
Monday, May 04, 2015

Small Glimpses of a Very Big Class!

I am still having a dickens of a time trying to get posts to upload to the blog.  Slow hotel wifi -- I can get things posted to facebook, but anything larger than one photo just doesn't go!

So this is a sneak preview of what went on in this morning's A Little Bit Hexie workshop.

Gorgeous hotel, great room for 40 of us to gather and get some English paper piecing in!

This was followed by lunch out on the town -- and a ride over to Pisa to explore the grounds around the leaning tower of Pisa...more photos to follow as I am able to upload them.

It is just amazing being here.

I'm actually sitting outside a restaurant with free wifi thinking it might be better than the hotel wifi -- but from the slow upload speed, I think they are much the same ---

Maybe life is telling me to leave the blogging aside for a bit it will wait.  Just enjoy the quilters, take in every aspect of Italy -- and write later.

But I know me.

I'll keep trying!

Much love from Montecatini Torme!

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Cathy Dale said...

Enjoy your time. We love to hear from you, enjoy your vacation and catch us up later. You deserve it....take time for you.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Nice to hear from you, but yes enjoy your time in that beautiful place.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for thinking of us Bonnie, but please take your time and enjoy your adventure. I'm so happy for you and the experiences you have with your life. We all benefit from you. -Rhonda r7ekblad@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Blogging is wonderful...but how many times can you sit with a group of quilters paper piecing the English style in ITALY??? Enjoy where you are and who you are with...blogging can wait :)

So says MommaJulie

irisfreiberg said...

Hello! I Hope you keep trying. Pleas tell use wenn you find a Patchworkshop. In two weeks we are
in hollyday in Toscana. I is about 6-8 hours driving from the near of Stuttgart in Germany.
In love Iris Uhde( Black Forest Quilters)!

Samantha G. said...

Thank you so much for including us stay-at-homers in your trip. We are living vicariously through you! Have a wonderful time!

Bees Knees Granny said...

Please DON'T waste a precious moment in Italy staring at a non-functioning computer! This is your once in a lifetime opportunity to connect with Italians! Your faithful followers (us) will enjoy reading about your experiences with Italians in beautiful Italy--LATER, Jot computer notes, yes,, but enjoy the fact, that you are "off the grid" for a few memorable days. "Caio!" Cwoosley12@yahoo.com

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