
Thursday, July 09, 2015

Quilt-Cam 7/9/2015

Do you recognize these little blocks?
Jackie has been working on her Box Kite blocks from my Addicted to Scraps column with Quiltmaker Magazine!

Just a fun little block and there is so much you can do with it!

I also spy her Easy Angle Ruler there in the photo…that one little tool that makes half square triangles a breeze – all from the sizes of strips we already keep on hand!

Great job Jackie!

She also sent along this little note with her photo:

Working on Box Kites - Still.  Really Enjoy "sewing" with the folks - worldwide.   Oldest UFO:  string quilt sandwiched and basted for quilting.
We were having a “confession session” and I asked listeners what their oldest UFO was!

What is yours?

So here I am ---working on some block samples in different stages of construction for the taping of 6 online courses I’ll be doing for Quiltmaker in August in Golden, Colorado!

It sure would have been easier, had I known ahead of time, to just make these samples as I was making the quilts, but no – I’ve got to back track and make them all over again!

Some blocks just have cut pieces so we can show how they fit together, and then partially constructed units showing progress, and finally a completed block to demonstrate a fine finish.

It’s FUN!  But it’s meaning more cutting, more arranging, more baggying things up with labels so they are ready to go.


Some parts are ready to go!


And there is this fun new Tumblers Leader & Ender project going on the side!

Speaking of Tumblers..you’ll find our new side bar badge in the right hand side bar of the blog – feel free to grab it and add it to your own blog or website!

Are you ready to sew with me?  Click the arrow on the screen below and let’s get to it!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


lynneinMN said...

haven't been able to join quiltcam in a while - so excited to be joining tonight! thank you, Bonnie, for sharing YOUR time with us :-). Working on my Spider Web - have 4, yes 4, blox left to do! yay!!!! Lynne in MN

Cousin Jill said...

Hi Bonnie!!! Working on Hexies in rainy Erie!!! Love the tumbler leader ender challenge!!! Need to get mine started, but I Will get it started!!!

mcmelly said...

Hi Bonnie, Thanks for Quilt Cam. I'm working on the last of my Sister's Choice blocks. I'll give the quilt to my sister. I want to start the tumblers but I'm still making lozenges! Can't wait for the mystery quilt. I'll be retired by then so lots of time to sew!!!! Thanks, Melly from Erie

DebBees said...

Went to a local quilt shop today and saw the tumbler block done in a USA flag, so cute. Think that is what I will be making.

Anonymous said...

hi Bonnie i go to Bali every year in August, living in Atralia makes Bali the ideal holiday. Love everything about the place and never miss a visit to the Denpasar market where there is fabric shops galore many catering to quilters.

wheelinsticks said...

Thanks for quiltcam tonight. I am working on lozenges as a leader and ender while working on some blocks for the Highway 36 Quilt Trail.

Mary said...

I tried to get home in time from Row by Rowing and getting my hair done to watch tonight. Alas my trip around took more time than I planned. I turned it on and listened while I drove until I hit the no service zone. No Binding got done while driving. It was fun to get tips on pressing the Idaho Square Dance Block again! Thanks.

Pdudgeon said...

Yea! my first time watching Quilt Cam! I soooo enjoyed this--so many good tips!

Vintage4me4ever said...

Hi Bonnie,
Can you believe tonight of all nights our power goes out again. It went off at 3:20 p.m. today, and just now came on at 11:00 p.m. so I am just now getting to watch. Just my luck.
Oh well, just happy it is back on.
Sorry that your having to repeat some of the quilts, but as fast as you are you will have it done in no time.
Have a great weekend.

debi said...

hi Bonnie - so happy that I found you on Quilt cam tonight - I had a class today and caught up with Julie Clarke - and asked her about your Tuscany tour - how jealous am I!!! I love Julie's work as well and have taken many classes with her too.

debi said...

Bonnie - I need help with flying geese - the positioning of them etc

Unknown said...

You asked during quiltcam what techniques we want to see in the videos you will be making- so how about curved seam. Thanks

ria vogelzang said...

Dear Bonnie, just watched the archived version tonight.... So glad I found you some years ago... ;)
You do such beautiful work! And encourage so many of us! Just had to say: THANK YOU!
At the end of this Quiltcam you thanked all of us... but I really feel to thank you....
You have given us so much: your patterns, your encouragement, enthousiasm (also about Vintage Sewing Machines....) AND your time...
I love to follow you.
A big "ZWAAI" from across the great pond.... and LOVE from the Netherlands,

Anonymous said...

Hello Bonnie,
It's been awhile since I have had time to myself so I can join you on quiltcam. I am working on the "Texas Braid" in your Adventures With Leaders & Ender I bought when you were here in Elkhart, IN a few years back. I follow your blog all the time. I wish I had time to join the "Tumbler Leaders & Enders Challenge" because it looks like so much fun. I do use leaders & enders when I sew but I don't have the time to cut out tumblers. Maybe I will just have to find time to do it!

Pat Barnes
pk_ barnes@ hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Couldn't watch quilt cam live but I'm gardening (pulling weeds!) like crazy this morning and then sewing in the cool basement and watching quilt cam with a big glass of iced tea this afternoon! What a nice way to spend an afternoon. :) I know that you are very very busy while in Colorado but I really wish you were speaking somewhere while you are here. I would love to get to see you speak somewhere!!! I will keep watching your schedule and hoping!!! I would be so excited! Thanks for all that you do! and I hope that you get a chance to see some of the beautiful places Colorado has to offer and some of the great quilt shops while you are here! :)

Laura said...

Bonnie, I did a double take when watching your 7/9 Quiltcam and realized that not only were you wearing a necklace just like I have, but the same top too! I just wore that exact combo yesterday. Looks great on you!

Johanna said...

In your new Quiltmaker demos I would like to see you set your 1/4 inch seam on the sewing machine.I have always wanted to see how you do that. Thanks

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