
Sunday, July 05, 2015

A Slow & Easy Fourth --

I love how the clouds hang low, filling the cracks, crags and crevices after a drenching summer rain.

I took this photo yesterday morning while Sadie and I did our morning walk ---I love this ritual!

Some parts of the walk are down hill – or at least somewhat level.

Others?  Up and up and up and up – brutal! 

But you have to go to the top if you are going to enjoy the view!

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since we had family from Texas up here to enjoy the 4th of July with us.

This year, once Jason left, has been exceptionally quiet –friends Rick and Mona are up in Ohio visiting family over the 4th, so there just was not a lot of patriotic hoopla happening here at Quilt Villa!


My little bit of red white and blue for the evening!

I finished the binding..and am now stitching down the hanging sleeve.  The sleeve was made from the left over backing remnants after trimming the quilt top.  I love that it has little pieced elements in it!


On another front – who can date this fabric?

I play mostly by color.  I don’t care what the line is, who the manufacturer was, or when it was printed – I just care that it gives the look I want for the quilt, that there is ENOUGH of it in this case ((limited stash at the cabin, remember!?)) and that I can happily use my stash however and whenever I want.  

This piece has been waiting a good long time to be used in a quilt, and in this case, it was just enough to do the inner border!


This top is DONE!

And that vintage Jinny Beyer is perfect!

((So are the acrobatic strong men! Ha!)

While I can’t show you the whole thing yet, you can rejoice with me – this is the LAST quilt that I need to finish for the next book.  It’s also the last quilt I need to finish for my taping with Quiltmaker Magazine in Golden, Colorado in August!  I’m making my deadlines –and this makes me a very  happy girl.


Memory pieces!

See that little ditzy floral rectangle above the Twirl Around block? ((Block from my Addicted to Scraps column))  That is actually a piece from a maternity top I made when I was pregnant with my daughter.  1981-1982. Boy does that little rose bud print take me a long way.  Though she lived just a short while, these little memory scraps bring her sweet life to mind and heart.

My scraps are the timeline of my life –and they are all included, part of the beautiful whole.


To cut down!

I sorted through a big bag of scraps, pulling pieces that are big enough for:


More H Blocks!

Now that some deadlines are met, I can go back to playing with my own personal quilts!

Any left over bits will be cut into tumblers as I go.  It’s amazing how quickly a row of tumblers can be built sewing them as Leaders & Enders in between other chain piecing.


Basket of Tumbler pieces..and a chain growing!


And growing and growing and growing!

It’s my last day to enjoy the piece and quiet of mountain solitude.  Tomorrow after breakfast I’m headed home --

But I’ll be back NEXT weekend!

I’m thinking we need to do Quilt-Cam this week –let me get home and check the schedule to see when we can fit it in.  I’m thinking Wednesday --

Stay tuned! I’ll let you know!

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Margo said...

Jenny Beyer print from early 90's?


GOOD DAY BONNIE_-I think that Ginny Beyer fabric is from the mid to late 90's---not positive!!!! I can probably get my hands on more if you need it! The shop where I used to work carries it :-) and well---she still had some last Monday :-) I love reading about your visits to the Mountain Villa.....I seems as if I am right there with you!!!! *~*Carole*~*

Debra in Ohio said...

I agree that the fabric is from the 90s. It was perfect for your quilt! I noticed you "H" quilt blocks. Will this pattern be in a book or is it one you'll share as a free pattern? Those fabric scraps we use up in our quilts do evoke precious memories. I remember tears coming to my eyes when I used the last piece of fabric from a maternity top I made in '75. My son doesn't understand the tears, but it was the last piece. At least it was put to good use.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I still have some of that fabric in my stash, though in a different color. It doesn't seem that long ago, but it was. :-)

janequiltsslowly said...

I agree that print is from the 90's. I have in a cheddar color way.

Nancy said...

I've had such a lovely time digging thru my scraps while cutting tumblers. That little bit from Mama's favorite blouse. The LAST piece of a great patriotic teddy bear print sent to me around 1995 by a dear friend. And lots of memories of quilts past.

Mary said...

I saw lots of my deep stash as I quilted the quilt I'm sending to Golden. I was on a quilting roll yesterday. Finished 3 minis and a 7 year old UFO too. Wednesday Quiltcam works for me.

Ellen said...

Oh Bonnie what a precious memory of your little daughter! Hug!!!!!

I have a question I bought a beautiful set of solid fat quarters while I was in Shipshewana yesterday. How should I approach making a tumbler leader and ender with them. I've got a bit of stash at home but really fell in love with the color progression yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I have that exact fabric in green & purple. I usually write the dates on my fabrics, and the green has 2004 on it. But I was late to the Jinny party, and I think that entire line might have been on its second release by then? It disappeared for awhile, then came back again. I just pitched all my old Keepsake Quilting catalogs, or I could have looked it up. They used to sell the whole line.

Dora, the Quilter said...

It's one of Jinny's palette fabrics. I thought they were released at the end of 80's, but I could be wrong about the timing.

Old quilter said...

I have to laugh about the Jinny print comments. I guess we all had some in one color or another. There is only a teaspoonfull of it left in my stash, I will be sorry to see it go. Certainly we would buy it again if they decided to re-issue it. Good design is good design, no matter what's the current rage.

Created by Kathi said...

I love coming to your blog.. learning more about you.. and also hearing that you are meeting goals enough to plan a quilt cam... Look forward to whenever you can fit it in :) Kathi

Ameswf said...

The JB print is I think from about 1980 before Jinny designed for RJR. She did 3 lines for an unnamed fabric company in 2 years, and the firm then stopped doing our cottons, thinking that quilting had hit its peak. Ha!

Susie Jensen said...

Gosh, I burned my maternity clothes after I had my kids. I wan't a quilter then. Of course, I was pregnant for 2 years pretty much. My boys are a year and a day apart. I was sick of being pregnant. I think the Jenny fabric is before the alligator print and that's at least 1990.

Karen B. said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter. I know you have mentioned her before, but I didn't know she actually lived for a while (not that that dimishes miscarriages). I'm sure it is a loss you never truly recover from, and it probably changes you, just a bit. 💜

quiltot said...

Bonnie, have you given the dimensions for the cutting of the "H" block? Someplace in the back of my mind you did, but I can't find it. TIA

CathyQuilts said...

I bet Jinny would help you date that fabric if you asked her. I get her newsletter, you could contact her thru her website I bet.

TrulyBlessed said...

I'm so glad you spoke of your precious baby girl. Bittersweet memories for you I'm sure. I have had you in my thoughts all of June.

Patricia said...

What pretty bright pink. Love your way with scraps, plan to do a tumbler quilt.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the loss of your precious daughter, that feeling of losing your child will never go away! Much love.

AnnieBee said...

you just made me cry.........

Mary Ann said...

GMTA- was going thru my pink/purple stash tonight and low and behold, I have that same raspberry Jinny Beyer print! So if you ever need a tad more..... LOL, Mary Ann

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