
Monday, April 06, 2015

Hexie Love E-Magazine! Give-Away!

**NOTE** This Give-Away has ended!  Congrats to our winner!  Be watching for more Give-Aways coming up soon!

There is a new e-magazine available for download!

If you love your kindle, your ipad, your cell phone or your laptop – this magazine is for you!

When I was asked by Julia Wood if I would participate in a blog hop for the release of her premier issue on Joomag, I of course said YES!

You know I have been working with hexagons since the mid 1990s.

The first grandmother’s flower garden quilt was made with 1.5” hexies, traced with a template, cut with scissors and hand stitched with a 1/4” seam allowance in the traditional hand piecing method.  This project occupied hours and hours of time while waiting on the side lines for things like swimming lessons, soccer practice, baseball practice and games, and gymnastics while my boys were growing up.

I hand quilted that quilt and learned how nasty warm & natural is to hand quilt with….NEVER NEVER AGAIN! HA!

I started the large project below in 1999 when my grandmother’s health was failing and I was needing something to occupy not only my waiting time but my travel time:

Notice that date? 2012!

It took me nearly 14 years to finish this top, it was off again, on again and then became my ONLY traveling project. 

Hexies are SO easy to work with on the go, as long as you do a bit of prep work ahead of time and keep your busy bag at the ready!
You can find my hexie tutorial HERE.

This top is now ready for quilting – but my life is too busy to do the hand quilting I want to do on it at this time.  I searched for a completed photo ---there is one here somewhere on the blog, but I couldn't find it!

Of course once you are hexie-hooked you can’t stop, and within a few weeks of finishing this top, I started another.

Progress to date:


Fill in section #5 of 6 slowly growing as I travel!

It's taken me nearly 2.5 years to get to this point.

Now, this post isn't just about me and my love of hexies – it’s about the release of a brand new book MORE Quick &Easy Hexie Quilts by Julia Wood! 


Fun fun fun!
Note from Julia:
This is my second book using the circle technique for making hexies.
 It includes 10 patterns for quilts and related items.
Complete instructions are given for making hexies from circles of fabric.
The patterns in the book can be made with ANY hexagon technique, including English paper piecing. 
And ESPECIALLY about the release of the online Magazine, HEXIE LOVE!



A hello from Julia!


Table of Contents!  These are the goodies you will find in the issue!


Are you itchin’ to be stitchin’ ??

This quilt is called Odyssey!

About Odyssey: 
Center medallion of the progressive quilt, ODYSSEY, which is patterned in parts within each issue of this year’s Hexie Love – By the end of the year, a subscriber will have all the step in the pattern.
Julia and the nitty gritty about Hexie Love:   
I started Hexie Love at the beginning of this year. I wear ALL the hats in the production process – I’m the editor, manager, etc. At this point it is only digital.

Hexie Love includes articles by talented hexagon quilt artist from all over the world. There is always a scrappy hexie pattern, a small hexie project or two, a book review, and lots more hexagon inspiration!
There are 6 issues per year priced at $5.99 each. A year’s subscription is $26.99.
For more information on MORE Quick & Easy Hexie Quilts AND Hexie Love Magazine, visit Julia’s Blog.

To celebrate kicking off this blog hop, we are having a giveaway for a free digital issue of HEXIE LOVE!

Leave me a comment below in the comments section to be entered to win.
Small print:
No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.

When in doubt, just please leave your email address!  It’s that simple!

If you are reading us on an iphone or ipad after clicking a link in facebook you must open this page in a new browser or safari window before you can comment.  Your device still thinks you are in facebook even though you do not think you are.  If you still see the blue bar at the top of your screen…trust me. You are still in facebook!

Same goes for Blog-lovin.  Get OUT of blog-lovin and view our page directly.

You can’t always comment while reading in a blog reader service.  Make sure our address starts with http://quiltville.blogspot.com  No bloglovin in the address!

I will be drawing for our lucky winner on Tuesday, April 14th at the end of the blog hop.  Be sure to visit all of the participants on their day, they all have surprises for you as well!

April 6  Bonnie Hunter
April 7  Catherine Redford
April 8   Linda Franz
April 9  Cheryl Sleboda
April 10
Geta Grama
April 11 
Victoria Findlay Wolfe
April 12 Becky Campbell 
April 13 Joan Shay

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Ginny said...

I would love to win! Thank you for the chance.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the offer.I have just started hexes and didn't know how addicting they would be. Lorianne mscrazywoman@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I am an EPP'er but would love to check out the magazine. I love Julia Wood's blog, e-mag and her free BOM HEXIE designs on her blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I just started this year also..and Im hooked.. need patterns and this could be perfecr for me.. mag looks great..

Brenda Wilkinson, WL, BC said...

I have not tried hexies yet, but would love to do a Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt. I would love to learn how. What a great giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win.
Kim hicks

Unknown said...

I've been bitten by the hexie bug!! I even have my sister addicted!! I would love a chance to win!!

Unknown said...

I have only recently started doing hexies, and I am still at the novice stage but loving them so far. Would really love to have some help in giving me direction and pattern incentives. Thanks for the opportunity Bonnie.

Aliceart said...

Oooohhh! This looks like fun! Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Great giveaway!! I need something portable as summer approaches and the activities start ... a subscription to this new magazine could be the ticket! Thanks for the chance to win!! Linda

Faith (Stevie) Harris said...

Hexxies-one of my first piecing efforts. Am I ready to begin again? Would love a gander at the new mag.

94Quilter said...

Started my first hexi quilt in 1998 - still working on it!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win! I need some motivation to complete my hexi project....and a magazine subscription devoted to hexi's might just do the trick! - dwynette@appleberryquilts.com

Phyllis said...

I inherited a grandmother's flower garden quilt made by my grandmother for my parents as a wedding gift. I would love to explore all about that amazing craft. I'm in my 60's....not sure I have time to make one! :)

Lisa said...

A magazine just for hexies? What a great idea! Thanks for sharing the information about it with us. Lisa. golddust@kpunet.net

Linda said...

Never made any hexies but they have always intruiged me. Winning the e book would be just the jolt I need to start making some myself. Thanks for the chance.

Carol said...

Been working on a hexie top since your workshop in Mckinney several years ago. Am modeling after the one Susan from The Quilt Asylum was working on there.

Anonymous said...

I would love to learn how to make hexies...it would be something new for me. Thanks for the opportunity to win Julia's book.

Kathy Medlin

tac73 said...

One of my first quilt projects involved hexagons and I would love to do another. Enjoy Hexie Love blog as well.

Janis said...

I have a hexie project underway, but I need ideas for setting them.


Kristen said...

Looking to start my first hexie project very soon. Thanks for a chance at the great giveaway!

Carol LaPorte said...

I'm working on a Grandmother's Flower Garden Hexie quilt top right now via paper piecing. Would love to see this new emagazine. Thanks! claporte423@gmail.com

Lline said...

I found Julia sometime last year and did her BOM hexies. I need to applique them to a background yet but I need to find the right one first. This years is looking good too.As you can see I'm a fan and would love too win any of her books.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I have one started, not nearly as beautiful as your medallions, just simple grandmother's flower garden with random flowers. Haven't decided on the linking/background color yet, or if I will even bother with one! I have an old Jewel Star top on my wall that longs to be quilted, and I'd love to find a pattern to replicate that!
thanks Bonnie, her hexie book looks fab
sharon in Colorado sschipper@usbr.gov

pbee ... said...

Yes! I've recently become hexified and have a few with me to stitch all the time. I would love to see the online magazine and the books too! Thank you!

Cyra said...

I have already purchased some of Julia's fantastic patterns as I am a Hexie Lover too. I would love to win this book and add even more patterns and inspiration to my collection.

Tia said...

Looks like an inspiring magazine.

LJ said...

I started doing my first EPP just a bit over a year ago. Wowza, I'm hooked!! I'm totally enjoying the hand sewing and it's amazing how the 'pieces' begin to take shape. Thank God for YouTube cuz I'd really be lost but...I could sure use some help with EPP and Hexie Love sounds like a perfect way to become more acclimated. I love seeing progress on your hexie quilt, Bonnie.

Linda H said...

I have a hexie project on at the moment. Looks like it will take me years to complete. Would love the chance to win this publication. Thanks.

Debi H. said...

Just love your hexie quilt! I would love this on the go project. Thank you for doing this giveaway! I would really love to learn! hannahsfamily3@gmail.com

Cathys Corner said...

I am already a big fan of Julias' Hexie Love magazine and the BOMs 2014 and 2015!
Excited about blog hopping this week!
Thank you for the chance to win the new book.
Cathy gorcat@iinet.net.au

Anonymous said...

I want to try hexies. Would love to win a copy of the e-zine.
thank you for the chance.

Deanna said...

I've been working on my Grandmother's Flower Garden for 4 years now. I'm already looking at new patterns with hexies and I'd love to win this giveaway!

Mavis Reynolds said...

What a great idea! An e-zine dedicated just to hexie love! Awesome. Would love a chance to win.

Anita said...

I follow Julia's blog and am a Hexie quilt maker. They are so much fun.

Susan said...

I love the look of hexagons, would love to win this great giveaway.

Ameswf said...

Bonnie, I took your Hexie demo class in Aug. 2013 on the Alaska cruise. Loved it and even got a GO die to start cutting the little varmints from scraps. So it's probably time to begin putting them together. Thanks for the inspiration.

mumbird3 said...

Love hexies - this is a great magazine!

jennieb said...


Unknown said...

Would love to get this, thanks.

Avon said...

I would love a digital copy. I am a Hexie wannabe and would like to start with some smaller projects.😀.


Gimmeclems said...

Would like to win

Anonymous said...

Fabulous give-a-way!!! I am a Hexie addict too!!! Thanks for the chance to win...Karen in Maine

Miss Jean said...

I love giveaways. I'm working on a hexie project. Never thought I'd like it, but I like this one.

Michelle said...

Looks like fun!

Unknown said...

Would love to win this magazine. I am working on a grandmothers garden that was started by my great grandmother and great aunt, am hand stitching it as they did, do not know when I will finish.

vicki said...

Oh, too cool! I haven't made any hexies yet, but I love quilts made with them.

Cathy L Wilson said...

I want to start learning to make something with hexes & would love to win this! Looks like it's going to be a great resource!

colleen said...

Wow so many people posting !!! Great to see I'd love to be a winner

Sherry said...

I love Hedy, and hope I win!

Sherry said...

I love Hexies and hope I win!

Kristy said...

Wow! so much wonderful stuff! Love all the hexie projects. I am currently working on a Lucy Boston quilt. Hexies are relaxing. The magazine looks like lots of fun. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Missy said...

Beautiful, I love hexies! I make mine with Inklingo.

BeachQuilter said...

I'd love to win this E Magazine, I need some new Hexie projects!

Rilene said...

I haven't yet tried hexies, but they look fun!

Anonymous said...

Love hexies and would love to receive this new mag for inspiration!! Cindy. c_schilling@sbcglobal.net

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. I have been working on a grandmothers flower garden top for 9 years now. Thanks for the giveaway!
Laura lbquilts@twc.com

Becky said...

I'm slowly making progress on my paper pieced hexie quilt. Would love to see the new magazine!

arico 2000 at earthlink dot net

Sandi said...

Hexies are so much fun!

Karb328 said...

Would be nice to win and be inspired for more hexies.

Joann Rosenfeld said...

What a wonderful opportunity! Thanks for doing this for us Bonnie!

GeniP said...

Would love to win a copy of this online magazine. genipickens at gmail dot com

scrappy101 said...

Love Hexie, love the chance to win and review this online magazine.

Anonymous said...

I love doing English paper piecing. Have been hooked on it since we took our first trip to Alaska in 1998. Hexie Love E-magazine is a fabulous idea.

Judy Williams AEJWilliam@aol.com

MJinMichigan said...

I'd love to win the hedge magazine. It looks very interesting.

LindaKy said...

I am a new hexie addict! I would love to win!!!

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

I would love to win. I am making a queen sized hexie quilt now. :-))

SuBee618 said...

Thank You for this wonderful opportunity!! Love them Hexies!! :)


Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Hexie love!

Unknown said...

Love the look of hexies. I tried a different technique and it didn't go so well. Maybe this book can turn it around for me!

Anonymous said...

Feeling lucky. Bcontest@cox.net

Margaret Gross said...

Looks like fun, think I need to try it.

Rosie Westerhold said...

Would LOVE to win a copy of Hexie Love. You got me hooked on hexies, even though I haven't made much progress on my project.

Rosie Westerhold

Adalemc said...

Hexie yes, I would like to get this magazine. Looks like such fun. Dale McMasters admcmasters@gmail.com

Janice said...

I am true addict when it comes to hexi's. I have two in progress right now and would love to win.

Unknown said...

I would love to win the giveaway. Thank you. normaholland516@yahoo.com

betz2u said...

Well, just hex me. Thanks for the giveaway. Looks interesting. Making a busy bag as step 1 for hexing. Got toes crossed. bettyharden@charter.net

Leavenworth Robin said...

Thank you for spreading your love of Hexies
Robin in Leavenworth quiltnrobin@nwi.net

Kay Holm said...

love it! muttmomkay at gmail dot com

ky quilter said...

Absolutely would love it. I asked before how you design your Hexie quilts so this was a great blog of info for me. Can't wait to see her new magazine.

Quilt lover bag lady said...

I would love to win this. I'm making hexies and not sure what I'm doing with them

Anonymous said...

Using the circle to make hexies is the only way I know how to do it. It is fun and easy way of doing it. I hope I win the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to do hexies but am not sure where to begin. Would love the book.

Lisa said...

Thank you for the chance to win, I would love to start a hexie project for when I am in the car, as a passenger of course, haha, or down time waiting for appointments etc, Thanks for everything you do for all of us, might have to subscribe to the new magazine.

debgiggles said...

Love hexi's! Thanks for the new giveaway. giggles2@mediacombb.net

purplepansy132 said...

I'd love to win this

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great mag!!
Susan L.


Anonymous said...

Would love to win your hexie emagazine giveaway. betcrawford@verizon.net

Lisa S. said...

Neat idea for a magazine. Thanks for the giveaway!

AnnieBikes said...

I am ready to start hexing!!! I would love a copy of the magazine.

Love2Qlt said...

Wonderful giveaway, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love Hexies so would love to win this giveaway..email to:
lee36chv@aol.com Thanks for all you do for us quilters.

Anonymous said...

im ready to take the hexie plunge. Great giveaway.

Susan L.


Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

I have a couple ziploc bags full of hexies I've made when traveling, but no idea what to do with them. Maybe this will inspire me to do something creative with my stash of hexes.

LindaKy said...

I am a new hexie addict! I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

Pam said...

What a wonderful way to begin a hexi journey!!! Looks like this will be a fun, interesting, and informative ezine. Would love to win.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Hexies are a great take-along project. Mary Ellen

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

What a great looking magazine and love the title! I hope I'm a winner!

Maureen said...

I have been wanting to make a hexie quilt, would love to win this magazine. Thanks for the opportunity>

debbees1999 said...

Looks like a winner. Love the look of hexies.

Angeliasue said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for the opportunity to win this Premier edition of a new mag, ALL on hexies :) AngeliaSue, angel4u2@cox.net

Ann D said...

Well, I haven't done much English paper piecing but I have admired my bee-mates sewing up their hexies. This sounds like an interesting giveaway.


Angie in SoCal said...

I'm Hexie lover, so I would love to have the year's subscription!
Thanks for the chance, Bonnie. Your quilts are gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I have never done hexies but would love to start a hand sewing project. Thanks for the chance to win.

Iris Tyler said...

Praying u pick my number! Would love this!

Shellie said...

I will be teaching an EPP class in June and it would be great to show sone new ideas.

u keep sewing said...

Looks like a good one. Would love to win,
Thanks for the chance.

Karen said...

I'm getting ready to start my first EPP project, but it's full of triangles and pentagons instead of hexies. I have already purchased Sizzix hexagon dies in several sizes to make cutting templates and fabric super easy and fast for my first hexagon project.

Anonymous said...

oh, wow...I feel a hexie project coming soon to my house!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog - great giveaway! Just the help to get started with hexies.

tba247 (at) Hotmail (dot) com

JanetD said...

Been thinking about starting in on Hexies to have something to work on while traveling and visiting grandbabies. jwdeschamps78@gmail.com

Barbara G. said...

I really like working on hexies. Perfect take a long sewing project. Would love to win a copy of the magazine.

Anonymous said...

I am also hooked an Hexies but an devoting this year to stash busting! I have two quilt tops complete from my stash and three in progress, including a four patch and a spider web. They are all inspired by you. Thanks!


Nancy in IN said...

Have been doing hexies for several years. Great take along project. Looks like an interesting magazine

Kizzie said...


Hexies are so much fun and a new hexie magazine is a great idea. Would love to win!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great magazine! Pbstrand@msn.com

Terry H. said...

Love hexaies and got hooked because of you Bonnie!
Would love to win this to add to the fun. I love hexaies so much that I am going to teach EPP in June.

Richard Lavimoniere said...

Would love to win this to download on my kindle. Trying to get all the info available on Hexies and EPP since we've just started learning how to become more involved with them


Bev R said...

Love to hexi while watching baseball. Thanks for chance to win..

Nancy said...

Hexies were my mother's favorite hand work. I've been working on some EPPsix pointed stars and then back to hexies for me too. What fun it would be to win this issue. Thanks for the chance!

Helen said...

You're right, hexies are wonderful for handsewing projects.I got so much done when my kids were younger, waiting to pick them up after school, at soccer, at the doctor's. I would love to see these new ideas, Helen

Joanne said...

I have 10 hexies started...so the e-book would be perfect timing to learn what to do next!

Unknown said...

I have recently become more and more attracted to hexies especially since they are so portable! I love to have some work I can pick up and go! Thanks for the chance to win this lovely book.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This looks fun-have never made a hexi quilt. Thanks for the opportunity! kahrsc@yahoo.com

Lulu said...

Cool giveaway! I'm excited to try hexies!

Justhaveingfun said...

I have been working on a few hexie with some old tie's I found. It's been ???? can't remember how many years now. I forget about them then I find them and work on them for a bit then I forget again. LOL :)
Hope it will get done some day!

virgdale said...


Unknown said...

I would love to do hexies. Thank you for the opportunity;)

Kathy L said...

Just what I need to get me started on hexies. Hope I win.

Lizzle said...

I love your hexie quilts Bonnie.


Donna W said...

Hexies are so addicting!!! Once you start making them, you cannot stop.

sandrarumsey said...

This looks so cute. Thanks for the chance. sru60@aol.com

Wendy H said...

Who doesn't love hexies? I've been working on various projects for years and have recently been using Inklingo to finish them.

Swedish Scrapper said...

Fabulous range of hexies in the first issue, it looks great!

Swedish Scrapper said...

Fabulous range of hexies in the first issue, it looks great!

Anonymous said...

Please help me get hexying!

Laurie McLaughlin

Just Sew Sue said...

I have just printed off one of Geta's pattern to make a start on this long term project.

GranChris said...

Who doesn't love Hexies? They are so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Adoro i lavori fatti con gli esagoni e ultimamente anche io lavoro soprattutto con quelli. Grazie per questa opportunità e speriamo di vincere!!!! Silvana

Cindy said...

Since moving my hexie project is still packed away in who knows which container. Seeing your projects and the new publishes makes me itching to find it snd get it finished. My grandmother started it over 70 years ago.

Ocouss said...

Ooo. I would love a copy of this. I actually started quilting 3.5 years ago with Hexies. I now have that king size flower garden going and a hexie swap quilt with my best friend. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Love, love Hexies. They are addictive and so easy to 'fit In' in our busy lives. make a couple here, a couple there, cut a few strips of fabric - hey presto😄

Mandy Adams


Gloria said...

I am nearing a finish on my second hexie quilt. I need to find a new one! quiltingbygloria@triad.rr.com

Aunt TC said...

I saw one of your hexie quilts in person and it was awesome. I'd love the opportunity to see what an e-magazine is like especially this hexie one. Thanks.

Giane said...

I love hexies! Please include me in the drawing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie for the give away let's see if I get lucky
Diana Martinez

Sue said...

I would so love to win the magazine.I have a Hexie project that will take me about 10 years to finish.

Debbie said...

I would so love to win this. I have a huge fat quarter bundle of 30 fabrics I have been waiting on the perfect pattern for. This is it!

Mary Ann said...

I love working with hexies, love the portability of them. My current project is all 30's fabrics. Love selecting the colors in each segment. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I'm itching to get stitching a Hexie quilt now .

Pat said...

I love hexes, they are so easy to travel with. Just finished grandmas flower garden and starting another project. Would love to win a magazine devoted to hexes

threadlady said...

Of course, I would be using Inklingo for the hexies, but I love new ideas for them.

Brit Schjelderup said...

Geta Grama is making some fabulous hexie quilts and it was so nice to see one of hers as the cover picture. I would LOVE to win a copy!

Betty Woodlee said...

I have never hexed but would like to give it a try. b.j.dat@gmail.com

LisaT said...

I have stayed away from hexies (and tumbling blocks) but I am willing to give it a shot. Thanks!

linny said...

I love hexagons. This looks like a great magazine.

Unknown said...

I always have my traveling hexie bag ready! I would love to win this prize.

Joy D. said...

I love watching your hexie project evolve, and I'm really glad you reposted your previous one. I started following you after it's completion, so I had no idea it existed. I look forward to the digital magazine, and all of the great hexie projects. Including both large and small projects was a great idea. Jdraughon4 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I have been so wanting to tackle hexie quilting! I have all the hexie GO! Dies, even the giant 4 1/2sided onee. I got quite a few cut on the 11/2 one and am determined to get going! This d book would be a big incentive to actually make a plan for a real quilt upfront!! Thanks for the opportunity. Cathie Vaughn

Anonymous said...

This looks like fun. I love your big hexie star. I am curious as to how you went about designing it. Did you plan it out on hexie graph paper or make it up as you went along?

senstrings [at] yahoo [dot] com

Susan Clarke said...

I have started hexes and I love them. Why wasn't I doing them when i wasn't doing the driving? Grr. They are such an easy, portable project. It is funny how they all look good. But I think that they are multiplying in the project bag! Maybe I need to use a clear bag.

Anonymous said...

Love Hexies and like the look of this new magazine. Thanks for the opportunity to win!


martha said...

Hi Bonnie
I am working away furiously on my hexie quilt. This is one you are responsible for as you got me hooked. I am also on a significant fabric/quilting diet as we are expanding my quilting room. This magazine looks amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I love your hexi projects. You inspired me to start, and in the last 15 months, I have stitched about 800. I just recently decided I had to turn them into something, so I am starting with double diamonds. I need to check out patterns that will inspire a total project.

Penny said...

I would love to win this, just recently got hooked on hexies.
Thanks!! pmallow@gmail.com

Patricia said...

I would love to win. Have always loved hexies!

Anonymous said...

I love to have something to sew while traveling, or waiting at the doctor's and sometimes at work! Thanks for sharing the love. Cindy at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

Mary Ellen said...

Would love to have a copy.I have done a few small projects from Cindy McCloud years ago .

~Kris~ said...

A magazine for hexie lovers. Why didn't I think of that? Looks like fun.

lindak21 said...

This looks like lots of fun - anxious to give hexies a try! Thanks for the hoopla and getting so many on board.

Sharon Decker said...

Love her method of using circles. Her magazine sounds great. Hope the generator picks me!

Bonnie Hunters patterns said...


Love hexes and would love to win this magazine.

Bonnie Hunters patterns said...


Love hexes and would love to win this magazine.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win. Thanks for the opportunity. irene52@mymts.net

Linda C said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of this magazine. I am thinking I need to give Hexies another go-round. It has been several years since my first project.

Unknown said...

I have never worked with hexies, but would like to try!

jodi said...

I would love to win! jodilh7609@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win this awesome online magazine!

Lynda D said...

Would love to learn more about doing hexies! Adore the cover photo!

Jennifer said...

What a cute idea and a perfect way to get me going on my own hexies!

Joy V said...

Who doesn't love hexies? What a great prize. Thank you for the chance to win.

Elaine S. Rohloff said...

Would love to win Hexie Love, I am working on a Christmas Tree Wall Hanging, I love how its coming together.
Elaine S. Rohloff

claire said...

Oh how I'd LOVE an issue of Hexi Love!!

Anonymous said...

I love love Hexies can't get enough of their creative designs.

Quilter Beth said...

I LOVE hexies and am working on one of those "forever" hexie projects right now. I have worked on it of and on for over two years now. I'd love to check out this new e-mag.

Mary said...

Love hexies as I use Inklingo to make the sewing easier.

Kelly Grace said...

I love working on my hexies!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I love all things hexagon--thanks for the chance to win!

Karen said...

Hi Bonnie! Add me to the long list!

Cindy Maki said...

Hexie Love. I love making Hexies. I have a whole box, but haven't begun the daunting task of putting them together. Maybe winning this mag will send me over the edge. Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Chris here.... Would love to explore the world of Hexies... Please pick me!!! :)


Judy said...

I would love to be the winner, i just started the quiltinf on my gfg and am itvhing to do scrsppy hexi quilt.

scrappy; said...

Wow - hexies and digital. Lots of learning to do here. Thanks for the giveaway.

Paula Lund said...

Would love to try a hexie quilt, have found them to be a little daunting. But have done a couple small projects.

Paula Lund said...

Paula Lund

Would love to do one of the hexies.

Liaquilt said...

Hi Bonnie,
I would love to win this first magazine. Making hexagons remains a lovely passtime.

Kind regards, Lia

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - I am lovin' your current hexie project.
I became enthralled after you visited our guild and showed your red/green/beige hexie quilt. I became addicted and obsessed.
After a year and a half, I am not that far along on my own version but I work on it when traveling, watching TV and sometimes at guild meetings or even while my toes are drying after a pedi.

I would love to receive a copy of a hexie magazine. oh wow! a whole magazine devoted to nothing but hexies.
Rosemary in Pa

Anonymous said...

Love hexies. Can't wait to get it.

Unknown said...

I enjoy your hexie had version have done over 100 different sizes

Anonymous said...

Love hexies. Can't wait to get it.

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