
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Taking in the View --

Waking up to this view after a good long sleep –a deep slumber so refreshing, no waking up in the middle of the night – I don’t even think I rolled over at all –what a wonderful morning!

Other than the blog posting problems I’ve had with a slower internet than I am used to – everything is PERFECT!

What I can’t post here is the feel of the early morning breeze through open shuttered doors.  The sound of birdsong ---the gentle morning light --

And thinking to myself….I AM IN ITALY!

I am in a historic place ---

This is a new adventure!

And we are here for a whole WEEK!

This is the nicest part…we are in this one location the entire time, doing day trips out to surrounding areas – but we get to unpack our suitcases and just MOVE IN and make our rooms our “HOME” for a week.  I love this!


The historic Grand Hotel La Pace!
Montecatini Terme, Italy.

There is scaffolding in the front due to some renovations –old historic places NEED face lifts once in a while – but the interior is GORGEOUS beyond measure!


Old Doors!  I love this!


Oooh! Wood floors, and a balcony!




I have a chandelier!

Let it be said that Jim West and Sew Many Places provide THE BEST accommodations, hands down.  I love the places we have stayed – off the beaten path, places that are unique and historic ---I mean, you can get a Hampton Inn or a Hyatt anywhere –nothing special there.  THIS IS AMAZING!

((And there IS a bidet!  But I am not taking photos…LOL!))

((Side note--- you may have missed THIS tour, but what about coming to Peru with me in November? Click the PERU TAB at the top of the blog for more details!))


This is last night’s welcome dinner in the fabulous dinging room…..historic frescoes on the ceilings and everything…oh GOODNESS!


Chandeliers, anyone?


Check out the ceiling!


Centerpiece anyone?

Okay – THIS is my plan….send shorter posts…but more often, if I can write them ahead and spread them out, I might be able to get things uploaded if there are not too many photos – I bet I have already exceeded that limit with this post, and there are more photos to go!

So be watching for more from me – this is just our first day ---by the time dinner was done, we were falling asleep in our tiramisu ---and it was off to bed with all of us, exhausted and happy to be here.

Tomorrow would be another adventure, but our heads were ready to hit the pillows!

In between everything else, I’ve been struggling to keep up with email.  I just got an announcement that we have moved into the NEXT ROUND of the blogger awards!  Which means you now need to come vote again in this next round!  Please help me out by letting your voice be heard HERE.  Thanks, everyone!

Gonna hit send…hoping this uploads like it should!

Love from Montecatini Terme!

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Mary said...

Got it. Enjoying Italy and it's views with you. I voted from the link on FB this afternoon. Congrats on being nominated in more than one category!

Granny Lyn said...

I voted, and you're in all the categories!! You're the best, we all know it! Have a great time, we'll take care of things here in the states! Haha

John said...

I voted! You're #1, hands down!

Cathy Dale said...

I voted and live the photos.

sao said...

These photos are absolutely wonderful. I know that you are having a wonderful time!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing it is the only way I can travel over seas. Going to go vote now

Diane Hughes said...

Love the photos!!!! Have a great time, and I voted!!!

Debbie said...

OMG bidets are the best. Enjoy it.

Farm Quilter said...

I voted!! I KNOW you are having a total blast!!! Have a glass of wine for me, will ya??

Unknown said...

i love the photos! it's gorgeous. can you do classes outside, it looks amazing out there!

Unknown said...

I voted for you!

Janet Schwartz said...

Pictures are gorgeous and everyone looks like they are having a great time.

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