
Friday, March 06, 2015

And the Show Must Go On ---

A little walk through a garden center can be good for what ails anyone.

Especially me.

I am counting my lucky stars that Wednesday was only a travel day, and I could rest.

It was a miracle that I found the minute clinic 10 minutes before closing and they could get me right in on Wednesday evening, getting these rounds of antibiotics going.

That Yesterday was a stay in bed all day kind of day, and I napped off and on – mostly on ---until mid afternoon when I realized I really needed to get out and get something to eat.

There is a walmoart super center across the way, and the afternoon sun was warm and comforting and I made my way over there…stopping at the garden center to say hello to all of the blooming things.

Oh, the color!


Hello Tulips!  Welcome, Spring!


Happy Daffodils and Jonquils ---so nice to greet you.

((hack hack, cough cough, smile))

I needed another round of throat lozenges, and while in Walmart picking up a few things….I noticed they had a Regal Nails salon.

Oh, wouldn't a pedi feel good?


A bit of pampering is good for EVERYONE!

I think what felt the best was the massage chair.  It feels like every muscle in my entire body has been under siege  and it was a nice little respite for a bit.

From here, lunch was a restorative bowl of chicken soup at Ruby Tuesday – all within walking distance from my hotel.

I had time for one more nap before being picked up at 5:15 to go set up for my lecture.

How was I going to do this?


We had over 100 come and fill the sanctuary!

And the show went on.  I want to thank everyone for their patience with my voice, and the need to stop and take sips of water so that I could continue.  It wasn’t the best lecture ever.  I didn’t feel on my mark.  But I think I got the best points out there, and it was just super meeting everyone.

We even had some show and share when I was done:


Smith Mountain Morning from Scraps & Shirttails II in King Size!

So pretty!


Scrappy Mountain Majesties top in progress!

Pattern found under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.

Love the blues, greens & purples!


And this one stole the show!

Pineapple Crazy from String Fling!

I would have sworn this one was mine!  the only difference was she used green where I used solid red around the outside edges of the border pennants.  Truly a fabulous quilt, and she said it only took her 2 1/2 months to make it.  Mine traveled with me for YEARS and I worked on it “on again, off again” for quite a while before I got the top done and decided what to do with that border.

These show & shares inspire me so much!  Thank you for bringing them to share with me, with all of us.

Today is another day, and hopefully each day gets just a bit better.

Today and tomorrow are back to back Crumbs Crumbs Crumbs workshops at Country Crossroads Quilt Shop in Orange Park.

They are taking really good care of me, and I understand there will be home made soup for our lunch today to continue my healing.

What better medicine is there than playing in the scraps and CREATING??

Have a great Friday, everyone!

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Myrna said...

I hope you continue to feel better today. The only thing worse than being sick and still having to work is being away from home on top of it. I'm sure everyone was very happy with your presentation and just getting to be with you.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hope you get to feeling better before you need to fly again - the quilts look gorgeous as usual!

Cathy Dale said...

you are an inspiration to all of us.I was never a scrappy quiltwr until i l learned your techniques. I now have all your books, and anxiously waiting for the next want to come out. I have even converted my hubby to liking scrap quilts. he brought me Smith Mountain Lake quilt picture last night and asked me to make that one. I told him when Easy Street is completed

Kim said...

Just back from the Philadelphia Flower Show, while it was freezing and snowing outside the inside was filled with gardens and flowers everywhere...yes a little piece of Spring in winter is so uplifting.
Hope you feel better soon..
Happy Sewing

NonnaD said...

So sorry you feel so bad! ((Hugs)) i hope your meds help out! Nothing more miserable than feeling awful on the road! Just wanted to send you a virtual hug and know I'll be praying for your quick recovery! <3

Mary said...

Being with Fellow Quilters souind like good medicine! A Massage chair does sound really good. Glad you could rest a revive for a couple days.

Unknown said...

Really you will have to get a proper rest to vive your body to recover properly to good health. It will be best in the long term. Prayers and hugs for you. Lucy from Scotland UK

Valerie said...

I agree with cathy dale about waiting for the next "want" to come out. LOL--that's really how it is! Glad you're on the mend, Bonnie. Get well quickly.

Leavenworth Robin said...

Oh Bonnie I would have found the nearest bed and pulled the covers over me. You go girl. You are fantastic and Wonderful. hope the mends find you fast. Take care and I am glad they are looking after you. We all want you back to your old self and on the mends. AND thank you for the beautiful pictures of the spring blossoms at Wal Mart. There is still SNOW on the ground here in Leavenworth Washington.

tealeafquilts said...

Thank you Bonnie for pressing on! When you own your own business, as you do, you just keep going, like the energizer bunny. I love Smith Mountain morning and my red/green version is on my bed.

ky quilter said...

What a spectacular Pineapple Crazy. Congratulations to the maker. I am amazed at all the quilts people bring in for show and tell and how different they all look even when its a pattern I have seen used before. It just makes me want to add one more to my list. Only if I live to 112 could i get them all done?
Take care. I feel your misery and hope you get rid of this before you have to fly again.

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