
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Texas Tumbleweed in Marion, Iowa!

These are the kind of smiles that make my day!

And what a fun day we had in Marion, Iowa with the Eastern Iowa Heirloom Quilters!  Our class project?  Texas Tumbleweed from my book MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders.

it was a bit dicey at first –it was pouring to beat the band as ladies were arriving to unload their cars….Mother Nature seemed intent on soaking us through to the skin!

But what’s a bit of water –when we are going to be inside sewing away all day!

Let the sky do what it will…we were safe and dry, or mostly dry after an hour or so – of being inside!


Ladder blocks and Star blocks on parade!


Sweet machines to ooh and ahh over!


Hello, sweet thing!


And Leader & Ender Tumblers are joining in on the fun!

How do you know that Debbie is a quilter?   One shoe off, one shoe on!  Ha!!  LOVE IT!


She and her friend Barb drove down from Minnesota to spend the WEEK!  Hooray!


We had a super duper time in Marion!


I sure loved spending the day with this wild bunch!


Of course!

At the end of a very productive day, there were creamy cold rewards to be found at Culvers!  Chocolate Almond Coconut Crunch…yes please!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Texas Tumbleweed, Marion IA 2015

My friend Irene arrived from Texas last night, and today we make our way toward West Union and Olewein for 4 days of retreating with Jo & Kelli of Jo’s Country Junction! 

There is more Iowa fun in store – and I’m sure that we will find some time to browse some antique malls, hit a quilt shop or two and have fun on our travel day from here to there.

Have an awesome Wednesday, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


ferne said...

My Aunt and Grandmother started a quilt shop in Kalona, Iowa that is now being run by my cousin Grace. It is called Stitch and Sew Cottage. Kalona is a quilt town where the city has inserted quilt block designs into the side walk. My Aunt designed a few and my favorite is the on right in front of her front door and on the building. There is a book with description of how to make each block...which I have yet to do. I hope you will get a chance to check out this quaint little town that I spent a lot of time in as a child.

Shari Z said...

So much quilty goodness! Had to laugh at Debbie's foot...mine looks just like that when I'm "driving" one of my sewing machines.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Jo and Kelli and Bonnie, oh my! I wish I could be there--have fun!

LJ said...

I was a lucky participant in the Texas Tumbleweeds workshop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Tuesday. Wow! Bonnie is some kind of teacher! If you ever get the chance, sign up for one of her workshops. Outstanding!

Teresa Martinek said...

I greatly enjoyed your lecture on Monday night at EIHQ Guild. It was a bonus to be able to help you this morning at work (Michaels). Have a great time in Iowa and safe travels!

Lois Arnold said...

This is a very cool group! In the early 80's, I attended a quilt gathering in Chicago by myself. I lived in Dubuque, IA at the time. On the very last day at lunch, the friend I met for the first time at this gathering and I sat at a table occupied by members of EIHQ Guild. I had never heard of a guild at the time. They enlightened me and invited me to visit any time I wanted. I joined and convinced another quilter I had recently met to go with me. We were starting a guild in Dubuque with a few other new acquaintances (now dear friends) and it was the gals at the EIHQ Guild who helped by giving us a ton of advice. Each month we would attend their meeting and workshops and then take what we learned back with us to use at our own guild for the first few months until we felt confident enough to come up with our own programs. I have nothing by kind words for this group of caring, giving quilters! When moving from Iowa a few years later, I was already a member of the Arizona Quilter's Guild and the Nimble Thimble chapter as I was not moving anywhere I didn't have a quilt connection. I attended the first meeting at Nimble Thimbles in Chandler before we had even moved into our new home. Quilters are just family!

Loretta M. said...

Darn, Girl! You sure know how to have fun. I grew up hearing my Dad say fnd something you love to do, and you'll never work a day in your life. You must have been listening at the windows. You sure look like you love your work and you do it so well.

I want some of your fun, too, so some day, some where, I'm coming to one of your workshops.

Thanks for your great tips and your joyous blogs. They sure make the day start nicely

Loretta McGinn

Karen B. said...

I know exactly where Marion, IA is. Many years ago, we were on our way to MN from St. Louis for a hockey trip. We got a phone call from the pediatrician that the strep test that they sent away for our son came back positive and that he needed to be put on medicine. I said, "we are in the middle of nowhere, IA, what are we supposed to do?" I pulled out a map, yes a map, and found the biggest town around. It was Marion. The doctor called in the RX to the Walgreens there. We stopped as we were going through and picked up his medicine. We also saw a bald eagle flying along the highway on that trip through IA. It was quite a trip. :-)

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