRONG. It helped me put my Christmas Strip Twist into perspective. Turns out I did not lay and cut the strip sets according to your directions and so have block quarters where the center HST is dark/light AND light/dark. Fortunately, I have enough of these "mistakes" to make 8 blocks of each type. While I wanted to make a 4x5 block layout without borders, I'm now able to be creative in how I take these 16 blocks and still make a quilt throw that will be longer than it is wide.

Unknown said...

Becky from Tx. Not sewing, but cleaning up sew in ng room and sharpening rotory blades. Getting ready to have gallbladder removed

Gimmeclems said...

Just got back Sunday after driving through Missouri...the soybeans and corn there look terrific...took my youngest child to college in Atchison, KS...I had to check out Homestead Hearth in Mexico, MO so on the way to KC, MO going thru Columbia I felt like every van at every car rental was packed to the gills with "dorm stuff" headed toward Mizzou. Ha! These kids have all the comforts of home! (Why? They're supposed to be studying!) Check out Hickory Stick in Hannibal, too...or is it too far north and east? I would've stopped in Kirkwood if I could've gotten away with it!

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

i like the quilts you have on your wall too! lol thanks for all you do!

Susan Taylor said...

Thanks again for an enjoyable evening. I always learn something new. Keep your studio anyway that makes you happy, I love the log cabin one especially.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Love your reply to the lady who thought you should change out the quilts on your walls because she was tired of them! It's exactly what I would have said to her. There's always got to be one in every crowd. :)

Enjoyed Quilt Cam once again though I wasn't sewing as I watched. Pressing tomatoes and veggies through the mesh strainer to make veggie juice instead.

PghPat said...

Bonnie, are the crumbs you were using tonight cut from the blocks you made with the phone book pages on Quilt Cam a few weeks ago? Loved spending time with you tonight. A Pennsylvanian, but from the wrong end of the state. But I did spend an evening live with you at a trunk show in 2012 in Monroeville just outside of Pittsburgh and loved every minute of it - have been a great fan of yours ever since. Pat

Joanne said...

Hi Bonnie, the other day, I registered for your Scrap Quilt Series... Do I need to order special tools, rulers, for these courses? I am new to joining in with you, I have started my first ever leader/ender tumbler quilt... I love it! I am considering your next Mystery Project, although it makes me nervous because I have other unfinished quilts going on... and I am ready to order a book, but which to choose???? the first one? I caught the last half hour of today's Quilt Cam Live, you are a joy to watch and listen to!

Unknown said...

I love to watch quiltcam, so don't comment while you're on air. Have been wondering if you are doing the Itty Bitty Blocks from Quiltmaker, they are so cute, and I know you like small blocks. I do too, couldn't resist when they started these, so my design wall is filling up with cute little blocks in rows, what will they come up with for the design to put it together? Also, we are in the middle of our County Fair this week (I'm in charge of the quilt area) Yesterday the 50 quilts were judged - all four of the Grand Illusions we had won blue ribbons - guess I was right in telling my quilters how easy and fun your mysteries are - we loved doing it. I have done your mystery every year for several years, looking forward to the next one now! (21 of the entries were mine, and all got blue ribbons, my String X got Grand Champion - they loved the maroon I set it with.) Quilting is so much fun! Thanks, Bonnie!

Vickie said...

Love watching you do all your quilts on all your vintage machines! Fun Fun

PghPat said...

Oops....it's Pat from Pittsburgh again....just wrote that I saw you in 2012....my mistake...it was July 2010 and I was a new quilter and bought my Janome 6600 the very next day and still love it...and you! Pat!

Anonymous said...

Tonight I am working on my hand pieced grandmother's flower garden in blues. The middle is gemstones to add a little twist. The top will be a little bigger than a twin, determined by how many more pieces I can get from the fabric. I really like that you have wall space to have your pretty quilts on your studio walls. My sewing space is a bedroom with wall unit sections to hold all of my fabric and supplies. When my miniature quilts come back from the fair competitions I am going to add them to the little wall space I have. I love all the little hints to get those blocks together the first time.
Enjoy your week,
Elaine bearsbeemine@hotmail.com

Dianne Holder said...

What kind of foot do you normally sew with? Does it have a blade?
Dianne Holder

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

I wanted to share with you something. Somehow I ended up with 2 of your books that were the same. Well I do know how it happened. One was purchased at a Texas quilt shop (I am in Arkansas) and the other was ordered so it could be autographed by you. A dear friend does mission work with her husband in the Honduras. One of her ladies at the mission is a quilter and uses anything from curtains, upholstery old clothes, etc. I gathered fabrics for my friend to take with her this trip and there was that extra book. You are now officially in the Honduras.

Brenda Wall

Johanna said...

What was the name of the Mexican restaurant in Vegas that you liked?

purplepansy132 said...

Hi Bonnie
I love the quilts on your wall and am glad you loves them to. You right they are for your pleasure keep them there for you. Thanks for all you do for us and for inviting us into your home and sewing space.
Patsy Alberta Canada

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