
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Kristie and her Bow Tie Leader & Ender Challenge!

There are MANY ways to Leader & Ender!

And some of you are still working on projects from past challenges and I want to stop and let you know that is PERFECTLY okay!  Work on which ever project YOU want to as your Leader & Ender for 2015.

It is even okay if your 3” Leader & Ender challenge bow ties from several years back are still in the line up.

It’s not a race. 

There is no deadline.

There is only loads of cheering happening over here every time you send me some photos to show me how your project has grown – seemingly all by itself, while you were working on other things.

Take a load of Kristie’s bow ties!

She writes:
Just wanted to drop you a photo of my Bow Tie quilt top that I finished back in March.  While I was working on it, I felt like I had made a million bow ties but actually I only made 1080.
I had the small bow tie quilt on my bucket list for many years as I saw an antique bow tie quilt in a magazine and just fell in love with it.  So when you announced that the leader/ender project was going to be bow ties, I knew it was time.
I started on it September 2013 and finished the top in March 2015.  I didn't work on it constantly once it was finished it was sort of bittersweet.  I still miss making those tiny bow ties.  It has 1080, 3" blocks. 
It measures 90/108 and have a grand total of 6,480 pieces.  :)
Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Have a wonderful and Blessed day!
Kristie, this is WONDERFUL!  All of those fabrics, all of those precious pieces!  It’s a monumental quilt and you did it…one little seam at a time, at the end of a line of chain piecing something else.
And I do have to say that you piece-counters really crack me up.  I rarely count pieces, and I certainly don’t want to know AHEAD of time just how many pieces will be in something because that gets my doubt factor going…can I do this? Do I WANT to do this?

I just sew and sew and sew, and it takes as long as it will take, and then if someone wants to tell me after the fact how many pieces are in it – FINE…but I don’t calculate ahead of time.  I’d scare myself! LOL!
This was my yesterday!
I’ve nearly got the two quilts on the docket BOUND.  All that is left is one side of the second one, and the stitching down of the hanging sleeve and the label.
I’m saving the table runner for last as it will be a quick accomplishment.  And even if I don’t finish it this weekend, it can travel with me to Iowa and I can get it done during my time there.
Thank you SO MUCH for all the suggestions on what to watch on Netflix on yesterday’s blog post!  Since your suggestions are all in the comments section of THAT POST I have book marked it for myself so I know what to look for next!
Granite Flats!
I settled in to watching Granite Flats, am part way through season 2 and it is SO FUN and perfect for stitching.  There are 3 seasons so far and if you haven’t checked it out, do it.  

The year is 1962 and the cold war is in full swing.  If you lived through these years, it’s a great flash back!  3 amateur sleuths attempt to solve the mysteries happening in this small town….so quirky and fun.
This quilt got hung!
Small feats in cabin décor.  The quilt has been here since the day we moved in, but we always forgot to pick up a piece of lathe to run through the sleeve and attach to the wall.  It’s done!
It really fills in that big blank wall that just NEEDED a quilt, don’t you think?
Returning from an evening motorcycle ride --
Last night held the promise of a magnificent sunset – and believe me, it delivered!  The clouds took on an ethereal pink color, lit from behind the clouds. 
Within minutes the sky was on fire:
A quilter’s palette of promise!
It’s a scorcher today.  Late July –it’s to be expected!
You’ll find me in the basement, tucked up into my comfy chair watching some more of Granite Flats!
Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!

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Anonymous said...

Bonnie, the quilt on the wall is lovely in that spot, and I really like the rotary-dial phone on the side table.

Unknown said...

The quilt is just perfect for the wall...really pretty!
And thank you reminding me to save this link for Movie sewing!

cityquilter grace said...

my little bow ties are all solids....not sure when i'll stop but they sure are fun to make...it's my hand piecing take along project...and thanks for the tip on granite flats...

Mary said...

Thanks for sharing Kristie's Bow Ties. I don't feel so bad that mine in still not quilted. Sew many quilts to sew one seam at a time. I know my Quilter's ADD is going full speed. I'm a "Topper" I finished a few Flimsies this Month that weren't planned. When the fabric calls, I have to listen. Glad you are enjoying Granite Flats.

Jeannette in Sunny Saint Augustine, FL said...

Beautiful wall quilt! Love Kristi's bow tie quilt ❤️
Purchased "Cheddar" for bow tie quilt; now I cannot find it#!£#. I will keep looking in my stash, but for now I will be tumbling!
I will check ou "Granite Flats" too!
Have good Sunday and a better week!

Mary said...

I *love* Granite Flats! I discovered it about 1 1/2 months ago.

Kristie said...

Awww....thank you! I so enjoyed making this quilt. I'm a "counter"...I was diagnosed with OCD years ago and I count everything! LOL! Anyway...I loved making this bow tie quilt. I love all of the tiny pieces of fabric in it and it weighs a TON. :)

Linda said...

I love your quilt in pride of place on the wall. Great to have wall space that's just the right size. Great sunset photos too. Good work on the binding too. You have had a very profitable and, hopefully, relaxing weekend.

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

I knew you'd like Granite Flats ( although I told you Falls!) Fun isn't it!
Love the quilt on the wall! Who knew you had a quilt that small? Usually it's queen size or bust!
I too am working on two leader Enders at once! Scrap crystals, pink and purple for two little girls. I am at the assembly stage now, all components ready. How many pieces? Who cares, it's exciting to see these come together and how the pink/ purple and purple / pink will differ in the end. Can't wait.
Thanks for everything you share Bonnie.

Kristin said...

It's not the destination, it's the journey that matters!

(Though that said, getting UFOs into the "done" pile also has its benefits.)

I'm really enjoying this year's Leader & Ender challenge. I've not had a great deal of piecing time at my machine recently, so I've taken to carrying a baggie of blocks in my purse. A few minutes hand-piecing here and there (while visiting my parents, at the dental office, etc.) has added up to two rows so far.

Ameswf said...

Hey Bonnie, Have 3 rows of tumblers done and cut a bunch more last week during my scrap organization and management days. Also started lozenges only a year late, before you announced the tumblers. And I finished a tropical tumbler top that is now with my guild to be quilted for charity. And I began a weed whacker that is a blast. Making time every couple months to cut and store my scraps means they are used, and they are not choking up my little sewing room.

I won't send you pics until they are done, as in quilted and bound. I'm working on them along with my "planned" quilts for family, friends, and guild projects. Thank you for all the free patterns over the years, for teaching me about leaders n enders, and for the Scrap users system, which I have now used for 8 years.

Ameswf said...

Hey Bonnie, Have 3 rows of tumblers done and cut a bunch more last week during my scrap organization and management days. Also started lozenges only a year late, before you announced the tumblers. And I finished a tropical tumbler top that is now with my guild to be quilted for charity. And I began a weed whacker that is a blast. Making time every couple months to cut and store my scraps means they are used, and they are not choking up my little sewing room.

I won't send you pics until they are done, as in quilted and bound. I'm working on them along with my "planned" quilts for family, friends, and guild projects. Thank you for all the free patterns over the years, for teaching me about leaders n enders, and for the Scrap users system, which I have now used for 8 years.

ajsgramie said...

Bonnie love the quilt on the wall? What is the name of the pattern?
ajsgramie @ hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

While the quilt on the wall is wonderful, I love, love, love your sofa. It's beautiful! Was it in the cabin or is it one of your finds, or is it a family piece? It's lovely.

Karen in "It's raining in dry, dry So Cal"

TrulyBlessed said...

Awww. I forgot it was National Ice Cream Day!...Fear not, it is actually National Ice Cream Month...July! Check out your local ice cream stores to see when they are celebrating.

Baskin-Robbins: Instead of participating Ice Cream Day on Sunday, Baskin-Robbins is celebrating July as National Ice Cream Month. For the whole month, customers get free waffle cone upgrades on double scoops, and on Friday, July 31, all ice cream sundaes are 31% off.

Friendly’s, which is celebrating its 80th birthday on Saturday, July 18, with buy-one-get-one-free cones—which are priced at $1.99 for a single scoop all summer long.

Sorry I didn't think of this earlier in the day. Maybe next year.

Now go sew something!

Janet O. said...

I loved seeing Kristie's quilt. She is tenacious with long term projects like that and turns out lovely quilts!

Glad to hear you are enjoying Granite Flats. You described it well. : )

That is a stunning sunset.
And the quilt looks like it was made for that spot on the wall!

Lostinspace said...

Just to say thank you for yesterday's blog. I lived in Venezuela for 39 years and missed all these series, I am now in France and can catch up. The list looks good for the next 39 years, I have to live that much longer to get through my stash.

Homemother said...

Is that a rotary landline telephone?

Loretta M. said...

Perfect spot for a perfect quilt. It looks beautiful there, although I've a feeling it would look beautiful anywhere.

I'm with you....no counting pieces for me. I'd never do anything if I knew ahead of time how many pieces it would take. Sort of my motto in life...just put one foot in front of the other and get there; just do one task and then the next; just keep sewing until it is finished. May be odd, but it works....

Thanks for your beautiful works, tips and inspiration.

Patricia said...

Beautiful sun set! Thanks for sharing.

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