Isn’t this pretty?
It’s Annika’s variation on my Sister’s Choice pattern from the Free Patterns tab!
Looks like she has added in some sew & flip cormers to add some interest to the areas where blocks join other blocks…see how it changes the look?
She writes:
Hi Bonnie
Annika (Swedish Leo) here. I am typing this in advance because when quilt cam is live here it is around 03:00 and that is a bit late to stay up when I have to go to work the next day.
I will catch you on YouTube later!
I am glad that you had such wonderful time in Italy!
It felt like I was there to through your blog!
I am working on this quilt, farmers daughter or sisters choice.I would say YES YES YES! It is looking great!
Close up view!
I am wondering if I am on the right track color wise?
Not so good picture, but is there ok balance between the with light and darker colors?
Thank you so much for all that you do! It is so much appreciated!
Annika from Sweden
Those little corners make such a great addition to an otherwise blank space, don’t they?
Thank you for sharing your progress, Annika – I can’t wait to see how you complete it!
I also promised we’d do our drawing for the 3 winners of the 100 blocks Vol 11 issues!
First winner was # 734:
Apple Blossom! Thank you for having your email visible in your profile!
Winner #2 is entry # 142:
Congrats! I’ve emailed you to let you know!
And Tada!! Our Grand Prize Winner, #445!
Get me your snail mail address so I can get this goodie out to you!
I am leaving in the morning –so if I don’t hear from you before I go, your prizes will be sent upon my return home from Alaska – deal??
Remember my lozenges from last time? We got all the rows assembled…

This is as far as we got!

Tonight I’m joining rows!
Or pinning. Mostly pinning. Because all of those points have to be pinned to meet before sewing….and this is going to be boring, so why don’t you come join me and keep me busy?
Click the arrow on the screen below to start the feed! It’s Quilt-Cam time!
Hi Bonnie...Mary here from Idaho...I'm pinning tonight as well although my seams are much shorter than what you're working with. Glad you had a great trip and enjoy your time in Alaska.
I have guild in an hour but Had to catch you before I go. I've been stitching our Final Lotto block in the A-Z that I've been sharing from Quilter's Cache. I put the Blocks together and got them mostly sewn. Nice that you can pin while we have QuiltCam.
Hi Bonnie, Loved your Italy pictures. I'm cutting strips for your Scrappy Bargello class when you come to North East, PA in June. Jilly and I are also taking your class in Jamestown NY 2 days before. We can't wait to see you!!! Melody
Hiya Bonnie! I am happy to be here with you live as I am un sewing a mistake that I made on my Grand Illusion as I was sewing rows together. Oh My Gosh, I accidentally left out one of the doubled sashing units on the end of a row of blocks! So glad I caught the mistake before quilting, LOL! Love all your trip pictures, thanks for sharing!!! Vic in NH
Hi Bonnie from Southern California! So happy for quilt cam tonight! I am cutting for my three remaining blocks for a 1930's Trisket, A Tasket BOM while watching quilt cam in a coffee shop. I am looking forward to meeting you in June in Auburn, Ca. For Cathedral Stars workshop! Have a wonderful time in Alaska! See you soon!
Hey bonnie!! Hasp to join you for quilt cam. Working on 9-patches for hopscotch -butterscotch pattern. Looking forward to retreat in iowa.
Meliza in Corpus Christi, Texas
If you could only use one straight stitch vintage machine which one would you use. Want to purchase one but need an expert opinion as to which is best (sorry if this is a duplicate post my phone glitched)
Bonnie, how many bricks are you adding to that quilt? rows? Julie
Have you quilted your last hexi quilt? How do you finish your hexi quilts - hand or machine quilted?
This is Jennifer from Choctaw, OK. I love how giving you are to the quilting community and you are so appreciated for it!!!! I'm curious how you store all your quilts. My beds, cabinets, couches and you name it has a quilt or two on it. I'm getting overwhelmed with them and don't want to let them go as I give many away already.
Hi Bonnie ... The second Quiltcam that I have been able to watch live, but I can't figure out how to comment while you are "On the Air". Carole from Altoona, PA - Finally got to retire at the end of April!!! Signed up for two days at Mary's QS in Bedford (Aug) and wondered if you need a loaner machine while you are there. Would be happy to loan you one of mine if you need it.
Hi Bonnie, thanks for quilt cam tonight. I'm doing hexies and watching the hockey game while I watch. Enjoy Alaska. Am I hearing right, the hubster is going too? Neat !
Thanks again,
Thank you for Quilt Cam 5-12-15 Bonnie. Enjoyed all the pictures you shared from Italy. Have a wonderful time in Alaska!
Iam ready to star a new top
Thanks for quilt came.Have a great trip in Alaska. What a world traveler you are. Glad hubby gets to go this time. And Sadie?
I like different! I like creative, but I need help. This book might just be my help!
Dianne Holder
I know I would love the book. I love string quilts and scrappy quilts
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