
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Early Morning on Buck Mountain!

Sadie was up and ready to go early this morning.

I’m not sure what was up with her, but she was definitely begging to go outside, and it was really a good thing.  Temps were already rising, the humidity hanging on the mountain like a dishwasher on steam-dry.

This is summer in the South.  Those slow paced sultry days where just moving from one end of the yard to the other seems to take more effort than it should.

If you want to get out and get a hike in – you better make it early, or you may just find yourself melting like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz – “I’m melting!  I’m melting!”

76 degrees feels more like 95 degrees when the humidity can be visibly seen and felt on your skin.

On our way back, we spotted this sweet doe out for her morning walkabout.

Sorry for the grainy pic, I had to zoom in as close as I can from where we stood.  It was a game of “I see the deer, and the deer sees me….” and we were in some kind of  don’t-move-don’t-look-away stand off until a pickup truck came around a corner, spooked her and off she went.

Sadie is SO good!  She doesn’t bark at the deer, and she doesn’t chase them.  You can tell she is ever so curious about them, though.  I wonder what is going through her head….”They are the same color as me!  But wait, they are not like me!”

Breakfasted and showered, I’m ready to tackle my day at a very leisurely pace.

First up…a check in on these:


Mary, Mary quite contrary -
How do your Tumblers grow?

With novelties and repros, brights and sombers
and neutrals all in a row!


Yes, this is ONLY a Leader & Ender project for me.

I am ONLY using these pieces to keep my chain piecing continuous!


But rows go quickly when you are working with a one patch unit!

When I was working on setting the last quilt together, sewing blocks into rows and joining rows to complete the quilt center….pairs of these were flying out the back of my machine at the end of nearly every seam.

As I was working on making my step-outs for the Quiltmaker tapings ---these were also flying out of my machine.

I am sewing pairs light/dark together…and then adding them to the row as I go. 



I will spend some time today taming this!

Small hunks and chunks have been put in this bucket for cutting down into H blocks and into tumblers..whatever I can get out of them, I want this bin EMPTY!


That Easy Dresden tool is perfect for the tumblers because I can get may sizes from one tool!

Just look at that fun variety of tumbler pieces in my little green basket.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room:


I think I wore her out this morning.  It’s nap time!

I’ve got one quilt with only one side left to bind and then to stitch the hanging sleeve down.

The second quilt remains to be started with the hand stitching, and then there is that table runner.

I’m going to be spending a lot of time in my chair this weekend, and I’m looking for some good Netflix suggestions ---I want some long series type things that I can binge on ---something with great characters and interesting plot lines.

I have watched all of Doc Martin, Foyles War, Medium, Alias, and quite a few others ---I’m looking for something I may not have heard of before…got a recommendation for me?  Leave it in the comments section below!!

I’m sure that others will be interested in finding out what YOU found worth watching as well!

Thimble on?  Ready, Get Set – BIND!

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Marie-Claude said...

Apparently,Last Tango in Halifax is very good. It's on my to-watch list.I need a new leader and ender project, I might just fall into the tumbler wagon...


Susan Taylor said...

My tumblers are also coming along nicely but I am using 2 1/2 inch ones so it will take a bunch to make 1 row! That was the size that was over flowing the most. Not sure what size I'm going for so just keep putting lights and darks together.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie check out revolution.ROBYN

Evelyn 522 said...

Last Tango in Halifax
Happy Valley
Going to attempt sandwiching Talkin Turkey and Grand Illusion today.
Operative word....attempt

Ellie said...

I'm a big PBS fan so I've liked A Place to Call Home and and Crimson Fields. Don't know if they are on Netflix. last Tango in Halifax is also worth watching.

Eileen said...


Denise said...

I love Last Tango in Halifax. Ballykissangel is based in Ireland and it's a drama but with some comedy similar to Doc Martin. Well worth checking out. Midwives is a wonderful series.
Haven't started my tumblers yet but very soon. I hope to weed out some stash today that just doesn't set my world on fire and donate it.
Enjoy your weekend. It's going to be hot hot hot all this week in Charlotte so I hope to cut cut and sew!

Denise in NC

Beth said...

Good Morning from Wisconsin. I am currently enjoying a series on netflix called "lie to me"

Anonymous said...

Anna from Ontaio Canada email anna626297@yahoo.ca
You might like Rosemary and Thime or Miss Fisher Merder mystery they are English shows

The Cozy Quilter said...

Monarch of the glen is a bbc series from a few years back. My husband and I are watching it now on DVD. Have a good weekend. Hot and muggy here today too. Good sewing weather!

Carolyn said...

Poldark is a current PBS series. I have Madmen on my to watch list, think it is several years worth. The Walt Lomgmeier seasons are good, only two years of about six each.

Judy Cloe said...

Grace and Frankie only on Netflex

Anonymous said...

I can tell what your dog is thinking. She is thinking, where do you get all that energy women? Julie at kjhallquist@mchsi.com

pharmgirl75 said...

Granite Flats. It's about life in a small Colorado town that has some Cold War secrets lurking.

Mary Ellen said...

Call the Midwife, a PBS series.

crafty said...

Ascension is the one I am watching. Have you watched Midsomer Murder Mysteries??? Grace and Frankie???

Mary Ellen said...

Longmeier. A series about a sheriff in present day Montana or maybe it's Idaho.

Denise said...

I'm back again, Broadchurch and Father Brown are both great murder mystery series. I'm beginning to realize I watch way too much TV!

Denise in NC

Raine said...

They are not a series but lately I've enjoyed "The Cobbler" and "Fantasia". Your tumblers are looking awesome!

Pauline said...

I sew mine in strips of 20, and not attaching the last wedges to the previous row. That way I can add on another row of 20 without having to sew a three point seam. Then later I'll easily add more short strips to get my top to the size I want.

Beth in TN said...

The Last Enemy--Benedict Cumberbatch
The Americans--Russian spies living in U.S. during the Cold War
Bosch--based on Michael Connelly books
The Worricker Trilogy--British spy
Vera--British murder/mystery
Harry--Australian/New Zealand policeman
Amnesia--"Mr Bates" from Downton is in it (totally different character!)
Accused--Each segment is a different criminal and how they landed in jail and the outcome of their trial
Jack Taylor--The newspaperman from Downton that Mary was engaged to is a gritty cop!

Susan said...

I know you were looking for Netflix series but thought I would throw a couple of Amazon Prime series your way in case you're interested. First up....Justified (6 seasons) and second, Suits (I think this one is 5 seasons). My hubby and I absolutely loved Suits! Enjoy your weekend and happy quilting!

Amy said...

Luther--British detective series, Broadchurch, The Killing. If you get Amazon Prime video, The White Queen, Rome

Anonymous said...

West Wing is a good show while sewing. The dialogue pretty much tells the story, so your eyes don't have to be on the television all the time to know what is going on. There are seven seasons to watch.

Wendy Bain said...

Masterpiece's Mr. Selfridge was very good. Outlander from Starz is excellent. I like Cedar Cove with Andie McDowell, and one you may not have heard of is the UP series called Heartland. There are at least 5 seasons of that...i started with the season 1-3 DVDs from my library, and have been recording them since. Great characters on a family ranch.

Mavis Reynolds said...

the Bletchley Circle - about 4 women who used to work as code breakers at Bletchley Park (PBS 2 season series in Netflix). Dissatisfied with official failure to investigate complex crimes, the women join to investigTe for themselves.

Suits - love suits!

Damages - another legal show. Very addictive. Not sure if it's still on Netflix in the U.S. I looked the other day and it wasn't there anymore.

Enjoy your weekend. No sewing here until after our move Aug 1st.

Pdudgeon said...

Another vote here for Poldark. happy bindging!

joyceinsc said...

Frankie and Grace

Gail said...

Drop Dead Diva is fun. Ditto on many of these suggestions!

Patty said...

We like Leverage. It's about a group of con men getting revenge on the bad guys and there is also Turn which is Revoltionary War stories.

Kathy said...

Love to see all your quilty things! I also recommend Monarch of the Glen for a Netflix series or Poldark on PBS.

Anonymous said...

If you can watch Hulu, you might like the series "McLeod's Daughters" It is an Australian show. The first episode is the toughest to get through but then it leaves you wanting more & more.
I am in process of taming my stash too.

Granny Anne said...

Longmire, Father Brown, Rebus,

CarmWhite said...

PBS, Crimson Fields. Very good!

Elle said...

I am an NCIS and Criminal Minds fanatic!

Vicki said...

Grace and Frankie is a lot of fun. Highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

White Chapel. Father Brown. Miss Marple. Law & Order: U.K.

Maureeneh said...

Call the Midwife

TADVR said...

Longmire- filmed in NM
Haven - mysteries w/ ScFi in Maine
Manhattan - the Manhattan Project, great look at such an historic time & place
The Finder - about a guy who finds things, solves crime. A spin off of a character from Bones
The Hart of Dixie - a new Yankee Dr. Inherits her absent father's partnership in a Deep South practice.
Mysteries at the Museum - history Channel I think. The stories behind items found in museums around the country.
Loving Netflix! Being able to watch programs in order w/o commercials is awesome and you understand the storyline so much better.
Stay cool!

Shirley said...

Hit & Miss
Bomb Girls
Hit & Miss and Rake both have some pretty crude language & situations but the writing & stories are captivating....and funny.

Unknown said...

Sadie is VERY smart... animals, dogs especially, seem to have a 6th sense about weather...so listen to your 4 legged friend! She wants a walk when it is nicer outside... Such a smart sweetheart pup she is.

OH PLEASE. I love these tumblers and I need yet another ongoing quilt like the Sahara needs sand! Right his minute I am cutting (via Accuquilt thank you!) 3.5" triangles for a queen sized scrappy using quilt... I enjoy triangle, and know if I start with those cute tumblers...well.... how many hours are in a day? 36? maybe 40? See what I mean.

Hugs and use a fan as well as ac


CindyB said...

Monarch of the Glen -wonderful series set in Scotland
Larkrise to Candleford - Amazon
Death at Pemberley - wonderful extension of Pride and Prejudice
PBS has a channel on Roku, lots of the older Masterpiece series.

Judy D in WA said...

Parenthood was my favorite show when it was on regular tv but it was really hard to get through an episode without tears. Good hand stitching series.
Loved Longmire so much we are watching it again as we wait for new episodes.

Linda said...

Do watch "Last tango in Halifax". 2 or 3 series, can't remember which but there is another series promised. Great actors, including Derek Jacobi, interesting story line.

Jeannie said...

We loved "Life," a quirky cop show that went two seasons.

And the Miss Fisher Mysteries, a period detective show set in 1920's Australia. We call it our flapper floozy show :) the costumes are beyond gorgeous.

Better off Ted is hilarious.

Judy D in WA said...

The Gaurdian starring Simon Baker is fabulous.

Pati said...

I had 3 small kids when Friends was on TV and no time to watch! So, I've started watching it and I find it hilarious!!! It's light hearted and fun!

Angie said...

"Miss Fisher", amazing costuming, but somewhat predictable. "The Killing" and "Murder in the First"
I'm not sure these are all on NetFlix since I stream via Roku and use Amazon Prime, and Netflix too.
Your Tumbler quilt is looking great.

Anonymous said...

I'm hooked on BREAKING BAD. My tumblers are also growing. I've designed a quilt I always wanted to make using tumblers. Thank you Bonnie.
Pat Hume

Loris said...

I like watching Morse...mainly because of the music :-)

Angie said...

Oh, I forgot "Justified" !

Rachel said...

Longmire. George Gently.

Barbara said...

Monarch of the Glen. Quirky characters and beautiful Highland scenery. Call the Midwife (hubby may not want to watch this however) Madmen is great if you haven't seen it.

grandmatomato said...

I am using my tumblers as my Wed sewing project. I sew with my sister every Wednesday.
I am working on 2 different sizes. I am using the 6 1/2 die from Accquilt and I have a 2 1/2 template. They are easy to work with and still carry on a conversation with my sister. That does not mean I have no frog stitching to do.

JoAnne said...

The Guardian and Call the Midwife and Death in Paradise.

Unknown said...

There are lots of great suggestions in the comments so far. I would add the series I'm watching now - The Murdoch Mysteries. It's set in Victorian Toronto, and has a lead detective who is over easy on the eyes.

becky j said...

I also love all the PBS and English programming. I'm also a big sci-fi fan, and I have rewatched Fringe ( a personal favorite) , all the star trek franchises, and numerous others. I need to check out Dr. Who. I love sewing while watching ( listening) to Netflix or Amazon. Happy Sewing.

Lilac Joan said...

By far the best on Netflex is Bletchley Circle. Set in England in the fifties.

Hinterland is in Wales. The scenery is great.

And all the others that have been mentioned.

Joan iamlilac@gmail.com

P.S. I like your I'm not a robot button--easy!

Unknown said...

Sons of Anarchy. I didn't think I would like it but one episode and I was hooked.

Laura M said...

I liked "The Killings"..it went 4 seasons. The title doesn't sound nice but it was a good mystery with great acting, good characters. Also, Bloodline was really good, although there is unnecessary strong language..but the story was also really good with fantastic acting. Very well done, I was hooked immediately on both shows and couldn't stop watching even to take a quilting break!

Laura M

Julie in GA said...

I don't know if it is available anywhere else, but if you have Amazon Prime, check out "Alpha House." It's a comedy series written and produced by Garry Trudeau of Doonesbury fame about a group of U.S. Senators. Very funny!

Anonymous said...

McCloud's Daughters (1st 4 seasons)
Hart of Dixie
Bletchly Circle
The Killing
Switched at Birth

pkquilter said...

"Call the Midwives" takes place in the poor section of London in the 1950s. Wonderful characters, women's lives, history. Start from the beginning. I'm with you on the tumblers. Fun! Cherry Boom

Mary said...

Oh definitely Longmire! it isn't on A & E anymore. and I miss it. Granite Flats was moved to Netflicks from BYU -TV too. I think I need to get Netflix... You say Mary, Mary, how do your Tumblers grow? I haven't started them, so sorry! Been busy with my Row X Row Quilt pattern and License plate collecting.

Unknown said...

Take it back a few decades... Murder She Wrote, Crossing Jordan, Quincy, Mash, Adam 12, Emergency, the history (presidents, states, national parks, etc.) programs are great. What is even better, no sex or bad language.

Joey said...

I second The Killing motion and also strongly suggest Damages. They are both great! Enjoy!

Torill miller said...

Have you tried rosemary and thyme? Lovely British cozy mystery series.

Wendy said...

Hi, Bonnie

Sorry, I don't have any suggestions. But, wanted to thank you for suggesting "The Killing" awhile back. Excellent show - set in Seattle but filmed in Vancouver - just across the water from us in Victoria. We had fun picking out the obvious Canadian things - like the milk carton and the Vancouver Airport. Congratulations on sorting out your stash - a must do on my list.

Lynne In Hawaii said...

One of our favorites (We also have Foyles War), is Cadfael. It stars Sir Derek Jacobi. Good characters...those you love and those you love to hate :)

Anonymous said...

White Collar is very good and Matt Bomer is pretty good eye candy too. This was a series on USA channel for a few years. They are out on DVD.

Mtntop Quilter said...

Check out "Grace and Frankie" You can't go wrong with Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda together. It is a hoot.

Pat Cook said...

Bonnie, can you help me understand how that Easy Dresden tool works? I keep looking at it and I can't see how I could cut a 5" tumbler because I couldn't cut across at the 5" mark. How do you use this tool to cut a tumbler of a specific size? As you can tell, I am very new at all this.

Pat Cook

Janis said...

I never watched Scandal until it was on Netflix, but I just finished watching 4 seasons. Too many times - "Let me watch just one more episode before I go to bed."

Sally said...

I'm not familiar with Netflix content so much, but would suggest the British series...The Miss Fisher Mysteries. Set in the 1920's in Australia. She's a modern woman (think flapper ) and gets entangled in murders. Very light and fun to watch. Enjoy your cabin time. This is crazy birthday weekend for 5 and 6 year old grandsons. Can we just say noisy? Have a great day, Sally

Unknown said...

Try Warehouse 13. It's a Indiana Jones Schick type program with humour. likeable characters. Ekquilts@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Gilmore Girls -great series about Morher Daughter relationships . It has serious and humorous moments!

Maureen said...

I don't know if is on Netflix but the movie. The red tent. Is wonderful also second the recommendation for call the midwife. Mom.quilter@gmail.com

Claudia Duke said...

Netflix - House of Cards with Kevin Spacey is really good. Also enjoyed Masterpiece Theater's Grantchester, this was the first season. Priest helps local inspector solve crimes. I have finished the first season of Miss Fischer's Murder Mysteries, fun and agree about the clothes, they are great. Has anyone else noticed the tile flooring on the front porch and entry way of her house? Check it out, very quilty looking!
No tumblers yet, still doing Idaho Square Dance blocks.

Anonymous said...

Bev Shelton and if you want a great series to watch I would recommend DOWNTON ABBEY. This series is out on DVD now I think all but the last season. My sisters and I took a trip and relaxed in front of the TV in the evenings with the series.loved it!


Teresa said...

Death in Paradise is another light British mystery set in the Carribean - 3 seasons on Netflix.

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

I just started a cute mystery series based in the 60's missile crisis called Granite falls.
Easy to sew to while watching

Lline said...

I've seen a lot of good stuff listed but I vote for 'Midsomer Murders'. It is rare for me to watch anything more than once, but I've watched all 16 seasons twice and am thinking of watching them again while I wait and hope for a season 17. If it comes back watch 'The Gods Must Be Crazy'. It's funny as all get out. It's a show you must 'watch' though. A lot of things that are visual. Not sight gags just you need to see to get the best laugh. Whatever you choose just enjoy.
Out of all my saved scraps I've been cutting tumblers and hexagons. 2 1/2 tumblers and 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 inch hexagons. I'm trying to get rid of at least 1 of my scrap crates. Over 500 cut but I need to find more neutrals or think light instead. Then I'll be ready for all my projects that are due by mid August. One more night of cutting while watching TV and I'll have enough variety to do L & E's while I get back to work on my project deadlines.

Unknown said...

Doctor Who! Start with the reboot of the series. It's wonderful. Also, I liked Land Girls, Midsommer Murders, The Fall, Happy Valley, Jack Taylor and Luther. (I'm rather fond of the BBC.) Pbstrand@msn.com

MamaJ said...

McFarland. Bass on true story and you can watch Kevin Cosner.

Anonymous said...

"Last of the Summer Wine" longest running TV series ever 1973-2010. BBC 's funniest clever show!
Cindy G from Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

I enjoy Miss Fisher's Mysteries on Netflix.... there are two seasons so far.

cityquilter grace said...

definitely mr and mrs murder....lots of witty banter, hunky lead aussie guy, tongue-in-cheek humor and of course murder! you will love it...only one series but enough to keep you busy while you sew

Ms Amy said...

To Watch - Outlander, Poldark, Land Girls, Crimson Fields, Call the Midwife, The Good Wife, & Astronaut Wives. On Audio - The Century Trilogy by Ken Follett, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, The Amelia Peabody Series of novels by Elizabeth Peters, & books by Maeve Binchey.

Diane larson said...

A&Es hell on wheels

Karen said...

Longmire! I love that series and am so happy that Netflix picked it up to produce when A&E cancelled it.

Nancy said...

Would you believe I don't even know what Netflix is exactly? On the computer i think? I don't watch any tv. . I sit outside and hand stitch every chance I get, accompanied by bird 'music'. When in the house, hubby usually has some history channel going on the tube, and that is my background 'music' for handwork. Otherwise I am happily stitching away in my sewing room.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed Monarch of the Glen

Rosemary and Thyme and currently watching West Wing. Pat Hanna

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie!
I know you like Downtown Abbey so maybe 'The Paradise'?
And 'Call the Midwife'?

Not sure if you get Australian Shows on your Netflix but there is one called RAKE! He is a rather irreverent Defence Barrister who has an interesting personal life to say the least! It may not be your cup of tea as there is a lot of bad behaviour and swearing that would make a sailor blush but it's a good story!
Please don't think all Aussies behave like that either! Lol!

Cheers Maree

Anonymous said...

Murder She Wrote - love Angela Lansbury and managed to miss it when it first aired

Jean C. said...

Hi Bonnie; have you watched Death in Paradise or When Calls the Heart
or Hart of Dixie. All good shows. Oh, and Chasing Life is one I've started
it is good also. I seem to be drawn to it..... for some reason.
Have a great rest of the weekend.

Anonymous said...

White Chapel is a good series. Set in current day London with a Ripper twist.
Coast is interesting, Scottish, English coastal villages & history of how it has changed over the centuries.
Heartbeat is an old favorite. Great 60's music.
Silent Witness, Amanda Burton.
Time Team with Tony Robinson.
A Touch of Frost, David Jason.
Bony, an Australian series of an unconventional Detective Bonaparte.
Packed to the Rafters, Extended Australian family growing up.
You must find something good out of all the posted suggestions - enjoy!

Nancy H said...

Have you watched Parenthood? Great family drama/comedy. Now that the series is done, I'm ready to buy the whole thing on DVD and watch again from the very beginning. (I don't have Netflix, because I can't play it on my TV).

Unknown said...

I am enjoying Call the Midwife. :)

Anonymous said...

Morning Bonnie. Whilst sewing my sister's choice quilt I watched Spooks - it's about the British secret service and it has about 11 seasons, so that should keep you going for a while. It's has Rupert Penry- Jones( who is in Whitechapel - you must give that a try too - police drama in London) and Richard Armitage who was in the Vicar of Dibley ( a comedy with Hugh Bonneville) and is gorgeous.

Do try Spooks tho and Whitechapel 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

Mandy Adams (UK)

Let me know what you think

colleen said...

TV show I don't know if it is aNetflik or not
The black list

Sheila said...

Midsomer Murders is my current favorite series. They get better and better with each epidsode and each season.

Steve said...

Leverage, Psyche and Nero Wolfe. Very entertaining with good characters and stories!,

Anonymous said...

inspector Murdoch---a detective in early Canadian days.

I'm working on some leader-enders that were throw-aways from a stack n whack quilt workshop--so I have a huge variety of odd shaped triangles.

Anonymous said...

We have so enjoyed the Longmire series...western detective in Wyoming. Reminds me of a country McCloud? Great diversity of actors and excellent mystery plot lines. It is best to watch in order so miss anything. Thank you for all you do for quilting

Sharon J. Hughson said...

I love Downton Abby for the characters and story. Just finished up Call the Midwife also good. Both have one more season to go at least.
Liked Allegiance but it is cancelled or so I'm told after one season.
The first 24 was good, but the second not so much.
Wolfhall is good too.
Poldark is on now and pretty good and a bit predictable.

Hope it helps, Bonnie. Have a great weekend.
Sharon in NJ

MonaR said...

Don't watch much TV so I've picked up so many suggestions here in the comments section. We currently are watching "White Collar", "Burn Notice", and "Bones". Also watched the "Penguins of Madagascar" the other night :))

Karen said...

Here's my netflix list:
Witches of East End
Warehouse 13
The Dick Van Dyke Show
When Calls The Heart
Till Death

Jetmaio from Florida said...

O.K. here it is, PARENTHOOD, seven seasons and very captivating. It about a large family and each of their ups and downs and how they interact with one another.

Others have suggested Call the Midwife and I liked that as well.

Hedy said...

My husband and I don't have cable and don't get to watch much TV except on Netflix. We started watching 'Breaking Bad' and was amazed at the acting on the show and the storyline. It consumed us from beginning to end and I am so glad we were able to watch it over a period of a few weeks. After we watched this show, regular TV shows seemed horrible to us.

Elaine said...

Have seen most of the British series mentioned. One I didn't see was Frost. It is a detective series in the film noire tradition with a little humor. Leverage is wonderful.

Shellie said...

You should watch Bloodline, a netflix original, there is only one season because it's fairly new. I also loved Call the Midwife set in late fifties England.

Jules said...

Have you seen Outlander? First filmed series from books written by Diana Gabolden. Brilliant books and based in historical Scotland, with a twist. Worth a watch. Have fun

Pdudgeon said...

Last but not least, when you want to watch a movie that is pure pleasure, that draws you in and has a happy ending, get "Pitch Perfect."
I dare you not to join in the singing.

Suellen said...

My very favorite is Vera, a detective of *ahem* a certain age and a caustic tongue. George Gently is also a favorite. Just recently started watching an Australian series A Place to Call Home with my daughter. At first I watched it because she liked it but I thought it was more like a soap opera but OH MY it doesn't take long before you fall in love with the characters and are hooked.


Unknown said...

Once upon a time.. I like this one on netflix

Unknown said...

Once upon a time.. I like this one on netflix

LisaB said...

Maybe a possibility for watching:

Murdoch Mysteries - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1091909/
"In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders."

Anonymous said...

Gave up NETFLICK a few month ago because I did not know what to watch. I'm going to get Netflick back and now have a great list to watch. Will be great to watch.
Thanks for all the suggestions

Anonymous said...

I liked watching the Mentalist and Grimm. Fargo the series if you liked Fargo the movie...
Just finished season 4 of Foyle's War. Have been watching those recently.
Deb in NH * dworster@comcast.net

Kelly said...

Leverage!! If you've never watched it, you must give it a try!
I binged watched Rosemary and Thyme. Very nice, cozy mystery series.
Psych - also cozy mystery, mostly, but with comedy
Good Eats collection - I love Alton Brown & his recipes are excellent
Property Brothers if you like looking at houses
Rehab Addict - I think you'd probably like this one. Strong, skinny, single mom restores old houses in Minneapolis & Detroit. With your interest in history, you may really enjoy it.

Kelly said...

I forgot, if you like sci fi, Fringe would be a good choice. Long, complicated series.
Til Death for a sitcom

Patti B said...

My suggestion is "Crossing Lines". It is a special task force that is based in the Hague. It has permission to cross into other countries to solve crimes. Sort of like a European NCIS. There are two seasons on Netflix.

Ruth said...

So many suggestions, but I didn't have time to read all of them to see if anyone suggested Vera, another BBC program. We discovered it and checked out several from the library and now it is being played on PBS here in OR on Thursday or Friday night. We love it.

Alice Cooksey said...

I haven't read all the comments but I will add my two cents:

MI5 from BBC & Netflix. So very good.

Love your tumblers. I am cutting now and hope to start sewing L&E next week.

Always in stitches,

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Frankie & Grace is one of the funniest series I've seen in a long time ... Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston ... all star cast! Murdoch Mysteries is one of our favorites.

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