
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

March/April 2015 Quiltmaker! Give-Away!

I am still unearthing myself out from under the huge stack of mail that has come in over the past couple weeks!

But this envelope I knew right away!

It’s the March/April 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine – the issue that has my Twirl Around blocks for my Addicted to Scraps column!

I’ve been working on these blocks over the past couple of weeks – I have a plan for them!

And while there are things I can’t show online because they are going in as a future magazine project, or book project, or video project – THESE I CAN!!


My stack is growing!

I worked on these while at retreat at Quilt Villa this past week!

And now you can work on them too!

Each issue of Quiltmaker also includes a link to my Addicted to Scraps page on Quiltmaker.com

You can also access the page for each block by clicking the block title under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog!  Clicking the title under the photo for the March/April Twirl Around block will take you HERE.

You will find sample layouts for quilts, or choose your own setting!  The Quiltmaker Staff chose this one:

Great big spaces, perfect for quilting designs!

I have my own plans for this quilt –and you won’t see it until it is done.  But nothing can stop you from stock piling blocks back in anticipation of a quilt I know you are going to want to make with me!  This way it’s a half-mystery and you are going to love the reveal!


Pick up a copy of Quiltmaker and get started on your own Twirl Around blocks today!

I’m feeling in the mood for a Give-Away!  Leave me a comment below telling me what colors you would choose for your own set of blocks!

I’ll be drawing for THREE lucky winners by random number generator on Sunday Evening.

Small print: 

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!
If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.
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Good Luck Everyone!
I’m looking forward to Quilt-Cam at 9pm EST tonight!  I hope you will join me!  We missed it for all of January.  I was just GONE with no time to do it.
Make it an awesome Tuesday, everyone and I’ll see you tonight!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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Sally said...

Blues, purples and Black batiks

Kathy said...

I'm thinking brights against a pretty sky blue, just like the pinwheels that I played with as a child!

lindaroo said...

I trust your choice of colors! Though I do have a lot of orange scraps, and the twirl might look a bit like California poppies, wouldn't that be nice?!

Joanna said...

Great block and you chose neat colors. I think I would try autumn hues, like golds, browns and creams.


Love your scrap column, too.

Alice said...

Red, Neutrals, and Blue. aborge2000@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would do it in blues, my favorite color. I hope I win a copy of Quiltmaker.


Thank you

Pat Barnes

Anonymous said...

Oh, green and purple! Prettiest quilt I have ever seen was those two colors. That quilter really opened my eyes to all the possibilities when I was a brand new quilter. I will always be grateful to Miss Lois for showing me that quilt!
Juls in FL, mathrun1 at yahoo dot com

Kathleen said...

My favorite colors are blues and greens, so I would use that range. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bonnie
Suzanne from Maine. This block looks like fun. Would like to win one of the Magazines.

CrochetnQuilt said...

Shades of Blue, White and Yellow. Thanks for the giveaway. Looking forward to seeing your reveal!

Cheryl said...

Love your patterns; helps me grow as a quilter!

Tami C said...

My favorite color is green and my husband's is red. I end up with those two colors in almost all I make. I want to make a pretty Christmas quilt using this pretty block! Thanks for the chance to win!

Gloria said...

I will makes some in reds, white and blues

Anonymous said...

I am learning more and more every day. Thank you for your ideas, you know, if it's still ugly....I keep on making blocks.

Rickie said...

This quilt would totally rock a 4th of July quilt or warrior quilt in red whites and blue.

Melody said...

Love the work you do, oh I so hope to be as talented some day!!

Nancy said...

What a fun block, Bonnie. It could be fun in so many colors. Maybe I would make it in yellows/pinks/peaches and greys. Thanks for offering the magazine.

AgnÄ— said...

Thank you for the possibility to win this magazine. I could imagine this block in browns and turquoises. And, of course, some neutrals. It would look great.

telp67@yahoo.com said...

love love your block. Am working on a necktie quilt, hope to get it done soon. Wantiing to do a different one now, so back to sewing. The magazine would help to decide a new one, thanks for the chance.

Jenny98223 said...

Love you block! I think I would use a turquoise & purple & maybe a black. Would love to get a copy.
Jennifer Willard

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance. This block looke like it will make interesting secondary patterns.
I am thinking golds and greens.
Sue.quilts at Verizon.net

Debra in Ohio said...

Well, Bonnie, I would make my blocks in blues and browns. Since I have so many blues and browns in my stash, that would be a great reason to actually use my stash AND I have been making so many bright quilts lately that it would be nice to have a calmer one to quilt for a change. Thanks for the chance to win!

Jeanne said...

Beautiful count me in. would love to win the magazine.

Anonymous said...

I'd use purples & greens & cream as an accent color. Thank you!

Kathleen Campbell

From hardy Minnesota!!!!

Feathers in my Nest said...

Oh, Loving your reds in the block Bonnie..Enjoyed your Quiltcam, I was doing some handwork with you..Take care, Hugs, Debra in Ma.

Unknown said...

I'll be doing mine in puples & greens with a splash of red here & there :-) I am GOING to get my scraps organized Bonnie - really!

Lori said...

Congratulations. I just got my copy the other day and loved your block. You do not need to include me in the give a way. Hope you had a great time away. Welcome home.

Kathryn said...

I have some blue and rose fabrics that would look fine.

Kathryn said...

I have some blue and rose fabrics that would look fine.

Bonnie said...

What a fun block. I may have to dig a little deeper in my scraps and find a good color combination to get started on. Thanks for the chance to win and for all the inspiration you provide to all of us.

Marie Atkinson said...

Cute little block! Thanks for the chance to win!

Granny Lyn said...

Thank you sooo much for all you give us!!! Can't wait to start my blocks! Lyn bobahbooe@aol.com

Granny Lyn said...

Thank you sooo much for all you give us!!! Can't wait to start my blocks! Lyn bobahbooe@aol.com

Granny Lyn said...

Thank you sooo much for all you give us!!! Can't wait to start my blocks! Lyn bobahbooe@aol.com

Granny Lyn said...

Thank you sooo much for all you give us!!! Can't wait to start my blocks! Lyn bobahbooe@aol.com

magistra said...

Hi! Three colors. Ok deep teal, a lighter teal or Aqua and then a cream low volume print. Thank you, Bonnie!

Brit Schjelderup said...

Hi Bonny. Lovely blocks. I would choose orange instead of pink, leave the greens as they are, but consider using a dark background.

Brit Schjelderup said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie for all your wonderful ideas. I'd choose purple and orange for my blocks. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Love the block and the colors. Would love to win a copy of the magazine so I can try this myself. Thanks for all you do.
Val Hertz

Pat said...

The colors you used are gorgeous. I think I would use some combination of brights in the pink, purple and aqua ranges. Will have to try some bright greens soon, I guess.

DianneB said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for a chance at a giveaway. I have been wanting to make a civil war quilt in pinks and brown. That would be my choice with Bonnie - style neutrals.
Take care,

Barb Johnson said...

I'm thinking black/white/brights!

QuiltGranma said...

love what you do, and apparently so do a LOT of other of your blog friends! Looking forward to receiving my copy of Quiltmaker Magazine, if I win. Thanks from two quilters who keep watching your old videos, and learning something nearly every time. Mrs and her student, Mr Quilter in NE Oregon

Anonymous said...

Please count me in!
Jane 😺

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie -

I would love to use yellows, pinks, and greens in these blocks with a light background. I, too, am considering subscribing to Quiltmaker and learned about it through your blog. I have purchased some single issues and luckily found a pattern for your Garlic Knot (I think that was it) block that I incorporated into a project this past summer. Love your energy and passion.

Penny Bouman

Debbie said...

The past two days in the Easy Street Workshop were the best!

Anonymous said...

Cathy in San Diego
Thanks Bonnie,I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker. these colors remind me of sping!

sandi said...

Hi bonnie i have subscribe to quiltmaker magazine when i had already done away with all subcriptions. I would make mine in those same colors.

Debbie said...

The past two days in the Easy Street Workshop have been the best!

Carmi Quillts said...

I'm thinking aquas, neutrals and maybe scraps of yellow.

Wendy White said...

What a nice quilt block and I love all your wonderful ideas. Hope you are having a great weekend. Snowing here in Massachusetts. Thanks, Bonnie

Unknown said...

Thanks for all you do. I love scrap quilts so you're my idol!

coversquilter said...

The Guilford County area is so rich with history and the arts. I went to school there and loved every minute I spent in the Greensboro area. Thanks for sharing. Sweet memories!

coversquilter said...

Salmons, browns turquoise

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed to the magazine but have not started receiving them yet. I am subscribing just to see your column.

Linda E. said...

Bonnie, you are always giving, I do appreciate your love for quilting. Thanks for opportunity to win!

scottylover said...

I think I would use blues, blacks and grays for my block!

Sandy A

Debbie P said...

Very pretty block!! I would probably use the colours that I have left over from the Grand Illusion project. The pretty green and pink shout "Spring" :)

Susann said...

Bonnie, you have no idea what a blessing and gift your quilting skills and attitude are to others!

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do and the inspiration!
Nancy Aughinbaugh

Lady of the Cloth said...

Love this block, it just looks like it is dancing. Thanks for sharing everyday and inspiring me to do more.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Please!!! Please, please, please, please, please!!! Did I mentioned PLEASE!!! LOL

Thanks for all you do, Bonnie ... I don't think you realize how many people's lives you touch in a very positive way! God Bless!!


Aliceart said...

Love these colors! Thank you for the chance to win a bit of fun!

Anonymous said...

I would use pinks and aqua since I have some left over from grand illusion. Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Marguerite Jones at panitsewmom1@aol.com I have been watching your blog faithfully for years since my quilting friend Andee told my daughter Laura and I about you. I love this block, thank you for all your do for us quilts. Marguerite Jones at paintsewmom1@aol.

TcMay said...

Love this block, I feel pink & green in any shade is timeless. Hope our next Mystery is pink, green & purple primarily. Used to subscribe to Quiltmaker years ago kept all those issue and still use them. A good magazine is hard to come by.

Pam said...

Love pinwheels and especially this block! I would love to win this issue!!

Edwina Annette Parsons said...

Love Love the block and can't for the drawing. Thanks for all you do for scrap quilting,m love your blog.

Thanks annette parsons

QueenB said...

Red & orangy red for the blades purples for the corners and pale pale greens for the neutral sections. very cute block. Bonnie thanks for the giveaway.

Leavenworth Robin said...

874 posts WOW. Love that magazine and that Girl!!!!Bonnie


Joann in PA said...

Workshops look like such fun! Keep up the good work! joannb1978@gmail.com

cindy said...

love your block

Unknown said...

Love the color combinations used in your block, very cheerful! Would love to win a copy, thank you for sharing the chance to win.

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