
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

March/April 2015 Quiltmaker! Give-Away!

I am still unearthing myself out from under the huge stack of mail that has come in over the past couple weeks!

But this envelope I knew right away!

It’s the March/April 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine – the issue that has my Twirl Around blocks for my Addicted to Scraps column!

I’ve been working on these blocks over the past couple of weeks – I have a plan for them!

And while there are things I can’t show online because they are going in as a future magazine project, or book project, or video project – THESE I CAN!!


My stack is growing!

I worked on these while at retreat at Quilt Villa this past week!

And now you can work on them too!

Each issue of Quiltmaker also includes a link to my Addicted to Scraps page on Quiltmaker.com

You can also access the page for each block by clicking the block title under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog!  Clicking the title under the photo for the March/April Twirl Around block will take you HERE.

You will find sample layouts for quilts, or choose your own setting!  The Quiltmaker Staff chose this one:

Great big spaces, perfect for quilting designs!

I have my own plans for this quilt –and you won’t see it until it is done.  But nothing can stop you from stock piling blocks back in anticipation of a quilt I know you are going to want to make with me!  This way it’s a half-mystery and you are going to love the reveal!


Pick up a copy of Quiltmaker and get started on your own Twirl Around blocks today!

I’m feeling in the mood for a Give-Away!  Leave me a comment below telling me what colors you would choose for your own set of blocks!

I’ll be drawing for THREE lucky winners by random number generator on Sunday Evening.

Small print: 

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!
If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.
When in doubt, just please leave your email address!  It’s that simple!
If you are reading us on an iphone or ipad after clicking a link in facebook you must open this page in a new browser or safari window before you can comment.  Your device still thinks you are in facebook even though you do not think you are.  If you still see the blue bar at the top of your screen…trust me. You are still in facebook!
Same goes for Blog-lovin.  Get OUT of blog-lovin and view our page directly. The URL is HERE.  You can’t always comment while reading in a blog reader service.  Make sure our address starts with http://quiltville.blogspot.com  No bloglovin in the address!

Good Luck Everyone!
I’m looking forward to Quilt-Cam at 9pm EST tonight!  I hope you will join me!  We missed it for all of January.  I was just GONE with no time to do it.
Make it an awesome Tuesday, everyone and I’ll see you tonight!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Liz Horgan said...

I love yellows and greens with blues thrown in. Thanks for a chance to win the magazine!

Liz Horgan said...

I love yellows and greens with blues thrown in. Thanks for a chance to win the magazine!

KeanieQuilter said...

Always thanks for your fun! I would choose purple, teal and NEUTRAL...yippee! teresakeane703@hotmail.com

Janet said...

Blue, green and yellow. Sort of like yours but with blues instead of pinks. Fantastic block!

Shell said...

Yellow, orange and green. I would like to receive a copy of Quiltmaker. Thanks.


Christi said...

I am loving turquoise and reds right now...would be pretty! Thanks for the giveaway.

cjpike (at) indiana (dot) edu

Jeanette said...

Yes!! Well, looking at my stash and I have too much orange so I would use orange with light gray as my neutral and black as your green. I would be ready for Halloween.

Anonymous said...

I would choose turquoise, Aqua and creams. Love the block! Great design. Thanks for the giveaway.

Maree said...

Love this block! Think it's time for my red, pink and white/black project. ♥ Thanks a bunch for the chance to win! :-D


Laurielyn said...

Love the block and the quilt plan, too! Thanks for all you so for quilters :)

Anonymous said...

I love those colors. Thanks for sharing!

Yvette Walker-- my831als@Yahoo.com

Robin Ziegler said...

would luv a copy. if winner please autograph. thanks

Christa said...

Dear Bonnie, Thank you for the chance to win and the enjoyment of reading your entries every day, I love it. Christa Theron. christatheron@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...


Favorite magazine. I hope to win a copy.

Unknown said...

I like your colors but I like purple and aqua also and I love the black and whites.

Donna said...

I would choose green, yellow and blue. Thanks!
Donna G.

CountryGal said...

Welcome back home! Glad you ha a fun retreat with your friends!! Love the block - so fun and so many possibilities!

Mary said...

Thanks Bonnie! You take such good care of all of us.

Ev said...

I would use purples, turquoise and possibly some greens.

Kathy in Plano said...

I would love to win a copy of this issue,I would make the block in greens and blues. Thank you for all you do for your followers. Kathy ktg1945@verizon.net

Margaret Gross said...

black/white with pops of bright. Thanks for quilt cam. Good night.


Anonymous said...

I really like the Twirl Arounds and I would use yellow and blue - my favorite quit colors.

Anonymous said...

I would love to use red and aqua. I love the block. Patty
paweis at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Love the block and I really enjoyed Quilt Cam tonight.!!!!!!!!!

Annette Parsons

quilter47 said...

Love the pink and lime green but I have wanted to make a pink and chocolate brown quilt for a long time.

Ruth C said...
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Unknown said...

I love the block. I would probably use batiks. I'm a batik nut and any color works for me. I like all colors, so it would probably be scrappy with a wide range of colors. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Ruth C said...
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Ruth C said...
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Ruth C said...
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Ruth C said...

I think they would be pretty in pink, red and cream

Ruth C said...
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Ruth C said...
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Ruth C said...
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Ruth C said...
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Cindy Hamilton said...

I would love to make this in cream, tan/brown and teal. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway. Love your site and your scrap system.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

What a cute block--I need that magazine!

Cindy Hamilton said...

I would love to make this in cream, tan/brown and teal. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway. Love your site and your scrap system.


Unknown said...

I let my subscription lapse and now I am sorry that I did! I can see these blocks made in yellow, red and green. Nice spring colors.

Sandy A
scotty4me39(at)yahoo (dot) com

Carol Sc said...

Yikes over 640 comments --- guess you know how popular your blog is! I would like to make this in red, white and blue for a QOV quilt. It's a great block!

Craft Mad said...

I love a freebie! I also love this pattern.

Linda Allscheid said...

Cute! I think I'd make it in red and white since I have scraps left over from a previous BOM project.

Craft Mad said...


Betty said...

Would love to this one in black and white and red! Thanks for the giveaway
Betty Vaughn

Unknown said...

Love what you do so much. I'm hoping I will be able to win this sweet prize. Thanks again for all you do and love quilt-cam so much!

Anonymous said...

I would do teal and pink. Welcome home. seager@hughes.net

Karen said...

I really like your color choices of pink, green, and neutrals and should be able to get a good start on these from my stash!

Anita said...

Would love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance :)

Anita said...

Would love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance :)

Kathy said...

love the pattern - I would use raspberry pink and sage greens

Anonymous said...

Love your colors, but NEVER get tired of red, white and blue :-) Love your blog and look forward to reading about your adventures and quilts!
Rebecca Johnson

pkquilter said...

Thanks for the give-away, Bonnie! I'd choose clear pastels, all colors in the rainbow, with white background. I'm enjoying the fresh prints in such happy colors! Cherry Boom / Pauline in North East, PA

Anonymous said...

What colors.... I'm kind of stuck on indigo & tans/Browns right now but I'm thinking your colors would be great for my newest granddaughter. Decisions, decisions!! My name is Kim Becker & email is kfb1977@yahoo.com. Thank you for everything that you do for your followers!

Sherie said...

Nice block! I would use fabrics by Fig Tree or dig through my stash for soft coral/peach/turquoise colors.

Anonymous said...

The spinning effect of the blocks reminds me of the 4th of July so I would choose red, white and blue with a little yellow for the amber waves and a little purple for the majestic mountains!

betz2u said...

I think purple and turquoise, or red, white, and blue.


Unknown said...

good evening from your old stomping grounds in washington--i just bought my magazine today and i think i will use purple and yellow. happy colors. i have the most blue and green, but i'm using those for the 4 patch quilt. i do love the setting you showed us tonight---just beautiful!

mumbird3 said...

Purple and greens

mumbird3 said...

Purple and greens

alice.frankenstein said...

Love the color combination in your pinwheels. And would love the chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker. I need some new ideas for spring sewing. Thanks for the opportunity and all your great ideas.

Cherry said...

I would use limes, purples and cream or teals, purples and cream. But then again blue, corals and cream would be pretty too.

beth said...

I'd like to mine in 30's fabrics.

AnOkie said...

Like the motion suggested by the block. Can always find ideas from your designs.

Christine said...

I'd try red, white and blue and make it patriotic!

Deairdre said...

Blue, cream, and brown/orange

Anonymous said...

Karen says---I love pastels,so I would love to make this block in some pretty pinks, blues and lilacs. kfltwin@sbcglobal.net

Anonymous said...

karen kfltwin@sbcglobal.net

Love pastels. Am going to make this block with some beautiful pinks, blues and lilacs.

Sue said...

Enjoy reading your blog over the years. Love seeing what you are doing and working on.

deedledum said...

I'd like to try the block in lemon, blue and white. Thank you.....

smilingwoman said...

Wow! Have just started turning my stash into strips and blocks... this quilt would be a great way to use the most recent additions which are lovely pastels of pink, yellow, blue with touches of orange and green... Dr. Seuss 2 collection. Would love to win a copy of the magazine... thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I used the same colors as you did. I had some of that bright green on hand with no previous idea of what to do with it. I sashed the blocks with white and added little pinwheels as sashing squares. I love it. Thank you so much.

Melinda McMahan said...

I would use my favorites...blues, yellows, and greens. Thanks for all you do.

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

I'd love to win! Turquoise, red and neutrals would be pretty.

Diana said...

I would use turquoise , lavender and pink
Thanks for the give away.

Karen in Kentucky said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

I know you were glad to get back home. Really like this pattern from Quiltmaker. Just might make this one, once I get caught up on all the other UFOs.


Unknown said...

My colors would be dark purple, light purple and green along with a neutral. Thanks for the opportunity to win a Quiltmaker.

Michael Keen said...

I would probably make these cute blocks in red, white and cream/tan because I am yearning to make a quilt in those colors!

Shellie said...

I am loving the pink & green combination. So pretty. But a dark purple and soft green would be great too.
Shellie @ quiltingbean1@msn.com

hevemi said...

Hi Bonnie,
I will use Kaffe Fassett stripes in Spice and solid Blueberry, maybe with cream or very light gray.I wish I could buy your bokks but because of the high postage ratyes I can't; I did get the digital one, I wish there were More! Yours, Mirja

Shellie said...

I am loving the pink & green combination. So pretty. But a dark purple and soft green would be great too.
Shellie @ quiltingbean1@msn.com

June D said...

Fun design as usual. I'm picturing it with blues and oranges - and whites! Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to your reveal. I would definitely choose bright maybe a different color for each block combined with a color common to all the blocks.
Discovered your blog for the Grand Illusion. Loved it! And can't wait to start the quilt! We went to Mackinac Island this summer. When I finish the quilt it will be a great reminder. Thank you for your designs. They have been an inspiration to really use up that closet full of stash... scraps... pieces....

Linda said...

Thanks for another great giveaway, Bonnie. I would choose either red and green using Christmas fabric or purple and gold (LSU colors). While watching QuiltCam tonight I was cutting strips to add to my Scrap Users System following your guidelines. Love your system. Thank you for your generosity to all quilters.
Cookie in Mandeville, Louisiana

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I would use purple and green with my scrappy neutrals. Thanks for a chance to win your give-away.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking maybe blue and green with white background. I need to make a baby quilt, and this would be a great block. S Brewer brewersd@juno.com

Linda said...

Blue and orange for some contrast. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Susan Stanton said...

Your new scrappy block is lovely and I would use blues and yellows with just a touch of green.
yoyopattycakes at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love your blocks. I think they would look great in Orange and royal blue.

Happy quilting. Bonnie.

Mandy Adams UK


Anonymous said...

I love your blocks. I think they would look great in Orange and royal blue.

Happy quilting. Bonnie.

Mandy Adams UK


Anonymous said...

I think a combination of soft yellow, bright and deep blues and tans would be great in this block! I find your imagination and creativity awesome and love to follow your posts each day.

P Landrum

Nanette said...

I love the colors you have used... Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Richard Lavimoniere said...

Hi Bonnie, Love your "little twirls!" Being a guy, I think that I would make my twirly quilt in earth tones: browns, beiges, and creams. I like to be one with nature. :)

Richard Lavimoniere

sandrarumsey said...

Would love to win. Thanks for the chance. sru60@aol.com

Karen M said...

My recent favorite combination seems to be grays and yellows together. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jittina said...

Blues, browns and neutrals. And scrappy off course!
Greetings from Sweden, Jittina

Linda H said...

I would love the chance to win a copy of this magazine. I just love the colors you have chosen for your blocks. I have some black, green and lilac fabrics from a Benartex collection that I would love to try this with.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie I would love to be a winner. Love everything you do.

Abi said...

I would love a copy of Quiltmaker, you can't get it in the shops here in the UK & I would like to see it before subscribing.

Unknown said...

after completing (almost) my first Bonnie Mystery Quilt, I think I can actually do these quilts!! I'd love to do one in blues and purples. Cathy Whitby fauxcat@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

You always are creating such interesting blocks! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Shannon said...

Purple and teal for sure! Beautiful quilt! Shannonpurple@msn.com

Babbellotta said...

oh what a beaty of a block! if i could make this i would do it in red/white and blue tones after the dutch flag and make it for my little 6 y.o son! i would love to win a copy of the magazine!

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of purple fabric, so I am going to do it in purple, green and cream (or black).

Anonymous said...

I like pastels. Soft blues,purple,pinks

purplepansy132 said...

Patsy (Alberta, Canada)
Purples lime and yellow green with white and gold would make a great block, Thanks for all you do Bonnie

Anonymous said...

I would use blue for the hst and red for the corners. I seem to have an abundance of those colors right now. Love your blog. I sure wish my "cabin" was closer than a couple of plane rides away. Lucky you. I love how you are making it your own. lisaeboles@gmail.com

Susan said...

I have oodles of scraps in every color of the rainbow. Thanks for a chance uo run Bonnie!

Babby58 said...

I would love some new inspiration-thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine!

Joy V said...

Another great block from you Bonnie. I think this time I would go with black, greys and white with a pop of colour being 'poppy' yellow. Thanks for the giveaway.

Cindy said...

I love the pink and lime green combo that you are using. I have never used it before and think that it will be a fun quilt to do. Thanks for the giveaway. (cmills9199@aol.com)

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! thanks for a chance. You are AWESOME!

Dana Gaffney said...

I'd use my "go to" colors, blues, teals, greens with white and some splashes of pink.

Gretchen McClain said...

Your block made me realize that I could use my pink HST's leftover from Grand Illusion to make some, too! You are amazing! Thanks for a chance on winning the magazine!

Anonymous said...

I love the block and especially the colors! Diana breed@ionsky.com

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

Love your colors and the block. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine.

lauraluvsloons said...

I would make this block in the colors that predominate my stash: blues, teals, pinks and greens.

Unknown said...

What a fun block! Reds/neutrals/blues forQOV quilt.

curious said...

My blocks would be teal and white as i have a on of those colors. Paula K.

darlene said...

I would try for blue, white and yellow.

Cecille said...

What a wonderful block! I love the colors you chose--great way to use some leftovers from my Grand Illusion quilt!

SueAnn W said...

Oh I just love your colors! I will have to start pulling the colors as I pack up to move. I will definitely get the magazine ffor use when I am finally able to sew.
I can't get into my google account so please send me an announcement to skeetersawatcomcastdotnet
thank you

Patricia said...

Love the block and the magazine layout. Hope I win one them.

Unknown said...

I would choose pinks, lime green and maybe a dk grey for my blocks. Very nice quilt pattern. Thank you!

Nancy L said...

I have just made a block similiar to yours and feel that I am now comfortable making it. I would make one in purple and lime green. Of course, both of my children love those colors, so I might have a hard time holding on to it.

Nessy said...

I like in blues. Thanks for this giveaway.

martha said...

Lime green & pink - YUMMY !! definitely putting this block on my list - but it has gotten so long ! :( not enough hours in the day for quilting - soon !! Love you and all you do for everyone !!
Marti Rajotte

Unknown said...

I would love to win this! I love all your stuff! poltorakda@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Love the block! Have a lot of scraps I'd love to use in a design like this! Would love to win a copy of the magazine - thank you for the opportunity.

Deb dn75@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!! I love the pinks and green. I would probably go with that color way.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of doing it in purples, greens and golds. thanks for sharing your ideas for us to play with. Cindy at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

Cathy L Wilson said...

What a great block! I'd love it in shades of teal and peach. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Love your choice of pink and green for this block. But I made a New Years resolution to bust my stash and since I don't have a lot of pink I would use my abundant reds and black.
Love this block and can't wait to start.

Elaine said...

I would use blues and yellows. Thanks for the giveaway.

Elaine said...

I would use blues and yellows. Thanks for the giveaway.

Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Turqoise and red. Love the block! bekedams at yahoo dot com

bloomingiris said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Haven't looked aat a quiltmaker magazine in a long time.

Dee said...

My favorite colors are blue and green. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I love your blog and the online chats that I just found TODAY!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the block but not sure what colors I will use

jude said...

I'd love to make these blocks in scrappy blues and orangey yellows! Thanks for the chance to win, and for all you do, bonnie!

Diane Evans said...

mine will be lavender to purple and a mixture of greens...the neutral will be a constant pale cream that I overbought.

LanaQuilts.com said...

Joined you for my first Quilt Cam last night! Thanks for the giveaway!


grapenutquilter said...

Purple, Red and cream! already started on some!

Anonymous said...

thanks bonnie--patsyruth33@comcast.net

Patty Pickle said...

Reading your blog posts is like hearing from a friend! I would make mine in brown and red. picklep@aol.com

Anonymous said...

patsy clark thanks bonnie--patsyruth33@comcast.net

sewok said...

Yellow, black and white or maybe white, lime green and purple... Lots of choices out there. Thanks for a chance to win your give away. Phyllis

Betty Woodlee said...

Love your block. I would choose charcoal and red. b.j.day68@gmail.com

SuBee618 said...

Thank You Bonnie for the opportunity!! Love all the four patches! Also making the Edyta Sitar one. Just need the pattern....so this would be fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Love this pattern, and would love to be a winner!

Unknown said...

I think I will do this block in greens, neutrals and reds. I used up my turquoise and pinks in the Gran Illusion so reds are my all time favorite so willd o that combo - could be for Christmas!!!
Thank you for the chance to win a magazine!

Unknown said...

I think I will do this block in greens, neutrals and reds. I used up my turquoise and pinks in the Gran Illusion so reds are my all time favorite so willd o that combo - could be for Christmas!!!
Thank you for the chance to win a magazine!

susiefloozie said...

I was thinking navy, vibrant green, and white/ecru. Think Vancouver Canucks colors, my son's favorite team. He's getting married this year and that would make a perfect wedding quilt!

OrrtannaKat said...

Oh dear,choices: red, black & cream or gray or maybe pink & gray or green ti use up some pink yardage I bought in anticipation of making a pink quilt for a niece who now says she wants red.

Pam Patches said...

My colours would be blue/turquoise/greens and red/orange/yellows with navy or black, so hard to decide! Thanks for the chance. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

I love the colours you choose, it`s a lovely block, and one of my favourite magazines too! Barb at cb.brennan@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and feel like I have traveled all over with you. Thank you for the journey.

Jennifer Dyck said...

I would choose pink/neutral and black/neutral for my half square triangles - because I have them leftover from the Grand Illusion! Maybe throw in some of my leftover turquoise for the squares. Thanks for the giveaway!

bbrower said...

I'm leaning toward teals and turquoise. with maybe whites.
Thanks for the give away.

Debbie M said...


Looking forward to the QuiltCam and excited to enter the give away. I love the lime green but would use either pink or blue as my contrast.

Crafty Auntie said...

I would use blues, brown and neutrals. I love your colors and the block so crisp and pretty.

Donna W said...

It is Quilts of Valor weekend, so I would go for red, white and blue.

karenf said...

Win Something! I don't even remember what we were winnning but sounds good to me. Your pink and green looks great to me. I'm in such a spring color mood and that's my favorite color combo. Although I have been leaning toward some turquoise and orange these days.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win your giveaway. Carol

Ellee said...

Blues, turquoises, and purples would be my choice. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Cathy said...

I seem to be in a purple and green mood lately so that would be my choice. Great block Bonnie!

LintLady said...

Hello Bonnie,
it's always so nice to see your ideas and posts. I would love to get the magazine. Thanks for the chance :o) Doris

Vivian Zug said...

I want to use greens, blues and purples for my scrappy quilt. I'll also use white to tone in down a bit.I just printed out your square in a square tutorial and that's my next project.
Vivian Zug, zuggie@nts-online.net

Unknown said...

I love your blocks you have made. The pinks and greens are just perfect. I have so many of these colors that I think I will stick with your suggestion. Thanks for Quilt-Cam last night. Have a great time in Greensboro and thanks for the chance to win magazine.
Jean Keeter

Unknown said...

With my favorite oranges and browns I will make a birthday quilt..as Feb. 8, the day of this drawing, is my 66th birthday! Not sure how I got to that number, but, it is only a number! Thanks for offering.

Carol said...

purple and lime maybe?

Unknown said...

I'm loving teal right now. And of course Purple is always my color. So I'm thinking Teal & Purple with a little cream and light green to even it out. Thanks for your wonderful blog!!

Ann said...

Welcome home. Love Quilt Cam, had a few friends watching too. I'd choose greens,pink & purples. Working on Cathedral Stars. Would love to win a copy of the magazine.
Hugs Ann

Chris M said...

I love your colors, but after doing your last 3 mysteries, my bright scraps are dwindling. Would love to do it in autumn or christmas colors! Thanks for sharing

Justhaveingfun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Justhaveingfun said...

Cool looking block you making. Thanks for the giveaway and I hope to make it to your QuiltCam. Be looking forward to one.

Justhaveingfun said...

Cool looking block your making. Thanks for the giveaway and I hope to make it to your QuiltCam. Be looking forward to one.

Shirley f said...

I love the pink and green combo.

Shirley f said...

Pink and green, I love the combo.

Lorna said...

I would love to win the Quiltmaker Magazine and would choose to do mine in brown/rust/neutrals.

fran18 said...

I would use purple n turquoise n purple

Anonymous said...

I too have watched Foyles War a couple of times. I have become addicted to scraps and am working on a 9 patch, but had to stop as I am recovering from a shoulder surgery, got the stitches out yesterday and am doing well. can't wait to get back to sewing.
craftylady65@hotmail.com Linda

cheryl T said...

Cheryl T
love that block! Would choose yellows,and greens and maybe a splash of blues. A spring time quilt for a gray NW!

Paul said...

I would do the block in taupes - I love japanese taupes. through in the odd yarn dye for accent.

paulburega (at) gmail (dot) com

Christina said...

I would love to do blues for the twirls, deep purples for the outer squares and a light blue or light purple, or even black for the background. I would want to play with it. Thank you for the chance to win a magazine!

Anonymous said...

I would use some pink and blue fabrics maybe some yellows too.
My email is bethdaniels@cox.net

Anonymous said...

I am newbie to quilting so I think I would try this in reds and black. Kathy

Kath said...

This looks like it will be fun! For colors I think it would be either scrappy (I like yours) or a combo of teal, some shade of purple and lime green. Thanks. ktsquiltdreams at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

Janet Syrcle
Interesting block. I would choose pinks & turquoise.

Susie Q said...

I like the lime green a lot, add purple and blue and I am a happy camper.

Judy said...

Love your green and pink but, this would be nice in red, white and blue.

Anonymous said...

Love your block!!! thanks for the giveaway!!!


infoladyone said...

Hi Bonnie! I would do this in sunny yellows and reds--my wedding colors. Thanks for the chance to win!

Dove1615 said...

Hi Bonnie, I think I'd have to do a very scrappy block for this one. I don't have enough of any colors to make a certain palette. thanks for the give-away! DEb.W.

Sally Langston Warren said...

I would use cream for neutral, Red's for the center and blues or greens for the corners. Love the block, Bonnie. Wish I could think up these blocks like you do. You are a genius! Would love to win a copy of the magazine. Jspwarren at aol dot com.

Rainy said...

I'd love to try it in grey and yellow with black on white for the neutrals. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My colors would be blue, yellow and green.


tnwallace said...

Trudy Wallace tnwallace@gmail.com I love the colors you are using, think Pink and Green will be my colors.

Barb C. said...

great block- I already have the magazine and plan to make a spring quilt using yellows and golds (for dafodils) with bright greens. Thanks again for so much inspiration!
Barb C.

apple blossom said...

lime green and orange

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