
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Love from Cedar Rapids, Iowa!

You just KNOW you are in for a good time when you are greeted by a happy quilter ((In this case, Peggy!)) holding a sign made of over-sized Wild & Goosey blocks!

There was no missing her as my guild transport and sister-of-the-cloth!

Bags arrived as scheduled, and we were off!

Where to?  LUNCH!  I was starving…I’d been up and going since 2am Iowa time – and even though it was only 11am – my body was saying FEED ME!

We went to the culinary institute!  How fun!  and delicious…  I love going places that I can’t get at home.

And yes, there is Culvers here..but we are saving that for later.  I’ll have plenty of time for that during my week here in Iowa.


the Iowa flag flying on a beautiful sunny day!

Last evening was my guild presentation, and we packed the house full:


And they kept coming in!


What a fun night!

And the fun night was made funnier from my vantage point where I was seated during the business meeting portion:


Yes..a cardboard ME…at the front of the room! LOL!

During the break we had to go be silly and get photos!


Larger than life!  Hysterical!


I love her duds!


Someone put a lot of work into this…so fabulous!


I so agree!


Yes we do!

And I recognize these patches from Grand Illusion!



This was just SO FUN!  Thank you to the Eastern Iowa Heirloom Quilters for their extra efforts in making me feel not only welcome, but a part of their group!

Last night’s show and share was also over the top wonderful.  My seat wasn’t in the best photo-location, but I did the best  I could.

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Eastern Iowa Heirloom Quilters Show & Share, 2015

**Note** the slide show is just showing "BLACK" for me, and I'm not getting photos to show..but it does work if you click the image above the slide show..view them in the album.  It's evidently a Picasa web album glitch and I'm hoping it sorts itself out because I am off to teach a class and can't deal with it now!

Well, today it’s a thundery rainy Iowa morning, and I love it!  It’s good to break up the heat – and we will be inside sewing all day, so as long as the power stays on, let it pour!

We've got a Texas Tumblweeds workshop up on deck!

More photos later…happy Tuesday, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Barbara said...

Picasa must have been sorted out - slide show is working for me...and such beautiful quilts!

Vicki said...

You are in America's Heartland......you will feel its LOVE!!!

Beautiful quilts!

Joanne said...

LOVE the sign at the airport. How clever. Sounds like a fun bunch of people. Enjoy!

PalmerGal said...

Love your cardboard self! Wonder if she can get some sewing done while you're on the road! Picassa worked for me as well - I can never see your slide shows on my iPad, but once I moved to the desktop all was well.


Susan Taylor said...

I'm originally from Iowa and am very jealous that they are getting the privilege of attending one of your retreats while I'm stuck in Oklahoma. There's nothing scheduled close to me in the near futurešŸ˜£

Unknown said...

WHAT FANTASTIC QUILTS! These gals sound like such a terrific group ... have fun with your Hunteri-ites!

Smiles, JulieinTN

betz2u said...

Hope they gift you that shirt. It is just too cute. Have fun. bettyharden@charter.net

Anonymous said...

Love to see quilters from Iowa. I grew up in Northern Iowa and my husband and I met at Coe College in Cedar Rapids. Wonderful memories. I tried to be at your workshop with Jo Kramer but it was full. Sounded like a good reason to go back to Iowa. However, I live in Pittsburg, PA now and will be in your workshops at Mary's Quilt Shop. I was there last year too. Enjoy Iowa, Iowans are very friendly.
Gwen Minshall

Loretta M. said...

Oh Bonnie...your posts take me to such a peaceful place. They really are a "comfort food". Thanks for that and also for posting the pictures of those absolutely gorgeous quilts.

You rock!

Loretta McGinn

Anonymous said...

I grew up near Cedar Rapids and remember all the dances I went to at Armar Ballroom in Marion. What fun!! Looks like you're having a great time and they really did a great job with that cardboard picture of you. Have fun and I know they'll learn a lot from you.

Phyllis paballoon@aol.com

starflash quilts said...

Love the Tobacco Road quilt, great colourway. Making green/neutral pinwheels at the moment with leftovers, I think I have found a home for them. Thank you for the inspiration and thank you to the quilter, lovely! xx

Rinachiyya said...

Beautiful quilts and iT was werking on my iPhone. Washington you Ć  fantastisch time Bonnie.
Yoka B

Rinachiyya said...

Sorry fir The mistakes i still had my Dutch keyboard on.

Anonymous said...

Quite the show and share!! Amazing how colour placement changes the look.
Cynthia in sunny Saanichton quilticat at yahoo dot com

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