One of the best things about spending several days in one place –like my time at the Vermont Quilt Festival – is getting to know people and spend more time with them! The people really ARE the best part of it all, you know?
So many talented and dedicated quilters doing what they love in support of causes that they also love!
One such gal is Sharon Shea Perry who has taken her love of drawing and stitching and put her efforts not only toward documenting things in and around Vermont that she loves, but she is doing it with a heart with all proceeds to benefit the Franklin County Quilters Guild in Saint Albans, Vermont.
The Covered Bridges of Vermont in Redwork!
Sharon gifted me a set!
And when I said I would be happy to help promote the series on my blog to further help the Franklin County Quilters Guild, she sent me TWO sets!
She writes:
The sale of each pattern set benefits the educational programs of the Franklin County Quilters Guild, St. Albans, VT. A fellow guild member, Denise Chase, and I collaborated on making a raffle quilt featuring covered bridges for the guild.
I drew all the embroidery patterns for the 12 covered bridges which were all once prominent landmarks in the county; some are still standing today.
Covered Bridges of Vermont Quilt
Denise designed the quilt layout, and several more members helped make the embroidered blocks. It was easy to translate the work we already did into a pattern set which we could sell.
There are 13 patterns which are sold as a set, one each for the 12 bridges and a pattern for the quilt top.
Close up detail of the Comstock Bridge in Montgomery, VT
My husband (and webmaster for the guild’s website), Scott, has included information on how to order the pattern set Here.
Seven Patterns included in the giveaway!
The pattern bundles offered up in our Give-Away include 6 of the various bridges and the finishing pattern.
Other patterns are available from the guild’s website.
What an awesome tribute to Vermont’s beautiful covered bridges!
So let’s do this giveaway!
I will be drawing two winners from the comments section using the random number generator on Monday evening, July 13, 2015.
When you leave your comment –whether you think you have your email address connected to your profile or not you MUST leave your email address in your comment. LEAVE YOUR ADDRESS. If I can’t reach you by email, you can’t win and I have to draw someone else. Plain and simple!
If a comment doesn’t work for you, make sure you are actually ON my page ((sometimes from a real computer is better than a mobile device)) and not reading me through a blog reader service like Bloglovin which is a mirror image site, you aren’t really ON my page if you are in bloglovin, Come to the blog directly. The URL should start with Not anything else.
Good luck everyone!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1039 Newer› Newest»On my bucket list to do a redwork quilt~ that for the giveaway.
I was in Vermont once many many years ago.
These Covered Bridges remind me of my visit.
I love Red Work.
Rochelle Hunt-Roy
I love redwork, and I think this is a great project.
I love covered bridges. Would love to win
Would love for a chance. This is beautiful. Thanks Bonnie.
What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Would love to win this set of redwork. It would be a great project to take wherever you go. Thanks Bonnie.
Love the pattern, favorite color, awesome idea with the bridges! Kathy (
Would luv to receive this pattern. I was in VT and was able to see a few of the bridges. You can send those patterns to!
Would love to make this my winter project. Thank you for the chance.
theturquoisebutton at yahoo dot com
Dear Bonnie, I love red Work! I have traveled to see many covered bridges. Thank you for all you do. I would love to win these!
Pam Heyna
This kit looks like so much fun to make. Love the red and white. Thanks for the chance to win it.
I love redwork and Vermont! I've been on some of those bridges. My email is Pick me please!
Love this quilt and loved my one trip to Vermont.
Loved the covered bridges. Thanks Bonnie.
Love this! Thanks for the chance to win !
Yes, please enter my name, Heidi Page - We love to photograph these as we travel and doing the red work would be a total pleasure.
My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Vermont tracking down covered bridges. Our anniversary number 22 is this month on the 24th. What an anniversary gift this would be.
Love the Vermont covered bridges and would love to have the red work patterns. Images of such serenity.
This is just so beautiful! I love covered bridges and have enjoyed every time we travel through Vermont ... our very favorite campground is in Vermont.
I would love to win anything from you
What a Great way to visit Vermont, through red work!
I've wanted to do a redwork quilt for a long time. This would be wonderful.
What a wonderful giveaway! I learned to do redwork by machine using a triple stitch from J.Michelle Watts in New Mexico. I'd love to win! Becky
I love Redwork and I have always wanted to visit Vermont. Still on my bucket list.
Thanks for the giveaway Bonnie!!
I love redwork. Would really enjoy winning this pattern. Thanks for all you do.
Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity.
I would love to win a redwork set and learn how to do this.
Beautiful quilt. Would love to win!
Barbara -
What a beautiful quilt. I have always loved redwork!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you for all you do, Bonnie! Love quiltcam. I'd love to win!
Beautiful, would love to win this set.
Beautiful patterns love the addition of embroidery.
Love redwork quilts!!! Please pick me!!
Covered bridges....what more do you need to say?
I love covered bridges. I grew up and lived in Oregon for most of my life and they too have a lot of covered bridges. I would love to win these wonderful patterns. Thanks for the opportunity to win and for all you do.
That's my old guild! Thanks so much for a chance to win this set. I remember Sharon was just beginning this when I moved away. Such a wonderful group of ladies in that quilt guild.
What a lovely quilt. I love read and white quilts.
What a fabulous giveaway! I have visited many of those bridges!
I would love to win this ,so I can pass It on to a dear friend ,we both just enjoy redwork patterns.
I live in Franklin County - only not in Vermont but in Missouri. My state also has covered bridges, not many tho. I would just love to win these patterns.
Meril from Missouri
What can I say? Love redwork and the beautiful covered bridges of Vermont. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
These are completely lovely and I would LOVE to win!!!!!! Thanks Bonnie!
Joanne Smith
Would love it, Pick me and save postage, bring it with u to Iowa!!!!! Lol Iowa City, Iowa
How exciting. Im working on a calendar towel project with covered bridges from years of our anniversary and family birthdays. My husband has always loved covered bridges. He recently had a stroke and is recovering nicely. This pattern set would be wonderful to make for him.
I love red and redwork, would love to win. What a great way to promote the guild.
These patterns are awesome!! I love covered bridges and red work! Thanks for sharing these patterns as well as to the designers and quilt makers.
I would love to win this. I love covered bridges. mschindlerstar(at)gmail(dot)com
What a beautiful quilt! I love embroidery and I love red! What an awesome giveaway! Thank you!
Vanessa in Oklahoma
What a lovely set and how I would love to make something with them and share the heritage of the covered bridges of VT.
Sue Smit
I visited VT at my brother's log house and got to see some of the covered bridges. I even painted one of them. How great it would be to win this pattern so I could also make a quilt of them too.
Sonia Tuttle
I LOVE red work! these are really beautiful! Thanks for all that you do Bonnie!
Thanks for this give away, Bonnie! I love rework! I bought a new spool holder for the perle cotton and I would love to try it out.
Love VT and the Quilt festival. I would certainly appreciate these covered bridges. Thanks Bonnie.
What a beautiful quilt! I love red and I love embroidery, what better quilt? Thank you!
Vanessa in Oklahoma
I have a friend who would love a quilt like this.
I would love to do a red work quilt.
The beauty and color of the true Vermont. Reminds me of my home long ago. Cindy.lewism@gmail
Love Red Work and would love to win this.
Wow! Lots of comments. My thoughts are the preservation of three wonderful, all-American projects, red-work, quilts and covered bridges. Reminds me of a kinder, gentler time in America. Thank you for the opportunity.
Sharron Evans
Great quilt! Love the covered bridges pattern! Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie! And thanks for all you do to inspire us each day! Laurie -
I have an 11 year old that loves to do needle work and I am teaching her how to quilt on her own machine. she hasn't made one yet but I know this is one she would treasure for the rest of her life. her name is Kattie and she has loved to sew since she was 3 and only able to feed the fabric thru the machine for me. she has no idea I've done this so she would be so happy to have won something so special. Thank you so much for offering tis beautiful gift.
I love redwork and covered bridges.
Bonnie, Thanks for the chance to win this package. What a great thing it would have been to see all of those bridges in real life. Good luck everyone.
I love bridges. Thank you for the giveaway. janie(dot)mccombs(at)yahoo(dot)com
What a beautiful pattern. Red work is my favorite to embroidery. Hope I win!
What a loveely prize! Love Vermont and covered bridges! Feeling lucky!
I love redwork and I love Vermont
These are lovely. Indiana has a Covered Bridge Fedtival every fall. Love those covered bridges.
Would love to win; have always wanted to see the covered bridges and what's not to love about redwork? Thank you to Sharon and her quild for providing the patterns.
What a beautiful kit! I have family in Vermont I would love to make this for.
Wow, I love that quilt! Beautiful patterns that would be a wonderful project to work on during the long cold winter! Thanks for the opportunity to try and win them! Judy (
Covered bridges are a heritage of our past. To remember through a quilt gives us the opportunity to exhibit this heritage by a time honoured median from the past too. I would be honoured to receive a kit.
I love red work and covered bridges! Thanks for the chance to win a lovely gift!
I have great plans to make a covered bridge quilt for my mother. Just haven't started yet.
LouAnn in Colorado
Yes, please!
Angelia Northrip-Rivera
Thanks for this opportunity. The patterns look like something I would do.
Have to Reenter as I don't think my first comment went through. I finally finished my grand illusion mystery quilt. It was started in Oregon and finished in Yorktown Virginia. Thank you so much for the challenge. Now that we lived closer I'm hoping one day I will be able to attend one of your awesome events. You are a great teacher I have learned a lot from you.
Would love to win. I don't do redwork, but I have a friend that does.
I am from New Hampshire and love our old covered bridges. Would love to do these.
I love bridges, I love redwork. Bonnie you're always an inspiration in life and quilting. Thank you for offering the give away.
Would love to win this! Sara Vaughan Ingram, Texas
Would love to try something new.
Martha Martin
Wow Bonnie,
Other people"s talents always amaze me. These are beautiful! We are so fortunate to have people willing to share their talents with the rest of us. Red work and Vermont are a wonderful combination with history added. It makes a gorgeous, sure to be treasured, combination. I would love to be a lucky recipient.
Thank yo so much for all you do and share. I have enjoyed your wit and charm along with tons of information. You are a real day brightener Bonnie!
Sue Winters
I would love to win these beautiful bridges. Sonya
Beautiful quilt, thanks for the chance
Oh my, what a generous, and gorgeous opportunity to this give-away. The patterns are so nice each on their own, but to be given the whole lot WOW!! I hope you never get tired of hearing how grateful we all are for sharing your gifts and talents with us. Glad you have had some wonderful family time - so well derserved. Penny
Oh pick me, pick me - I just love Red Work AND Covered Bridges!
I would love to win this pattern. It is the perfect combination of red work and piecing.
What a beautiful memory of a beautiful state
I love covered bridges. We have several here in Oregon. What a great idea for a quilt. Thank you Bonnie for sharing.
I love redwork, bluework or any combination of handwork/embroidery to compliment quilting. Thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful combination. Sandy Saylor
Beautiful quilts. Please enter me into the drawing.
Wanda Adams
Red is my favorite color & going to Vermont this fall. Would be a great road trip project! Thanks Bonnie!!!
Hello Miss Bonnie, my daughter just loves Red Work, this would be a great project for her. I would love to surprise her with this kit!!! Thank you for all you do for us!!!
That is a great quilt - I love redwork and would love to do these.
Amber (
I would love this win this, it would so remind me of the time I spent in the New England area.
This would be such an awesome remembrance from meeting you at VQF!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE red work. Have been able to see some of the bridges still standing- they were wonderful!
would love to have that pattern set,have never done red work an would love to try. sure love the look,it is so pretty. thank ..oregon city,or
Would live to get this it looks so fun,
Well, didn't do this right the first time..(story of my life :) so am going to attempt to do it again. Really love covered bridges, Vermont and embroidery...perfect combination. Thanks for sharing!
Uh oh, left off part of my email
I love covered bridges and redwork. Would love to win a free pattern! Thanks for all you do Bonnie!
Fabulous redwork pattern, love the covered bridges. Saw a few on a trip to Indiana years ago.
Love covered bridges!! We have a few here in Iowa.
What a WONDERFUL giveaway! I love handwork and have crossed many of those Vermont bridges while on a very memorable trip through New England. Thank you for the opportunity!!
Hi, Would love to win! I have a cover bridge not far from me. Always a peaceful place to go as a child to now.
Thank You
Robin Waybright
Would live to get this it looks so fun,
Would luv to go to Vermont to see all the lovely covered bridges
Love the covered bridges and pinwheel pattern. You inspire me every day with your blog. Thank you, Bonnie. Rose
I'd love to win this pattern so I can make the quilt. I visited VT and painted one of their covered bridges last summer.
Sonia Tuttle
These are beautiful. I have never been to Vermont but lve the covered bridges in Iowa.
Almost everything in my house that I can have red is RED. More than 70% of my blouses are RED or combination of red with another color usually either red, black or blue.
Raised on the farm I love barns.
This would be a perfect quilt to make for MYSELF. Since most I make are for my children, grandchildren and great grands. Which numbers 32 quilts.
Hope, really really hope I win.
Love your FB page and your blog.
Love everything about this quilt -the fabric the redwork the covered bridges! Just Gorgeous!
I love covered bridges and Redwork. What a great combination. Thanks for all you do Bonnie!
LOVE doing embroidery with my quilting. I have some old squares with simple embroidery from the 30's and 40's, and the first real quilt I finished was in the 70's with an Aunt Martha's embroidery set of little girls doing chores on it! Sadly I gave it away somewhere in our Army travels, should have kept it for the daughter I made it for!
Thanks as always for your generosity, Bonnie. We had the Celtic Solstice my daughter made professionally quilted, and Judy used your Celtic Curls pattern, she had done several previously, including her own! A Better Quilt by Judy Lanza, in Arvada, CO! so you are influencing all over, loved the Vermont pictures you posted of your patterns being entered by many ladies!
Sharon in CO
I'd love to win.
Beautiful red work and I love the covered bridges! Thank you for the opportunity to win, Carol
I'd love to win.
I would love to win this pattern bundle. I love both covered bridges and rework....except sometimes my redo wrk turns into blue!! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Love it. Would love to try something new to me!
I've always wanted to do a quilt in redwork, and the covered bridges are fabulous. Thank you for the opportunity. Linda
So cool to see how red work in quilting is making a resurgence! The newer threads like Sulky's 12 weight has also made red work more streamline and less frustrating. Would love this! Jo Ann Vaughn Jeffries.
This looks fun! Thanks for a chance to win. :)
I would love the chance to win the pattern, but thank you for the information to order the set in case I don't. LOL
Covered bridges and redwork - how can you go wrong.
I just loved the redwork and quilting pattern. What a great fit. NOw instead of covered bridges can one be designed for lighthouses? Thank you!
I love redwork and these designs are just fabulous! Thank you for sharing, Bonnie!
Mandy Laseter
Wonderful gift idea and I love covered bridges.
Pretty, I'd like to win.
Bonnie - you are so helpful! the covered bridges are beautiful but what I really love about your blog is how you encourage quilters to learn, expand, and use up their stashes. Due to your tumbler leader & ender, I am learning a old tool in a new way. Thanks for all you do for us! Cindy at
Being a homegrown New Englander, covered bridges are a favorite of mine. Would love to win a Give-Away Bundle. Thank you, Bonnie, for the opportunity to participate. Have all of my fingers and toes crossed!! Betsy @
Vermont is just beautiful-I was there a few years ago at the change of colors, Wow wow
We also went to the Sherbourne Museum--wow--thanks for chances
Wendy D
The covered bridges is one of the places I want to visit sometime, hopefully soon. Would love to win this!!!
The covered bridges is one of the places I want to visit sometime, hopefully soon. Would love to win this!!!
There are lots of covered bridges in Iowa as well. I love the redwork quilts.
I want to win.
Awesome! I would put the patterns to use, since I do embroidery and quilting!
I love redwork! What a beautiful quilt!
I have done some red work. Takes me back to those printed embroidery patterns I used to by a Woolworths.
Mary Heln Blasius
I want to win.
Hoping I win - I will certainly make use of the patterns. I love doing redwork.
This would be such a fun project. My son went to Vermont Law school for 3 years, and I had the privilege of visiting a couple times. I visited several bridges...and fortunately, this was just before the terrible floods a few years back. To top it off, my favorite color is red and have always wanted to try my hand at red work.
Thanks Bonnie.
You are so generous Bonnie I would love to have these. also I am excited to hear you have the mystery quilt all planned out. Thank-you SEW much
What a beautiful quilt. I love redwork quilts. Thanks for the giveaway.
How cool is that! Thanks for the chance to win.
So beautiful !!
I want to win.
Sonia Tuttle
Growing up, my dad's favorite Sunday drive place was a covered bridge in western PA. It is still there.
I have never been to Vermont. but I LOVE embroidery. And I LOVE covered bridges. I would very much love to win this. I have never seen this pattern. Thanks for the offer!
Jan Thompson
Thank you for the chance to win...i love redwork thanks to my sweet sister who got me totally hooked on it! Lol my first project was winter wonderland
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win the pattern set.
Hi Bonnie, Thank you for offering the give away. I love redwork, I love bridges, I love Vermont. I'd love to win the give away :).
Bonnie in San Diego,
What a wonderful giveaway. I have been doing lots of embroidery and how exciting it would be to win the pattern set. Thank you for this opportunity. Paula
What a beautiful design and what a great cause. I would love to win the set.
If this is a duplicate, I apologize. I am from New Hampshire and love our old coverd bridges. Would love to have these to do. Thank you Bonnie.
I graduated from UVM and lived in Vermont for two years. I love the covered bridges. What a neat project this is!
Those are beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity! m.butterfield [@]
a state on my bucket list yet to visit ,would love to spend time traveling the state finding these bridges
Love red. My Dad was really into covered bridges, and traveled all over the area to get pictures here in Oregon.
Love RedWork and Love Bridges and Love Pin Wheels....oh lets just say I Love it!!!!
What a neat pattern. Love covered bridges. We have some here in Iowa. Haven't done much embroidery in the last few years, but this would get me started again. Thanks for the chance to win. Bonnie
Those are beautiful.
Those are beautiful.
Oh my goodness! I don't think I've wanted to win something so bad in a long time. I'm a flatlander from Missouri but my heart belongs in New England and this is perfect. Thanks for the chance. Rina
I love covered bridges especially after seeing that Clint Eastwood movie. I've never done any redwork, but I think it would be fun! I used to think the embroidery was a stem stitch, but on closer examination of some quilt blocks, I saw that it was backstitch. That's even easier! Janis from Texas, email:
Beautiful quilt! What a wonderful project.
Love covered bridges!!!
I love the pattern. The only other red and white quilt I ever did was with Canadian fabric. My email address is Thanks for the contest. Looks like a great prize. wow!!! These are stunning.
Have always wanted to try red work. what a great way to start!
thanks, Roberta
I see that competition will be stiff to win this, but I have my fingers crossed that this will be my turn. Thanks for all you do and share, Bonnie. Hope you have a great summer.
These redwork bridges are lovely! I have done barns in redwork and loved doing them. I also just finished a 'greenwork' Row by Row that is a covered bridge in Minnesota. Thank you for the chance to win! Sherry
What a pretty combination!
Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie.
Awesome I love embroidery and my grandma actually went to Vermont for a covered bridge tour so this would be awesome.
What a nice giveaway. I love redwork enbroidery. So relaxing and the covered bridges are beautiful. Thanks so much for a chance to win
This looks like fun. Thanks for a chance to win.
Thanks for the great contest Bonnie. Would love to win this. My email is
Beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win this.
Cindy W.
What a wonderful quilt! I love mixing embroidery and quilting!
Beautiful pattern. Quilters are the most caring, giving folks! I would love to win one of these. Email:
What a lovely quilt. Would love to win.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I love redwork, thanks for the opportunity to win this and if i do not, I hope you link us up to purchase this thanks.
Thank you for the opportunity to win Bridges & Redwork, Bonnie! And Thanks to Sharon for the beautiful designs. Syl Trundle in Whitefish, MT. ""
Awesome quilt. Thanks for all you do for everyone
love covered bridges and they are so neat how people came up with so many different ways and wish today they would build more. email
I would use these patterns by having my mom (85 and loves embroidery) embroider the blocks...then I would sew them into the redwork quilt...and then we would gift the project to my sister who lives in Vermont. A true family affair and heirloom gift to her. Fingers crossed! My email is
This is a beautiful pattern set. We were in Vermont a couple of years ago and got to see some of these covered bridges. Would love to win one of these sets.
Thank you forall that you do for the quilting world.
Lynda V
I love covered bridges. I wold love to win. I could learn a new technique.
Good luck everyone and thank you Bonnie.
Thanks for a chance to win.
Thanks for the chance to win this! I love red work!
Jeanette Wilson
This reminds me of that movie that featured covered bridges. I haven't done hand embroidery in years and I'm thinking of starting back up. That would be my TV project, of course.
Thanks Bonnie! Love covered bridges!
Sharon Miller
I would love to have a chance to win this beautiful set of patterns. Thanks for the generous opportunity, Bonnie!
Nice to have these pieces of history documented by such beautiful work.
what a nice give away with the love of red work and it being covered bridges.
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